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Approved NPC Ello Threnalli

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Intent: A close ally and confidant for Aryn Teth
​Image Credit: Ello Asty Wookieepedia Article
Role: Alliance Naval Captain, XO of Aryn Teth's Capital Ship Incandescent Truth
Links: N/A


Age: 36
Force Sensitivity: Non-Force User
Species: Abednedo
Appearance: Like all of his species, Ello has a pair of dangling mouth tendrils and fleshy nostrils on his oddly-shaped face. His skin has more of a brown tone and shows vague aging and scars from a starfighter crash in his earlier career. His two eyes are a deep brown colour and he only has a few hairs on the side of his face, with none atop his head.


Name: Captain Ello Threnalli
Loyalties: The Galactic Alliance, [member=Aryn Teth]
Wealth: Officer's Paygrade
Notable Possessions: N/A
Skills: Ello is a skilled and experienced naval officer, and began his career in the starfighter corps, where he was frequently decorated. Since taking control of the Incandescent Truth and working with Aryn Teth, he has become a firm believer in what the Jedi General refers to as the "Teth Doctrine" - The tactical use of overwhelming force to prompt appropriate response, and reveal an enemies weakness. As such, he is skilled as an offensive tactician, and knows when and where to utilize the Incandescent Truth's primary weapon.
Personality: Ello has been noted by his peers, subordinates and by Alliance high command as an incredibly professional individual when on duty. He has a more laid-back and relaxed attitude with starfighter pilots, especially those he has previously served alongside. He is polite and kind with his men when necessary, but maintains a reasonable distinction between his rank and the rank of his subordinates, keeping them separate. On occasion, Ello has been noted to act somewhat brashly, and prefers ambitious plans rather than safe ones.


Weapon of Choice: HBS-01 Heavy Blaster Pistol
Combat Function: Primarily, Ello is a naval officer, and so he excels as a secondary command support to Aryn Teth when he is aboard his capital ship. When Teth is not aboard, Ello fits especially well as the starships commander. Ello's strategies often reflect those which are produced by Teth, and so it can often be difficult for the enemy to know for sure which one of the two is actually in command of the starship.

Though Ello has undertaken the kind of close-quarters and firearms training that is necessary for all Alliance military officers, he is far more of a tactician than a warrior. He does not participate in boarding scenarios or ground missions, and when he is forced to engage in combat, always seeks to find and exploit a weakness, relying far more on cunning than strength. He is not the greatest combatant in close quarters, but he does not surrender or give up easily.


Ello Threnalli was born on the homeworld of his species, Abednedo, and joined the Alliance military shortly after completing his schooling at the age of twenty. Having spent much of his young life working as a mechanic, Ello had initially planned to work in the engineering corps of the Galactic Alliance's Navy, but it was during his training that Ello and his instructors learned that the young Abednedo actually had quite a fair bit of skill piloting the same ships he often worked to fix.

Ello was transferred to the Alliance's elite flight school on Kupoh, and after one long year of training graduated at the top of his class with numerous distinctions. Transferring into full service, Ello served during the initial conflict against the First Order, and was commissioned towards the end of the war, seeing his first major command aboard a corvette during the Battle of Hoth.

Following the war, Ello continued to serve within Alliance naval command, but also took on a number of black ops missions alongside rebel groups opposing the First Order and the Empire. It was during these operations that Ello first met Aryn Teth, who he flew alongside during a raid against First Order supply convoys. The two maintained a small correspondence, and it was in no small part due to Ello's testimony and support that Aryn rose rapidly in the ranks of the Alliance military after returning from his self-imposed exile.

After Aryn Teth took his position as a member of Alliance High Command, and his capital ship - the Incandescent Truth was commissioned, Aryn personally requested Ello be made the XO of the ship, which the Abednedo accepted with great pride.
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