Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Elvira Congelo: Rogue of the Force

NAME: Elvira Congelo
GENDER: Female
AGE: 16
HAIR COLOR: Black (partially dyed dark green)
WEIGHT: Around 92 Ib.
OCCUPATION: Apprentice of a Sith, but not a Sith apprentice.

- Hekler'Kok SR-1 Sniper rifle with red blaster bullets and all other necessary sniper tools.
- Three katanas, all meant for tight and open ranged combat alike. Third one used as a spare.
- Seven small vibroknives.
- Packets of blaster ammo.

- Long, purple shirt.
- Black vest.
- Brown pants.
- Dark green cloak with hood.
- Black, leather gauntlets.
- Black and white striped gloves that reach from the elbow to the hand (no fingers)
- Black, leather boots.
- Steel plates for her shoulders and ankles up to knees.

Force Sensitivity:
While Elvira is indeed Force Sensitive, she never completed her training at the Jedi Temple even as a youngling. Despite this dilemma, she has learned to use the Force quite efficiently on her own. She can create powerful Force pushes, she can perform Jedi mind tricks, and she can even briefly enter Force speed. She also is rather skilled in sensing the world around her and using the Force to aid her in finding particular people or much needed exits.

- Adept swordsman.
- Good sniper.
- Unarmed combat.
- Survival.
- Not being seen.
- Sneaking about.
- Ataru

Force Abilities:
- Force Telekinesis
- Force Push
- Force Jump and etc.
- Jedi Mind Trick
- Sensitivity to the world and people around her.
- Force choke.
- Force Telepathy: She can briefly enter the mind of weak minded people and read their thoughts – only briefly and on rare occasions.
- PENDING THREAD FINISH: Controlled Force Rage

Abilities Outside the Force:
- Agility

- She is agile and is good at unarmed combat to an extent, but she still can easily be knocked back and onto her feet by opponents.
- She barely trusts anyone due to a life of loneliness. She has simply gotten used to that pain but it sometimes pushed her too far.
- She hates the heat.
- She was only trained in the ways of the Force for nine years, while she has shown brief bursts of incredible power not usually seen in a youngling/ Padawan, she still lacks the skill she could have as a Force user.

While Elvira does prefer to be alone, all the times she has hidden herself away she has been extremely lonely. Elvira has never felt the full love of parents or friendship. Her parents mostly ignored her in her childhood and she constantly switched nurses. When she was three, she was taken to the Jedi Temple to train in the ways of the Force. However, around the time she was nine she left, still as a youngling, for reasons nobody but herself knew of. While Elvira may come off as kind of cold at times, she can be quite kind, generous, and energetic beneath her little shell. She will limit any works as a bounty hunter to freeing slaves or taking down criminal organizations, but will not kill innocence or terrorize people for any reason at all.

After what was explained so far in the above, Elvira would take small jobs as a bounty hunter off and on, but for the most part would simply sneak from planet to planet just living onto the next day. She recently became the neutral apprentice of Sith [member="Morna Imura"].
Kills: None.

Role Play List:
- Finding a Teacher (COMPLETE): The Force Works In...
- Building Lightsabers: Creation of Life...
- Old Citadels and New Acquaintances: A Vacation to Rhen Var
- To Make a Blaster (ABANDONED): Did Somebody Say...
- Why Is a Teenager at A Bar Again??? Interesting Night...
- ... In Which Our Heroin Takes a Possible First Step to the Dark Side: One Stormy Night
- A Jedi?? No way! A New Force Ability?? More no way! ...The Walls of Colder Hearts
Just have one question.

1. Are the "Tantibus" a canon Star Wars species? If not, that's fine, but you will have to write up a non-canon species sub in the Factory before it can be used. I searched Wookieepedia and could not find this species.

Also, to answer your question, you can simply state in your background that perhaps either you.

a. had a lightsaber given to you by a family member
b. found a lightsaber
c. found some random force user who died and took it from him.
d. stole it

Just that we would like for you to receive some kind of training through RP to be actually able to use it.
Skye Mertaal said:
Just have one question.

1. Are the "Tantibus" a canon Star Wars species? If not, that's fine, but you will have to write up a non-canon species sub in the Factory before it can be used. I searched Wookieepedia and could not find this species.
Thank you!
Yes, I made them up. I'll go work on them on the Factory as soon as I can! (Where is it located?)
@[member="Elvira Congelo"]
Next question: Is this a transfer from another board?

If not, Force Cloak and Shatterpoint are very rare Force Powers. You would have to find a master that is willing to teach them to you if you are starting out from the beginning as an untrained raw Force Sensitive --- as of now, there is no one on the board that I know that even knows shatter point power -- and there are only about 15 characters who know a version of "Force Cloak" --- I would recommend you look at this thread here:

Je'gan's Ultimate Guide to Force Illusions, White Current, And So Forth

It would take a lot of training to be able to use it if doing it by self roleplay -- but there are many Force users here regardless of faction that I'm sure would be more than happy to take you under their wing-- myself included :)

Same with Force levitation, for an apprentice/ padawan level, it is a pretty high level force power to use unless your species is innate with it. @[member="Jacen Cavill"] is a Master who has mastered this power.

Now, your bio looks great, but it would behoove you to perhaps read up on the Learning Center.

Also, in regards to creating a species sub, please go here:

Species Creation and if you have any questions, go Factory Discussion

You will find that this board is pretty lax and welcomes creativity, as evidenced by the Factory. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. The Roleplay Judges are also here to help you out more.
Skye Mertaal said:
@[member="Elvira Congelo"]
Next question: Is this a transfer from another board?

If not, Force Cloak and Shatterpoint are very rare Force Powers. You would have to find a master that is willing to teach them to you if you are starting out from the beginning as an untrained raw Force Sensitive --- as of now, there is no one on the board that I know that even knows shatter point power -- and there are only about 15 characters who know a version of "Force Cloak" --- I would recommend you look at this thread here:

Je'gan's Ultimate Guide to Force Illusions, White Current, And So Forth

It would take a lot of training to be able to use it if doing it by self roleplay -- but there are many Force users here regardless of faction that I'm sure would be more than happy to take you under their wing-- myself included :)

Same with Force levitation, for an apprentice/ padawan level, it is a pretty high level force power to use unless your species is innate with it. @[member="Jacen Cavill"] is a Master who has mastered this power.

Now, your bio looks great, but it would behoove you to perhaps read up on the Learning Center.

Also, in regards to creating a species sub, please go here:

Species Creation and if you have any questions, go Factory Discussion

You will find that this board is pretty lax and welcomes creativity, as evidenced by the Factory. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. The Roleplay Judges are also here to help you out more.
What I meant by levitation is telekinesis. I changed that.

WHAT? I have to learn those things? Snap! Well, okay, I'll take out Force Cloak for now so I can learn it but I really wanna keep shatter point...

And I created m species but I can't post a thread on the Factory Species Creation. How can I post it for approval?
@[member="Elvira Congelo"]

Upon asking a couple of questions @[member="Ket Van Derveld"] knows the Forcepower, however, I am unsure how willing he is to teach it. You will have to ask him if he is available.

But while it isn't forbidden, it isn't looked upon kindly for a fresh untrained Force User to know Shatterpoint off the bat. However, you do have the option of going through your training, graduating to a Knight, and the through various roleplays, go on a quest of sorts to find a method of being able to gradually learn shatterpoint. Again, it is more of a specialized Master power, and I don't want you to have any issues with other roleplayers so soon after just joining.

Great things come to those who take the effort to roleplay it out icly, and it works out all the better because then undisputedly, as the community see's your character develop in the Force and work through the struggle of truly mastering that power, you can be undisputed as a master of that craft.

@[member="Morna Imura"] is a perfect example of that, as he came onto this board as the only true active Shaper of Kro Var, and through his hard work, he is the undisputed master of fireshaping.

And we are all more than willing to help you get there :)

You should be able to create a new thread in the main species page -- not the approved species. Copy and paste the template and work from there. @[member="Jared Ovmar"] is the RPJ normally in charge of overseeing that.
My character does have some unnatural ice abilities (I'm a huge fan of ice abilities) so I could get ride of Shatterpoint for now.

I was posting in the main page, not the approved races. However, I will try to post the thread again. EDIT: It just says
  • You cannot start a new topic

Thank you so much for the help!
@[member="Elvira Congelo"]

Ah I see the issue now. You need to have a least 50 posts before you are able to post a new topic in the Factory. I would suggest wandering around the site, saying hello, maybe joining a discussion or Rp to get those 50 posts.
@[member="Elvira Congelo"]

[ still skye, was just posting with this face]

Yeah they are a pretty neat Force Organization, but if you really want a good experience, I'd suggest roleplaying with the current Shapers we have on the site. I'm sure they'd love for you to join them and would be more than willing to train you.

Emily Vani

Shaping can't be in a bio. It basically has to be taught since it can be abused harshly. That and it's not an apprentice thing.

@[member="Elvira Congelo"]

Emily Vani

Ik. It sucks. Takes a while to get used to things around here. But it comes in time. I have five characters now :p

Emily Vani

Oh. And is she lesbian and/or bi? I need a partner for my other chick.

@[member="Elvira Congelo"]

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
Welcome to new character-dom. But its the whole fun part, is building your character into the vision you have, and getting them involved in their faction or their peer group. I'm excited to see what Elvira brings to the table.

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