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Approved Tech ELYSI-1 Saber

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Martin Dux


"A civilized weapon for an uncivilized age, or at least I think that's how the saying goes." - Martin Dux, Meistras of the order


  • Intent: To create a typical semi-mass-produced lightsaber to be used Knights in the Elysium Empire.
  • Image Source: Link
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: Lightsaber
  • Manufacturer: The Elysium Empire
  • Affiliation: The Elysium Empire, The Order Of The Lion
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: ELYSI-1 Saber
  • Modularity: Yes, The ELYSI-1 is made to be highly modular. While the saber given to all order members is the same, modding it is encouraged to create a weapon unique to the user.
  • Production: Semi-Unique
  • Material: Durasteel, lightsaber components, artificial white kyber crystal, and a black plastic composite material.

  • Classification: Lightsaber
  • Size: Average
  • Weight: Very Light
  • High modularity, easy to change out the kyber crystal without taking it fully apart.
  • A knob at the tip of the hilt to alter saber length.
  • Very comfortable grip, suitable for all forms of lightsaber combat.
  • The hilt is extremely comfortable, aiding either a learning saber combatant or a fully-fledged master.
  • The saber is quick and easy to mod, leading to much diversity in its users.
  • The lightsaber is much lighter than an average one, allowing for quick successive strikes.
  • Due to how the saber's parts are made, the base saber is much more susceptible to damage than a typical one.
  • The kyber crystal itself is artificial, not allowing the usual 'harmony' a unique lightsaber would.
  • Like many lightsabers, the ELYSI-1 is susceptible to cortosis.


Comfortable, light, moddable, if there ever was to be a generalized lightsaber, this would be it.

Designed shortly after the creation of the Order Of The Lion, the ELYSI-1 was the atypical saber given to every member upon becoming a knight. Coming in a kit, the knight would have to build it themselves, allowed to make minor alterations in the design, allowing some diversity between sabers. Despite that, the saber was almost always the same weapon between knights, as almost all knights within the order use the generalized saber design given with the kit.

Something to note is the artificial crystal within the saber. Like the ELYSI-1 itself, the crystals were made on a mass scale by a geological compressor, like Sith synthetic crystals.

"Is Elysium Mes Galia." - Mantra of the order
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Martin Dux

Simple and solid submission! However this is weird:
Due to its mass-produced nature, the base lightsaber is much more susceptible to damage than a typical one.
Because you cannot make mass production lightsabers, I suggest to change the wording. And I recommend to add the usual cortosis weakness to your list.
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