Avalore Eden
If there be light...
Ryan Korr might be pleased to know that Avalore was quite proficient in Force techniques used to warm the body. She was also quite proficient in physical techniques that warmed the body as a side effect but that was neither here nor there.
Reiki Healing techniques were something only dedicated Healers such as herself learned late into Knighthood. Reiki was to a Healer what Tutaminis was to a Warrior. The skills worked on similar principals, only Reiki energy generally came from within, not without, but could also utilize recycled energy from outside sources if needs be.
Avalore was not presently inducing the skill. That took meditation which wasn't very likely to happen given their current predicament.
Soft earthy tones lifted to meet those metallic hues and her own smile, whatever was left of it, wilted under the intensity of his gaze.
"I'm ok," a quiet response nearly lost to the winds, but she did accept a helping hand to get back to her feet.
There were no more smiles to be had for the journey which brought a different sort of cold with them along the way. They trudged through snow nearly up to their waists in some areas and across icy dunes ravaged by angry winds. Slips and falls were numerous and every time Ryan insisted on carrying her she insisted on walking. It wouldn't do for him to walk for them both, not while her own legs still worked just fine. She may be a Healer but she took care to maintain a solid physical training regimen - which did not account for clumsiness or staying warm in a blizzard.
30 miles in this sort of hell, even fully clothed and prepared for it, would have put down even a seasoned survivalist. Ryan and Avalore were not prepared for it, and by the time dusk settled in over the lands the setting sun only spelled doom for them both. Another stumble, now trailing several yards behind him, eyelids heavy with the weight of frozen lashes, nose red and raw, lips blue, body numb, the Healer strained to get her feet beneath her.
"Ryan-" a wince, it was painful even to breath let alone talk. She could see him up ahead, pausing, then thought she heard him call back on the wind.
Dave who?
[member="Ryan Korr"]
Reiki Healing techniques were something only dedicated Healers such as herself learned late into Knighthood. Reiki was to a Healer what Tutaminis was to a Warrior. The skills worked on similar principals, only Reiki energy generally came from within, not without, but could also utilize recycled energy from outside sources if needs be.
Avalore was not presently inducing the skill. That took meditation which wasn't very likely to happen given their current predicament.
Soft earthy tones lifted to meet those metallic hues and her own smile, whatever was left of it, wilted under the intensity of his gaze.
"I'm ok," a quiet response nearly lost to the winds, but she did accept a helping hand to get back to her feet.
There were no more smiles to be had for the journey which brought a different sort of cold with them along the way. They trudged through snow nearly up to their waists in some areas and across icy dunes ravaged by angry winds. Slips and falls were numerous and every time Ryan insisted on carrying her she insisted on walking. It wouldn't do for him to walk for them both, not while her own legs still worked just fine. She may be a Healer but she took care to maintain a solid physical training regimen - which did not account for clumsiness or staying warm in a blizzard.
30 miles in this sort of hell, even fully clothed and prepared for it, would have put down even a seasoned survivalist. Ryan and Avalore were not prepared for it, and by the time dusk settled in over the lands the setting sun only spelled doom for them both. Another stumble, now trailing several yards behind him, eyelids heavy with the weight of frozen lashes, nose red and raw, lips blue, body numb, the Healer strained to get her feet beneath her.
"Ryan-" a wince, it was painful even to breath let alone talk. She could see him up ahead, pausing, then thought she heard him call back on the wind.
Dave who?
[member="Ryan Korr"]