Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Emergency LOA


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Sarge Potteiger"], [member="Ayden Cater"], [member="Cira"], [member="Coryth Elaris"], [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"], [member="Canal Tal'Verda"], [member="Delila Castillon"],

So as some of you closer to me know already, I have been going through some issues in my OOC life with my work, which is why I have disappeared from the site this past week or two to collect my thoughts. Things haven't really went any better and I've been dancing on the border of mental breakdown, unfortunately, but I've been in this place before and I'm holding together.

However I need to go on an LOA right away, I just got the news that someone very, very close to me developed a tumor in a rather nasty spot. While I'm not a medical professional I know this won't be easy for her and I have to be there to support her, and with the stress and chaos of everything I'm going through, including having the site nagging on my mind all the way in the background, I just have to cut back on some things.

Which begs a question of me, when I'll be back if at all? I honestly don't know, I don't know if she'll be alright, I don't know if I'll have to say goodbye to another person I love in the end, but I know that I want to spend every second I can with her while I can. This site, however, is a distraction, I made plenty of dear friends here, I also made plenty of enemies I suppose, I had my moments of glory, I had my issues. It's imperfect but unfortunately many things in this life are, and as much as I don't want to just drop everything I'm doing, for it seems to be that my legacy here is one of half-finished projects and dropped threads, I can't stay here anymore, not in the current situation, because if there's one thing that I want me to be distracted by, it's being and talking with the person that needs me the most right now.

Those of you that have me on Skype and talk with me frequently, that won't change, if you'll see me on and want to chat, just give me a message.

But if this is indeed my final post here on Chaos and we won't see each other in writing again, I just want you to know, Chaos, that I'll often reminiscent about the time we had together

But for goodness sake get rid of the elitist cliques and start limiting Force users because it's getting a bit ridiculous, you're better than that.


I Shall Know No Fear

I have an infinite amount of sads right now.

Whether you do make it back or not, we'll be waiting for you, bro. Take care of yourself and the people around you, dude.
Ropo Lord of Hoth | Supreme Comandante General
"Biscuit, Biscuit Biscuit, Biscuits"

The little ropo gave a nod and salute, followed by promptly falling over.

*hugs super tight*

[member="HK-36"], my dear you have my deepest sympathies. If ever you need a shoulder, you know where to find me. I sincerely hope that all works out for you and your friend. We all love you and are going to miss you terribly.
I love you bro. K? You've always been on my Top 5 list. You're also in almost every top 5 list I have that's related to this site.
We'll be here if you need us. I know you have to be there for that person, but you're gonna need someone to be there for you at some point. Just give a holler if you need some support. Okay?
Good luck man, and may the Gods of fortune smile upon you.



Stephanie Swail

[member="HK-36"] No words need to be said except you're surrounded by lots of love here, and we will be sending our best wishes to you and your friend at this time. Take good care of yourself also.


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
Thanks guys, usually I'm the one giving a shoulder as a psychologist, but it's good to know that I have your support.

Either way, I finished up transferring faction ownership and everything so I guess this is it, goodbye everyone! Perhaps I'll see you around here sometime later!
If this is your final post on this site, then I will say that it has been an honor in both RPing with you and being a friend. I crave and love your posts. You have all my prayers, as well as your friend. If you to talk or need anything you have my Skype. You take care of yourself and if you come back, well, I'll just say I'll still be here (this site has its hooks into me).

For a final thing to say I will play a song that we both enjoy in honor of you.



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