Location: Dropship inbound for beach
Objective: Secure the beachhead and overrun the enemy defenses
Kian knelt in the middle of the floor in the drop ship, his hands laying across his lap, his eyes closed, and his mind stretched out. Around him he could feel the energies of the soldiers. There was fear, anger, anxiety and among some of the older, more experienced soldiers, a cool resignation. Kian remembered this feeling. The feeling of soldiers just before a battle....though it had been some time since he'd experienced it. Kian was concerned about the feeling of the crew aboard the ship. The atmosphere was mostly negative....the anxiety and fear of the many outweighing the few calm.
As Kian knelt there he felt a sudden presence above him and opened his eyes to glance up at the soldier standing before him. The man radiated a malice....almost hate as he glared down at Kian.
"And just what do you think your doing?" He asked, practically spitting out the words. Kian glanced around seeing that the ship had suddenly gone silent and all eyes were on the two of them.
"Excuse me." Kian said, unsure of what the man was asking.
"I don't see how this is helping us at all....isn't that why you're here?" The soldier said and squared off his shoulders.
"Aren't you suppose..."
"Shut it." An older man said, stepping up and pushing the man aside.
"Get back on the bench and don't open your mouth again." Kian shifted his attention to the new man. He was an older soldier, maybe early 40s from Kian's estimate and certainly one of the one's he had sensed calm from earlier.
"Thank you." Kian said,
"I suppose not everyone is glad the Jedi are here." Kian said, not necessarily blaming the man. Many did not understand just what a Jedi was....or saw much of a distinction between them and those that killed their fellow soldiers in the name of the Sith or Empire.
"Most are." The man said, kneeling down opposite Kian.
"The few that aren't....well they don't like much of anything." The man said looking over at the younger man and then back to Kian.
"You are Jedi Master Kian Karr. I had hoped we would meet again." The soldier said, smiling. For along moment Kian sat quietly looking at the man. His work as a Shadow often had Kian working alongside soldiers and officials and his memory usually served him well....but Kian could not place the face or force aura of the man before him.
"It is alright if you can not recall me." The man said.
"I was covered in gear and a helmet when last we met." The man said chuckling.
"On Kashyyyk."
The battle of Kashyyyk.
Kian had served there, leading troops on the large branch that served as a bridge. His mission had been to hold back the One Sith and maintain control of the bridge. It was a mission, Kian regretted to say, he failed. That battle had been one of many losses Kian had faced in that war. Kian bowed his head, as the guilt of that loss began to fill him, the dropship shaking as they dropped lower in flight.
"You saved my life." The man said and Kian looked up at him.
"My brother and I were both there....the branch..." The man began.
"It broke...gave way under our feet." Kian said finishing the man's thought. The image flashing through his mind as recollection came to him. At the end, the bridge had been destroyed. The struts supporting it shattered by constant bombardment. There had been two soldiers standing before Kian when the ground gave way and he had shoved them back with the force before falling into the darkness below.
"We thought you'd died." The man said,
"But then we heard tale of you some time later. My name is Bronn and my brother is Sorin. And I've been hoping to have the chance to thank you for some time."
"You owe me no thanks." Kian said.
"Is your brother here?" Kian asked and hoped for the best.
"No," Bronn said shaking his head.
"He has a wife and child...they live on Kashyyyk now." He said smiling.
The ship dropped once more and began to shake and sway, the pilots now maneuvering to avoid enemy fire. They would soon be at the beach and the time for talk will have passed.
"I'm afraid we will have to save the rest of this conversation for after the battle." Kian said remorsefully and feeling a renewed hope he hadn't prior to the conversation. In fact, around him, Kian could feel a greater calm than there was before. It seemed Bronn and Kian's conversation had been overheard and it had carried with it some distraction for the men around them.
Kian rose to his feet and turned to the men around him.
"When the doors open, I will be the first one out." Kian said address the soldiers.
"When that happens and they see this," Kian said holding up the hilt of his lightsaber,
"ignited, they will likely concentrate fire on me, at least momentarily."
"That will be our opportunity," Bronn said picking up what Kian was trying to say.
"We go out right behind Master Karr, and we fan out to the sides. We do not engage, not immediately. We seek cover to advance from."
"We will need to advance in good order," said another more veteran soldier nodding to Bronn and Kian.
"Focus on your training and you'll be fine."
"Bronn," Kian said,
"You'll take the left flank of the unit, you," Kian said pointing to the other man,
"the right. Today is not about heroics." Kian said to the men.
"Today is about efficiency. Rely on your training and the day will be ours." Kian said. It was not inspirational or overly well said, but Kian imbued the words with the force, sending out a sense of resolve and confidence that would hopefully aid those who were less certain.
"May the force be with us all." Kian said as the door fell open and bathed the dropship in light. Kian ignited the green blade and leapt into hell.
[member="BD-57"] | [member="Mereel Vaun"] | [member="Natsuki Xao"] | [member="Thaaros Klopp"] | [member="Ever Dawnracer"] | [member="Balaya Praelior"] | [member="Korynn Sol-Syna"] | [member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"] | [member="Tylane of Isobe"] | [member="Avin Starfire"] | [member="Jubei"] | [member="Joshua Tucker"] | [member="Inas Reut"]