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Encounter On Kesh [Ask]

Encounter On Kesh
| [member="Taeli Rae"] | [member="Solan Charr"] |

Wild space.
Kesh system, Kesh.

The magnetic field that disrupted hyperspace and communications made the journey to Kesh difficult. However, guided by the Force, Darth Ayra managed to navigate her way to the Kesh system from Sojourn on board the Niathal-class transport she had purchased from Jorus Merrill several years ago. The man knew how to design a ship, that much was certain. Her destination on the planets surface was the Kesh palace, where she would be meeting with Solan Charr and Taeli Rae. They would discuss the future of Krayt Industries and any future involvement that Alicia Drey would have with the company. Alric Kuhn's sale had presented an opportunity that could not be ignored.

She landed the transport in a hangar bay nearby the Kesh palace. Unbuckling herself from the pilots seat, Alicia rose up to her feet. Tucking a strand of blonde hair out of her eyes, she selected a bottle of water to quench her thirst before departing the ship. She selected a designer coat, leather and white in design, to cover her bare arms and the white t-shirt she wore underneath. She made sure to conceal her Lightsaber out of view, covered by the coat that she wore. Utilizing the dark side of the Force, Alicia concealed her Force-sensitivity from being detected. She knew that Taeli Rae was a Sith Lord called Darth Arcanix. Only a fool would enter a meeting with another Sith without counter measures.

If all went to plan, she wouldn't require the Lightsaber or her dueling prowess to overpower Taeli and her associate. Lowering the ramp of the Niathal, Alicia was escorted to the palace's gardens where she would meet with Taeli Rae and Solan Charr. Crossing her arms across her chest, Alicia watched a nearby fountain whilst she waited for her business partners to arrive.
[member="Darth Ayra"] [member="Solan Charr"]

"His gardens are rather beautiful aren't they?" Taeli said, emerging from one of the paths to see the woman they were supposed to be meeting about the stock sale, a simple green dress on and her glasses resting on the bridge of her nose. A datapad was tucked underneath her arm. "Personally I think Solan went a bit too much with what he has here, but each to their own I suppose."

She was ending up on Kesh way too often now, something Solan always seemed to raise a point about. Not that she really cared, it was a quiet spot and was rather important for Krayt endeavors in this region of space. This meeting would prove to be interesting because it would determine a few things for the company, and whether or not they could the last outstanding stock for the company under their control. Alicia was going to be a new player, but Solan knew the workings of Krayt already.

"I'm surprised he's not here yet, because time is of the essence, but then again, it is Solan," she said, sitting down at a small table near the fountain. "How have you been? You don't necessarily look sick, Miss Drey."
| [member="Taeli Rae"] | [member="Solan Charr"] |

"No, I don't suppose that I do." Alicia smiled for a moment. She wouldn't push the subject of her health or condition with Taeli, unless she asked. "I couldn't resist the offer to become a shareholder in Krayt Industries, after the business that we have done together in regards to Chandrila DataTech and Emeritus Industries."

"The offers have been outstanding. Forty million from you. Fifty million credits from Arakyd Industries, alongside a contract for anti-sensor coating to any vessels, free of charge. Sixty five million credits from an unknown benefactor, as well as an agreement for twenty five percent use geothermal productions on Sarapin. Quite the bidding war has erupted with Titan Industries deciding to pull it's interest out of your company."

"I am not interested in spending such large amounts of money, nor do I have the resources to offer free contracts or match the geothermal productions that were put on offer. Whilst I am interested in investing in Krayt Industries, which I have no doubt that my investment would eventually be repaid through the profits I would enjoy as a shareholder, I do not wish to bid for the full thirty percent."

"Meanwhile, you have issued an interest in regaining the thirty percent of shares with your offer and at the same time, have agreed to meet with me and another associate of yours to create an offer in which those shares end up in the right hands. Presumably, you do not want to do business with Arakyd Industries nor an individual that has refused to name themselves."

"With my sale of Hudrel Robotics and Chandrila DataTech, as well as my fifty percent stake in Emeritus Industries, I do have both the credits and resources to play with in order to reach a settlement with yourself, your associate and Titain Industries."

"As the principle owner of the company, I believe you have a right to state how many shares you think would like me and your associate to have, as well as what you have to offer and whether or not you will increase your previous offer as well."

Alicia leaned back on the fountain to take a moment to listen to Taeli's response.
[member="Darth Ayra"] [member="Solan Charr"]

"Oh the individual is easy enough to identify," Taeli said, tapping at her datapad. "One man controls the energy output of Sarapin or can even direct such things and that's the Lord Wrath. I suspect he saw my bid and was slightly offended I'm offering the Bilbringi shipyards as they were a gift from the Dark Lord. I value my company's and my own independence above a shipyard, but yes you are right in I don't want those stocks falling into anyone else's hands that I don't think should be involved with my company."

Leaning back a bit in her seat, she continued.

"I was thinking it would be somewhere between 10 and 15 percent for you, between 5 and 10 for Solan, and the rest goes to me," she said. "I do intend to raise the stakes a bit higher, hmm I shouldn't say a bit. A lot higher, and any support you wish to toss in would be appreciated. I know Solan will support the bid no matter what, but I'm curious what you might offer to sweeten the pot if I offered him seventy million credits, the shipyards, and copies of the blueprints for the Exalt-class Star Destroyer?"
| [member="Taeli Rae"] | [member="Solan Charr"] |

"I would have to speak with my partner first, as she runs the day to day running and dealings of Emeritus Industries. We have a number of things on her catalog that could be pulled into the negotiations. Outside of Emeritus, I have a few things to offer. I own a collection of stygium crystals. I also have the proceeds I received from my liquidation of Hudrel Robotics and Chandrila DataTech, which you of course own now."

"The business strategy that revolved around DataTech was to bring the technology market to the doorstep of the Chandrilians. My family successfully managed to do that with the introduction of the Lenoi, Raxor and Core ranges that are apart of the companies catalog. Whilst technology has always been the major import to Chandrila, it is more famous for it's export of agriculture, ranging from fauna to crops to live stock."

"My next venture on Chandrila was to begin a subsidiary that I planned to call Chandrila Group. At present, there is no major corporation on Chandrila that handles the export of agriculture that it is most known for. By cornering the major import and exports of Chandrila, I planned to create a conglomerate that would effectively become one of the top corporations in the Core."

"We could table in our negotiations for Titan Industries to join our venture on Chandrila. We could offer them a percentage of shares that you recently purchased from me, as well as the offer to join us in the Chandrila Group venture into agriculture. By becoming a shareholder in what would become a conglomerate, we might be able to persuade Alric Kuhn into taking our offer."

"Seventy million alongside the fifteen million I would put up for my fifteen percent stake in the company would add up to eighty five million on the table, depending on what Solan would put up. The offer to become a shareholder in Chandrila DataTech and to join us in the Chandrila Group venture to corner the main markets on Chandrila; a collection of stygium crystals; and a potential contract with Emeritus Industries sounds more lucrative than what the Lord Wrath or Arakyd Industries has tabled thus far."
[member="Darth Ayra"] [member="Solan Charr"]

"As Alric and Titan are trying to sell their current shares in other companies, he might not want the added stock from DataTech," Taeli said, thinking about it. "Personally I would like to get more acquainted with things on the ground in Chandrila DataTech before divvying up more stocks to other beings. I would say we go with what I offered, plus the fifteen million from you, stygium, and the Emeritus Industries potential contract. I say we leave the Chandrila Group thing as something else that once established we invite him to join."
| [member="Taeli Rae"] | [member="Solan Charr"] | [member="Enigma"] |

"I was only thinking about all the assets we had available to us. If you do not want Alric involved in the Chandrila project at this time, then so be it. You've obviously done business with him before, for him to have become a shareholder in Krayt Industries. I'll leave you to think about it. I will get in touch with my partner about Emeritus."

Alicia brought out the Raxor I communique, built by the company Taeli had just become a majority shareholder in and began to create her message.

To the love of my life.

I miss you dearly. How is the child doing? I am in the Kesh system currently, dealing the Krayt Industries opportunity. I have negotiated with it's owner, Taeli Rae, for 15% of shares for a fee of 15,000,000 cr, which I will then split between the both of us for 7.5% each.

The problem is that we need Alric Kuhn, the man who owns the 30% we are negotiating for, has yet to reach an agreement with us. The One Sith have put up an offer of 65,000,000 cr plus 25% of geothermal production on Sarapin as part of their offer for the full 30%, whilst a corporation called Arakyd Industries has lobbied 50,000,000 cr plus a free contract for anti-sensor coating to any vessels produced by Titan Industries, which is Alric Kuhn's own company.

Taeli and I have come to an agreement that we will offer 85,000,000 cr, a collection of stygium crystals, the sale of the Bilbringi shipyards to Titan Industries as part of the deal, plus the designs to the Exalt-class Star Destroyer. Is there anything Emeritus Industries could put up as part of the offer as well? Do you have any advice?

With love.

In Umbris Potestas Est
[member="Darth Ayra"]

"Sale of the Exalt-class Star Destroyer designs is a poor idea business-wise." She spoke into the datapad, which transcribed her verbage into text as she relaxed on board her Cyracuse-class Drone Carrier. "That product is the only thing the One Sith use that Krayt manufactures. Taeli had to fight hard to ensure that it found proper use in the One Sith's navy, and by selling it to Titan, you'd be giving them a monopoly once more on their ship production. And getting a chink in the Titan monopoly is hardly an easy thing to come by. I'd recommend finding something else to toss into the pot. I might be willing to tack on the designs of the Detryte-class Heavy Bomber, seeing as the Detritus we already manufacture is admittedly superfluous to requirements."

She paused, stroking the head of the child cradled in her arms. "The child is doing well... Feeding well, certainly. We may need to introduce him to his grandparents on my side of the family soon."

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