Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[ENDGAME] - Shadow's Fall

Saphir made the mistake of accidental eye contact with the Hyal'hask she punched, something she immediately regretted. Eye contact with normal people was hard enough, let alone eye contact with creatures trying to kill you. Its grin, coupled with the sharpened teeth and blood flowing made the situation no better, Saphir's own countenance warping into a mix of disgust and concern. She continued her retreat, shaking off the twinge of pain in her hand before returning to the electrostaff.

For a moment, another entity rippled into her consciousness, beckoning her to look up for a moment. More adversaries? No, just an audience it seemed. Good. She was struggling with this group as is, hopefully the audience would stay that way. The moment spent recognizing them for what they were cost her, Saphir only narrowly loosing her head to one of the creatures. A swipe of the creature's weapon left a nasty gash on her cheek, a bit too close to her eye for comfort. She shoved a foot in the monster's chest, putting some distance between them as she steadied herself, dodging and blocking blows from the others.

This was getting ridiculous. She could hear the chaos of outside her own battle, the civilians getting absolutely massacred with little hope for deliverance. It was a ghastly sound, hardly good for any morale. With a frustrated yell, Saphir lunged at one of the Hyal'hask, aiming to dig her staff into its chest, freeing the staff via kicking the creature off, and lunging at another creature. She could her control over the battle slip, punctuated by a misstep that nearly sent her toppling to the ground.

She needed to end this and fast. With another spin of her quarterstaff, free hand wiping blood from her face, she threw herself back into the battle. Going to stab one of the creatures with said staff, moving to elbow or kick at any other that tried to attack while she was otherwise preoccupied, she seemed to hit a sort of stride. The Vahla weaved between the creatures, narrowly avoiding losing limbs in the process.

[member="Joycelyn Zambrano"] | [member="Elpsis Kerrigan-Alcori"] | [member="Darth Orthus"]
Location: Coruscant streets, near Beyer hospital

Wearing: Shadowsuit: (

Absorbelt: (

Armed with: Mark One Pistol (

VT Sliid Gun (Tranq rounds)

Coruscanti Typewriter (

Uri's Cane: (

Objective: Pick off the enemy, back [member="Ember Farseer"] if possible.

Maple had gone and volunteered the instant she new what was happening to peers from her prior occupation. And unlike a lot of operations, she did this one free of charge. Because kark Non-Confederacy Sith. Confederacy Sith were not saints true, but a surprising number of them she had found were a damn sight better than these insidious serpents that had spent years smiling, waiting for their victim to turn their back at just the right moment before driving the knife in. On a purely professional level, she could not help but appreciate the malicious sneakiness it had taken, the patience. But on a moral level she was disgusted, for it was the product of wicked minds who dreamt evil and bled venom from their veins. Everyone who engaged in this cruel deception deserved a saber through their skull.

Or bullets. Lots of bullets. And blasters. Maple had plenty of those. And she had this recreation of her old shadowsuit. And she was going to take advantage of that.

And so she had. She had been away from Jedi other than Matsu. But she could not ignore their screams. Not when she was packing an arsenal to help them with.

She had seperated from other CIS troops, intent on heading off any effort to frustrate evacuation attempts, as well as find any surviving Jedi and direct stragglers to evac. She moved quietly, methodically through burning streets, relying on her reflec coated suit to help her evade sensors and generally be hard to spot.

The shadowsuit's focus was meant to counter among the most common threats utilized by Jedi hunters...sonics and slug throwers. In a sense, that was part of the logic behind The Marksmen and their choice of cane sabers: The extra long, often cortosis woven shafts could deflect bullets in a pinch, whereas a pure lightsaber left you vulnerable to kinetic ammo. And there had to be a literal metric kark-ton of Jedi Hunters here. She wasn't worried about the troopers. The troopers could go to hell, she had killed enemy troopers like it was going out of style back as a Jedi Shadow. She had faced a hundred different kinds of infantry in a thousand other battles before coming out of self-imposed retirement. She knew the modern soldier. And while that did not mean she could always triumph, it did mean she no longer feared facing them.

Maple, observing with thermal vision as a group of commandos led by a fully armored and hooded Knight of Ren closed in the direction of Beyer hospital. Skip. Everyone and everything was made of cotton candy! Chocolate flavored cotton candy. The good stuff. Skip. She was alone in the farmhouse, Zombie Anakin Skywalker seconds from kicking down the door with a shotgun. Skip. Back to reality, where she had discovered she had been a butterfly in a previous life. Her stomach had been just a giant rubber ball three seconds ago, but it didn't faze her much as the Knight of Ren stiffened, sensing her erratic, insane presence, but her madness made it difficult for him to ascertain her threat until she popped from cover, her Coruscanti Typewriter loaded with a stick magazine of forty-five caliber slugs that would soon be enveloped in energy. She was in the remains of a bombed out bank, about three stories above, having taken position the moment she sensed the danger and the approaching darkness of the Knight.

She fired in short, two second bursts, the energy enveloped slugs pelting three through three of their number and ducked as volleys of blaster and slug thrower fire peppered the window followed by the whine of sonic weapons. This wasn't regular infantry. This was death-squad quality. Force Hunters.

But Maple, once known as Uri Udinia, had been a Marksmen. And regardless of the success or even the validity of their objectives, one thing about the Marksmen could never be argued:

They were not afraid of death squads, alone or together.

Her Force sense whispered warning through her madness. The darkness of the knight had entered the building, along with several others. She scrambled up as a grenade was tossed through the window. She barely managed to slip into a stairway before it went off, though the compression wave was still close enough that she was slammed hard into the wall, knocking the air out of her, though she staggered back up, drawing her Mark One and snapping off three shots into the gaps between the duraplast chest plate of a black and red armored commando who had leveled a shotgun at her face as he advanced up. He was flung back by the impact, and she forced herself to rise and grab her tenloss and advance down the stairs, holstering her pistol, her saber cane sheathed on her back. She let off a sweeping, five second burst into the chests of two commandos who had tried to surprise her from the blasted open walls of a ruined tellers office on the second floor. One dropped, but the other only grunted, as most of the slugs had hit his comrade but one still winged him. He retreated firing a heavy blaster rifle, whose thick red bolts forced Maple to dive behind an overturned desk of an office cubicle ducking under the bolts as she sprinted, emptying her SMG into his direction. She ducked behind a cracked and fallen support pillar as heavy red bolts from the Commando slammed into it.

She took another of the four magazine sticks she had brought from a special ammo pouch on her left hip, ejected the spent mag put the fresh one in, cocked it--

--and was forced into a dive as she heard the thrum of a lightsaber heading her way. It sliced through the pillar from a downward angle, thrown by the knight as four other commandos joined him from the first floor, the red lightsaber returning to him. As Maple retreated into one of the closed in offices, where there was more cover, she stuck to the shadows, aided by the suit.

A heavy pistol bullet ripped through a wall and hit her right in the side, knocking her down as she felt a rib fracture. She swooned, bit her lip as she sprayed return fire through the wall nailing the Commando that had hit her. She coughed, survival instinct kicking in as she was forced to move from the aggressive tide of weapons fire that peppered the office as she flew out through one office window into what looked like a blasted apart tech support office.

Maple heard them shifting outside, the thrum of the knights lightsaber getting closer.

She snapped from cover and opened fire just as the Knight force-pushed her hard out an open window she hadn't spotted behind.

Maple, instead of panicking and flailing, dropped the SMG, tucking her legs into a rolling position as one hand shot out, catching the broken windowsil, the other hand drawing the pistol as her legs came down like a pendulum as she drew a bead on the knight firing. The knight, caught off guard by her acrobatics, still managed to impressively catch two bolts on reflex, but the shots had come too rapid, and the Knight still too off balance to catch the third, hitting his face plate and causing him to scream as he stumbled away, Maple force jumping back into the office barely getting under the return fire, grabbing the SMG as she landed, putting one bolt from her pistol through the faceplate of a commando as he sprayed the room she was in with a flame thrower. The wrecked room now on fire, Maple felt the silk from her shadow suit beganning to heat and knew she had to move. She force jumped through a hole back up to the third floor, and kept running as blaster fire ripped through the already damaged floor, causing collapses that she barely managed to clear, even aided by the Force.

Maple decided to try one of [member="Katrine Van-Derveld"]'s tricks. See if that Mandragora training had actually sunk in. She dived into a smoking ruin that had once been the rest area on the third floor, pushed the distraction, the pain out, let herself tentatively connect to her madness, felt the million lies in her skull understand the chaos behind the spell better than she ever could.

She dashed to an open space in the floor. She spotted them with her thermal vision through the smoke.

"MOTHER NATURE! A FIERCE COLD GUST VIOLENTLY BLOWS FORTH!" she screamed with all her might, holding her hand out towards them, concentrating with a tenuous embrace of her madness, the bolts already flying through the hole.

The blast of wind was so powerful it flung one of the heavily armored commandos into the knight, who had managed to get his bearings and had been about to leap up through another hole after her. The commando with the heavy rifle was flung backward also, but not before he managed to squeeze off a heavy bolt at the rim of the blasted through hole in the ceiling from which Maple had used the spell. The floor collapsed under her and she gave a yell as she fell through the ceiling, though her acrobatic talant let her land on her feet, ducking behind the newly made pile of flaming rubble that had once been the ceiling.

Maple forced herself to control her breathing. No panicked shots. She dropped her SMG in the dust, drew her pistol and opened herself to the Force, though with all the excitement she could only get a vague impression of where they were, and a general idea of distance. Training would have to do the rest.

As the heavy fire began to puncture even the thick flaming wreckage, she snapped from cover. Target one, equipped with a slugthrower assault rifle, firing in three shot burts from behind another support pillar.

Maple held her breath as the world slowed. A pull of the trigger and hideous red ate through the top left of the Commando's skull. A stray 5.56 millimeter round grazed her side from his gun as he fell.

Target two, heavy blaster man, having just dropped to one knee and aimed at her face. Trigger pull. The blaster tore into his throat and he dropped dead. Target three, sonic carbine user, geonosian make. Probably a war trophy from a confederate soldier having dived full prone and fired from twenty meters away at her torso just as she put a bolt through his eye. She took the hit, the sonic diffusers in her suit reducing the effect to a hard slap to her torso and a moment of painful high pitch and momentary nausea as she was flung back, though she worked with the impact instead of against it, using the way she hit the wall behind her to help her orient to target four, the man she had hurled into the knight, who had just managed to clear off the infuriated Kylo-fanboy. One shot from her pistol blasted the face plate into a smoking hole.

And then she was alone with the Knight of Ren. She rose, holstering her pistol, and ripping off the reserve SMG ammo from her belt and tossed it aside, drawing her cane. Viridian shoto blades popped out. One from the bottom end of the shaft, the other from the emitter hidden in the tapered end of her cane handle. The knight, still wearing his damaged, armored mask, snorted in fury, angling his lightsaber, at the bruised, bloody ex-shadow, a fine stream of blood from a cut on her forehead.

"That cane," the knight snarled. "I know that type of cane. Marksmen, right? I thought you had all disbanded."

"I take it you've been an beneficiary of the generosity of our rifles?"

The knight chuckled in spite of the way she had burned his face.

"Not 'till now. You Marksmen bastards murdered my wife. On Chandrila."

"Wrong." The ex-shadow said flatly. She remembered that mission, she stepped forward, point the bottom of her cane and its green blade at him.

"I murdered your wife, filth of Ren. As I will murder you. Two taps, left frontal lobe. Just like your wife."

The Knight seemed taken aback, stunned. He genuinely had not expected that answer, nor the cold, vicious way the truth had been told to him. That was Uri poking through under the snow. Uri, in many ways, had become a monster during her time among The Marksmen. A useful monster that did not kill that which was undeserving, but a monster still.

He screamed, dashing forward with his red blade in a vicious, overhead chop that Maple drunkenly evaded, anticipating his wheeling overhead strike as she parried the vicious chops that followed, retreating from enraged but dangerously focused attacks that forced her to mostly twist and evade his swipes and thrusts meant to impale through her face or dismember her. She retreated still, back into the rubble from which she had come from hiding. She lacked the skill to duel him on his level and they both knew it. The blows and parries she blocked with her cane were merely buying time. She back flipped out of his relentless press of ever advancing heavy blows, the blade coming dangerously close to ripping her in half as she was slammed brutally backward blocking an extremely heavy blow, back toward the rubble. She struggled to get up, but the hot pain of electricity, the absorbelt reducing the heavy voltage to that of a slightly more powerful taser, making her scream, and she gritted her teeth hard as her muscles started to lock. Using all her focus, she flung her cane at him like a tossed pickaxe, and the lightning he was discharging from his free hand to electrocute her ceased as he was forced to catch it to keep the shoto in the handle from biting through his visor.

Maple forced herself to dive into the pile, fighting through the pain as she grabbed the SMG, emptying the rest of the clip his direction. He screamed as most of the bullets hit his legs, the energy enveloped heavy slugs breaking his knee caps as he dropped, bleeding heavily, his lightsaber flying away into the corpse of a civilian buried under debris.

Maple drew her pistol, staggering towards him, forcing herself to aim properly through fresh pain.

"Marksman filth..." he choked out as she ripped off his mask, revealing a battle scarred man with sharply cut iron gray her. Maple shot him through the forehead twice.

"Kylo wannabe." she said back coldly, though she slumped back against the wall and did not move for fifteen minutes, forcing the pain to go in the back of her mind. She sensed distress from a hospital close by, retrieved her weapons and ammo, and advanced. It was nearly ten minutes before she reached the hospital grounds, feeling a swath of dark presences. She advanced unhesitatingly after finding a way in making her way through the shadows and passages of the hospital, drawing her tranq pistol when she spotted a mass of crazed civilians about to bear down on a Jedi. She opened fire, seeking only to disable the civilians and gave the Jedi some breathing room to recover.

And maybe find a way to evacuate whoever was left safely from this messed up hospital.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Vanesa was dragging the unconscious - or was it just incapacitated? - body of [member="Alexandra Feanor"] out of the temple before the SSD crashed on it. A roar indicated the presence of the angered [member="Vulpesen"] - the rage she had generated within him made her smile, even as she fed on his hatred, enjoyed it as she continued to haul ass out of the archives. Before she left eyesight, she yelled at him, trying to push him over the edge. “Go yiff somewhere else, you furry fierfek!”

Then came @Jairdain. The woman Vanessa had been forced to release the the custody of Krest. How unfortunate that his compensation had been rather lackluster. Here too would have been another potential victim to claim, yet Vanessa could only bring Alexandra up, using her as a shield to block blanket attack as she continued to hurry towards her shuttle.

[member="Darth Pellax"] caught the duo right outside near her shuttle. Vanessa was about to get Alex in before the bird-woman pulled a saber, clearly wanting to duel. “Look, hot-tits, I’m trying to get the hell out of here as quickly as I can before a minaret or skyscraper falls on me. If you want to have a confrontation, let’s do it somewhere else that’s not a place where the entire planet is being broken.” With that, she began to pull Alex up the ramp as quickly as possible. It was time to go.
Allies: [member="Mereel Vaun"] [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] [member="Cambria Zadira"] [member="Romi Jade"] [member="Allyson Locke"] anyone really who isn't Sith, but specifically Archive Group, also [member="Tracyn Ordo"]

Enemies: [member="Darth Saarai"]

Objective: Be the hero

So they had been the same, once at least. He'd tried to carry out her vision once, before he accepted it as a lost cause, perhaps that had lead to the increase in his depravity then. He didn't know, he didn't care, he had been wrong, and so had Treya. The force was the key to order and peace, not the destruction of it, it had to be the answer.

As Tai leapt overhead, Marcus managed to guard against the strikes that went for his neck and throat, but a decisive slash cut deep into his face, into the cartilage of his nose and clean across his left eye. In an instant it was gone, pain raking his body as his sight went red in the eye, then nothing. Despite the blood now dripping down his face, and the sudden loss of vision, Marcus didn't even slow down.

Sight was nothing compared to the force.

"There is a better way, it is our duty," He jumped into the air, clearing Saarai's swipe at his ankles, and loosed a decisive snap kick at the Thrikken's head, his training in Tera Kasi coming into full effect. "As those with great power, to find it."
Location: Room of a Thousand Fountains
Allies: [member="Taeli Raaf"], [member="Darth Prazutis"]

Enemies: N/A

The Emperor watched as the storm swept aside enemies and interlopers, casting them down into the bowels of the once beautiful city. Powerful winds thrashed against the temple's walls, tearing them down without any respect or reverence for what they had been. By the end of his uncle's rampage, there would be nothing left of the Jedi's edifice to hypocrisy and weakness except the ruins of a shattered world that would share in their fate.

He and the Lady of Secrets were exempt from the storm's wrath, as were any other true Sith within the vicinity of the temple. Only the Dark Side was allowed to reign supreme.

"Master Raaf," called the Emperor, reaching out to offer her his hand if she needed his aid, "The temple is coming down, at last."

At long last.
Location: we go again...
Allies: [member="Adron Malvern"], [member="Nine Lives"]
Enemies: Everything harming civilians
Objective: Operation Orkin & GTFO
Soundtrack: Godsmack “When Legends Rise
Gear: Armor, Lightsaber, Felacatian Form

There was something to be said for the heat and pace of battle, chaotic as it tended to be with mindless Sithspawn for opponents. For all that they lacked true sentience, their creator was to be commended to a certain degree. They were a brilliantly malevolent construct that reminded her a great deal of the Sluissi people on Sluis Van, and the former Jedi narrowly avoided the scythe arms of one creature while dodging the spikes erupting from another’s back. One spike hit the ground in front of her and was soon cracked apart with a slam from her foot, and she watched as what she presumed was poison seeped rapidly out of the cracks.

That wasn’t good.

Mara reached out a hand and wrapped a band of energy around the creature scrambling away from the group toward the helpless civilians. It constricted sharply as she closed her fist, the dark amber energy shattering the armor plates and reducing the Sithspawn to a broken thing soon tossed aside. Her slitted feline gaze was wide as the being she saw on the rooftop earlier landed with a punch of the Force beside her in the midst of the creatures and brush his cloak away from his shoulders. The woman lofted a brow as he did, appraising him for the brief moment it took his words to reach her ears.

“We’ve got this.”

The statement was simple and didn’t precisely invite an immediate reply given the gravity of the situation they found themselves in. While Mara had long since lost the naivete she’d arrived on Coruscant with a decade prior, she was, if nothing else, a veteran of numerous battles, and a survivor. And she would be damned before she let any more civilians perish so needlessly. Loss was inevitable, she knew that, but part of her would always be the young woman who had learned kindness from Avalore and strength from Diana.

Her heart tightened in her chest.

While she drew breath, those fleeing the destruction would be as safe as she could make them.

With their backs turned to one another, she moved in concert with the man who’s name she didn’t quite know yet, admiring his skill with dual blades until a scythe cut easily through the light armor on her thigh, scoring a shallow, stinging gash along the flesh beneath. She roared with the pain of hit, her bestial side forcing the echoing bellow from her still human throat. Mara extinguished her lightsaber and clipped it to her belt before she wrapped her hands in the Force and grabbed hold of the offending scythed limb. With a feral snarl, she Pulled and twisted at the same time, tearing the creature’s limb off at the final joint, leaving her with a scythe the size of an ancient greatsword in her hands.

Energy crackled around her, amber tendrils flickering about her form as her attention was drawn just beyond the screaming creature twitching on the ground at her feet. “One of yours?” she called out over her shoulder to the man behind her, watching the woman neatly dispatch a stray Sith soldier in her way. Without waiting for an answer, she gathered the force into her limbs and Leaped into the air, arcing over one creature and using the energy to slam herself down onto the one behind it. The scythe was soon thrown through the air, skewering the trooper to the ground in front of the woman who had called out.

Marakai nodded to the obviously competent woman, reaching out with a tendril of healing energy as she felt the pain radiating from her injured leg, intending to mend the wound should it be accepted. With another burst of telekinetic energy, she pulled the severed scythe back to her hands and waded back into the fray towards the man who’s side she’d leaped away from briefly.
Location: Main Hall
Ally: [member="Darth Imperia"]
Objective: Get out

Tsisaar wasn't sure which annoyed him more.

The fact that his ears were still ringing after Romi Jade's loud screech, or the fact that he was soon to have an uncomfortable encounter with a hard wall.


Definitely the wall.

The Sith acolyte groaned, standing up. The Force Push from the random Jedi that ran in, helped grab Jace, and just as quickly ran out wouldn't have caught him if he hadn't been stunned by Romi's scream, but that was in the past. Now he just had to deal with the fact that his back hurt from the impact, and the fact that he rather quickly needed to get out of the area before the entire temple collapsed in on top of his head. Between the large ship and the Force Storm, it was rather close to doing so.

He limped his way over to where his remaining ally was, extending a hand to help her up. "It seems that now might be the best time for us to go," he said somewhat drily, his free hand clipping his lightsaber back on his belt. "Think you can make it, or did that rock give you more than a concussion?" By the tone of his voice, it was rather obvious that if Imperia couldn't manage to stand up and walk mostly on her own, she would be left behind.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Thinking about it as she looked down at the ramp, Vanessa considered whether the enjoyment of having captured Alex would prove to be greater than the inevitable headache keeping her around would end up turning to. It was at that moment she stopped dragging Alex and used her foot to roll the woman down the ramp. Getting one shot for her weaponry, she fired the radiation-generating pistol at a spot mere inches from where Alex was laying, almost ensuring she would experience the radiation herself.

“Meh.” With that, she got in the shuttle and took off, heading back to her warship. If Crimson Command had succeeded - and she was sure they would - then the key to unlocking the secrets of the Alliance navy were within her grasp.

[member="Alexandra Feanor"]
Location: Jedi Temple, Archives
Allies: Sneering Imperialists & [member="Darth Prazutis"]'s Storm
Immediate Threats: [member="Sky'ito Yumi"]
Soundtrack: Heroes Dress in Black
Equipment: Lightsaber, [2] Potion of Invisibility, [2] Blackroot Potion

Adrian should have been able to deal with the Sephi easily. He had just ended the life of a Jedi Knight he had caught off guard in mere moments, so a Padawan, and a relatively inexperienced one at that, should have been easy. After all, the Dark Side pervaded the temple, its terrible might flowing through his limbs. And yet, he had been on the verge of losing, the sheer ferocity of her favoured form of Ataru catching him flat-footed.

Fortunately, he got the distraction he had been hoping for.

Unfortunately, that distraction came in the unpredictable woman from earlier, the same sword that had tried to cut off his head earlier brandished for all to see. It would seem she was grossly overestimating his prowess with the lightsaber, but he certainly wasn't going to correct her. Despite his lack of combat experience, even he knew better than to reveal one's weaknesses to an opponent.

Leaping backwards and landing on the other end of the ruined table, he winced slightly as his bruised ribs shook from the impact. Recovering quickly, he did his best to smile disarmingly. "Oh, I wasn't going to harm her. Not seriously, anyway. Not unless I had to. He... was unfortunate." Shrugging slightly, he spoke a short phrase in Sith. "Zudyti ax buti zudijas." Kill or be killed. He might be more of a scholar, but he was still Sith. He knew better than to give a threat to his life the chance to seize the initiative.

Blade held in a one-handed defensive stance while lightning danced across his left arm, he eyed the two women warily. "I'd suggest you take your own advice, Sukai'ito. You feel it, don't you? The storm. Soon enough this whole edifice to the Light will be swept away on a tide of darkness. Why don't we all focus on preserving what knowledge is left, rather than engaging in another pointless skirmish of a war without end?" In truth, he doubted his words would do him any good. The Sephi's eyes were filled with hatred and Sukai'ito? He had no idea, though he had a feeling he might well make good use of the invisibility potion he had brought. It was amazing what could be acquired through mere credits if one knew where to lock. Too bad the Jedi weren't willing to sell their secrets, or he wouldn't have had to get involved in this whole debacle.
Allies: [member="Darth Carnifex"] [member="Darth Prazutis"]
Enemies: None now?

Equipment: Armor in signature (heavily damaged), lightsaber

"At last, the Alliance falls and we have victory, my Lord," she said, accepting the Emperor's aid. She felt more recovered, although she was going to need to treat her injuries properly once the fighting was done and they were off world. A touch in the Force from one of her agents caught her attention.

"And it would appear Starchaser survived the explosion and storm, my Adepts have recovered him," she said. One of many Jedi that had died or been captured this day, and as the Shadow Hand tore the rest of the Temple to rubble, she smiled. "They are processing him for transport to Lola Sayu."
​It all was coming to a head.

The storm spread through the halls of the temple like a plague slaughtering all warriors of the light staining the once beautiful halls with the taint of the dark side. All that was once good, precious, all the memories once lingering here were replaced by the most foul darkness Coruscant had ever seen. The shattered fragments of those slain by the storm lingered in the area, their essences howled along with the winds. He could feel the dark energy seep through the very foundations of the temple, the power all within his grasp.

All he had to do was push.

Any Sith still alive within the halls of the temple gathered in the shattered room just under the eye of the storm, their gazes fixed upward in sheer awe at the power flowing through the Shadow Hand. Quite suddenly he lifted a hand up high into the air it was flat as a blades edge. The crimson energy coiled up into the air above them and with a defiant roar he brought it down like he was cutting through something. The storm slammed down unleashing its full power one by one everything around the room died, the floors obliterated and shattered one after the other right down to the foundation and even then, the very ground beneath them shook as the foundations of the temple were broken, and they stood on top of a great mountain of rubble and ruin, of the dead and the dying.

It was only then as the last remnants of the temple were fell away that the destructive storm began to calm the flowing debris from the massive maelstrom visible for miles dropp​ed out of the sky, and the Shadow Hand slowly lowered from the air until his feet remained firmly on the ground. The helmet of his armor had receeded from around his eyes and they blazed with dark fury of the storm within those molten orbs. The enormity of the power had taken its toll and he was utterly, completely exhausted his energy spent. He slowly made his way over towards the Emperor and the Lady of Secrets. "This darkness will cling to the earth like a blackened sore for years to come, the essence of light has been swept away along with the foundations of this temple." ​He said his eyes looking toward the Lady of Secrets "You will be rewarded, your deeds recorded as a shining example for all future generations to see Lady Raaf."

[member="Darth Carnifex"] | [member="Taeli Raaf"]

She Left Behind A Legacy
Main Hall, Jedi Temple
WITH: [member="Jace Khel"] & [member="Quvox"]

OBJECTIVE: Engage [member="Vili Ozouf"]
MELD ALLIES: Paddys [member="Cotan Sar'andor"] [member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Marcus Faust"] [member="Cambria Zadira"] [member="Veino Garn"] (any others who accept)
ENEMIES: [member="Tsisaar Taral"] & [member="Darth Imperia"]


Heaving in an effort to keep herself standing, she dragged herself towards Jace who had so much pain in his eyes. She reached out and wrapped her arms around his figure, tugging in an attempt to pick him up but she was growing weak herself. With gravity finally gripping her weight in full she plummeted back down, catching herself only with her knee.


Their world was crumbling around them. "C'monn!" her thoughts became reality, escaping the clutches of her lips in an effort to get her body going. It was due to the intervention of both Quvox and Cotan that it was even possible for Jace to be transported, and regardless she was not going to leave him.

She stumbled back to her feet and the group began to trek to the ship, she trailed the group at maybe a foot or two behind. She kept her strides lengthy in an attempt to cover as much ground as she could even if her speed were to fail.

Soon the bright cadence of flashes illuminated her hand, and she knew that the ship was getting near; the signal was getting stronger.

"Almost there!"

------------------ Minutes later

The group would have entered the hangar by now, through the crackle of the very building falling apart, the booming of the ships engine was enough to inspire hope of survival. "Go!" she urged, more so to hear herself say it. At this point her chest was burning with a deep fire and her throat throbbed in pain from grasping for air.

A few seconds later, then they would have surely missed their beat. The ramp shot out and scrapped against the durasteel flooring, and the group would board, with her being the last.

Gripping whatever she could leverage herself with she turned and watched the building fall...

She felt it now...

Her irises grew wide, like she had suddenly transcended into a dream like state where her mind was no longer hers. To her however, she could never see objects at afar, but now everything up close was becoming but a blur. Before she could muster any such thought, her knees buckled and her body released itself from her grip. She was aware the entire time as she fell backwards. It wasn't until she hit the floor that she blacked out completely.
Location: Beyers Hospital
Allies: [member="Anais Auraeli"]
Enemies: [member="Jairus Starvald"] [member="Irajah Ven"]
Other: [member="Mara Merrill-Valkner"]

The sweet temptation of vengeance sipped through his veins taking control of his thoughts. The Jedi's mind clouded by emotion as the Light side dissipated, slowly being devoured by the corruption of the Dark Side. Anais' death, the critical loss of innocents and most of all the helplessness drove him to this state.

Nothing fed the dark side as much as desperation.

"You will pa-" Ember began with a stride forward but was brutally interrupted as a mind controlled drone, formerly a medic shoved into him like a spear, soon followed by others crashing into him and driving him backwards blocking his way. Before he could even react, the physical strength of the foes that massively outnumbered him pushed him over the edge of the platform sending the Jedi into a descent of doom through the thousands of Coruscanti levels.

Was this the end?
Enemies: [member="Marcus Faust"]
Allies: N/A
Objective: Be the villain.

The deflection caused him to stumble back a bit and it was all the could do to raise his wing- catching the firm kick against his shoulder rather than the head.

Something snapped internally and Fa hissed, but instead of retreating... the Thirriken used that proximity to his advantage. The lightning roared from his claws a second later before the Jedi could escape. This time there was no distance to avoid it, only a lightsaber between him and being fried. "I already did, human." Tai Fa snapped at him through the pain and trying to maintain the pressure of the lightning.

"It is called fixing the mess the Force makes at every turn."

Who had signed the deals that had allowed Mirial to increase their food imports for cheap from the Sith Empire after the Silver Jedi's invasion? Or gave them cheap sub-contracts to create their capital in orbit?

Who had established operations to replace Thyferra even before they burned it to the ground?

For every moment of destruction, there had to be the balance of creation. The Force did not will it... no, it was the action of the few with a longer glance on history that saw this need and made it happen. No matter the whining and mewling of the ignorant few. No matter the sobbing of those that wanted more. There was one long view and Tai Fa would ensure the Sith Empire took it.

Even if it meant harassing [member="Darth Carnifex"] every step of the way and ignoring [member="Darth Ophidia"] aggressively.
The wave of death and the blast that preceded it, was like an ugly claw in Maple's heart. Doashim provided some protection from the horror that traveled through the Force, the final, horrifying perversion of a symbol of hope and justice.

Maple knew the battle for the GA's soul was lost. The Traitors and their masters had torn it out and eaten it in front of everyone like a savage cannibal,
and what flickering fragments of light were still squirming in the muck might as well have been quickly drying bloodstains.

And it just got worse...

She hadn't been fast enough.

She watched as the brainwashed souls took [member="Ember Farseer"] over the edge. She couldn't tranq these brainwashed people fast enough. There had been too many, and the building was already heavily damaged.

One got too close and the cane hit him in the jaw, knocking the brainwashed man out. She was soon forced to engage more of them at close range, cane smashing into head and foot and mouth and rib. Incapacitated but not dead. As if that would matter soon. She was forced to beat a hasty retreat through the hospital halls, coming across multiple dead civilians. Her stomach grew sick. It really had been a while.

She found a large shadow in a hall passage corner made by a collapsed bit of ceiling. She ducked into those shadows, aided by both training and the suits reflec coating, dissapearing almost perfectly into them, watching as the enraged civilians that had been slower than she finally rounded the passage, she got out her tranq gun because why take chances? She went very still in the shadow, waiting for them to pass so she could knock them out as quickly and painlessly as possible. But she knew she was running out of time. She needed to take one, any one, because she was fairly certain she wouldn't be able to take all of them. No children that she saw, thank the Force. Small mercy in that. She was about to fire when she sensed a greater, incoming threat, which forced her to be still for her own life. She saw the bolts tear into the brainwashed before she saw the Commandos decloaking. Six. Murdering. Karks.

What the hell were these guys doing here? This place is coming down around her and six decked out guys in full cloaks storm the place? Maple hid behind rubble, waiting for them to pass.

They didn't speak, communicated only through hand signals. She didn't see insignias. She checked her SMG. One and a half sticks of ammo left.

She tensed, going prone in rubble, pressing against debris to avoid the light from one trooper.

She had to wait. Debris like this would not take plasma the way the bank debris had. She had to play it silently. Until she didn't have to.

She waited until they had all rounded the hospital passage before moving, stepping slowly and carefully to make as little noise as possible. Her current stick was half empty, She might get a few of them.

Or she could be more patient.

Maple crept, keeping track of her shadow on the floor as she stayed behind them. There was this little trick of hers she wanted to show them. The passage was not very long and she moved quickly behind them, waiting until they had gone into the burned remains of what had been the hospital's analysis lab. Maple grabbed a scalpel off a dead doctor in the new passage way. What did they hope to find here?

She silently scrambled behind an overturned holo-gurney, taking great care not to let her weapons click or grind on the surface of the floor as the last man in the squad did a sweep behind him. Maple readied her scalpel and cane before silently bounding over the gurney once the last trooper's back was turned.

In a quick sprint, she had leapt, driving the scalpel into the back of his neck. Her jerked upward, firing but Maple was already cartwheeling with her cane towards the second, kicking his rifle out of his hand, burying the shoto on the tapered end of her cane's handle into his eye, grabbing his pistol as the others turned and leveled blasters at her chest. Four men. For quick trigger pulls and the four men were dead, their faceplates drilled through with four pulses of condensed light.

Maple immediately searched them for some copy of orders. She found one. They had been ordered to retrieve some high value dead drop in this section, a package. Curious about what could be so valuable that they would go and get it in all this, she made her way to the lab where it had been hidden, inside a high grade medical scanner. The invasion must have thrown a wrench into the plans of whoever had left it. She uncovered a small holodisk, the death outside and around hissing at her soul, making it very difficult to center herself and think. But she took the disk, trying to make it back to where Ember had been chucked off but that passage had collapsed. She proceeded down what was left of the stairs, dejected, not only had she failed that poor man, she had failed all the people she had initially knocked out. At least the Confederacy might profit. She made her way down an emergency stair case, sticking to the shadows, feeling the building get a little weaker, a little less stable. The death outside was so bad, she almost didn't notice the sullustan civilian lying in the debris at the bottom of the chamber. She went over to him, and checked. Still alive. Light enough to carry. She was tired though, and shook him. After a few minutes he stirred, and she couldn't understand the panicked words in his mouth. She only wordlessly gestured for him to follow but he tugged at her, showing her a slip of paper with the Jedi Order's symbol on it, tugging at her to follow, curious, she followed him back an exhaustive two flights, until she began to sense life. Small hope entered her mind as she rushed into a lab she had missed.

Two children, one a togruta girl, the other a sullen, brown haired boy, both in brown robes stared at her fearfully, both pulling out their training lightsabers. They didn't look a day over ten.

"Hold on. Friendly." she said quietly, activating her cane and showing them the viridian color of her blades.

"Thats what the last jedi said. Then he got those weird tattoos and we had to run." the boy snapped, frightened. They had been hiding here since the attack started. Maple looked and saw a dead Sith crushed by falling debris.

"Was he your master?"

"He was. Until he wasn't, the nerfherder," the girl said, shaken.

"Well I'm not gonna sprout weird tattoos, promise."

The padawans, whose robes both looked tilorn and dirty, lowered their weapons.

"C'mon, if we hurry, we can exit the hospital to one of the lower levels that leads to whats left of Coruscant's thoroughfare. We're evacuating you three. Follow."

The padawans lowered their weapons, eying her cautiously. Maple was watching out for any surprises as she moved in front of them down the steps, slicing open the emergency door, watching in horror as the temples remains burned in the distance from the level of street they had exited out too.

"Kids...promise me when you grow up you're going not going to be as caught off guard as your masters were. Never be caught unprepared. This is the lesson you should take from this."

"Kinda hard to argue." The Padawan boy spoke, features grim and sullen.

The four began running, Maple looking for a turbolift to the nearest confederate evac site.

Mishel Kryze


Mishel knew what Coren had told her to do and as she settled on a floor the Tygaran managed a look around. She felt very confident that [member="Jyoti Nooran"] and [member="Veino Garn"] were wearing their big Jedi Burlap robes and could manage themselves out of this burning landscape. The brunette found herself running, and out running debris, trying to go with whatever flow of destruction was swarming her way. Buildings, starfighters, body parts and speeder parts all formed with the aim of bringing the rest of Coruscant down with it. Jedi and Sith, now all began to make their way out she watched as they fought on their escape with the Sith wanting so much to deny the Jedi any hope.

Riding the tide of destruction Mishel ran up with force imbued speed to forward flip over to have what passed for a sunlight drive in the city. Mishel narrowed her gaze and focused her attention on the debris sending wave after wave against the Sith. "Red Sith. Blue Sith. One Sith. Two Sith. Dead." She smirked and turned back to two Sith running after her. A sweep of her hand as a wave of debris rised up to smash into the Sith. "Oh, you know that trick, okay." Another flip back and her eyes found a red lightsaber coming toward her. Side step dodge she focused again and drew from the fires around them to hurl it toward the Sith.

"Right, time to go..." Confederacy ships were about that she could see as many began their great escape.

Both Sith remerged to drive debris at Mishel.

The debris she knew, the starfighter? Came from nowhere as far as she was concerned. The Tygaran narrowly escaped having her head lopped off by it but caught part of the starfighter on the shoulder. Next thing she knew she was tumbling from the air trying to control her fall somehow as she managed to drop on top of [member="Marakai Al'Orren"].

Allies: [member="Mereel Vaun"] [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] [member="Cambria Zadira"] [member="Romi Jade"] [member="Allyson Locke"] anyone really who isn't Sith, but specifically Archive Group, also [member="Tracyn Ordo"]

Enemies: [member="Darth Saarai"]

Objective: Be the hero

Lightning surged, crashing against the ignited saber, all of the Sith's dark energy attempting to collapse onto him. The Thrikken was blinded, so he thought, his own experiences having turned him away to any other solutions. Marcus understood that. He had been in the same position, he had only seen one way to end the cycle of pain and chaos, but he was wrong, he had to be wrong.

Even as blood trailed down his face from his ruined eye, his will remained ironclad. He had to hold the line, now more than ever. Behind the clashing masters, a group of younglings and a handful of padwans and knights entered the hangar. They were not here to intervene, they were here to escape, and he was destined to shepard them to that safety. This was the will of the force.

"In another life, I think you and I would have been good friends, Saarai. Perhaps we would've found a better way, one without such bloodshed. If only." The battered man mused, holding back the storm of electricity and hoping to maintain the Sith's attention long enough for the Jedi to make their way to one of the few remaining transports that had not been destroyed in the maelstrom of chaos.

Just a little longer, just a little more.
Losing is tempoary, giving up is permanent.
Location: Coruscant-Jedi Temple Archive Entrance
Interacting with: [member="Adrian Vandiir"]
Allies: SJO
Objective: Over Asian Fight

Sukai kept a steady gaze as Adrian the entire time, not shifting her stance one bit, "I do not mind your actions, you are a Sith, you are on the opposite side of the war, but me fighting you has nothing to do what you have done or not, I did say back on Datooine that if the circumstances arose I would not hesitate to strike you down". "Though at the same time the Riben Jin code of honor makes it so I can only kill you in a state where you are able to fight back", it may be a flawed way of thinking but compared to the Sith it was very merciful.

As the Sith shifted into a defensive stance Sukai did her own, an aggressive Ataru form, "There are many else to recover what is in the temple, but how will I know you don't just destroy thee knowledge about the light"? "Us both are low on the hierarchy of our respective orders, I know for a fact that your goal to preserve the knowledge of this place will not end well, you master and other Sith will just berid of it". She shifted closer, blade poised in at a 45 degree angle towards, "if you want to go back for the relics in the temple be my guest, but just note you can run... I know the smell of your blood".

When it came to tracking people down Sukai was more skilled in traditional hunting methods then modern ones, even with the force abated, it the person was using a cloaking device, their smell was still something she could sense.
Enemies: [member="Marcus Faust"]
Allies: N/A
Objective: Be the villain.

Saarai's focus was entirely on Faust and the lightning pouring down on him.

That did not stop him from catching a glimpse of the fleeing Jedi. There was mulling there for a brief moment- he could cut off their path and ensure they wouldn't leave this hangar alive. He could call for Imperial reinforcements in the sky to shoot them down the moment they came out. It would be simple, it would be.... easy. But Lord Saarai had never been prone to the easy solution.

Otherwise [member="Darth Carnifex"] would have had an easier time with things.

"Perhaps." Saarai allowed while keeping an eye on the progress of the evacuation. With one wing... you destroy, with the other... you build and together you establish a balance, no?

This man, this Faust, a soul similar to him would die today.

But his death would buy the lives of those he tried to protect. What more could a sentient ask for? "What is your name, so that your... sacrifice-" Understanding there passing between the two of them. Faust would know that Saarai realized and had let it go. "-will not be forgotten." As the last Jedi jumped into the shuttle the Thirriken unleashed a heavier barrage.

To subvert and shortwire the lightsaber and get to the man behind.

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