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Dominion Enemy of my Enemy | EE Dominion of Pa'Desh

Kalic looked at Ingrid, practically glaring. Or at least he did until he hear the Witch and laughed.

"So you messed up. And you messed with my mind at the same time." He looked away, not wanting to answer, but then again being honest wouldn't hurt anything to say either. He shook his head, not sure how to put it.

"I don't know.... They were glimpses. Just enough for some details." He shook his head a little. Not knowing what to do now.

Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim-Ragal
Empress Regent of the Eternal Empire, Overlord of the Eternal Empire, the Emperor's hand, Lord Commander
The Red Witch; The Night Queen, Director of Blackwatch; Baroness of Vengard, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Location: Aboard the Dyadalmash, space around Pa'Desh
Equipment: Brynja coat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | G1 OmniLink | Soul | Shield talisman | Taozin amulet | Healing amulet
Tag: Kalic Daws Kalic Daws

The woman shrugged to “accuse”. She warned the man that she had not done this many times. Besides, it was a torture, the man could be glad he was still alive and not dying from what had happened here. Or changed over who knows what kind of abomination. Even that could have happened. After all, the man was a rebel who was already actually sentenced to death for his actions.

”Has significance? No, because you are a rebel sentenced to death. Rather, be glad he got some respite, because my experiment ended with an interesting result.”

She said to the man in a still completely emotionless voice. And really, that’s the only thing that has saved the rebel from doing so for now. She wondered what he could see and the fact that the miraluka had said he had escaped… that also gave the woman a very interesting opportunity. The man will not be happy for it, but if all is true, he will not remember this later.

”Actually, you gave me a great idea, Mr. Daws, by mentioning that you are escaping. It can happen. Of course, there will be no actual escape, but you will remember it that way. On the other hand, it will be a huge help to me to get the rebels to an end.”

The Overlord just nodded at the few details of the vision, which is why she never loved Force visions…




Location: Outskirts of Bala'dahl
Tags: Eleena Salwa Eleena Salwa Alli Vern Alli Vern

Goyrg had his heavy blaster rifle trained in the sky. He then heard the screaming swoop sound coming back right in front of him. He blasted in the direction. He did not care about the pink gas. He just shot away with anger, screaming his deep guttural tone as loud as possible while firing as rapidly as his gun allowed him to. His men practically did similar, at least in the way they nearly unloaded in that direction. Just pounding lasers at the swoop bike seeing if they got lucky. What else could they do from the ground at that point.

It wasn't until one of the guys realized there was a rocket launcher with heat seekers in a crate. He quickly ran the shuttle to get it, yet one of those birds blew his leg clean off at the knee. Goyrg could not tell who else got hit, but by the looks of things, a few crates turned into barricades were sprayed with 2 fresh patches of red puree. The man's screams made Goyrg turn around to see what the hell was going on. He realized the same thing that man did, and quickly rushed to the shuttle, pulled out the RPS-6 Rocket Launcher with a few rounds of Seeker Missiles loaded. If this little pilot is going to use some tracking missiles, then this move will certainly keep them on their toes. Goyrg fired 2 rounds into the sky at the pilots direction, and watched the missiles reach for their target. After firing, he threw it to the side unloaded, and began to keep firing with his heavy rifle. His gaze, intently looking at the sky and the missiles.
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Location: Outskirts - Bala’dahl, Pa’Desh
Swoop: FAE/V-02 “Loralora” Interceptor Hyperswoop Craft
Tags: Goyrg Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt Alli Vern Alli Vern

The lock warning systems screamed in her ears.

The pink gas had worked in dissipating the energy of the blaster fire coming from the ground, but it could not defend against missiles in any real capacity, especially those with advanced guidance systems. As such, in ascending up from her attack run, Eleena knew immediately she would have to maneuver in order to escape what could be certain death.

Aggressively shifting her body to the right, Eleena banked her swoop in the same direction before pulling into a hard break turn in an attempt to evade the missile. All the while, she activated her craft’s electronic countermeasures and dedicated energy receptor projector with a single mental command, which she hoped would fool the missiles into breaking the lock.

At the very least, her efforts were successful in preventing her death.

One of the missiles broke off entirely, flying off into nowhere as Eleena pushed her swoop’s maneuverability to evade the explosive projectile. However, the other rocket still maintained its lock, forcing the diminutive Twi’lek to drive more power to her engines, in order to stave off energy loss in pulling such a hard turn.

The lock still held.

A last-ditch attempt to evade the explosive projectile on her tail came in the form of a defensive spiral, diving her swoop’s nose down before driving the machine in a series of spiraling turns which saw her quickly lose altitude as the missile followed. Nevertheless, the missile went off moments later, the detonite explosive overloading her craft’s shields as the concussive force threw the swoop out of control, while nearly throwing Eleena out of the saddle entirely as her machine began to careen down towards the earth...



Location: Outskirts of Bala'dahl on Pa'Desh
Tags: Eleena Salwa Eleena Salwa Alli Vern Alli Vern

Goyrg and his men continued to fire at the swoop bike for as long as they could see it. The fancy maneuvers to avoid the missiles kept them from landing any hits it seemed, and Goyrg fumed with rage as one of the missiles he shot out failed and flew off into nowhere. However, when he saw the fireworks of the second, he continued shooting in the sky but instead of shouting with rage it was with joy.

"Load up your gear boys! We got some huntin' to do!" He shouted, as all his men began running along the ground in the general direction of where the pilot seemed to have crashed.
Alli watched reports as her troops and droids secured office space in New Pa’Dan and then the city of Mulli'grund. It was marvelous and just what they needed. Hopefully the people could settle or rotate being on this planet while the ZU searched desperately for a new home. This would hold them for the moment though. A victory they desperately needed. The droids and troops used non lethal force when needed but if fired upon they would not hold back. Sure there were people here already but the fact that there was space to call their own, space they could let their people live on without requiring an artificial habitat was wonderful. She would have to give her thanks to the Empress at some point.
Kalic looked down as Ingrid spoke up. He was sentenced to death, and he was annoyed at the way she described what happened to him. Interesting? This wasn't interesting! His head still hurt from the last two visions as the Imperial seemed to get an idea. Kalic had stopped struggling though. He was tired now, not sure even how to respond until he finally heard the plan.

"Wait! What I'll remember!? What are you going to do to me!?" He started struggling again, looking a bit more desperate. He didn't want to be roped into helping her end the Rebels. They were his friends! He couldn't.... He had to get out of there. He had to get off this table and run, now. It was no use though. He was trapped there. Whatever was about to happen would probably happen.

Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim-Ragal
Empress Regent of the Eternal Empire, Overlord of the Eternal Empire, the Emperor's hand, Lord Commander
The Red Witch; The Night Queen, Director of Blackwatch; Baroness of Vengard, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Location: Aboard the Dyadalmash, space around Pa'Desh
Equipment: Brynja coat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | G1 OmniLink | Soul | Shield talisman | Taozin amulet | Healing amulet
Tag: Kalic Daws Kalic Daws

The man struggled for a while, then stopped. Ingrid felt the man tired, but now there really wasn't much left of the task she had to do here. It's just a stab and nothing more. Then the drug does its effect, making it painless. So over the next few days, the man will sit in the cell again and wait for the procedure to complete.

”You don’t have to worry, it really won’t hurt anymore. I’m just going to do what they used to do when someone is sent to a sleeping agent somewhere and he has no idea he’s an agent. Brainwashing, yes. Let me be the first to welcome you to your new job at Blackwatch, Mr. Daws. That is, Private Daws to be exact.”

She turned and went back to the machines, taking out a hypodermic needle. She loaded into it the IX serum used for brainwashing, the right dose needed for the operation. This will take about three days, after which the subject will be receptive to commands and conditioning. She gets the code to Kalic’s mind to control the miraluka, if necessary, the man won’t even remember it. Then false memories can come to escape and go back to the rebels. Only just unknowingly will the man keep sending reports to the woman.

”You don't have to worry, there's no magic or alchemy in this anymore. I've done this countless times before. Just a stab, then after three days we finish the process, after which you are free to leave. You just won’t have any memories of what we talked about or what I did to you. You will remember something completely different.”

Meanwhile, she walked back to the man, then tried to insert the needle into his neck and inject the serum into the man's bloodstream.




O B J E C T I V E | III, Steal Natural Resources.

“How long this is going to take?”

Her smooth voice carried impatience, pure and simple. Doctor Aeducan raised his short fingers in the air, swinging them as if that meant something that only he was able to actually understand, causing her to join both eyebrows and frowning her face.

“Patience, my princess, patience. One cannot simply rush perfection!”, he shouted in pure joy, grabbing another chunk of crystal bringing it close to her face, and sniffing it as it was a fat piece of bacon. “Look at this beauty... “

“Find me the perfect gems, doctor. Melko needs to eat, and I need those crystals to craft my seeing stones.”, this was the polite version of her answer, the other one would be that she would cut both his hands and shove them down where the mountain had a cavern if he didn’t hurry. This sinkhole of a planet bored her to death.
Location: Outskirts - Bala’dahl, Pa’Desh
Swoop: FAE/V-02 “Loralora” Interceptor Hyperswoop Craft
Tags: Goyrg Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt

1750 meters.

Her eyes caught the number on her altitude readout as the value continued to rapidly decrease while her swoop descended in free fall towards the earth. Eleena grunted as she moved to pull herself back into the saddle, finding the task to be exceedingly difficult when in such a state of extreme danger, with the ground growing progressively larger with each moment and hostile fire streaming in her direction. A few shots hit, with one lucky bolt striking the upper turbo jet engine, which promptly erupted into flames, causing a series of crimson warnings to flash in her HUD.

1250 meters.

The upper engine was damaged, though it was still operational by some miracle, albeit at significantly lower efficiency, even as yet more fire came in from the ground. Fortunately, most of the shots missed or dissipated into ineffectiveness before they could reach her. However, as her swoop got closer to the ground, more began to strike the armored fairing, with one very nearly striking her head. In response, Eleena activated the energy shield she had attached to her riding suit. While it wouldn’t protect the craft itself from incoming fire, it would at least protect her from it, which was quite helpful given the situation.

750 meters.

Already, the warnings were flashing in her HUD for her to detach from the swoop and to let it fall to the ground. However, Eleena didn’t intend to give up yet. With a labored groan, the diminutive Twi’lek situated herself back in the saddle, her muscles already beginning to ache with the strain she had wrought on them in her efforts of controlling a high-powered swoop at transonic speeds. Nevertheless, Eleena pushed forward, tightening the muscles in her legs as she worked to regain control, the intense Gs putting pressure on her body in the process.

450 meters.

The swoop showed no signs of control.

250 meters.

It was only now that Eleena began to panic, her mind racing through the possibilities of a fiery death even as she manipulated the controls. However, in shifting her body downward, she suddenly sensed the swoop’s falling pattern from the subtle vibrations of the engines. Then, with a deep breath, she waited for the opportune moment to slam the brakes.

200 meters.


125 meters.


100 meters.


75 meters.


Summoning the prodigious strength in her legs, Eleena pushed the brakes, the swoop quickly bleeding off speed as the braking engines pulled at full power. The Gs would have made her faint, were it not for the consciousness retention device in her helmet, shocking her nervous system back into awareness nanoseconds after the blackness set in, causing her to give a deep breath as her swoop drove to a halt, a mere meter above the ground.

To those on the ground, it would likely be conceivable that she had crashed beyond the hill, but any those who had succumbed to that notion would soon find it to be erroneous.

In recovering control of her swoop and narrowly avoiding the ground, Eleena didn’t hesitate in driving back towards the remaining Black Sun forces, keeping her machine only a few meters above the ground as she charged in their direction.

And so, as soon as they emerged back into view after she crossed the hill, Eleena angled her swoop’s nose for the largest, most imposing figure (Goyrg) in the group and fired off a barrage of five supercharged particle bolts aimed for the creature’s chest...

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"Blackwing?" Brainwashing and becoming a private. This was bad. He struggled against the restraints again, only to end up with a needle in his neck. He looked, trying to resist the serum, at least for a little while.

"I hope I remember enough to take you out." He glared, but slowly seemed to fade into a more calm state, not saying anything else. Ready for whatever would come.

Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim-Ragal
Empress Regent of the Eternal Empire, Overlord of the Eternal Empire, the Emperor's hand, Lord Commander
The Red Witch; The Night Queen, Director of Blackwatch; Baroness of Vengard, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Location: Aboard the Dyadalmash, space around Pa'Desh
Equipment: Brynja coat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | G1 OmniLink | Soul | Shield talisman | Taozin amulet | Healing amulet
Tag: Kalic Daws Kalic Daws
"Blackwing? No, a completely different material, this was already used in the old Sith Empire."

According to this, she was able to successfully inject the drug into the man's bloodstream. It didn't really have any noticeable effect. After that, he was taken back to the cell, and Kalic could spend the next three days all alone there. A droid took him food twice a day. Later, the drug did not have any noticeable effect. On the third day the soldiers came for him. From then on, he had very faint memories, as he had of previous days.

Ingrid used the procedure at the time to modify the man's memories, which included torturing them every day, wanting information about the rebels. The last day, since Kalic was already in a very bad condition, the soldiers left him alone before taking him back to his cell. He used this to escape. He managed to escape with a fighter that eventually crashed near the rebel base on the planet because he lost consciousness while fleeing.

His companions had already found him that way, with serious injuries caused by torture and the crash. He had no exact memory of the torture, which was completely normal from the shock and trauma. He didn't even remember why he had Force Visions.

The reality was that after three days, the man’s brain was ready for brainwashing, then he got the false memories that overwrite the old ones and put him on the ship, which went to the planet by robotic pilot, where he then crashed. Of course, the code also got into the man's mind, which if Ingrid spoke, she could control him. But anyway, everyone could have been happy.

Kalic may have believed he had escaped and got back to the rebels, and Ingrid might have been pleased to have managed to get another spy into the ranks of the Eclipse Rebellion.

OOC: Last post.

Lorda of Nem'ro and Hutt Republic Supreme Mogul
Location: In orbit of Pa'Desh, and in the streets of Bala'dahl
Tags: Eleena Salwa Eleena Salwa Alli Vern Alli Vern

Broka continued to sit comfortably aboard his Chelandion. Reports from the surface are mixed. The resistance is breaking in the city, but the his forces outside the city are not doing too well against the harrying attacks of the swoop pilots. However, if he can manage to conquer the city, then the outskirts should not be too hard, especially with the assistance of the battle droids sent by the Union. From his angle, all seemed to be turning to his favor. It was too slow for his liking, but it was happening.

Meanwhile, on the ground, Jarrek continued the seige of the street encampment. While other squads have been successful in other districts, it was this main contingent that was proving the most difficult. Some of the thermal detonators have caused casualties, but it only seemed to get theses zealots even more willing to keep fighting. It was insane. However, the battle droids he heard reports of coming in were dropping nearby, and would eventually help to clear out this group. The Trandoshian there was the most troublesome. Most of the casualties the Suns were experiencing were from him alone. The civilians, on the other hand, just were untrained bodies that only kept some men's heads down at best. Many of the enemy's casualties were the untrained but zealous civilian fighters. Nonetheless, he saw signs that their strength was diminishing slowly, and the other theatres across the planet were being very successful. It was only a matter of time until this resistance, broke Jarrek thought.


Location: Outskirts of Bala'dahl on Pa'Desh
Tags: Eleena Salwa Eleena Salwa Alli Vern Alli Vern

Goyrg pressed on with his men. The bike careened this way, and they were all in search "formation". However, he heard a bit of humming in front of him. Then, saw a bright flash. Quickly, he tried to duck behind a large rock. By some grace of luck for him, but not the poor bastard that was behind him and certainly not for the pilot, Goyrg survived unscathed somehow. His armor was the only thing minutely damaged. Just some grazing singe-marks on his right side and the logo on that shoulder-paldron was a bit smudged. No matter.

The suns waited a second. The humming stayed still a bit. So, they fired in that direction with everything they got. Goyrg screamed with a hybrid of joy and rage as he opened near-relentless fire in the direction he briefly saw the flash. They might have the pilot now.

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