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Faction Enemy of my Enemy - Lothal Protectorate / Galactic Alliance


Lothal, Capital City
Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble , Aveline Cuiléin Aveline Cuiléin , Dominique Vexx Dominique Vexx , Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla , Noah Corek Noah Corek , Sssar Taszzn Sssar Taszzn Bané Zirbils Bané Zirbils

"It is our honor to meet you," Vexx replied politely along with the appropriate salutation for Lothal's Command in Chief. A smile graced her lips. "I am Denon's Senator, Dominique Vexx, and wish only for the enrichment of your people and your world."

"That's quite the bold opening, Miss Vexx," Fynch noted. He knew what her deal was the minute she stated the world she governed, though her tone was one of business through and through. "Perhaps you should conserve some of that flowery language. I have yet to explain where it is that my people stand."

Fynch stood, taking a moment to adjust his collar. He was rather large, a stature that had done him great service during his military service. Had it nit been for his gentle expression, his presence could often be intimidating to those with a lesser composure. Of course, he knew that he was in the presence of those who lacked such a weakness, at least he hoped that he was.

"For starters, I'd like to offer a brief moment of thanks to Master Noble for opening this dialogue," he stated with a brief nod. "It has certainly given me a good first impression of your Alliance. Still, there are some things that I feel must be expressed first and foremost. The people of Lothal are not in search of a crutch to lean on. This planet has a long history of occupation by powers who had no right dictating our future. There is a fear that open relations with a larger power may bring about such a reality once more. As a realist, I understand the value in affirming the position of my people against the Empire, but know that such is a balancing act. While promises of enrichment and investigation of criminal elements," giving acknowledgement to Sssar, "are certainly charming, it must be made abundantly clear that this will not be a relationship built on charity, nor one of corporatization. I hope that today we may line up an agreement that builds a bridge between our peoples on a foundation of mutual respect and coexistence. To that end, I resonate with Miss Aloy's statement of mutual aid against the Empire."

He turned to the Mandalorian. She gave a tone of business, but there was clearly something more there. It was clear even from when he reached out to her company that there was an underlying hatred she had for the Empire. To that end, the Black Hand may be more than just a simple means of acquiring arms.

"As for those who have come strictly for business," he continued, "You shall be pleased to hear that I have great interest in the arms both of you deal in, so let it be clear that the companies of Mister Corek and Miss Aloy will not be in direct conflict. I feel that there is a place for both of your armaments amongst the ranks of my riflemen... but I must admit, I haven't just called you here to establish simple arms deals, Miss Aloy- ah, one moment."

A rifleman entered, a large glass bottle of amber liquid clasped in his hands. He presented the bottle to Fynch, who gave a bow of thanks, before departing the room.

"Locally brewed scotch," he explained. "My cabinet and I felt it was appropriate to break out our good supply for the occasion. The sharing of drink is an ancient sign of brotherhood, after all. When the negotiations have concluded, I hope that some of you will stay and share a drink. Though I must offer warning, it has a strong flavor. In the meantime..."

It was time to get back on track. Now where had he been... Right, the Black Hand. Fynch set the bottle down on his desk and continued.

"I must say that it isn't only your weapons that I have interest in," the Commander in Chief informed her. "As a former member of our local Rifleman Militia, I can speak from experience when I say that our military tactics are greatly outdated. Are you familiar with the Old Republic? They were renowned for having a well-oiled military machine, one built upon the training of Mandalorian Mercenaries. While I can say with confidence that there's no need for anything extreme, I have certainly considered the value of seeking your council on the matter of combat training, should you have interest in providing such a service of course."

With a firm nod, satisfied that he had hit his initial points, he turned his attention back to the group as a whole. What mutual alligence would this be if there was little to offer in return.

"Of course, we are more than willing to get our Doonium into the Galactic economy in a way that gives our mutual enemy hell," Fynch stated, "But know that such a commodity comes with stipulations. Our natural resource has gone into projects of ill intention once before. Should transfer of goods begin between our peoples, the Protectorate must be able to observe every step the Doonium takes in its use, lest we fuel another means of oppression. With that out of the way, I leave the floor to you."

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
Factory Judge
Noah sat against the wall for the time they were in the waiting room, observing those that arrived after him. His eyes particular drawn to Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla , the only other Mandalorian in the room and Bané Zirbils Bané Zirbils , a military woman from the dress uniform she was wearing, bearing the pin of a New Alderaan officer. It wasn't long before they were beckoned into the office of Fynch Fynch and he followed the other attendees into the office and took up a standing position near Valery Noble Valery Noble and Aveline Cuiléin Aveline Cuiléin .

When they were spoke to Noah remained silent, letting the words filter through his ears and into his mind, his eyes sweeping over the room to observe everyone's reaction. His ire was raised when Dominique Vexx Dominique Vexx entered the room and put herself front and center into the meeting. Noah didn't hate many things in the galaxy, but one things he did hate was most politicians and the Senator of Denon was one of the archetypes of politicians he did, only concerned about what Lothal could do to better her own world.

Next came the another politician, Sssar Taszzn Sssar Taszzn , a former senator with a distinguished career if the long series of titles spoke by his protocol droid were any indication. He listened to his spiel about law and order and the possible criminal elements that the planet harbored and all Noah could do was to roll his eyes. He had found during his time in the army and outside of it that to get things done sometimes you had to work outside to law so he found a dogmatic adherence to the law to be...constraining.

His next person to scrutinize was the other Mandalorian, the Aloy of Clan Vizsla. His own house had no problems with Clan Vizsla but he kept up on the internal and external politics of all Mandalorian houses and clans as best he could. He gave a nod in respect when she laid out what she was here to do, it was refreshing to have someone actually speak what they intended on discussing instead of using veiled words and flowery platitudes.

When the Commander spoke and address him directly Noah gave a dip of his head in respect. "Might as well introduce myself then. Noah Corek, CEO of Hekler'Kok Defense Industries, Commandant of the Galactic Foreign Legion, Son of the Alor of House Corek and of course husband and father." He smiled at the last part of his introduction, clearly in love and proud to be a father.

When Solarus spoke of not only providing arms but training the Lothal Riflemen as well, Noah nodded his head. "Funny you mention the Old Republic, one of my ancestors was a member of the Cuy'val Dar or 'those who no longer exist' for the ones here that don't speak mine and Alor Vizsla's tongue. That was the group of Mandalorian's that trained the Clone Commando's of the Old Republic. As for the present I'm more than willing to provide arms from Hekler'Kok and training instructors from the Legion."


"Oh. Right. Alright, yeah."

Like Rhen Var. She'd have to go there, at some point. Maybe together. Imperial territory or not.

Or maybe especially because it was in Imperial territory. Though, Jedi artisan? A Jedi who.. Made a tea pot? The idea seemed foreign, even to the Knight who spent most of her time painting. The New Jedi Order certainly didn't have an Artisan. Hell, she hadn't even thought about that as something a Jedi could do. War seemed to be the only thing they did.

"Blues, greens. .. Uh, Light. There's no word of it in basic, but it's warm. Does it give you a feeling? Pull you somewhere?"

It did for here, but she was trying to be something of a teacher. Have the student answer questions. Iris was pretty sure that's what she was supposed to do, not that she could remember when Valery had done the same with her.

Maybe? Whatever. Iris squashed down that uncertainty. This would work.

Zak Dymo

The Former Chair of the Committee on the Judiciary of the Galactic Alliance slithered in -- literally. Vexx regarded the serpent even while the droid intoned their arrival. Even the creature's offer was surprisingly astute given Valery did not take command with the sort of overbearing presence as Dominique had expected. Perhaps the Jedi felt inclined to leave politics to the political branch?

Speaking of which, Fynch Fynch with a certain forthright tone thought to curtail Vexx's figurative forked tongue. Not a terribly wise idea. Denon did not have jast swaths of land devoted to the cultivation of ass-kissing or hollow platitudes. Nonetheless, Vexx just smiled and listened as the man sought to brief them all on where his people stood.

"With respect," Vexx began once the Commander in Chief was finished, "wars -- or territorial disputes -- are not won solely in who has the best trained personnel or the greatest weaponry. The logistics of that conflict governs the fate of them all. If you cannot get material or persons into the field, they may as well not exist. Likewise, if you cannot export goods they may as well remain in the ground. As I am sure most present are intimately familiar with already." Solarus being a Rifeman Militia should hopefully have had first hand exposure to the importance of supply acquisition and distribution among multiple groups.

"Denon is equipped and experienced in managing planetary and galactic logistics in hostile environments."
They had Darkwire to thank for that. "If it is not the wealth of Corporations you desire, and time is needed to unfurl the full extent of any such interaction, then I offer our power in logistical management. At first a small group to facilitate such matters, but also to train and help organize your own people going forward."

It bit that weapons might already be spoken for, but there were other services to demonstrate Denon's value as a partner. Even if Solarus had reservations about 'corporatization' -- much ado about nothing, in her opinion. Lothal needed their services even if they were offered more generously than Denon would like at first. Proof they were not what some claimed. What was such an industrial world if it did not have partners, and who would they be if they did not reach out to new members of the Alliance to form such partnerships?

Fynch Fynch | Valery Noble Valery Noble | Aveline Cuiléin Aveline Cuiléin | Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla | Noah Corek Noah Corek | Sssar Taszzn Sssar Taszzn | Bané Zirbils Bané Zirbils


"Blues, greens. .. Uh, Light. There's no word of it in basic, but it's warm. Does it give you a feeling? Pull you somewhere?"

With his headphones on, the Nautolan boy's head was bopping along to the music as the pair continued to wander through.

Pulling one headphone away, Zak listened as Iris described the colors.

Did it pull him in a direction?

He had to think about that for a moment. "Well, the chorus seems like it's coming from the cavern there," the boy offered, gesturing to a path that diverted from the path that the pair were on.

"But the flute seems to be coming from somewhere else," the boy added, glancing back up at Iris as he explained, "Like it's ahead of us, but also behind us."

The boy just blinked as he let that sink in.

"It doesn't make any sense to me either."


Ahead and behind? Iris hummed in thought before shrugging. With her hands clasped behind her back she lead the way forward towards the path he'd pointed out. "If you're unsure, just go with the thing you do know. The Force will make it clear, in time." Nailed it. Perfect Master wisdom, right? Inwardly she was totally giving herself a high five. Well, kinda. Hopefully it made sense, otherwise.. Yeah, totally wouldn't be high five worthy.

"We'll follow the music we can, see where we end up. Make sense?"

Zak Dymo


"If you're unsure, just go with the thing you do know. The Force will make it clear, in time."

The boy shot a look over at the woman.

Then looked away as he tried to mull over that statement. Did it compute?

No. No, it did not.

Doing a double take, the boy shot another look up at Iris. Arms flailing, the boy gesticulated wildly as he complained, "That doesn't make any sense either!"

Did every Jedi Master in the history of the gorram Force study whoever wrote the fortunes inside those little cookies? Because he swore they came from the same fountain of wisdom.

"We'll follow the music we can, see where we end up. Make sense?"

The boy just turned his head to give a decidedly teenage look up at the woman. No, it didn't make sense.

But this was what they were doing. Because Jedi.

"You want vocals?" the Nautolan asked, gesturing off to their left. "Or do you want woodwinds?" he amended, pointing... well, he started to point forward, but then turned his body so it was clear he still wasn't quite sure.

"Going back is probably not productive," the boy ventured aloud, adding, "But I can't tell where the flute is coming from."

Planting his hands on his hips, the Nautolan mused over the situation for a moment, then gave a shrug at Iris and pointing left.

"So... vocals?"



Oh. He was only more confused.

Iris frowned a little. Okay, cryptic didn't work. Not all the time.

"You said the Vocal's are the one's you can hear clearly. We should follow them. Unless you think you can piece together where the woodwinds are coming from?" Actually, that might be an idea. She hummed, thought about it for a moment. Then nodded. Once of her earliest lessons that helped her become who she was was learning how to differentiate the colors and see where they were coming from.

"Alright, change of plans. Sit. We're going to focus on the music. Really focus on it. See if you can actually figure out where those woodwinds are coming from."

Zak Dymo

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