You know those types you don't want to meet in a dark alley?
Armor - "Apostle" armor(all),
Weapons (team)- Pistol, Combat Knife,
Grenade, Thermal Detonator
(Snipers)- Submachine Gun, Sniper rifle,
Wrist Blaster
(Assault)- Assault Rifle, Slugthrower Pistol
(Heavy Weapons)- Minigun, Assault Rifle
Weapons (team)- Pistol, Combat Knife,
Grenade, Thermal Detonator
(Snipers)- Submachine Gun, Sniper rifle,
Wrist Blaster
(Assault)- Assault Rifle, Slugthrower Pistol
(Heavy Weapons)- Minigun, Assault Rifle
GOLD TEAM: Azrael(Aien Mueller), Castiel(Zev Tantor)
BLUE TEAM: Sauriel(Tauren Saryl), Samael(Tomas Isaacs),
Michael (Laroyce Bromin)
RED TEAM: Gabriel(Ewan Isaacs), Bartleby(Dem Oniqua)
BLUE TEAM: Sauriel(Tauren Saryl), Samael(Tomas Isaacs),
Michael (Laroyce Bromin)
RED TEAM: Gabriel(Ewan Isaacs), Bartleby(Dem Oniqua)
OVERWATCH: “Seraphim”
Tag: Mathieu Brion Zayle Beiste Stardust Solus Skirae Zenda Tano-Bonteri Subject 648 Slipknot Kranak Vizsla Ki'an Vizsla Vulpesen
Loading in, the team was as quiet as ever, this was a “simple rescue mission” which was wrong, otherwise, they would not be here. So they were all heavily armed. Explosives were limited to Gabriel as he had the shaped charges for in case things went south. They were not here to rescue anyone, they were not here to blow things up, they were here to change the game, whatever that means.
The trip was surprisingly smooth, not to mention fast. As the transport pilots could be heard talking over comms to a group apparently already on the station.
“Coming in.”
There was nothing but darkness out the viewports, and what looked to be emergency lights. This was not going to be an easy experience. Caltin could sense them, and what’s worse they could sense him. That meant that they could sense most everyone attunes to the Force. This was going to be a bit of a nightmare after all, who knows how many of them there are. This was going to be a fight either way and while he was prepared, Caltin didn’t want to risk those around him.
Vanagor was offering his weapon to the other Jedi, they had their own issues to deal with.
Weapons Check… ready in two.
Slow and steady. By the numbers. We at least get the lights on. If it bleeds and comes at us… we can kill it. Let’s do this.
Slowly, like the Jedi, and whoever else made their way out, Omega Squad moved as one they had targets of opportunity, but most of all, they had an objective that they were not used to. Keeping everyone else alive.
... yeah, we scare them.