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I actually wasn't going to do an indigenous race due to the volcanic activity always blowing everything sky high. Half the creatures here aren't even native, but introduced through a crashed ship ages ago. Perhaps, we should work on a new planet though?
Dominion is easy for me to justify IC. The exploration will be harder. If you contact io for a swoop gang it will make sense. It could be for surface transport or shipments, and for whatever reason you needed a gang to do it.
I can. Our main camp will be farther away from an interesting location that we will be exploring. I'll need transport back and forth from there. Also remember, this is for red ravens. so don't turn on us or sell out our location. lol
were you or a different alt still wanting to come along on the expedition? sorry wasn't sure which character you meant.
[member="io eyeballs"]
lol. so does that mean you have changed your mind? dang i was going to have fun with the security guards searching through all your stuff! haha aight i'll take ya off the list.
[member="Ice"] The link to Enigma Prime seems to be in a section of the forums that I can't get to for some reason. Is there another link for it somewhere?
Name:Enigma Prime Region:Unknown Regions Suns:2 - Enigma Alpha (Main type A, blue, giant star that everything orbits around), Enigma Minor (Second type G, yellow, main sequence star that Enigma Prime also rotates around) System:Enigma Prime Orbital Position:1st planet Moon(s):None Coordinates:Here Rotational Period:28 hours Orbital Period:1727 local days (2014 standard days) Class:Terrestrial Planet Diameter:13,497 km Atmosphere:Type 1 Climate:Temperate Gravity:Standard Primary Terrain:Mountains, Forests, Volcanic Wastelands Species:N/A Immigrated Species:N/A - No permanent residents Primary Languages:Basic Government:Corporation - STI Population:About 70,000 temporary residents (workers) Demonym:Miners Major Imports:Foodstuffs, Water, Technology Major Exports:Stygium Crystals, Force Crystals, Lightsaber Crystals, other precious gems and metals Affliation:[SIZE=12.222222328186px] [/SIZE]Shadow Tech Industries,[SIZE=12.222222328186px] [/SIZE]SolaraTron Industies, and[SIZE=12.222222328186px] [/SIZE]Libertalia Major Locations:[SIZE=12.222222328186px] [/SIZE]Mobile mining camps Culture:[SIZE=12.222222328186px] [/SIZE]Corporate Technology:[SIZE=12.222222328186px] [/SIZE]Modern History:[SIZE=12.222222328186px] [Enigma Prime has had a violent past. From the birth of its solar system, it has been a place of constant celestial change. With a fantastically lucky roll of the cosmic dice, Enigma Prime managed to form in an orbit that actually went around the two stars present in the system. The system itself was packed full of floating debris, gases of all types, all the building blocks for new worlds. As such though, the world has been in a figurative shooting gallery, with it being the constant target of meteors and even small comets. Indeed, the very surface of the planet still bares the scars of many a large impact. Especially in its northernmost hemisphere.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12.222222328186px]Despite the rise and falls of empires and civilizations throughout the galaxy, this star system remained undiscovered, untouched, and unseen by sentient life for millions, possibly even billions of year. The time of evolutionary tranquility in which its course and development were in the hands of nobody eventually came to an end, albeit for just one brief moment. Thousands of years ago, a lone ship suffered a serious navigational mishap. It eventually came out of hyperspace right on the edge of Enigma Prime's atmosphere.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12.222222328186px]Unfortunately for the ship, she was bearing down on the planet and had no way to stop due to catastrophic mechanical failures. The crew did there best to bring her in easy, but the large amount of ionization in the atmosphere which were now responsible for the extensive damage ensured the doomed vessel would never escape its gravitational grip. Minutes later, the ship crashed into the planets surface killing many of the crew.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12.222222328186px]Unfortunately, their troubles didn't end there. See they were carrying many dangerous and exotic beasts. Who and what they were for, we can only speculate as that information has been lost to the ages. The animals that survived the impact though now found themselves in cages with open doors. What was left of the crew did not last long. And the surviving creatures soon found themselves on a strange new world with no sentient life to keep them caged, or kill them.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12.222222328186px]So it was, the creatures that then developed on this world would be drastically altered by this single interference by the outside galaxy. Since then though, it has continued on much like it had before...until now.[/SIZE][SIZE=12.222222328186px]][/SIZE]
System Features:[SIZE=12.222222328186px] [/SIZE]Enigma Prime. So named because of its exceeding rare figure eight like orbit around a binary star system. Its path through and around the duo of star exerts rather strong magnetic forces on the planet. Due to these forces, Enigma Prime has a large amount of volcanic and geological activity. Not enough to cover the planet in a layer of smoke, ash, and dust. But enough that no land mass is ever stable for long.
These forces have created an exceptionally unique world. Both in the biology present, as well as the geology.
Geologically, the world is packed full of natural wonders in the form of vast deposits of minerals, and precious metals thanks to the abundant volcanic activity constantly bringing new resources to the surface. [Indeed, it is suspected by some, the force itself is to thank for this planets extremely lucky orbit around two stars, its vast wealth of crystals and minerals, and still have the ability to support life. As such, this planet is strong in the light side of the force.]
Of the more well know minerals, a few particularly rare types of crystals call Enigma Prime home. Those being stygium crystals, force crystals, and a couple different types of lightsaber crystals. Huge crystal cave networks can be found all over the planet in the form of dead lava tubes, partially collapsed and cooled magma chambers, to underwater rivers that have carved out tunnels to reveal the crystals below. The latter though are rather rare due to the constant geological activity collapsing most, if not all caves eventually.
The constantly pulling and tugging of the two stars on the planet has not only caused large amounts of volcanic activity, but those forces have also led to the development of the rare stygium crystals. Though the exact reason why stygium crystals exist in only a couple places in the galaxy has never been determined, it can be postulated that the radiation from the two different types of stars may have had something to do with the physical makeup of certain materials.
Especially in the early years when the planet was still developing and didn't have a strong magnetosphere to shield it from the stars powerful radiation blasts. This blast of radiation could also have taken place as the smaller pieces of debris passed between star while on intercept courses with the planet. This theory doesn't seem to hold a lot of credit though, and has very few supporters.
Another theory is, that with the constant activity raging on within the planets core, perhaps it isn't radiation as much as it is the blending of two or more other types of crystals. A certain area full of different crystals suddenly becomes active again as that gravitational forces of the sister stars start to stretch and pull at the planet. Those different crystal formations then fuse together, and in the cooling process become altered and turn into stygium crystals. This theory has by far more credit to it, and a lot more support.
Research into this phenomenon will still need to be done to confirm either of these theories. But so far, that is what has been thought could be the processes to bring about the rare type of crystal. Research will not be forthcoming any time soon though, as STI doesn't really care how the crystals got there. The company is simply glad to know they are there.
It is also interesting to note that while precious metals such as gold, silver, platinum, titanium and such do exist on this planet. They are in comparatively small amounts. And rare metals such as beskar, ultrachrome, cortosis, or phrik do not exist here at all. Even common metals such as aluminum and iron, which are so easily found throughout the galaxy, are found in decidedly smaller deposits than on other worlds.
Indeed the planet had developed along a primarily crystalline path. Just about any and every gemstone and crystal can be found here. With notable exceptions being minerals and gems specifically noted to be planet specific.
NOTES: For quick reference on the look of each gemstone and mineral, clickhere. For quick reference on what elements exist that are and are not mentioned, click here.
About 37% of the planet is covered in shallow seas. The water quality is such, that they are unable to support life outside of basic microbial lifeforms and some types of algae. The mineral content and life forms that do exist make for some rather spectacularly colored rock formations near the surface and/or waters edge.
That's not to say the freshwater sources don't exist. There in fact plenty of small freshwater streams and lakes that dot the landscape from here to there. It is just highly unlikely you will ever spot a large, unspoiled, and established freshwater source due the the geological activity of the planet. These freshwater sources are major gathering points for the wildlife that does exist, due to their fairly hard to find, and ever shifting nature.
The forever active core also means the planet benefits from a strong magnetosphere. Auroras can be seen almost nightly over most of the planet. Though the closer you get the the equator, the less frequent they become. [Another side effect was the planet had a strongly ionized atmosphere. So smaller ships, unless properly shielded would find their systems fried and would quickly crash. Frigates would be about the only ship that would stand a chance in surviving. But even then, they would be badly damaged and unlikely to take off again without major repairs. Actually breaking atmo and making it to space would be another challenge all together.]
Due to the seismic nature of this world, the main land masses are dominated by mountainous terrain. Some areas have sheer cliffs that climb almost vertically into the sky upwards of 8,000 meters or more. Other areas are more plateau like in nature. While the majority are your standard looking mountains. Still, the average mountain range is anywhere from 5,000-6,000 meters. With the tallest peak on the planet capping out at 17,531 meters, and the lowest point being 76 meters below sea level.
Biologically, the world is dominated by exotic, fast growing conifer like forests. And the animals that ruled over the land masses are pterasaurs. Reptilian around the equatorial regions, and mammalian the farther north or south you go. The animals being primarily flying type creatures, are able to easily move from one habitable location to the next. Always being sure to avoid areas that are beginning to show signs of becoming volcanically active.
The plant life have developed a most unusual way to survive the harsh environment of Enigma Prime. First, most plants are able to fully develop within 700 local days. Even the large trees are able to fully mature within 1,200 days. This ensures they are able to fully develop before the planet moves in between the two planets while performing its figure eight orbit, where the gravitational forces cause large amounts of volcanic activity.
After maturing the plants and trees quickly grow seed pods. Many of these fruits bear somewhat similar resemblance to the air sacks one would see on kelp in the oceans. These lightweight pods however are filled with hydrogen. So if they are not eaten by the many types of flying animals, and their seeds deposited throughout the landscape after being excreted by the creatures. They will break away from the parents trees or plants and float on the air current to far away areas. In this way, they ensure the species can continue to start over in new areas despite old areas being destroyed by new volcanic activity.
Though this is the primary method seen used by most the plant life. Other forms of transportation does exist too. Some take the approach our dandelions do, instead of floating on the wind with hydrogen balloons. Still others, produce seed pods with tiny barbs that allow them to stick to the fur or skin of the animals that approach to pollinate. The pods eventually fall off later and attempt to grow where they land.
It is in these diverse ways that life finds a way, despite the otherwise inhospitable conditions provided by the planet.
The weather on this planet is also interesting. With the many mountain ranges covering the land masses, the general temperature is cool. It very rarely rises above 75-80 degrees Fahrenheit, even during the hottest months as the planet passes in between the two stars. However, especially in the polar regions, it can dip down to minus 100 degrees Fahrenheit.
Thanks to the cooler temperatures of this world as well as the terrain, hurricanes, typhoons, and tornadoes are very rare. Snow storms on the other hand can be common depending on where you are. Even equatorial regions are known to get the occasional, albeit brief dustings of snow during the coldest months of the long year. While the polar regions are susceptible to blizzards that can go on for a couple weeks at a time, and dump 3-6 meters of snow in a single storm.
There is a fair amount of humidity in the air despite the cooler temperatures. Due to this, it rains often if it's not snowing. A fact that helps to keep the air clear of the ash and dust constantly being kicked up somewhere around the planet. Along with the rain, strong lightning storms are a common sight throughout the planets skies.
By volume, dry air contains 78.09% nitrogen, 20.95% oxygen, 0.93% argon, 0.039% carbon dioxide, and small amounts of other gases. Air also contains a variable amount of water vapor, on average around 1%.
Immortal Lake [SIZE=12.222222328186px]This lake surrounds one of the more curious locations of Enigma Prime. For the most part, the landscape of this world is in a constant state of change. The reason for how most of the animals and plant life here have developed. But this lake, and its corresponding island are very old. They seem to defy what has happened with the rest of the planet. The lake itself was actually formed many years after a meteor impacted this area of the planet. During some especially cold winters, the crater would fill with large amounts of snow. Between that and small glaciers, it eventually began to fill and become the lake we see today.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12.222222328186px]Eventually the land mass that this lake was on shifted south to warmer regions. As such, it doesn't get nearly as cold in the winter months anymore. It is also the only larger body of water that contains fresh water, and marine life. The lake is home to three kinds of fish, two types of freshwater snails, [/SIZE]one crustacean, and one frog species.
Amaranthine Island The island was formed by the material that rose up in the middle of the crater right after the meteor impacted the planets. Similar to how a drop landing in a glass of water will cause water to splash upwards again in the middle immediately after hitting. What would eventually form here though, would change the small portion of the planet forever. The island is home to the wondrous crystal caves. The largest cave network on the planet. Due in no small part because of the stability of the land here.
With fresh water provided by the nearby lake, this island is able to support a micro ecosystem that is unlike most of the planet. Several of the normal plant and animal species reside in or around the area such as a small aquatic mammal very similar to an otter, and a carnivorous plant.
Crystal Cave Outside of the stygium crystals present, this is probably the greatest wonder on the planet. It is a huge cave network spanning miles in all directions both under the island as well as deep underneath the lake. The crystals that grew here were not ordinary crystals. There were a mixture of both force crystals as well as the Adegan form of lightsaber crystals. The light side of the force is so strong here, that it is actually what the stability of this small portion of the world should be attributed too. Though scientists themselves would only be able to speculate on that. Because of theis force presence, the crystals here grew abnormally large and in great quantity.
They weren't the only thing inhabiting the caves though. Silently cruising through the empty spaces were bogey's. They would seemingly appear right out of the walls themselves, only to disappear into another one. Other times they simply moved through the tunnels. The relatively harmless creature was not to be concerned about. What was, was what hunted it. Within the depths of this cave lived Energy Spiders. Spinning webs of glitterstim to trap, capture, and eat its favored food, the bogey. Food was not limited to just that one creature though. And unwary trespassers into their territory could possibly find themselves on the menu as well if they aren't careful.
This planet is technically the first planet in a system of seven planets. Unlike Enigma Prime though, the other six planets orbit completely around the two stars in a normal circular orbit. The orbit of the two stars works as follows. There is the primary star in the center of the system. It is a massive star.
A smaller star then orbits around that. In between this orbit, lies Enigma Prime. It orbits around the primary star until it comes to the smaller star. At which point, Enigma Prime is pulled from its normal orbit, to move around the smaller star before being sent back on its way around the primary star.
The next six planets lie well beyond this smaller star.
The second planet is a gas giant. With a radius of about 72,000 km, this monster can actually be faintly seen from Enigma Prime even during the day when their orbits bring them into close proximity with each other. Scans indicate it would be a prime candidate for gas mining operations for blaster packs and other specialty uses. It is also suspected planet once held many moons. However, the huge gravitational forces the planet exhibited eventually crushed them through extreme tidal forces. The remnants of those moons are now scattered debris which form the beautiful rings surrounding the planet.
The third planet is of little worth in noting, as it doesn't posses any resources of significant value in any great quantities. However, it is an intriguing planet when it comes to astronomical sightings as it bears the scars of an ancient collision of monumental proportions. The small moon it now possesses is the final proof of this great assault on what was probably a simple planet. It is also noteworthy to say that the planet itself does still possess a thin atmosphere. Though anyone not able to survive in low air pressure environments venturing out onto its surface, would still need an oxygen mask, or equivalent.
In between the third and fourth planet, and the sixth and seventh planet, also lies large asteroid fields. Initial scans indicate they too are resource rich and prime targets for mining craft.
The fourth and fifth planets are also not of serious interesting. Both being smaller icy worlds, neither capable of sustaining an atmosphere. Some resources exist, but nothing like what can be easily accessed in the two asteroid belts, nor the bounty to be had on Enigma Prime.
The sixth planet, although having the appearance of a gas giant, isn't one. It just has a very dense atmosphere which completely conceals the land beneath it from the naked eye. Sensors are still able to detect the ground beneath the thick later of gasses.
The seventh planet bares similarities to the third in that it too seems to have been struck by a large solar body. Unlike the third planet though. It managed to survive its close encounter. And although the planet still bares the scars of the "attack". It is slowly but surely on the mend, and has grown larger with added material from the impact on the backside of the planet.
The system itself was even difficult for probes to detect as it resided within a huge gaseous nebula. The large clouds of dust, hydrogen, helium, and other ionized gases making it difficult for sensors to pierce through the protective cover. Seemingly appropriate circumstances, considering the most interesting resource that exists here, and its primary function in society.
The planets location is a highly classified secret, and fiercely protected by Ice. He had been looking for a new planet to mine materials for his up and coming projects. When this planet was discovered, he quickly moved to have all files about it destroyed, except that which he kept on his personal data pad. With this valuable planets location still a secret to the rest of the galaxy, he is able to plan an organize the first mining operation to go to this world.
Even after mining operations have started, there will be rather extreme measures taken by STI to ensure outsiders cannot track down the convoys and find the location of this planet.
I'm waiting for like half the partyto post there arrival still...
I also wasn't sure which character you wanted in on this, since you didn't respond to my last question asking. So my apologies I never tagged you in. if its this character, I'll tag you in now.