Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Enoch Zambrano

Enoch Zambrano
NAME: Isma
  • Enoch Zambrano
  • The Prince Returned
  • Warlord of Ziost
  • One Sith
  • Zambrano Family
  • The Primeval
  • Sith Knight
  • Riftwalker
SPECIES: Anzat-Epicanthix Hybrid
HEIGHT: 6’2”
WEIGHT: 160 lbs.
  • Natural ~ Emerald
  • Dark Side ~ Orange
HAIR: Dark black
SKIN: Caucasian
THEME: Theme Song

  • Calculating: Isma’s natural state is one of calm, and rather calculating when it comes to tactics on and off the battlefield.
  • Anzat-Epicanthix Hybrid: Isma is simultaneously a natural telepath, and well as having a natural ability to withstand mental attacks. He also has the potential to live a very long life, and can essentially devour someone's brain.
  • Strength in the Force: Isma is very naturally strong in the Force.
  • High pain tolerance: Isma has taken so much pain in his life, he barely even notices it at this point.
  • Infected with coomb spores: Isma has been infected with coomb spores since a very young age, and controlling the disease takes up a lot of his physical and mental energy.
  • Anzat Hunger: Isma is still an Anzat, even if only half so, and much feed on sentient beings.
  • Multiple personality disorder: Isma developed a second personality at a very young age. However, it’s not a fully fledged being in itself. At this point in time, it’s simply a state of mind that Isma goes into, but it has the high potential to develop into an entirely separate person.
  • Insomnia: Due to his split mind, Isma often has trouble sleeping, finding himself haunted by his own thoughts.


Enoch is a very athletic man, and he does his best to stay so. His face is rather sharp, and he has natural emerald eyes tainted orange by the Dark Side of the Force. His body is covered in scares, including certain parts of his face. However, his face isn't so horrendously scared that Enoch looks horrible ugly. If one were to see the skin under his clothes, they might recognize more scar tissue than flesh. The scars end as they reach up to his face, only various small scratches covering them.

  • [member="Darth Vornskr"]~ Father ~Alive, if that's what you call living.
  • Morta Zal ~ Mother ~ Dead
  • [member="Greta Kohler"] ~ Close Friend ~ Alive
  • [member="Zambrano the Hutt"] ~ Senpai ~ Fat
Isma was born from a young Anzat girl, named Morta Zel. His father, was Kaine Zambrano. The Sith Lord had killed the girl’s family, and took her as a wife, finding her beautiful. Morta thought he loved her, even though she didn’t love him, but after only a week on Anzat, Kaine left Morta, and she was with child. That child would become Isma, and his mother would hate him for the rest of her life. Being an Anzat, Morta could have simply sucked the life out of Isma, yet her son was not simply a source of food for her, he was revenge. She hated Kaine for what he did, realizing her didn’t slay her family out of love for her, but simply because he was a twisted monster.

So, rather than kill her child out right, she tortured him. She infected him with Yuuzhan Vong coomb spores, cutting him and leaving massive scars, and flat out beating him. This would, naturally, scar Isma for life. This period was when he began developing a second personality to cope with the violence, and the pain from the coomb spores. Morta had underestimated the power Isma had inherited from his father, even for a baby. Somehow, Isma survived, quickly discovering his natural Force ability after Morta infected him at the age of five. Alas, Isma kept taking the abuse until he turned fourteen. At this point, Morta had almost grown tired of beating her son, and while the pain had died down, it never stopped coming.

Until one day. On that day, something in Isma’s mind clicked, and the normally submissive second personality he had lashed out. It brutally murdered Isma’s mother with it’s bare hands, crushing her body with an unknown strength. Stuck inside his own head, Isma could only watch, and once he regained control, he’d forgotten what happened. Yet, he could accept it. the young boy looked through all of Morta’s belongings, knowing it was time for him to leave Anzat. In her compad, he found writings; writings of mad tyrant from a distant planet by the name of Kaine Zambrano, and that man was Isma’s father.

For the next three years, Isma did everything in his power to reach Kaine. All he could find were rumors of a monster who devastated planets, and brought forth a new generation of Sith. Eventually, however, Isma caused enough of a stir that Kaine heard of it through the back channels of the galaxy, and the Sith Lord sent for him. Sent for him, as in sent a lowly Sith Apprentice to capture Isma and bring him back for...entertainment. Isma didn’t stand a chance against a Sith, no matter how little training they had received. The next thing he remembered was waking up in a large pit, the walls unclimbable, with a large crowd watching. Among them sat a monstrous figure, who’s repulsive yellow eyes stared directly into Isma’s soul.

“Darth Vornskr declares the Gladiator Area, open!” A small man yelled from Kaine’s side. The crowd roared, for this was the grand opening of their new arena, where men and animals fought. As the five other men, assumingly slaves, ran at each other, Isma couldn’t help but stare at Kaine. So this what his own father would do to him? In that moment, Isma felt something come up within him, a presence he hadn’t felt since three years before. Suddenly, Isma lost control, and that second person, that monster took over. It rushed forward into the group of fighting men.

Isma doesn’t remember a single moment of the battle, the only thing he remembers is being covered in blood, his fingernails ripped, and his hands were the bloodiest part of his body. The young boy fell to the ground, the pain numb, and his mind confused. Where was he? What was his name? Why was he covered in blood. Then, Isma heard a loud thump, and looked up. Before him stood Darth Vornskr, his eyes gazing down at his son.
“You have proven yourself, boy. Rise now, and not as the weak ‘Isma’ that you once were, but as Enoch Zambrano.”

Thread Tracker:

Force Powers and Light Saber Forms
{ ||| ||| ||| ||| ||| }
  • Force Bellow { ||| }
  • Force Fear { ||| ||| }
  • Force Lightning { ||| ||| ||| || }
  • Force Push { ||| ||| }
  • Force Scream { || }
  • Telekinesis { ||| ||| | }
  • Force body { ||| ||| }
  • Precognition { ||| ||| || }
  • Telepathy { ||| ||| ||| ||| }
  • Force Illusions { ||| ||| ||| }
  • Shi-Cho { ||| | }
  • Makashi { ||| ||| ||| ||| }
  • Soresu { ||| }
  • Ataru { ||| ||| }
  • Djem So / Shien { | }
  • Niman { | }
  • Juyo / Vaapad { ||| ||| }
  • Alchemy { ||| }

Ruby Wilded


I feel like there is going to be a wedding. I'll wear my typical red attire.

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