[member="Saeth Zambrano"] Sounds lovely!
Enoch Zambrano Little Boy Zambrano Character Bio Sep 20, 2015 #21 [member="Saeth Zambrano"] Sounds lovely!
Slot 3 Character S Sep 20, 2015 #22 Part Anzat.... My brain is off-limits. [member="Enoch Zambrano"] NO ONE EVER INVITES ME!!! [member="Saeth Zambrano"]
Part Anzat.... My brain is off-limits. [member="Enoch Zambrano"] NO ONE EVER INVITES ME!!! [member="Saeth Zambrano"]
Lief L O S T Character Bio Sep 20, 2015 #23 [member="Enoch Zambrano"] Wonderful, I shall let you know when.
Lief L O S T Character Bio Sep 20, 2015 #24 [member="Saevis Zambrano"] I apologise, but I'm not familiar with the majority of our Family. Who might you be to my brother, Kaine?
[member="Saevis Zambrano"] I apologise, but I'm not familiar with the majority of our Family. Who might you be to my brother, Kaine?
Enoch Zambrano Little Boy Zambrano Character Bio Sep 20, 2015 #25 Phooey.... [member="Saevis Zambrano"] I'll be waiting. [member="Saeth Zambrano"]
Slot 3 Character S Sep 20, 2015 #26 I'm your and his cousin, actually. [member="Saeth Zambrano"] *wears a tinfoil hat* [member="Enoch Zambrano"]
I'm your and his cousin, actually. [member="Saeth Zambrano"] *wears a tinfoil hat* [member="Enoch Zambrano"]
Enoch Zambrano Little Boy Zambrano Character Bio Sep 20, 2015 #27 [member="Saevis Zambrano"] Please....I'll just go through the nose....
Lucifer Malvern A Devil of a Rogue Sep 20, 2015 #29 Can't expect people to not eat your brain when you say "come and get it" with that facial expression...
Can't expect people to not eat your brain when you say "come and get it" with that facial expression...
Enoch Zambrano Little Boy Zambrano Character Bio Sep 20, 2015 #31 [member="Saevis Zambrano"] Yeah man, you're asking for a brain eatin'.
Lucifer Malvern A Devil of a Rogue Sep 20, 2015 #32 [member="Saevis Zambrano"] Psh... You know you wanna get jabbed...
Slot 3 Character S Sep 20, 2015 #33 God, this family's crazy... [member="Enoch Zambrano"] I could say the same to you... [member="Lucifer Malvern"]
God, this family's crazy... [member="Enoch Zambrano"] I could say the same to you... [member="Lucifer Malvern"]
Darth Carnifex Eternal Father Character Bio Sep 20, 2015 #34 Saevis Zambrano said: God, this family's crazy... Click to expand... And you love it that way.
Slot 3 Character S Sep 20, 2015 #35 Dammit, Kaine, you're right. *looks at Enoch* Feel free to take my frontal lobe. [member="Darth Vornskr"] [member="Enoch Zambrano"]
Dammit, Kaine, you're right. *looks at Enoch* Feel free to take my frontal lobe. [member="Darth Vornskr"] [member="Enoch Zambrano"]
Enoch Zambrano Little Boy Zambrano Character Bio Sep 20, 2015 #36 Honestly not sure how we have Zambranos that aren't crazy. [member="Darth Vornskr"] [member="Saevis Zambrano"]
Honestly not sure how we have Zambranos that aren't crazy. [member="Darth Vornskr"] [member="Saevis Zambrano"]
The Red of Sinner Battle Sister Character Bio Sep 20, 2015 #37 O>O More..so many...we need a purge!!!!!
The Red of Sinner Battle Sister Character Bio Sep 20, 2015 #39 [member="Saevis Zambrano"] Wouldnt be hard...