Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Location: Glee Anselm, One Sith Academy​
It was difficult for one to keep to themselves, especially in such a rapidly expanding era of galactic war. Having done much work for the One Sith in the past, Ballen-Ist was not surprised to find himself in the academy on Glee Anselm. After arriving on the oceanic planet, the Sith Knight had explored the vast corridors, soaking in the resources that were available. A place like this was more than enough to make someone want to stay. He would need to get around to registering himself in the new system. Maybe later. The Pureblood had had a falling out with the Sith in the past, something he considered to be a minor nuisance.

However, despite this, it still enraged him whenever he thought about it. In reality, he had been betrayed, a wrong that he subconsciously desired to right. The Red Sith paid attention to the energy signatures within the academy, opening his mind to the force as he allowed it to guide him. Soon, he stumbled upon the main training area, where he eagerly browsed through a list of acolytes. Finding an available room to train in, the Knight would hurry off, his gaze piercing the T-visored helmet he wore upon his head.

He wanted to take it off, but would only do so behind closed doors. He was somewhat paranoid. Two automated doors would slide away into the wall, allowing Ballen-Ist to stride through the open arch, coming to a halt as he reached the center of the meditation chamber. The lights were dim, a crimson light the only thing illuminating the dark circular room. The lightly armoured Knight would take a seat, crossing his legs as he reached upwards towards his face. Removing the helmet, he placed it onto the ground beside him, before adjusting the hooded cloak he wore over his plated jumpsuit. If they had received his summoning, [member="Rexus"] and [member="Shewesa Quinnelle"] would arrive shortly, to further their training in the dark side of the force.
The very monstrous form of Rexus slowly made it's way through the hallways of the academy. His heavily albeit shoddily armored form was covered by a large black cloak. The cloak itself was plain and though it was quite large for a human sized sentient, it was still somewhat short when worn by Rexus. A respirator was situated upon Rexus' face, hinting at the likelihood of there being an injury. The armor plating was something made by an amateur or designed to be thrown away after a scuffle or two. It was a spartan or bare-necessities set up. The chest, forearms, shins, and feet were protected. While nominally reserved for those who favored speed over strength, the vitals only approach worked for someone with Rexus' considerable height. At seven and a half feet, Rexus was a force to be reckoned with physically. He could tolerate a few wounds in the otherwise non fatal areas. In the end, he had the protection he needed and his lack of speed wasn't furthered any more. Finally, beneath what armor he had, Rexus wore a black tunic, trousers, and a pair of black boots.

Aside from the gladiator like armor and the respirator, one trait remained that would clearly set Rexus apart from the norm. Though his cloaks hood was indeed raised, the lighting allowed one to catch just a glimpse of what was hidden. Red skin. Specifically, Rexus had the tell tale crimson skin of a Sith pureblood. Rexus believed his bloodline set him apart from the normal dregs of the academy. They had to have their eyes opened to the Dark and even then it took time for them to fully embrace it. Rexus was born bonded to the Dark. The two of them fueled one another in way not many could even begin to comprehend. It was an arrogant line of thought but Rexus reveled in it regardless. Rexus cleared his mind as he came upon the room his teacher was said to reside in. Though he was a pureblood, Rexus knew he was going to be in the presence of someone far stronger than he was currently. He would do whatever was required to grow stronger.

Striding into the room without a word, Rexus approaches [member="Ballen-Ist"] and kneels five feet away from his potential master. Rexus lowered his head whilst bringing his fist to his chest. It was a symbol of both honor and respect that Rexus learned back in the fighting pits. The pureblood ensures his gaze remains on the floor before finally speaking. To say Rexus had an intimidating voice was to do him a discredit. The distortion caused by his respirator in conjuncture with his naturally deep and menacing tone gave him a monstrous sort of sound.

" I answer your summons, my lord. "

Rexus silently awaited a response, the silence occasionally broken by his distorted breathing.
Shewesa wasn't the person that took time out of her day to come and speak to people, anyone who knew her could vouch for that, they never saw he dressed for an occasion. However, for this specific occasion, she came dressed in a black cloak, hood hanging down on her back. She roamed the halls of the Sith Academy on Glee Anse(l)m and kept to herself until she reached her destination. She stayed quiet, and minded her own business, what she normally did in the prison. She'd definitely have to get used to normal life from all those years in the prison. She hated it there, and didn't know many people on the outside of the prison. In fact, she only knew Quiirak, some big dinosaur creature thing that accompanied her because Shewesa helped him escape from the prison. She wondered where the big guy was right now actually. Probably causing chaos or being out with friends of his that he'd made. Upon reaching one of many rooms, she stood before the door for a moment, before pressing the pad on the side to split the two doors apart, introducing a dimly lit room. There Shewesa saw one kneeling before another, the other most likely being the the one who requested the two here. Shewesa had no idea who either of them were, was this some sort of ritual? Did Shewesa have to bow before speaking to them? Maybe it was just kindness. She had no idea. Thoughts flew around in her head as she looked around the dimly lit room before she stepped forward, reaching the same point of the man kneeling. She herself kneeled before the man and said,
"I would assume you would be the one summoning us here."
Looking up from his seated position, the Kissai would snarl in distaste, as he watched [member="Rexus"] and [member="Shewesa Quinnelle"] kneel before him. Ballen-Ist remembered the day he had first attended the Sith Academy, and the embarrassing mistake he and his friend had made. Pulling the hood from his head, the Sith would run a hand through his slicked back hair, his facial tendrils twitching somewhat as he examined the duo. There were many thoughts on his mind, and many things he wanted to address, though he ultimately decided to direct his attention to Rexus before replying, "That is right, I have summoned you two," he replied, his golden eyes burning brightly with the power of the dark side as he ceased his meditation.

The punishment he received had been a blast of lightning, and so he thought it customary to do the same to these two. Of course, he thought better of it, due to past experiences and the training that was to come. They would need to be at their best to endure the lessons he intended to teach them. "Now sit, why waste time kneeling before me? There are better and less degrading ways to display respect," the Sith hissed, clearly displeased. However, he didn't show signs of hostility, and had no intention of dismissing the two.

"You must meditate, and gather your strength. Draw from the dark side, let your emotions fuel your power," the Knight instructed, pointing to the ground nearby and indicating for them to sit. Lifting an arm, the Knight aligned a gloved hand at the other Pureblood, pointing specifically at his respirator. "How'd you get that?"
Rexus did as he was directed though he wasn't pleased with the task. As he sat, Rexus spared a single glance to the other apprentice. Meditating was something Rexus found difficult due mostly to the injuries he had received. When his master questioned the injury, Rexus didn't bother to hide the increase in his already ever present rage. The pureblood closed his eyes and thought back to the incident. He could almost smell the horrid stench of burnt flesh and gore again. Rexus opened his eyes and focused his rather irate looking glare upon his Master.

" It was the price I paid for breaking my chains. "

Rexus considered leaving it at that but he knew better in the end.

" I was a slave. Slaves revolt. I cornered them and just as I was about to have vengeance - "

The ear splitting explosion rang still within Rexus' mind. Not a day didn't go by that he wasn't tormented by it. Tormented by his inability to punish those who had used him. His weakness then was still haunting him now. He sought solace in the only place he had left: his hate. The pain began to dull and Rexus quickly picked up where he cut himself off.

" My victory was stolen by a fellow slave. I butchered him afterward. I tore all of them apart. "

The pain was a distant thing now. That didn't comfort Rexus as he knew it would return as it always did. Instead, he turned his attention back to his master whom he knew was going to respond soon. He knew the tale was going to likely earn him a laugh or insult. He wouldn't care as long as it brought him closer to the power he sought. Yes, power. With it, Rexus could control his fate and prevent such an event from transpiring ever again.

[member="Ballen-Ist"] - [member="Shewesa Quinnelle"]
Shewesa wasn't really the meditation type of person, however, she did enjoy a good time of peace and quiet every now and then. It was what she had gotten used to in the solitary confinement of a prison. A hum rang in her head, but not the calming type of hum. The loud, humming screech of the prison bars. The loud, angry screech of the prison sirens during a riot. The screams of her fellow prisoners and even guards themselves. Shewesa felt nostalgic, as if the Sith Academy was a prison for some reason. But Shewesa knew the exact opposite... There was just a strange feeling about the place. She hung her head down and saw the glances of the other from the corner of her eye. Listening to the conversation that was taking place on her right, Shewesa became very interested in the backstory of the Sith Pureblood next to her. She would have to ask him to go into more detail at a later date, the Sith Pureblood was a fascinating species or humanoid species that had an interesting past. Shewesa loved things like that, not just pasts of the more dull and boring Species.

And now she sat, meditating was it? Shewesa would have to get better at it because she was a very easily distracted person. Anything would distract her. Sounds nearby, birds flapping around, the howls of animals in the distance. All of it distracted her, and especially the conversation that was taking place next to her. And then everything went silent, it was like she had just... Suddenly went back to the past... Murder, Revenge, Vengeance, Hatred, Racism, and more overcame Shewesa. She then became focused, digging down into her thoughts of the past, and maybe even the future. For those on her outside, Shewesa had became very stiff, still, and unresponsive. Her eyes lay closed, and er hands rested on her knees, as if she were in some sort of trance.

But the trance came and went very quickly, she snapped back into reality and opened her eyes, a very strange feeling overcoming her. The feeling of wrong doing, but seeming lawful to herself. Shewesa had been assured that she was of the Darkness, and possibly never the Light. She wasn't like those Sith that were against needless killing, or like the Jedi that didn't kill at all. She was of pure insanity and Darkness, Murder, Death, and Hatred. Hatred. Hatred. Hatred. She would kill an innocent person just to prove herself in an argument. Shewesa began to realize her problems, but would never do anything to help them. At all. She continued to try to meditate.

[member="Rexus"] began to speak, while [member="Shewesa Quinnelle"] attempted to meditate. She was doing fine so far, given that he wanted them to focus on the dark side. The anger present in the other Pureblood was obvious as well, as he recounted the tale of his enslavement. A smirk would appear upon Ballen-Ist's face, as he looked between the two before him, knowing this was going to be easy. "Good. Now, you must reach out and harness that power. Bend your emotions to your will, convert them into a ferocious rage. The dark side can do many things, use it to enhance your physical capabilities," the Sith instructed, speaking of the Force Rage ability.

It was a dangerous technique, but once honed could be used to drastically turn the tide of battle. "At first, it will be overwhelming. You'll feel weakened once it subsides, but I trust you will get used to this." The Knight concluded, still sitting cross-legged as he stared at the duo with his golden eyes. They had a lot of potential, and would eventually become Sith Knights like himself if they continued training and fighting under the One Sith. It was quite dangerous to request these two to tap into such an ability, because of the possibility of losing control and simply lashing out in a savage manner.
Rexus was no stranger to harnessing what little emotion he had left in order to empower himself. Hatred. Hatred along with pain were what permeated Rexus' being at what seemed like all times. A botched attempt at revenge invariably led to a botched surgery that, though it saved his life, failed to remedy the pain his injuries caused him. The only way to ease the pain was to embrace the hatred left in it's wake. Whenever Rexus let the hate take him, he felt the pain ebb away until it was nearly gone in it's entirety. This hateful embrace also gave Rexus' already prodigious degree of strength a frightening edge. The pureblood bristled with what seemed to be something akin to pride.

you'll feel weakened once it subsides...

That was the wording that Rexus found himself hung up on. It was right to an almost eerie degree. In all the fights since the injury, Rexus had a tendency to burn out afterward. The pain would invariably return and in an even greater quantity than it had before. It made him feel like a slave again. The mere thought was enough to set Rexus alight with rage. A storm was brewing within the pureblood and he did nothing to stop or control it. The pureblood seemed to tremble as he meditated, his face contorting into an utterly wrathful expression. He was a pureblood Sith. How dare he feel so weak. The storm of rage began to expand within the pureblood exponentially. Rexus could feel the pain subside and the power return. Rexus would revel in the feeling until he remembered the words just spoken to him.

Bend your emotions to your will...

Rexus felt something after dwelling on the words for a few moments. Though he gained power from his rage, he hadn't been controlling it all this time. In fact, Rexus thought back on the fights he had been in after his injury. He embraced his hatred and let it control him instead of him controlling it. He became a mindless berserker that, while powerful, was shackled by a loss in control. If he had fought a serious opponent, he would have probably been killed without much trouble. The fact that it took meditating for Rexus to figure this out was nothing short of infuriating. He had shrugged off something he thought to be a waste of time and it hurt him in the end. The pureblood quickly curbed the storm raging within him. He resolved himself to take from the storm and deny it anything in return. This was his destiny and he wouldn't see it squandered.

The task in itself was something easier said than done however.

[member="Ballen-Ist"] - [member="Shewesa Quinnelle"]
"Harness that power..."
"Into a ferocious rage.."
"Weakened once it subsides."

Something Shewesa felt that she could definetely do, would be harnessing her power and bending emotions to her will. She had already done it to get over things like guilt or fear. And then she tried to do so, she hadn't focused on many of the various force abilities before, so it wouldnt be easy for others, but would be easy for this. Shewesa then tried to dig into her past to access emotions that triggered rage or sadness, or even fear. And then she did... Exactly so. It felt like she had quickly flashed through her life, visiting specific moments that made her angered, seemingly exactly what she had to do. One by one she remembered these traumatizing, pain inducing moments. The moments that were most important in her life. Even the smallest.



Shewesa had then snapped back into reality. She tried to do her best to keep her calm, but would soon outburst into a furious rage. And as suspected, she couldn't control herself, just like she couldn't control herself when not in view of the higher ranked sith. She soon tried to calm herself down, and eventually did. Sighing, she'd raise a hand from her cloak and place it on her forehead, completely overwhelmed as said.

The dark side of the force was brewing like a storm within the meditation chamber, as [member="Rexus"] and [member="Shewesa Quinnelle"] attempted to harness their anger. Sitting across from the duo, Ballen-Ist would remain silent, nodding in approval as he watched them. Of course, they would need to practice over time, and with the One Sith there would be many opportunities on the battlefield. The other Pureblood seemed to be struggling slightly, though seemed to control himself a lot better than Shewesa. Either way, the two were clearly capable of performing the ability, and that was all that Ballen needed to know for now. There were many other techniques for them to learn, and the Sith Knight possessed a fair amount of powers.

"Force rage is an essential power for any Sith. However, there are other basics that are important to know. What powers do you two already know?" The Sith questioned, wanting to cover as much as he could. "For now, we will center ourselves once more. Clear your mind, and focus on the force. It's all around us, and the more attuned you are to it, the better you can dominate it. Close your senses off from the outside world, sense only the energy around us," Ballen-Ist instructed, wanting them to become familiar with Force Sense, as it often lead to the development of other abilities. "I suggest we move onto telekinesis, and then force barriers. It's important to have both offensive and defensive abilities." the Sith advised.
Indeed, the force's presence grew stronger as the two attempted to use the ability 'Force Rage'. Shewesa had noted that they were both skilled with the ability, but [member="Rexus"] had more self control over the force. And then after the Force Rage session came to a stop, she did indeed feel overwhelmed by this, and raised a hand to rest on her forehead as [member="Ballen-Ist"] began to speak. She looked up at the figure before her and listened to him speak, paying very close attention to his exact words. He paused and then asked a question to the two,
"What other powers do you two already know?"
She didn't know any other force abilities, and if she did, she had long forgotten them. So, as a response, she simply said : "I don't know any... If I did I forgot them.". And then she was told to clear her mind, and focus on the force. So far, these tasks were all easy to Shewesa, except Force Rage, where she had no self control. She thought that'd be the point of an ability like Force Rage. To get angry to where you couldn't even control yourself. Shewesa then cleared her mind of the outside world, something she did when she was in the Prison by herself. She successfully completed the first described step... And tried to get a feel of the force itself, but all she saw when she closed her eyes were darkness. Maybe Force Sense wasn't the ability where you had to close your eyes shut, maybe the ability where you kept your eyes open. Sort of like sleeping with your eyes open, except in this case, with the force itself.
Rexus was in the midst of vying for dominion over himself when he heard his masters orders. The Pureblood reluctantly ceased his hateful seething and allowed his hate to drain from him. The sudden loss he felt was something he considered to be profound. It had, in a sense, felt like a limb had been lost. This was the feeling that haunted him day in and day out. Once Rexus was at an acceptable state, he allowed himself to drift back to the conversation occurring between his master and his fellow apprentice. She spoke of not knowing anything and that statement alone seemed to hit Rexus harder than he thought. As a slave, Rexus was bereft of any teaching. All of the force power he had now was simply the result of learning things on the go.

" Basic telekinesis. I used to hear and see things whenever I dreamt. The injury took that away. "

Content with the answer, Rexus returned to the hateful silence that embodied him. He didn't waste his time with words nor did he deign to bore the others. If he truly wanted to be the master of his destiny, he would need to acquire more power. Other Sith could fire deadly arcs of searing lightning from their fingertips. Some Sith could use their minds to tear their enemies apart or drown them in despair. Rexus wanted it all and more. The pureblood closed his eyes and focused on what was to be his end game. He eliminated the doubt and slaved the remaining vestiges of his hate. He pushed it away and kept it away before finally opening his eyes once more.

[member="Shewesa Quinnelle"] - [member="Ballen-Ist"]
Ballen-Ist nodded slowly as the duo spoke in turns, satisfied with what he observed through the force. The two did not know much, but what they did know was a good start. The training was going well, but it seemed it would be better to focus on teaching different abilities to the two. "Very well, we shall continue with basics then," the Pureblood began, reaching around his back before pulled a sheathed sword from his waist. The Sith placed the weighted weapon down on the ground in front of [member="Shewesa Quinnelle"], before speaking, "Patience is a trait not possessed by many Sith. Simply closing your eyes won't do anything, you must feel the force around you, as you can feel your psyche in your mind. The darkness, feel it all around. It empowers you, and fuels all of your abilities," Ballen-Ist instructed, wanting the woman to further practice her sensing.

"This blade has undergone Sith alchemy rituals. It's presence is soaked in the dark side, surely you notice it," the Knight then reached out with the force, bending that energy with his dark will into a field of telekinetic power. It wrapped around the force sword, causing it to float in the air. "Reach out with your mind, use your anger to hone in on that darkness. Keep the blade afloat, if you can," Ballen-Ist challenged the Acolyte, hoping she would be able to perform telekinesis. [member="Rexus"] already knew how to, and so they could move on to different abilities.

"Force rage is a double edged sword, is it not? Many force abilities are, though some not to such an extent as the dark side's. Instead of using the dark side, tap into the pure force energy that you possess. Clear your mind, and concentrate on the force around you as well. With it as your power source, you will not suffer such severe backlash. Force speed can be harnessed by flowing that energy into your limbs, very much like force jump. There are variant ways of enhancing your physical abilities, these two being two of the basics. Stand, and try it yourself." Ballen-Ist fell silent after he finished his instructions, watching the two in anticipation of their reaction.
Rexus listened to his master with an amount of attention he wouldn't normally give to someone. It was easy to listen when one believed their future was on the line. The order to stand was a godsend to Rexus and he did so quite quickly. As odd as it was, Rexus never felt comfortable save for the few hours he laid down to sleep or whenever he stood. The pureblood tensed up as he closed his eyes and attempted to focus on the force.

Break through the dark...Bend the force to my will. Control it.

Rexus knew what he had to do. He had to ignore the pain and hate he had called upon for so long. In it's stead, Rexus was to call upon the force and only the force. The thought was something Rexus would have once considered daunting. The purebloods mechanical exhale made broke his silence as he vainly called upon the force. He could sense it and as he attempted to draw it into himself, he lost it almost as quickly as he had found it. Anger would normally flow through Rexus though he managed to fight it back. Anger was a tool that Rexus had to stop using a crutch. He needed to evolve past it.

The pureblood called upon the force again, resolute in his task. He steeled himself to the pain which was, in itself, a monumental task. The feeling was odd but not something unwelcome. Rexus could feel the force beginning to enter his person as the last vestiges of distraction were routed. Once he had truly cleared his mind, the task was far less imposing. Rexus then willed the force to flow into his right arm as best he could. With his left hand, Rexus withdrew his lightsaber and tossed it into the air. As the blade fell, Rexus allowed his eyes to open just as gravity had it brought it back down to eye level. Rexus watched with awe as his right arm moved almost instinctively. With a preternatural dexterity and speed, Rexus snatched the hilt of his blade from the air.

Was that as fast as Rexus could go? He felt the answer was no. Just as this revelation hit the Sith, his concentration broke and slowly but surely, the pain he had pushed aside had now returned. Regardless, Rexus knew he had made some progress. Wordless, he turned his gaze back toward his master as if awaiting further instruction.

[member="Ballen-Ist"] - [member="Shewesa Quinnelle"]
Shewesa had been in the chamber for not the longest time now, but felt like she had already learned alot of things in the chamber, and spent alot of time in it. She and [member="Rexus"] were being spoken to by [member="Ballen-Ist"], each of them had a skill they were good in, and a skill they hadn't been introduced to. Shewesa in specific wasn't really introduced to Force Sense, but knew of it, and had only witnessed Telekinesis. So, she would have to continue Force Sense in private, and now she'd work on Telekinesis. Ballen-Ist dropped his Force Sword on the ground, and wanted Shewesa to keep it afloat. This would be her first time trying Telekinesis, but she was confident that she could successfully perform the ability. Shewesa singled out the feeling of the Force in the sword itself, and at first, it's feeling was overwhelming. The sword indeed did have a strong connection to the Force, yes it did. And so Shewesa replayed the image of the sword hitting the floor of the chambers over and over again. She placed the backs of her hands on her knees, and focused. Focused..

As she replayed the image of the sword hitting the ground, she tried to rewind it in her mind. And then the thought 'froze', the thought had changed to simply the sword in the air, levitating. She tried thought of everything that could assist her in keeping the sword afloat. But the sword just wouldn't budge, and would stay on the ground, motionless unless interrupted by others.
[member="Rexus"] seemed to be doing just fine, for the Pureblood was able to execute the abilities requested of him with ease. Sure, he was still getting the hang of such powers, but at least he was able to harness them. That's when Ballen-Ist's disappointed gaze turned to [member="Shewesa Quinnelle"], who could not even levitate his force sword. Maybe telekinesis just wasn't her strong suit? The woman had displayed some talent with her usage of force rage, but almost any dark side user could accomplish that. The red skinned Knight would stand to his feet, no longer sitting in a meditative position as he stepped away from the duo.

"Let's move on," Ballen-Ist recommended, seeing that Shewesa had no talent with telekinesis, apparently. It was one of the easiest techniques out there, too. The blade would tremble upon the floor, before shooting across the room, the handle landing in the Knight's palm. "We should move on to defensive abilities. Force barrier is another basic application of the force. This is a purely defensive ability, capable of absorbing energy based attacks along with physical ones," the Pureblood instructed, lifting his arms and stretching them out from his sides. Closing his eyes only briefly, the Sith would reach out to the force with his mind, harnessing the dark side in order to bend the energy to his will. Surely enough, a slight distortion could be seen surrounding the Sith's physique, as the force energy around them began to gather and create a spherical barrier around his body.

"Control the force as you have before. Imagine a wall of power, one that will not crumble under ordinary circumstances. Much like telekinesis, you must manipulate the force energy all around you, and gather it into one point before expanding it into a shield," Ballen-Ist instructed, hoping they would be able to do so. The possibilities of force barrier were a far cry from telekinesis, however it would be a good technique to aid the duo in getting used to such powers.
Rexus watched his Master create a force based barrier around his person. The applications of the power were easy to grasp and, more importantly, it would allow Rexus to get within arms reach of an enemy. The thought of using it not to cover a retreat but to facilitate a slaughter was something that pleased Rexus. The pureblood would take his attention away from his Master and instead focus upon himself. The force itself is manipulated by Rexus as instructed, his mind focused solely on the task at hand. The ethereal and binding energies that comprised the force began to twist and form at Rexus' command. The task itself was something Rexus found easier once he started to restrain himself. The barrier would begin to expand and eventually, almost cover the pureblood entirely. Rexus would allow the barrier to flutter and almost wither for a moment, his mind apparently having wandered off. The pureblood would wordlessly snap back into focus and complete the task given to him. Upon finishing, Rexus would turn toward his master and speak.

" They won't stop me. Not again. "

Rexus took a moment to observe the barrier surrounding him. It could probably take a decent amount of punishment from the weak or incapable. Against a strong or prepared enemy, Rexus doubted his barrier would help him out very much. Regardless, it could at least afford him the opportunity to close with and destroy the enemy. The pureblood would then turn his attention toward his fellow apprentice. She apparently had difficulty with levitating the blade that their master had given to her. Rexus felt the girl simply wasn't angry or spiteful enough at the current moment. Having had enough of speculation, however brief, Rexus watches his fellow apprentice silently.

Perhaps she'll have better luck with the barrier.

[member="Ballen-Ist"] - [member="Shewesa Quinnelle"]

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