Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Enter Sandman [Dragon School]

He smiled softly. "It's okay" he reassured her. "Just because you get some things easily doesn't mean everything comes easy, and you shouldn't expect as such. So we're gonna try again. Don't worry about how long it takes. Be patient with this, and I'll be patient with you. You have my word" he continued, wanting to do his best to keep her spirits up and keep her eye on the ball.

He lifted the box back to him once more with the Force. "I'm going to count down, and we're gonna try again. Just relax. Feel the Force. Feel its energies and what it can do. Embrace it. Don't aim to stop it, just slow it down. If you try to stop it entirely, you'll end up learning into telekinesis. Which is effective, but takes more of your energy."

He dropped the box just above his head in the air, before holding out his hand again. The box's movements would slow drastically, and he was able to just slightly move to the side as the box narrowly missed the top of his head. He lifted it again. He'd show her as many times as he needed to, it was no problem. He smiled, and then he nodded.

"3... 2... 1..."

He let it fly.

Ura Iolar Ura Iolar
Ura looked at Josh, a calmness coming over her as he reassured the Lervon. Her Master said that he'd be patient if she could be, so she'd try. Her eyes had a happy look as she finally spoke up, seeming to have calmed herself some more.

"Ok, Master. I can do that. Be patient." She listened to Josh carefully, taking note of everything. He didn't want her to necessarily stop it, just slow it down. A way to avoid leaning into her telekinetics. She nodded, closing her eyes to focus. To try and feel the Force. She opened her eyes, listening to the count down. and then it was released. Ura reached out, trying to just slow it down. To feel the Force, and to slow down the object without telekinetics.

She tried keeping her eyes closed for this as the box slowed. Not by much, but it slowed.

Josh Dragovalor Josh Dragovalor
It slowed.


He was hyped! They were making progress! Perhaps he exaggerated the celebration a little, but he knew that it'd help. Criticism where it was needed, praise where it was needed. Showing enthusiasm for the work of the students (Not that he needed to act in this case, really, he was very proud) was all the makings of a great teacher. Or so he was told.

But more important, she pulled it off! "Just like that! It's still in the beginning stages but THAT! I don't want you to forget that feeling. This is the feeling you want to hold onto, memorize for using it. If you can simulate those same feelings, motions, use of the Force again, then you can practice. And with practice, comes improvement of your technique."

It needed improvement, but the fact was that she had pulled it off even just a little. Enough to work with!

"I think we can wrap up here. I want you to practice, and we'll check up on your progress with it in the next session."

He gave a curt bow of his head.

"You did good today, Ura."

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