“Kid! Look out you’re-...” Every muscle in Sena’s body tensed up as the girl collapsed in a thud.
“-... Running. Straight for that wall.”
So maybe a small hint of guilt sparked inside of her. Clearly she had scared the girl away somehow but only after Sena had saved her life. Not even a thank you or reward. Then again, not a lot of people appreciated the kind fine art Sena performed. Keeping up the appearance of a concerned, uh, chaser.
“Okay people, just move along. There is nothing to be seen here.” Except there totally was.
“I’ll take care of it, just go.”
Most of them seemed obedient enough to leave. At least enough of them to leave them in peace, somewhat. As much as she should probably leave the kid in peace she simply couldn’t. Something about her felt so very reminiscent of how Sena had been when she first escaped her cell all those years ago.
The kid deserved to keep some of her dignity intact. Her hands reached down to sit the unconscious little girl against the very same wall that she had ran in to. It was important to let it all take it’s time, right?
Still, she adapted the softest voice she could muster.
“Hey, kid. Wake up. You knocked your head pretty bad there. You okay? You’re safe for now. No thank yous necessary, really.”
She was only telling half the truth, of course.
“Just remain calm, how about a name? Do you know your name?”
Because Sena hadn’t known hers until she was around this kids age. To her this was probably how it all worked.
[ [member="Mira Gyndar"] | [member="Khaleel Malvern"] ]