Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Episode IV: No Hope

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The Admiralty
[member="Mira Gyndar"] [member="Sena Lassiter"]
Shet moved real fast suddenly, Sena moving in for the kill and then everything turned into a right mess. Didn’t really need to do anything, but watch the movements and see if she needed any assistance. Which wasn’t the case, so I started doing crowd control - which in this situation meant watching her back and make sure she doesn’t get jumped by some bastards looking for a quick win.

Finally, when she started running for the kid, I… well… I naturally followed her. Only way was forward, as they say.

We had already upsetted the balance of the streets, but what can ya do.
[SIZE=10pt]What was she thinking? Stop? No way.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]She couldn’t stop – she wouldn’t stop. She’d barrel through another set of people and tumble to the ground, scuffing her leg before jumping up again and dipping down another alley – she’d turn back for a brief moment to see how close [member="Sena Lassiter"] was and then she'd turn back around....[/SIZE]


[SIZE=10pt]She’d slam hard into a duracrete wall with such force she’d fall back and hit the ground with an equally hard thud, splashing up murky water in her wake. Her vision swam and eventually went upside down, darkness closed in around the edges of her eyes and overcame her – she was out cold soon enough.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Her hand fell limp to the side as she lay in a pool of drainage water, the sound of commotion echoed through the alleyway as if nothing had happened. A cut across her forehead, just above her right eye would ooze out crimson liquid, apparently from the impact against the wall. Without the Force, she wouldn’t have known what was coming – was a shame, escape only to run into a wall.[/SIZE]

[member="Khaleel Malvern"]
It’s just tequila and the beach

Token was stumbling. She had reached and hugged the... man person ferry driver. When Token hugged someone, she frakking hugged them. Full on and overbalancing herself. Sure, maybe she knocked about half the people off their balance, but she wasn't very big, they could handle it. Or at least, most people could, when they weren't rifting her across worlds.

How did that work... was it in the same universe? Or did she cross over a like... dimension.

Was that possible?

Well... white current...

But where was she? Trees. She could see a clearing... and feel things. Like... the galaxy!

She was home then? Making her way tot he clearing she called out for anything. “Hello?”

Maybe [member="Falcon Gyndar"] and [member="Aton Gyndar"] were nearby? Or hopefully closer to home.

She wanted to find a commlink, for sure... But... something was feeling... off.

What was that?
Location: Aboard a Republic Vessel.

As she stood awaiting transport to a new location to do more work for the Republic and the Jedi she suddenly stopped on her way to get food. Stumbling she nearly toppled over. The force may have been chaotic but some things over powered even that and right now she felt herself almost ill as if something had wrenched her stomach a side suddenly. A few splattered images in her head of home but not how she knew it. Something was wrong. Then the sound as if every voice on a world had screamed in agony and fear only to suddenly go silent and deafeningly so. The images that came were too real too horrifying to be wrong but she ran as best she could though more perhaps a hobble to a communications link and began to try and contact her home she didint know why but she had to try to talk to her parents she had to. "Common mom be home be home!" But the comm link on the holonet indicated the connection was gone as if the towers and systems had just been destroyed or vanished. She tried several ways to get through to the planet but none worked. She reached as far as one repeater buoy satellite that should have got her in it's orbit but as she began to splice into it and get the idea of what was wrong she saw the images. Her mouth went a gape eyes teared up and she couldn't speak couldn't talk not even scream at first. By the time she caught her own breath enough to she could only scream one thing. "NNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Her own rage sorrow and anger burst through the force like a massive splash of emotion. What had the Sith done? What foul dark side powers had they used to conjure up such a fate for her home? For now all she could do is fall over crying.
“Kid! Look out you’re-...” Every muscle in Sena’s body tensed up as the girl collapsed in a thud. “-... Running. Straight for that wall.”

So maybe a small hint of guilt sparked inside of her. Clearly she had scared the girl away somehow but only after Sena had saved her life. Not even a thank you or reward. Then again, not a lot of people appreciated the kind fine art Sena performed. Keeping up the appearance of a concerned, uh, chaser.

“Okay people, just move along. There is nothing to be seen here.” Except there totally was. “I’ll take care of it, just go.”

Most of them seemed obedient enough to leave. At least enough of them to leave them in peace, somewhat. As much as she should probably leave the kid in peace she simply couldn’t. Something about her felt so very reminiscent of how Sena had been when she first escaped her cell all those years ago.

The kid deserved to keep some of her dignity intact. Her hands reached down to sit the unconscious little girl against the very same wall that she had ran in to. It was important to let it all take it’s time, right?

Still, she adapted the softest voice she could muster. “Hey, kid. Wake up. You knocked your head pretty bad there. You okay? You’re safe for now. No thank yous necessary, really.”

She was only telling half the truth, of course.

“Just remain calm, how about a name? Do you know your name?”

Because Sena hadn’t known hers until she was around this kids age. To her this was probably how it all worked.

[ [member="Mira Gyndar"] | [member="Khaleel Malvern"] ]​
It was time to leave this dreadful place, The feeling of not being connected to the force numbed Kezeroth and itched his mind. Getting up slowly from the shield he was laying in the Gen'dai slapped his gut where his wound was and smiled. His body never failed when it came to healing, Looking around him he snarled as he gazed at the other species around him. Inferior and weak compared to him or atleast those were his thoughts. Quickly departing from the group of Jedi Kezeroth activated his Grav boots and lifted off into the air. The Air in the Field of Blades was thick like Tatooine and monsters stalked about all over, Though safe in the air he often stared down to the ground. " Oh how we have soo much in common." he muttered. Without the Force he felt lost and not whole. Naturally he was lonely but this was a entirely different type of lonely now, It was if someone had ripped out a part of him he held close and this was why he needed to leave the nether.

The Fear of being trapped in the Dreadful place stayed in the back on his mind. it slowed his journey and also encouraged it. Time was different in the Field of Blades, It was torture to bare its affects. Time was slow and on top of that Gen'dais perception of time was very different than most other species. It was as if years had past since he was able to use the force, Though it had only been a few hours.


658 ABY: "He Met With Akala"

"My lord, I do not think this is a good idea,"

Bol-Jahir winced under the pain. Zero was operating on him again... it was quite delicate a procedure to keep a man as plain as Bol-Jahir alive for hundreds of years.

Then again, he wasn't quite plain anymore.

"Who was that... creature?"

"A Jedi Master of the highest Order," the methodical grumblings of a shadowy figure in the corner of the room resounded in return. He was fiddling with jars, jars filled with lukewarm yellow liquid... within lay creatures of all shapes and sizes, mostly of a grotesque nature. Zero slunched over to Bol-Jahir and began laying these creatures on his chest. Bol-Jahir winced in pain.

"Are you... still planning to meet with her?"


"I do not think this is a good idea, Master."

"It is not your place to think, Apprentice."

Bol-Jahir sighed.

"And if she sees through the illusion?"

"She won't."

844 ABY: Not long after billions of people disappear from the Galaxy... in the Netherworld's Blood Wastes, standing before the Whisperstorm

Bol-Jahir looked back. Apparently his group and he had been separated in the transition. Nevermind them, he thought.

He had a mission.

Bol-Jahir tucked the Dagger of the Ones in his belt and began to head towards the boundary between the Blood Wastes and the Whisperstorm.

He held his hands up.

"NOL-NOKTU, EL-BAZAD," he yelled into the raging storm. A wave of the Force carved out from his being, slicing the sky and splitting the storm in half.

Bol-Jahir looked back, only for a second.

Beyond the path through the Whisperstorm lay a dark tunnel.

He had opened the way to the Realm of Beyond Shadows.
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