Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Episode V: Akala Strikes Back

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Keturah pulled her knees to her chest, placing her forehead on top of them. She squeezed her eyes shut. This is a dream. Please, this HAS to be a dream. There was screaming. Screaming EVERYWHERE. She couldn't even hear her own breathing.​
She sat in what seemed to be a little bitty cave of some kind. All she had on was her underwear and her little black nightgown, which barely reached past her thighs. Her hair was down, getting tangled by the cold wind. The ground was covered in ashes.​
Where was she? She'd been sleeping before. What kind of nightmare was this? She wanted to wake up. Please, just let her wake up! Tears began to roll down her cheeks, wetting her gown and her knees.​
Salvor..... Daddy..... Please...... I want to go home.......
[member="Razer Sin"]​
[member="Darth Arcanix"] [member="The Onyx"] [member="Aeizori-Mei Kaeirosae"] ( [member="Akala"] - Need to know if the camera would work )

"Hold onto this for me please." He grabbed a small machine out of his bag before smiling and nodding, though he did do one last thing before he would push her in, a quick peck on her cheek. "Incase you die from this, oh and if this is hell you can just haunt me cant you?" He smiled and pushed her into the rift, watching to see if she died and crawled back up the hole or not. Meanwhile he activated a datapad to see if the camera he had given her worked. "Hey Onyx, want to see a Sith splat?"

Gavin XIII

Sour Candy Sithspawn
Location: En Route to Ossus Temple Sanctuary
Nearby: A blurry pink object (Hi, [member='Seraphina Shel'tah']), A weird orange and white person (Mr. [member='Rael sul B'an']), and a fuzzy thing getting out of a larger fuzzy thing (Miss [member='Alyesa Organa'])

Gavin was confused, a little drunk, and on the ground. He'd fallen down inside the Ossus spaceport... That odd feeling of foreboding had hit him, and eaten away at him until he'd collapsed. But, then... Why was there nothing but a bunch of blurry splotches? He stood up, and promptly felt himself retch up everything he'd eaten for the past two days. Oh, well.

As his vision cleared, he saw that the blotches were people... And the people were... Who? Pink, White, Brown, Orange... Who the hell were they? He pulled his gun from its holster, grateful for the familiar weight, and cocked it. The sound was like a gunshot in the total silence around him.
[member="Solan Charr"]

"What's this for?" she asked, holding the camera, but she got her answer right away when he kissed her on the cheek and moved to shove her through the hole. She was a bit stunned by the peck on her cheek, but that was quickly replaced by indignation and annoyance, but she couldn't say a word before she was shoved down into the hole and transported away as quick as she had arrived.

Just before she did though, she heard a very familiar voice whisper to her, "You'll know where you're going when you die, oh Daughter of Mine."

Well that certainly do much for her mental stability at the moment, hearing her mother's voice, full of hate yet again as she came out of whatever she had been in, onto a familiar world. That was when the red rose before her vision, a manic bloodlust rising in her. Oh, she was going to tear Solan limb from limb . . .

"Who the hell are you?" a gravely voice asked her, her eyes turned to land on an old man, looking at her with both fear and annoyance..
[member="Darth Arcanix"]

He on the other hand was busy looking at a datapad that showed him no video after a certain point. "huh, guess shes dead... well not going that way." Turning around he kicked another rock into the rift, most likely going to come out and possibly hit Arcanix again, where at only the force knows.
Alyesa shook her head softly to both the Jedi, looking around the confines of the Sanctuary once more. "I do not know where we are or how we got here, but it appears to be..." She stood up and looked off into the distance, the darkened sky that had splotches of blood red and blackened clouds caused a shiver to run down her spine. She sighed heavily and sat back down infront of the two Jedi Knights. "No clue." She looked down at her comlink and tapped it a few times, getting an error beep each time. "And apparently my equipment is dead."

"My name is Alyesa Organa, Senator of Carida, Princess of Alderaan." She stood slowly and offered a bow to the both of them. "And I'm glad to be in the presence of two Jedi, that is for sure."

[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"] | [member="Rael sul B'an"]
[member="Fable Merrill"]

Glyph in the mean time had been wandering the blood wastes for about an hour now, not realizing he was going in circles at this point because this Marsh seemed absolutely endless. Infact he had half a mind just to drown himself thinking that would end this stupid venture a bit faster. Atleast he learned to feed off the pain he was sensing that he couldn't block out. For while he had no force pwoers at this moment he still did need to keep his mind protected by the emotions of the lost souls trapped here. There was something intriguing through as he started getting closer to something.

A Form in the distance caused him to start running over to it with his hands raised and waving. "Hey, hey you, over here." He didn't know who or what it was but hell he really did not care at this point... problem was he was wearing full robes and a cloak and probably looked like a shade at this point... faceless cloaked shade + marsh of blood = Glyph getting shot or cut at.
[member="Razer Sin"] [member="Conner Garon"]

Oh joyous of days, they were picking up a hitchhiker.... geez. Oh well, she supposed it meant one less thing wouldn't be coming at her or Razer so she could deal.

Where were they he asked well.... wasn't that the million credit question?

"If you plan on living we need a plan sir, or at least a cave or something"
Location: The Dunes

Consciousness returned to the sleeping soldier. Exhaustion and ache waved over her entire body on the slightest movements, as if a marathon was endured. With strain the woman pulled herself from the red sands to kneel on both knees. What laid before her was not where she remembered being. The urban jungle of war had disappeared and gave way to the red sands of this wasteland. Taking in the surroundings was tough to process. The very idea of being one place and waking up in another, a location such as this was unfathomable. If a greeting of sterile hospital walls were what she saw, she could gather what may have happened. Here, no. For this was a land of confusion.

Sand, sand everywhere. Red as fresh blood. Questions began to fall by the wayside until a pair remained. Where am I, and how do I get out of here? Seris finally brought herself up from the desert floor to full height. Looking over herself for injuries revealed nothing, but she was still in her armor. And that was a relief to ease her mind. The rifle she'd carried for quite some time lay half buried near her feet. Worried for its continued well working order she snatched it up and immediately shook the sand from the barrel. A proper cleaning was out of the question in these conditions, making due would need to suffice. Wind howling and sand blowing would be terrible for anyone caught uncovered, another bit of luck drained from the well. Seris again scanned her surroundings. Sand dunes and nothing else all around her. No people, no plants, no sun in the sky to be seen. A lot of red though, nothing but red. Unnervingly red one might say. She forced back the thought and focused on the two questions she needed answered. Without someone to provide them though, the only course was action.

Seris wrapped her cloak around herself for added protection and started off for the highest dune ahead of her. It took nearly an hour to reach and another to scale its height. A true mountain in size. At its top an unobstructed view for miles around. All that effort only let up the same thing she'd already figured out shortly after waking up. Red sand everywhere! No settlements or people in sight, her sensors read nothing. This karking wasteland she'd been abandoned in after only two hours finally put a crack him her. Seris screamed through her helmet to the sky.

"How the hell do I get out of here? Its endless"!
[member="Akala"] (wasn't sure to put the rampage here or in the Alderaan dominion the Republic started, thought it safer to do it here and not offend anyone)

Taeli growled, almost animal-like as she took in the helpless old man, and that was when another rock flew out and hit her head. That was one straw too many, and she racing towards the old man. He was raising a blaster, but before he could get more than warning shot off, she was upon him . . . her hands around his throat.

The Force was screaming in her head, it was all a mish mash of energies, emotions, light, dark. It didn't make any sense, but what did make sense . . . killing this old man to stop his voice and energies joining the cacophony. The man struggled against her, but he was out of shape and she kept herself in peak physical form. A horrible gurgling filled the air, as she tightened her grip on his throat her teeth bared.

As a death rattle escaped his lips, the red fog started to disappear from her sight and she blinked away the madness. Gasping, she flung herself away from the man, staring with slight horror at him and the rift that brought her back into the galaxy. She was definitely not going back there anytime soon, murdering someone was unnecessary and the rift had inflicted that madness on her until she sated it.

Picking up a datapad from the man's corpse, she recognized she was on Alderaan, but she still had no idea what was going on. Flipping through Holonews stations from acorss the galaxy, it was sheer and mass chaos.

Interesting. . . time to climb the ladder, she thought, moving off to find a ship to take her back to where the Sith were. She just hoped Corvus and Melori were okay and not involved with this madness, or she would be diving in after them to save them. Family was first after all.

Fable Merrill

As directed by Michael Bay.
Where: The Blood Wastes
Who: [member="Glyph"]

Noise. Voice. SA-5 glanced over her shoulder, eyes narrowing at someone who seemed to have finally taken proactive notice of her presence. He was tall, his hands were waving, and why shouldn't they? He was holding blades, flourishing them like a gorram lunatic, bearing down at her with murder in his eyes and profanities on his lips. He even was wearing a mask, most likely to hide his hideous visage from being identified by his many victims, but even through it, SA-5 could see small, dull eyes like a doll's, reflecting nothing but contempt and hatred for the living world around him. A ghost, in his billowing robes, a Spectre of low quality and means.

He was a menace, he was coming for her, and he would be dealt with.

Fable climbed off of the jagged pile of rocks she'd been ascending, caked with mud and less savory things - what felt like heroic resolve in her eyes likely looked a great deal like blank hatred and fury to those on the outside, but Fable was too far gone to realize that the deadpan cast of her features might register as unsettling to the people she'd been freely murdering for what felt like hours. They were enemies and demons, and she had to survive.

Fable brought her stolen blaster up, her knife held to the butt of the gun (as she would never forget the basics of CQC) and fired two shots - one for center mass, the other for the knees. Blaster fire likely wouldn't even work on a spectre, but she'd burn up what she could of the marauding ghost before ripping him apart with his teeth if she had to.
She continued to sit there, but went to hug [member="Solan Charr"]'s legs. "I'm soooo glad i found you... I-I was soo scared. . .and lonely...M-Mistress wasn't around... She gave me new clothes!" She went to move her head around his leg, similiar to what a dog would do to its owner.


[member="Tora Mirkew"] [member="Conner Garon"]

Razer shook his head, "Pffff, if I knew, I would know where I am going. Weapons? Plenty." He stopped to look at Tora, and then gazed back at the boy. Lanky indeed, this boy looked like he could be trusted as far as you could throw him.
"A cave? Like that one?" He nodded his head at the obvious gaping entrance of cave not even ten feet away. "Fine, makes sense." He made his way to the cave, leading the group of misfits to it, sloshing about in the blood. "That smell, so metallic...ya know what I noticed Tora? It's not's fresh, and still..." He stopped as he got to the mouth of the cave. Daddy.. echoed in his head. "Keturah? KETURAH!" He ran into the gave without thinking twice. Now he had his answer to his question.
It wasnt that dark in here, and so when he finally came upon her, and skidded to a halt. "Keturah, it's okay. It's me, Razer." He embraced her with a tight squeeze. He loved her very much, and with her being here, this made him even more weary of this place. "Shhhh, calm down, it's okay." She was only in her undies, poor thing, that nightgown just wouldnt do. Damn it all...
He thought to himself. He removed his shirt, that was a large as he was pretty damn tall compared to her, and was a long sleeve, and gave it to her. "Put this on."
[member="Fable Merrill"]

"Hey what is goi-" The sound of a gun was the next thing he heard and he had no time to reach for his sabers as he tried to move but without the force he lost the precious split second he needed as the blaster bolt connected into his shoulder and found its way into the fiber armor he wore to protect agaisnt energy shots. Thankfully the other one missed his legs because the moment he was hit in the shoulder his entire body spun and tumbled onto the ground. "Ok, running like a lunatic, bad idea."
Where: The Blood Waste
Who: Alone for the moment. [member="Shule Windspeaker"] and [member="Hephaestus"] if they want sum'o'dis.
What: Needing a freaking drink

With the immediate threat taken care of, and with the other enemy she was dealing with content to passively watch, the she-devil deactivated her lightsaber and let out a quiet sigh. For once in six blasted centuries, no one was attempting to harm her in the immediate present. She had time to think, consider, and more importantly rest. The pale woman limped over towards a large bone spire sticking out of the bloody ground. As she moved away from the staredown she had been forced into/allowed herself to become preoccupied with, she thought only of taking a moment to herself.

Her back eased against the spine-looking thing, offering her a place to allow her body pause while her mind caught up. She very much needed to sort her thoughts out before she went babbling nuts. Battles and death and hatred and carnage and more battles all swarmed around inside her skull, all trying their hardest to supplant all other memories as the most important. Names, too. She'd forgotten the use of names in her hundreds of years of death. Who was Lynn? Kristin? Petra? Fable? That last one also sounded familiar for a different reason. It sounded very much like another name she had in her head.


Was that her name? She thought it was, but it was difficult to tell. Only two out of the three of her memories answered to that name. The third didn't react at all. Sixty-six percent would have to be enough. Fabula she would be. Now what about the rest? Each name came with memories associated to it, though some were easier to remember than others. Lynn was the easiest. She was warm. The thought of that name made butterflies flutter in her stomach and a blush rise to her cheeks. Lynn was obviously someone of great, intimate importance to her life. One of them, anyway. Probably the new one that didn't belong.

Another name that made sense was Fable. It sounded like Fabula, but wasn't, which fit with the person it was attached to. Fable her, but not. Less? No. Just not as much. When she thought of that name, she felt proud, but longing. Being deprived of this Fable was causing her distress. Pride and a need to be around her...probably a family member. Younger. A sister, or maybe a daughter. Whoever she was, Fabula wanted her back, and she would tear down the sky to hold her again.

...That was an interesting thought. Why did she think that specifically?

Other names were harder to put emotions to. There was a recurring name across both lives. Petra. Just thinking that name provoked an ancient dread, as if it were some kind of horrible, legendary monster. Some creature that had devoured her in aeons past. Then, more recently, it was loss. She felt absent and incomplete without this Petra, as if she needed direction. Inspiring both fear and need. The only possible explanation for this one was a parent. Petra was her mother. She'd have to reexamine that one more (at length) when she had a moment later.

The last name, Kristin, was an anomaly. Longing. Loss. Pain. Whoever she was, her absence caused distress, much like Fable's. No pride, no warmth. A lover? A sister? It was confusing. Hard to place. Her memories of her were from long, long ago, buried beyond centuries of violence and hatred. She couldn't tell. She wanted Kristin back, but it was unlikely she would be back. Wherever she was, it wasn't here.

Where was she, anyway? This wasn't the world she had known. There were no blades, no one fought each other, the sky was full of blood rather than gears. The ground was wet rather than dusty. She didn't feel the compulsion to kill everyone she set her eyes on...though she certainly felt the reflex to do so. It took effort to suppress it, but she did suppress it. Wandering, wailing malcontents were harmless. She was safe for now, which was a truly new feeling for her. Safe. She could barely comprehend the meaning of the word.

The fact that she had killed maybe a dozen people in a feral rage didn't seem to bother her in the slightest.
[member="Aeizori-Mei Kaeirosae"] [member="The Onyx"]

Solan sighed and looked at her, kneeling down and speaking to her in the same kind and calm voice he had back on Coruscant. "Aeizori, my name is Solan remember. And dont worry, i will get you back to Ashe the moment i find a safe way out of this place... come on." He reached down and took her hand, trying to get her to stand up instead of sitting on all fours as he smiled at her. "Onyx, which way should we go neck, the direction is up to you."
Location: The Blood Wastes
[member="Drapeam Nyx"] [member="Shule Windspeaker"] [member="Fabula Cavataio"]

One moment, Jarven was in The Dragon Palace Casino, the next, he was in this hell hole. The atmosphere didn't bother him like most others for his vacuum-sealed helmet was on and the blood couldn't find a way inside. He had made his way to the top of the hill and surveyed the terrible and confusing scene before him. Very soon, he heard a scream of rage.

Frell. Either someone's hurt or someone's about to be in trouble. Time to help. Jarven took off after the sound. As he ran, he saw, in the distance, an armored figure stoop down and pick up a cylindrical object from a dead body. Before he could yell, "Wait?" she had taken off again. From his distance, he eventually saw the swiping of lightsabers with an unknown assailant, encouraging to get him to speed up.

When he got there, there were 3 people facing each other: A man and a woman on one side and a lone woman on the other. When Jarven got there within a small distance from them, he said this while one of the woman ([member="Drapeam Nyx"]) turned around, "Is everyone all right?"
She blinked, and looked up at [member="Solan Charr"]. ". . .No. . .your name is Master." She stated, then went to stand up, and gave him a nice, warm, hug. Her tails continue to flaunt in the background, and the girl was smiling with glee, dispite the current situation the pair are in. "And Okay." Surprisingly, Aeizori felt abit more warmer then the last time they have met.

Galaar Tal'Verda

Just one more butchered soul.
Location: Ruined City of Hr'tal

Death. Galaar had hoped it was a respite, a time away from a world that had battered him senseless. The Clone was wrong. When he passed he woke up in blackness and could do nothing but wander through shadows as a disembodied soul. What felt like centuries passed before some cataclysmic ripped apart the world he had been warped into. He woke for a second time and wandered through a shattered city, the bones of what seemed to be a civilization. Another entirety passed in this new purgatory as his mind clawed at itself. Was he real? Was he dead? Was this all real? Was this Manda? Everything he knew, he thought he new had been pulled away. It was replaced by hell.

Yet, a light on the horizon appeared. It would seem that his crucible of desolation would end. He found something, someone. Though the visor of his helmet he saw a silhouette in the ruins amongst him, a human being. "That's new... I wonder if it has food... or cafe." His little voice purred in his head. He strode forward with simple and lazy strides until he neared the rather tiny being. "Kaaaaaaaaaaaark. Its a kid. I hate kids. Well, not really... I wonder what ever happened to the bothan? FOCUS!" The armor clad ghost-something-something soon stood beside the kid. He still adorned his Katarn in death, with all the markings of the famed Galaar, yet there was a gash across his stomach and blood freely flowed from the wound in an unnatural manner.

"Su'cuy gar, kid, have any idea where we are? I've been lost for days and the bars around here are dry as all karking hell."

[member="Corrin Tal'verda"]
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