Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Episode V: Akala Strikes Back

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Location: Sanctuary
Nefertari's son had been right. There were other Jedi here, at least that was something.
her separation from the force was hideous. At least she wasn't hallucinating...yet
Coming up to the hut, Nef spotted [member="Seraphina Shel'tah"]
"Padawan Shel'tah, you have no idea how good it is to see another jedi. You wouldn't happen to know what's going on here would you?"

Nef could guess that the Twi'lek didn't know any more than she did.

Daella Feanor

[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"] @AnyonewhoImissed

Daella blinked and was forced to walk away from the pool of blood. "But Mommieh... What is it? It looks nice, can I drink it?" She tries to pull herself away, but then sighs and just goes with her. When they were a distance away from it, she went to lean on her, and cuddles Ace some more. "Oooowh..."
Aeizori held [member="Solan Charr"]'s arm rather closely. She wouldn't speak, she would remain in her little trance, truly oblivious to the hellish world they are on. Whenever she spots [member="Shuduc Macar"], the girl looks straight at Solan, and would bluntly ask. "Is... Is this one of Master's friends?"
Location: Blood Waste

Aedan Miles grit his teeth and clenched his fist taking a breath before he stretches. He hated space magic sometimes always messing with a person when very lucrative job opportunities would be about. Looking around he noticed people standing about a chasm some of them fighting others jumping into it. Moving closer Aedan glanced around than gasp as he was hit from behind tumbling forward and into the chasm his eyes widening as he fell through it not knowing what would happen to him nor where it would take him.

Sinners Despair

Arumi's eyes clenched as he tried to shake off the voice, his jaw twisting a grimace as he tried to focus. His past should be behind him, should be gone but it was there, it was here. The darkness, the empty of his soul consumed him with every braeth, the cackling intensified he suffered.

" why?"

Arumi swallowed as he tried to ignore it, his fist clenched as sweat poured out of his body.


His resolve withered and turned to dust, his being broken and his will swallowed by guilt.

"Why"? It taunted.

One word destroyed him, one word had caused his down fall from the sith. One word had sent him to the Jedi and then to his people in search of redemption. The word made his heart feel as if it was trying to pump venom through his body, one word caused what was left of the once powerful warrior to melt away. Sorrow and despair swallowed his body and his mind.

"Why" eyes opened to a symphony of screams and agony. Broken forms swirled around him, he recognized many and knew those who he had never seen were one and the same. His victims cut down to appease his bloodlust, his ego and his desire for destruction.

The warrior screamed as he dropped to his knees broken and lost, his heart succumbing to the welcoming grasp of self loathing and despair. Tears began to well in his eyes, broken and dark.

"Why"? His eyes opened to the form of a small girl child holding a teddy bear. Her crushed and bloodied form the same as he ever saw when he closed his eyes. With fumbling feet and quivering speed Despair moved falling over himself to reach the girl ever out of reach " Forgive me" he cried and wailed.
Where: The Blood Grossness
Who: [member="Fable Merrill"]

Blah blah leg blah. There were words being spoken, but Fabula didn't hear them. All she heard was the sound of Fable's boots moving against the bone. Questions and words were new concepts, action and reaction were truth. Fable acted by moving closer, and Fabula reacted by falling against her and pulling her close. Her body seemed to move of some kind of hardcoded instinct, rather than the choice she thought she was making to touch something from a life that she barely understood. But that was hardly important at the moment. All that mattered was that she was holding her again.


Fabula had held her before. Touching her like this, holding the woman who looked to be her perfect twin in her arms...that was the perfect answer to the most important of her questions. Who was Fable? Fable was here. Fable was someone who she cared enough for to hold her to her body in the middle of a rainstorm of scalding blood. Fable was someone important enough to ignore the physical pain and damage that had been inflicted on her leg. And Fable was the answer to every single concern she had had about these new memories from this strange, foreign life.

There was a stinging sensation in Fabula's eyes, but she didn't pay it any mind. She had her daughter back. Had she been missing for eight years? A hundred? Six hundred? It was difficult to tell. Losing her at all had been devastating, once she had opened her mind to thoughts and memories instead of wild instinct. Wild instinct was back now that she had her baby again. She was never going to let go, and she would brutalize anyone who thought to touch her.

Fable's touch helped her sort through a few of her other problems. A hundred thousand thoughts had deemed it necessary to form a blitzkrieg on Fabula's broken mind, and without any guidance on how to interpret them, she had been crumbling under the pressure. Simply touching someone she loved was enough to cut through all of that confusion, all of that fear and distress. Fable was her light to guide the way. Holding her made her feel...while not calm, definitely much more at peace than before. One thing in this chaotic hellscape was certain. She had her daughter back. No one was going to take that from her.

Her eyes were stinging quite a bit more now. Tears? Well, that made sense. She was definitely in pain.

There was...something else. Okay, pay attention to words now, she-devil. They require answers, and you have to use your own words to do that. Leg. "I was surrounded, and I picked the wrong enemy to focus on. It cost me. The threat seems to have subsided." Much more eloquent than she had been managing before. Reuniting with the one force of good that she knew for certain would brighten her galaxy was helpful to her.

More questions. Mother? Did that mean that Fabula wasn't her mother? Her grip tightened on the girl's body. Think this through. Use other names you know from the new life. Lynn elicited the response of a lover, which meant...okay. Fable had called her "Mom" and then asked about "Mother." Okay. Reason it out, beast. Fabula and Lynn...had adopted. And because both of them were women, mom vs mother was a way to distinguish. Two different names. Her panic abated almost as quickly as it started. "I thought I was alone here."

No. She knew she was alone there. She had been alone for so long she had forgotten the concept of time. Her only companions were death and hatred. The only people she had seen were enemies trying to kill her or weaklings to die at her hand. The fact that there were more people meant that something had changed. What had changed? "There has been...a change in this world. I don't understand."

And she didn't have to. Fable was there now. She had everything she needed.
Drapeam Nyx said:
"I was born to bring glory to my family and death to their enemies. I am simply doing what I was born- no, what I was designed- to do!"

As she spoke those words, something shifted in Jarven. ...Jarrrrrrrveeeeeeeeeenn... He couldn't place it, but something deep inside of him was stirring. Her words had a much larger impact than he could currently understand. Her words had described the way of the Gank. As hard as Jarven and his people had tried to redirect and suppress the truth, a Gank was still a Gank. When Jarven realized this, he saw this person in a new light. Finally, he had found someone who could understand him the way his teammates had when he was still with his pack. Although the feeling was a small and confusing beginning, Jarven felt a connection to this strange, furious, near-feral, yet highly familiar person.

Well, frell. Time to go! Thought Jarven as the horde of people came from behind. As [member="Drapeam Nyx"] ran past him, he decided that he should probably do the same. Wherever we end up, we're going to need a LOT of space. Otherwise, we're going to be crushed by pure numbers. So far, the only person who mattered right now was this woman. He took it upon himself to make sure that she got through and past the rift just fine. He activated his pack before the mob caught up to him. He was flying steadily above their heads, but noticed that the crowd's speed was slowly overtaking that of the woman's. He gauged the distance to the Rift and figured she'd be crushed as they poured out onto the other side. When he was over his head, she noticed the shadow and glanced up. He held his hands out and said, "Next stop, the other side! Want a ride?" He made a small gesture at the desperate mob of people who were slowly closing in.
Location: Blood Wastes
Allies: [member="Ailyn Cyar'ika"] | [member="Vassara Raxis"] | [member="Elizie Adasca"] | [member="Solan Charr"] | [member="Darth Metus"] | [member="Aeizori-Mei Kaeirosae"]

She stood a moment looking to where she heard the voices but she saw nothing, She clenched her saber carefully. “So it seems my pathetic state has attached two no three others. She tried to calm down some. “I-I’m Shuduc Macar of the One Sith. I am unfortunately blind here wherever here is. I cannot sense or see the force. It is as if there is no force here or anywhere. Without the force....I am blind” The thought of there being no force seemed to rattle her most. "Seems two groups have come together here if all of us gather together we may yet survive. I will try not to be a burden but I have lost two senses in being here and it has only made me feel weak."
Location: Field of Blades
Objective: Get the dodge out of Hell
Allies: [member="Zavzen Sae'ryx"] | [member="Nickolas Imura"]
Undefined: [member="Verz Horak"] | [member="Arla Balor"] | [member="Ijaat Akun"]
The kark?! [member="Viktoria Zambrano"]


Xir speed alone was enough to knock would-be attackers out of xir path, and Laguz never stropped to look what happened to them afterwards. Every fiber of xir ever-changing being was thrumming with excitement, fear and adrenaline. Xe had to get out of here, or the place would tear a new hole in the already doubtful sanity of xir mind. If xe absolutely had to go mad, Netherworld was far more appropriate a place to do it than most worlds xe'd ever been to, but if it was at all possible, Laguz would try to retain xir ability for rational thought.

Xe crested a hill, and the sight of a river in the distance imbued xem with new hope, putting a burst of speed into xir already blurry legs. The cracked ground beneath xir feet offered excellent purchase as Laguz set off towards the blue snake weaving across the land in a sinuous line.

There were disadvantages to sprinting across an ancient, debris-, armor- and weaponry-littered battlefield, however. How xe hadn't considered the possibility before, Laguz didn't know, but it hit xem like an orbital strike when the edge of xir felacatian foot caught against something lodged in the dry soil.

Xe was hurled forward spectacularly, making an unwilling and rather graceless screwdriver in mid-air before crashing straight into the spindly form of none other than the Queen of Hellspawn herself; or what was left of her in this shadow of a world, anyway. Whatever she was now, Laguz was less than enthusiastic about finding xemself in the embrace of [member="Viktoria Zambrano"]. A bit too… skinny for xir taste. The sniper clambered back to xir feet and sought to imitate her face as quickly as xe could; it would throw her off for long enough for xem to escape her clutches, hopefully.
[member="Aeizori-Mei Kaeirosae"] [member="Shuduc Macar"] [member="The Onyx"] @The others

Solan looked at the other group and then to the woman before sighing and looking out over to Onyx, shouting to him to get over here. "ONYX, OVER HERE, QUICK." He would then turn and looked at the man who stood before him. "What is your name?" He focused on Metus, having a good feeling this man was probably the group's leader.
Zander sits up, stares around, listens to the wailing, and feels his skin crawl. Where am I? He asked himself, looking around once more. This was wrong, and all instincts said so. Rising to his feet, Zander thought to himself, what should I do?

Only one option shown through. He needed to find help. So he set off to where he believed North to be.

Connor Harrison

Location: River of the Dead & The Paths of Choices

Still no presence in the Force - no, it wasn't happening again was it?

Connor stopped walking down the incline as a number of deathly screams seemed to race overhead in the dark clouds, and pressed his fingers to his temple, extending his hand to reach out with the Force.

”Come on..."

His arm trembled as he pushed all he could to find a sign of life around him, to feel any of the Silver Jedi - anyone!


It had been an eternity since Rhen Var, and that part of his life was buried. He had found the Sith amulet and silenced the demons and the reason why he was cut off from the Force as a Padawan. But, now? Why now? Here? This must be a Sith world - this must be a dream.


Anger seeped into Connor's voice as he span around, looking for something; someone. This was ridiculous. Don't stop - push forward to the illumination ahead.
A Sith Lord with his apprentice. Elizie would have been disturbed by the fact if not for the place the sword enemies had to share against their will. Everything was so bizarre, so surreal, so working with a Sith caused no emotional response whatsoever. It left her completely calm, possibly also because of the fact she had no reason to fight against the two Sith; this was neither battlefield nor the Dark Sided due appeared to do… Sith things. After being defeated on Kashyyk, escaping by mere luck from her captors as a group of Wookiees ambushed the soldiers transporting her to the Sith headquarters, Elizie knew standardizing Sith posed a great danger. Some were sane… others not. Luckily, the one she shared this hell with appeared to be very reasonable. Elizie offered the same courtesy. Not like their allegiance mattered right now.

Another voice came, another poor soul seeking safety and shelter in this land of blood. Elizie swiftly turned around, spotting another being. A female judging by the voice. And a Miraluka, considering her words of being unable to see without the Force. Watching as the Sith Lord went to help the new Sith, Elizie started to wonder what connected them. She had nothing to do with the Sith just like the three had nothing to do with the Jedi. There was no connection regarding Force sensitivity either; while the white-haired girl did not know about the woman with the droid, she did not brand her as a Force user. This left Elizie clueless.

Instead of being left in the dark, the started gazing over the area, looking for something, anything. A place to go to, something that’d allow them to escape this hell. The crimson pools of blood illuminated by the sickly green light of the dark sun high above them offered no lead. “We should keep moving,” she said, “I suggest doing a search to find something that’ll help us. A ship, a building, someone who knows what’s going on, something that explains what happened,…” Her ordinary cool and calm attitude threatened to shatter. The inexperienced Padawan believed the Light Side always uncovered all answers, yet the Light Side abandoned her, leaving nothing but the Jedi training. And that definitely couldn’t have prepared for this. Her index finger tapped on her chin as she desperately tried to make sense of things.

[member="Ailyn Cyar'ika"] [member="Vassara Raxis"] [member="Shuduc Macar"] [member="Darth Metus"]
Location: Sanctuary
[member="Alyesa Organa"] | [member="Rael sul B'an"] | [member="Nefertari Sovint"]

Well that's odd. Sera watched as Alyesa tossed the weapon into the murky water, while the proceeding events defied what was typical of everything she knew of life itself. She turned nervously to Rael as he introduced himself and nodded. "Yes, lets go in. And it is good to meet you as well, Rael."

As she began to head toward what looked like the entryway she turned, hearing Nefertari shouting towards them as she approached. "Welcome to the show, Nef! Unfortunately no, I don't know anything about what is going on here. We're all just trying to get our bearings."
[member="Connor Harrison"] [member="Nima Tann"]

The Skeletal like man looked up and sighed as he looked off from Nima towards Connor's direction. "Another living... why are you all here?" He sighed again before looking at Nima for a moment raising a thin, bony finger. "Stay here Living, i will return." With that he stood and started towards Connor's direction with slow and very careful steps that brought him into sight within a minute. "Living, are you here with the other one?"

Raven Hayashi

Raven, the not so wise fox
Raven, seeing a group that stood out from the rest, watched them closely, they could lead her out possibly. Raven's orginal plan was to follow close behind but, her third tail to the right decided to take a bath in the boiling blood, meaning stealthy travel was impossible.

She was in pure agony however she didn't scream, she more grunted in pain. She couldn't make out any of the figures but there was group, "Hello!?" she cried into the steam.

[member="Solan Charr"]
[member="Shuduc Macar"]
[member="Aeizori-Mei Kaeirosae"]
[member="The Onyx"]
(Sorry if I missed anyone)

Connor Harrison

Location: River of the Dead & The Paths of Choices

Connor wasn't ready for the voice that came from nowhere behind him. So much, he cursed loudly, ducking and spinning around; he felt a shock like he hadn't experienced in...well, forever. The being was shrouded in robes and undetectable by the Force.

With a gasp, Connor ripped his lightsaber hilt from his belt and activated the blade with a snap-hiss, but almost immediately felt odd. Different.

Holding the blade in his right hand, illuminating the dark canyon surface with a piercing blue glow, Connor somehow felt unstable with the weapon - a little off?

”Don't move - who are you? Where am I?”

Relieved there was another being, Connor had many questions, but the being looked dangerous, and Connor wasn't in the mood to be deceived anymore than his mind was already doing.

[member="The Ferrymen of the River"] [member="Nima Tann"]
[member="Connor Harrison"]

The spirit looked at the blade and let his robes create the same pole as they had in the moment before when he had spoken to Nima Tann. "I am like this place, dead, forgotten, and sullen. And you Living, what are you?" He specifically said what, not who. His hands reaching out with the pole of cloth that he attempted to push Connor's hands slowly down out of their ready stance. The Cloth would some how be as hard as if it were made of a metal.
Location : Closer to The Blood Wastes​
Objective : Pack up​
Judah felt he had been walking for miles. Thorns had lashed at his legs, causing bleeding cuts. The eerie wind noise seemed closer yet far away all at the same time. At least the spires appeared closer. They looked white. He shifted the weight on Makai on his back, thinking. Judah wasn't sure how they ended up here or why. He had seen a few people on their journey towards these spires. They looked equally lost. He had chose not to talk to them. One never knew.

As they got closer to the spires, the wailing increased. It was bone-chilling. It sounded as if a million people were getting murdered at once. Makai tightened the grip around his throat. Normally he would have said something, but clearly the boy was scared. Hell, he was scared.

"Whats that noise?I don't like it."

"I don't know. Maybe some type of odd wind in this place. Or packs of animals."

Judah knew full well it wasn't wind anymore. Animals...maybe. It sounded like people though. Barren like landscape now was starting to turn into a marsh. Judah waded through, below his knees becoming slick with blood. He tried not to grimace. It was one of the most disgusting experience's he had.

"Daddy, why do those rock things look like bones?"

"Because I am fairly sure they are. Don't touch anything in here son. This entire place seems dangerous."

Yet all he could do was walk on. What else was there to do? He had seen the lost looking ones moving in this direction. Perhaps there was something over this way.

Nima Tann

Master of Her Own Destiny
[member="The Ferrymen of the River"] [member="Connor Harrison"]

LOCATION: River of the Dead

She got scared as the scary voice just came behind her and with a reflex she turned quickly to it. Seeing the ... creature... It was pretty scary. She could feel her whole body was shaking, and it wasn't going to end soon. "Who... what are you?" She stood prepared for an attack, but also thought that if that creature was anything evil it would have attacked already. Instead, now she got someone to talk to, and for that she was grateful. "Thank you for the warning. And as for the question you asked..." She stopped for a second to think. What the hell she was doing here without any knowledge of coming here. "I hoped that you had some answers for..." Just as she was asking the question the creature was gone for another... Living? Maybe someone that she knew. She hoped so.

Then she heard some static in her commlink, as if someone was trying to communicate. "H--o" The voice was not clear, but something was pretty familiar in its tone. She was happy to hear a voice from not this world, as she hoped. " Hello! This is Nima Tann from Silver Jedi. Where are you?" She asked via the commlink, hoping that the person at the other side could get her message clearly, her voice was clear but a little shaky from this experience. Not everytime you could see such a creepy creature. "Please answer me."
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