Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Episode VI: Balance of the Force

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Location edge of sanctuary and field of blades
Allies. [member="Verz Horak"]
Unknown. [member="Siigryt"]

She reached out and touched Verz arm. Sacrifices happened she had come so far in her life grateful for what she had she knew at some point a price would have to be paid. Now might be that time and if the creature would not take taste Arla would have to think hard on what she would give up.

Her sister lived without hearing and was quite the rally master. She knew Verz was protecting her she was touched by his actions. She could not live without sight to see the sun, or feel it on her skin, or hear voices around her. As it was to not taste shatual again or drink a dark ale or a sweet uji cake was a great loss to her.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Well, it seemed that she had just been completely ignored by @Akala. Then there was the beast, and the rest of what occurred... The woman in question quickly rushed forward to the remains of the shell and scraped some samples of it away. Then she looked up at the giant confrontation occurring between the Kwa princess and [member="Teferi Efreet"], before slowly stepping forward towards it.

Akala... Don't let your anger and hatred destroy you. Please... I don't want to see you die at his hands. I just want to take you, embrace you, and tell you it'll be okay - that you'll see him again so soon.

She took another step forward.

Please... Listen to me.
IC: Uriel Manteroni
Location: Akala's Back
Objective: Acalm Akala??
Allies: Connor Harrison Tamara Alexandra Lianne Feanor Solan Charr Narevni Garett Matsu Ike Seris Vant Nima Tann Teferi Efreet Nefertari Sovint Gherron Vael [member="Enigma"]
Enemies: Akala, zombies
Gear: Armor, Two Heavy blasters DY225, One Chiss Dagger, One Rakata collar (force syphon).
Thought; Speech; Action; PC; NPC.

In front of Connor, Uriel see another beautiful woman ( [member="Enigma"] ) approaching Akala.

Uriel thought: Ualll! I think to be part of Netherworld a prerequisite is to be beautiful!

The girl approached suicidally the core of zombies. Wow, another prerequisite is to be crazy !!

Two Dark Jedi approach the girl, who was as if in a trance.

Damn! They go slays her. Then Uriel uses all his skill and shoot their DY225, destroying the two Dark Jedi.

Uriel approaches the girl and says: "Hey princess !! I think staying here so close to her is not a good idea !!!"

Three criminals approach with blades in hand, Uriel shoots and beheads them !!

"Please my darling, we could go talk in a more private place ??"

The situation was getting ugly !! Uriel shouts to Connor:

Location: Akala's Back
Allies: [member="Connor Harrison"] [member="Uriel Manteroni"] [member="Enigma"] [member="Tamara"] [member="Nefertari Sovint"] [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"] [member="Nima Tann"]
Enemies: [member="Akala"]
Objective: !!!Finish Her!!!

Connor had saved her butt from falling off to certain doom. Another shake or a few minutes and she'd have lost her slim grip. She gave him a thank-you and took a moment to recover as he ran off to do what they were doing. Killing this monster she had assumed all along. Seris cursed that she'd lost her rifle. A lot of battle hours on that weapon. There was nothing to be done about it now. She'd have to fall back to her back up blaster pistols.

Seris ran forth to the nape of the beast. Everyone had mostly moved up to the spot Tamara stabbed the dagger in to its flesh. Her footing nearly gave way again at Akala's bulk slammed in to the ground. She was sure footed this time to stayed upright and on the move. 'It dead'? The thought quandered a moment to herself before the true form of the nightmares keeper came out to play. Bursting from the lifeless hulk, ranting and roaring. Raging in defiance of them all as she hovered above them.

"I CANNOT BE KILLED," Akala screamed.

It was terrifying as she summoned more minions to aid her. Seris closed in behind her allies. At the same time though seeing her true form for the first time. This little girl seemed so vulnerable to what she was before. There would be no pity, not from her. What she was put her through would leave a scar that would never fully heal. Some charged to fight the new threat, brave souls they are fighting against horrible odds and even more terrifying foes. The others stood and tried to talk with Akala. To what ends they were hoping to reason with a creature of such hate and destruction? That was beyond her level of care. It would provide an excellent distraction though. Seris was a mercenary, paid to kill and nothing more. There were no rewards here but her life. That was something more valuable than all the credits or precious metals in the universe. And she was only afforded one; rightly she would selfishly guard it. Akala yelled out one last line to her raving...

Cannot, could not, what truth her vile tongue could speak was of non consequence. There was a must far greater and demanding them to try against the odds. Seris brushed open her cloak, grasping a single blaster in her right hand. Cranked to full power for a maximum chance. She knelt into a firing position, raising her weapon to take aim. The iron sights lining up with her pupil, one eye closed. Her target was far, but it was not an impossible shot. Seris' slowed her breathing and with it the heart. The chaotic symphony of spirits fought about her, clouding her in the battle. The Light had come to aid them against the Dark. It was now or never to do her part.​
"You will be".
Seris pulled the trigger. Loosing a bolt of searing partials at Akala. Hoping if her aim were true, and luck overflowing. It would strike her neck, crippling if not outright killing the monster she hoped.​

Connor Harrison

Location: Shell of Akala's Beast, Arion
Allies: [member=Tamara] | [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"] | [member="Solan Charr"] | [member="Narevni Garett"] | [member="Uriel Manteroni"] | [member="Matsu Ike"] | [member="Seris Vant"] | [member="Nima Tann"] | [member="Teferi Efreet"] ??
Enemies: [member=Akala] ??

The shouts of this ally snapped him out of his dangerous daydream, simply staring up at Akala lost in deep through ignoring the world around him. The moment his name was called, a loud crack of blaster fire erupted beside him from the sniper he had saved.

Looking to the gunman encouraging him on, Connor looked back to the sky and activated his lightsaber with a sharp snap-hiss and closed his eyes to draw on the Force from all the being around him, but it was a dangerous thing to do with so much conflicted Dark and Light souls around him.

Opening his eyes, he let his blade point to the ground and turned sideways, conserving his energy and letting the others keep the dark souls at bay. He would wait for a moment to act when it arose because if there was one thing he was sure about, this was simple a show from Akala to wear them down with her mindless foot soldiers.
Location: Shell of Akala's Beast, Arion Allies: [member="Uriel Manteroni"]e [member="Enigma"] [member="Tamara"] [member="Nefertari Sovint"] [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"] [member="Nima Tann"] [member="Connor Harrison"] Enemies Dark zombies? [member="Akala"]

When the great creature called Akala began its death throws all that were on its back began to fall away, or cling to it waiting for its great girth to stop.

Serena had tried to steady her footing trying to balance as the creatures' body shrugged through its last moments of breath she tumbled rolling off and onto the planet surface. She laid but for a moment then rolled over to stand up looking around at all that had suddenly come into view. The creature known as Akala emerging from the shell of the beast.

Then there was the presence again of the force how it welcomed and rippled as the light once again began to breathe into them. There was a cloud over her mind though one that meant only one thing, Sith. Serena standing behind all that had come in on the back of Akala.

Serena could see a woman [member="Enigma"] walking towards Akala as she screamed her defiance. Such emotion, such pain and that was what as breaking through Serena's carefully built walls of Empathy. While she could block others around her because their presence was not so all consuming the presence of Akala over shadowed everything.

Pain. Hate. Love. All of it was seeping in, but Serena tried to hang on to blocking it out. Too much and it could drive her insane, or kill her.

The light, focus on the light she reminded herself. Then there was a presence near her she felt warmth spreading throughout her body. Focus. Delve deeper a voice soft and gentle guided her it flowed like quicksilver. Serena felt her breathing slow down.

Then she felt something she had not wanted into her open hand a light saber was placed. "A Jedi's weapon is part of them, an extension of who they are. Only in how you use it does it become the harbinger of good or evil. It is time to fight"

Serena drew a breath and opened her eyes. With a quick flip of her thumb the light saber hummed into life. For the moment she was in control.


[member="Arla Balor"] [member="Verz Horak"]

Siigryt gave the weapon a muted glance, paying it little mind.

Around them, the hordes of the Netherworld continued to gather, to move, to migrate. They were making way for larger rifts, pouring in and out others, moving to the beck and call of Akala who waged her war on the colliding planes of existence. They were surrounded now by hundreds, thousands of souls, and more were coming by the minute.

The ground beneath their feet shook and rumbled. In the distance, violent lights filled the skies. A heated torrent swept across the landscape.

"You cannot survive this sea of madness," Siigryt said plainly, baleful blue gaze moving to rest upon Verz and then Arla. The spectre gently shook her head, "Sight, hearing, or touch. There can be no other. One of you must pay if you wish to go home. Choose now before it is too late."

Darth Infernus

What was happening?

What had changed?

He didn't know anymore. His lightsaber returned to his palm, slapping solidly into place. He heard the voice of the young Jedi Woman taunt her, he heard a thousand voices. The man who he had attacked was seemingly gone, his stomach turned. The Tides of Chaos pressed against him. His head swiveled to the left, tails rushing his montrals vibrating.


His eyes opened wide, and he tried to focus once more. He shifted forward, his lightsaber igniting once again, its deep thrum ringing out throughout the tides of Chaos. He tried to find someone to kill, someone to hurt, and his eyes locked upon the young Jedi.

He let out a roar, lightning pouring forward, his other hand reaching up and gripping at her throat with the force.
Adele Adonai said:
[member="Kian Karr"] [member="Aaralyn Gyndar"]

There is no emotion, there is peace. ~

The voice would drift like misted leaves at the distance. They would pour onto the wind, touching and caressing like the warmth of a summer sun.

Where one would seek to cloud and confuse, Jedi Knight A'dele Adonnai, one with the Force since her death upon Alderaan, would cross the netherplane to counsel and lend aid to the Jedi Master.

In this she would whisper clarity with the mantra that had so often resonated in the hours of meditation for the Iridonian female.
There is peace....

And with that, she'd come back to reality within a split second and whirl on the heels of her feet realizing she had been tricked. Both sabers would engage in a blaze of plasma and fury as she performed a simple cross-slashed in an attempt to cleave the [member="Void Being"] in four sections of...whatever material it was made of. Fury was behind her swing - and the Force, oh thank the Force it had been balanced. She could feel the energy coursing through her body without interruption, without any oddities that had plagued her before.

How dependent on such a thing she had become.
Location: Battlefield
Allies: Jedi (Alive and Returned), those fighting Akala
Enemies: [member="Darth Infernus"] (primary), [member="Akala"] (Secondary)

Art of Movement and force sense: that was what let Nefertari dodge the Sith Lord's lightning. As he put forth his hand to do another technique, Nef threw a flurry of off-white lightning at him.

Then the force grip...not the worst, but it was persistent
It wasn't too long before Nefertari's vision started to blur. can't be this easy
With her last bits of energy, Nef called out with the force "SOMEBODY HELP ME!" in hopes that one of the Jedi that had returned, her love [member="Gherron Vael"], or somebody would rescue her from this ability which had caught her off guard.

But was this the end for Nefertari? Let's skip forward a little bit and find out!

Infernus had her in his grip, things looked bad. And by that, I mean really bad. Nef's crystal glowed brightly, but even the insane power granted by the dark side couldn't get her out of this right now.
Then something was noticed by Nefertari; the sound of a lightsaber igniting...and then, the grip on her throat loosened. She looked up to see a lake foam green blade held by an Otolla Gungan. The Sith Lord had been brought to his knees.
Nef grinned like a child when she recognized who it was. A jedi she knew very well indeed, yet had not seen for centuries. The Gungan turned to her and spoke
"Neffy! Mesa bought yousa few minutes. Wesa take him down together, okeeday?"
"An honor to fight at your side as always, Master Bari"
Nefertari force pulled her lightsaber to her and ran to join her master. He had severed the Sith from the force for a moment to free Nef. The playing field had been leveled, the showdown was nigh at hand.

Nefertari held her hilt in a position as if she were drawing a real sword. She was ready for when Master Bari's force sever wore off and the fight resumed.
[member="Darth Infernus"]
Netherworld or... Arion? Weird place with weird sky.
He was free from the grasp of the dead, and with a heave he jumped up from his prone position into a crouching stance, his eyes glancing from his mother to his smoldering stump, the foul nature of this realm already beginning to slowly reform what was lost. It was a very strange sensation, the remolding of incorporeal flesh, for he knew that it was no longer real, but the pain he felt was all too real in a sense. Perhaps it was truly the nature of this place that made it so, but as Viktoria began to create a monstrous behemoth from her powerful magicks, sacrificing her own flesh in the process to give the beast form, he could feel some of his old power returning as whatever affected this world began to warp once again. Despite his bodyless form, he could feel the dark energies of the Force flowing through his spirit once more, bringing renewed strength and willpower.

"My power far eclipsed your measly magicks long ago, mother. I will show you how far your son as risen, and I will make you feast on the ashes of your ruin."

With his free hand, he channeled the Dark Side of the Force, his flesh becoming a conduit for the darker aspects of the Living Force, and with a single thrust of his hand he unleashed thick torrents of Sith lightning from his gnarled fingertips towards the encroaching behemoth. While it was a dazzling display of power on his part, it was nowhere near the power he could have formed while living, but gradually his power was slowly returning to him. And soon he would finally rid himself of these nuances.

[member="Viktoria Zambrano"]
[member="Rameses Zambrano"]

Liam Quez

[member="Aaralyn Gyndar"]

Looking at the woman his head tilt - they were talking about peace and like. Looking at the shifted scenery he shook his head. He remained quiet for a moment and then looked back towards the woman. His body shifted as he stood, his brow creased and his face filled with anger. The dark side surrounded him as he stepped forward towards his "mother". "You feel at east because you think the force will save you? The force has abandoned us all - just like you abandoned me." His image flickered and he looked much older than the boy the woman had left to enter this reality. "You left and abandoned me. Mother, I thought you loved me?" If he could convince her of this reality maybe the warriors from the galaxy would falter as they lacked one of their own.

"How could you leave like that?"
Enigma said:
Akala... Don't let your anger and hatred destroy you. Please... I don't want to see you die at his hands. I just want to take you, embrace you, and tell you it'll be okay - that you'll see him again so soon.

Please... Listen to me.
In her red torrent of energy, Akala seemed to hesitate for a moment, and stretched out her hand... even as the ghost of Teferi Efreet and several Jedi past clashed with her armies of shadows.

A single tear ran down her cheek.

Was this all for nought? Was this Galaxy worth sparing? Was Zero's trickery an isolated event, a foolish image distorting the countless heroic acts of this galaxy's inhabitants?

Was Akala too far gone?

A quivering hand reached out of the air towards [member="Enigma"], and it seemed as if the Princess turned Celestial turned Angry Demon God was about to relinquish all of her acts of anger and despair in a single moment by this seemingly hapless individual who took the turn to cry out and appeal to Akala's humanity.

After all, who would think to pray for the one who most needed it?

The princess's red torrent of energy seemed to dissipate, and Akala opened her mouth to say something.

Seris Vant said:
Seris pulled the trigger.

And a blast erupted, entering Akala's open mouth and exiting out the back of her head, splattering her brains on the ground.

The God Queen slumped to the ground, dead.

Teferi Efreet

The armies of shade began to dissipate, and with them, the golden arcs of light of the Jedi began to dissipate too.​
Teferi Efreet's face was seen one last time, but he seemed to shout something that was not heard.​
The Rifts, no longer powered by Akala's energy, began to close.​
Omni's facility and the massive portal on Corellia would remain open, however. It seemed other energies in the world were powering them, and the way forward into the Netherworld would remain open.​
The planets from the Yuuzhan Vong Galaxy remained in the Galaxy now.​
So many questions unanswered.​
So much left to learn.​
Akala's strike on the Galaxy was seemingly fueled by her betrayal by the figure known as Zero, the same Zero who caused the Gulag Plague.​
He had provided her the illusion that her Celestial Guardian was still alive.​
So many questions.​
Why did Zero go to Akala?​
What was his angle?​
How did he corrupt Bol-Jahir?​
What did any of this have to do with the Gulag Plague?​
What was Akala's end-game?​
But the real question stood head and shoulders above the rest...​
Why were they taken?​
As this questions rushed through your mind, Akala's body dissipated along with the rest of her invasion force.​
It seemed the Galaxy was saved.​
But something tells you the grass won't be much greener post-Netherworld.​
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