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Episode VI: Balance of the Force

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Location: Whisperstorm
Enemies: Unknown to her
Allies: Unknown to her

Love, Serena felt it growing within her an obsessive passionate, blinding love. Faces of family and friends came to mind yes she loved them but not like this. This feeling of do anything but for who?

Serena looked back could she just step backwards and end up back on Voss instead of here? Wherever here was. There were moments standing there that she could feel not only her emotions but the emotions of thousands. A shiver ran down her back, the tiny muscies in her arms tensed giving her goosebumps, she turned her head slightly whispers began to fill her mind. Direction, and urgency to move.

Something had to be done, but what? and why? For every moment she stood there another question rose up.

What kind of love was this?


The scientist in her tried to reason.

A name finally filtered through Akala, with the mentioning of that one name Serena forgot about turning back having given herself over to the emotion, and the need for fulfilling it she walked until she was nearer to her, to Akala.

Serena left her mind completely open to feel the emotion of Akala to feel the acceptance of love, but what was wrong? Serena did not look to see if she knew anyone, she could only feel that there was need to be met.

How can I help you?


[member="Verz Horak"] [member="Arla Balor"]

Siigryt turned a forlorn gaze upon the drawn weapon but gave no indication of fright by it. Quiet presence persisting despite the growing mayhem of the realm, the ghoulish woman lifted a hand to produce, once again, the beginnings of a new rift.

"There is not much time," calm words echoed strangely around them as hordes of ghastly souls passed them by like they weren't even there, "this plane will soon come to an end and those still remaining will be trapped forever. You do not belong here, I can help you return home."

Her conjured rift continued to grow, powers from beyond flashing through in beams of angry light.

"The price is thus: one of you must pay with your sight, your voice, or your sense of touch."

Corellian. Alderaanian. Dathomirian. Coruscanti. Mon Calamari.​
Thousands of little insects seem to scratch at the surface of Akala's mind as she traversed the planet Arion, staring at the heavens. She was trying to concentration, but it seemed like a million little needles were all prodding her.​
"Why are you doing this," they asked.​
"What happened to you?"
"Why are you angry?"
Akala's entire body shuddered, throwing several souls of her back as she braced to the ground of Arion, her size growing ever larger.​
"Who are you to ask what is then and what is now,"
She roared. The sound was undecipherable and merely came out as guttural noises.​
"My vengeance will be absolute,"
A massive blackness began to blot out the suns of the system... and the surrounding systems. The sky was fluctuating between a vibrant purple and pitch blackness.​
Only Akala's energy and her skin was emanating enough light to maintain visibility.​
"My wrath is everlasting."
The sky of Arion seemed to turn into a purple shade of hyperspace, and it began violently shuddering... spiraling all about them. To look up would undoubtedly give one vertigo.​
The systems of the Yuuzhan Vong galaxy were entering... hyperspace? Or was it a rift? The naked eye... nor machine... could fully comprehend the magnitude of what was being caused by Akala's madness.​
But it might dawn upon one...​
The Yuuzhan Vong galaxy... a system full of despair, of death...​
It was a perfect staging ground for an army of undeath.​
Moments later, mechanications possessed by those in the Netherworld that were capable of telling the location of one would start showing galactic coordinates south in the Unknown Regions.​
South of the Ssi-Ruuvi Star Cluster.​
Akala, the surviving planets of the Yuuzhan Vong Galaxy, and millions... possibly billions.. of souls from the Netherworld...​
They had come back home.​
You are on Arion, in the Star Wars Galaxy, south of the Ssi-Ruuvi cluster in the Unknown Regions.​
Location: Akala's Back.
Allies: [member="Solan Charr"] [member="Matsu Ike"] [member="Connor Harrison"] [member="Nima Tann"] [member="Tamara"] [member="Nefertari Sovint"] [member="Xander Carrick"] [member="Barkt Melan"]
Enemies [member="Darth Infernus"] [member="Akala"]

Atop this beast, hundreds of feet in the air. Heights didn't phase her, with anger swelling in her veins nothing was going to. The hordes of undead were few up here. Smashing in the face of one sent it flying over the side. Its corpse would certainly shatter into bits when it hit the ground. Seris was near the Bothan, [member="Barkt Melan"]. Unaware of how exactly they were to defeat Akala short of a nuclear strike. He held the key though. An ugly bore down on him from behind. A quick shot brought it down, shattering its spine and leaving it to flail about uselessly.

Seris took a step to move towards him when Akala shook her body. The force tossed her inwards from the edge. The rifle slipped from her hand as she smacked in to the hide. The quick motion going opposite sent it over the side. Seris nearly went too, sliding a short distance before she was able to grasp a stony ledge of her body. Breath caught mid intake, choking her windpipe. She was hanging by her finger tips for life.

Connor Harrison

Location: Akala's Back, Arion
Allies: [member="Solan Charr"] | [member=Tamara] | [member="Narevni Garett"] | [member="Uriel Manteroni"] | [member="Nima Tann"] | [member="Matsu Ike"] | [member="Seris Vant"] ??
Enemies: Unknown

Connor was suddenly thrown onto his back, as Akala shook under them and the world around them became a kaleidoscope of nightmarish purples, blacks, fiery reds and streaking blue. Facing the dark sky above, Connor was on his back and pushed to get up quickly, losing all sense of where they were; only knowing they were on the source of all this, a lumbering monster with no way of getting through. His face bore a fresh cut, and a pang of sadness for the spirit he still felt an obsessive love for.

"There’s nothing we can do – she’s not listening – she is moving towards her destiny."

Hearing a cry, Connor saw a body tumble over the lip of her giant back as the sky cracked ahead. He moved forward, boots digging into the ground as he stretched out his hand to take the figure by the arm. With a sniper rifle tumbling down, Connor leant back to keep his balance as he held the solider, inches from falling.

"Hold on – come on, get back up here!"

Gripping tight, he rolled his body to let his weight help offer the sniper a way back up to climb up with the security of his strong arm. Looking over, Connor saw another face he knew – Matsu Ike, another Silver Jedi. His eyes narrowed – when he needed help, they never showed. Now when he was trying to save them, two appeared rather conveniently.

Nima Tann

Master of Her Own Destiny
[member="Connor Harrison"] [member="Matsu Ike"] [member="Solan Charr"] [member="Tamara"] [member="Seris Vant"] [member="Uriel Manteroni"]

"The Silver Jedi never wants its members to fall weak... It's not true... I know things are difficult here but just open your mind, Connor... This love you feel towards her... It's not right. If you listen yourself for a second, you'll see." She stopped for a moment, then met his cold gaze. "It's not even a her anymore. Look at that monster. Will you let this monster roam free and destroy what you swore to protect... Just for a fake love you didn't even try to understand? You want power? Okay. You want to blame me for everything? Fine. But if she continues like this... All you get is a dead body... Help us destroy her... for all the galaxy."

She held her hand near to her saber. The last time she spoke like this she got broken bones and she wasn't going to let him do that again.

"She didn't love you. All she wanted was to use you." Well... that was called karma.

Connor Harrison

Location: Akala's Back, Arion
Allies: [member="Solan Charr"] | [member=Tamara] | [member="Narevni Garett"] | [member="Uriel Manteroni"] | [member="Matsu Ike"] | [member="Seris Vant"] ??
Enemies: [member="Nima Tann"] ??

Connor held the sniper as much as he could, eye moving to Nima Tann as she spoke.

And the little girl never died, even with the title of Knight, it didn't hide her obsession. He WAS her obsession, and she was jealous that she wasn't the bane of his attention anymore. Yes, Akala was taking a form like that he hadn't seen before, but to love the spirit of the fallen princess was the key to saving everyone.

"To love somebody gives them hope, Nima - to understand them and try to do everything possible without the need to take a life. You are too naïve and stupid to understand that."

He pushed down with his boot to maintain a study position on the lip of Akala with the sniper in his arm.

"You think I want power? You think I blame you for anything? You're deluded. The whole Order is deluded now and I'm trying to save what's left of it! And if you take that blade to me, if you attack me, this time I will kill you Nima."
Location: Akala's Back, Arion

[member="Connor Harrison"] [member="Nima Tann"]

The shaking was a pain as he did his best to holdd on and in the meantime looked up to stare at the two silver Jedi fighting and then at Tamara as he closed his eyes. They were running out of options, he trusted that jedi to be able to do something in calming Akala but how long would it take, how much more damage could he allow before the man actually did it. Then there was miss happy to stab behind him who he didn't have time life so finally his eyes focused on Nima Tann and staring as he breathed in and out. "Im an idiot sometimes." He tried to stand on the words of Harrison having to kill Nima fi she got in the way he stood and ran forward, trying to get between the two and if he could he would speak. "Both of you stop right now, we have more important things to do.... You..." He looked at Connor with the darkside aura he had before around him getting larger incase one of the two attacked. "Do what you can to calm akala down, but know that if you don't hurry more people will die because of her anger....and you." Now he looked at Nima. "You want to help him right? Then help support him and not diverting his focus for force sakes. Gods you jedi annoy me sometimes."

Connor Harrison

Location: Akala's Back, Arion
Allies: [member="Solan Charr"] | [member=Tamara] | [member="Narevni Garett"] | [member="Uriel Manteroni"] | [member="Matsu Ike"] | [member="Seris Vant"] ??
Enemies: [member="Nima Tann"] ??

Connor narrowed his eyes at Solan, standing now between him and Nima.

"Why don't you stop talking so much and do something to actually HELP me? If all you can do is pin the fate of the entire galaxy on what I'm trying to do here on my own, then you don't deserve saving."

He indicated with his head to the sniper, straining to summon the strength to pull her up at an awkward angle.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Location: Moving across Akala's back
Objective: Kill Akala
Allies: [member="Tamara"]

Alexandra had been teleported with the others from where she had stood before and now looked over the back of the monster as it shook and saw an item of importance which she smiled at. Her feet moving under her she would reach out and whether Tamara had problem standing or not Alex would hold onto her shoulder none the less. "Hey there, looks like memories are coming back in regards to the last time we both saw Akala, mind getting that ready because i think you need a pretty good distraction in order stab her." Alex herself was curious if Akala would recognize her from the past, but if she didn't oh well then, she couldn't let Akala go any further.
Location: Akala's back, Arion
[member="Connor Harrison"] and [member="Nima Tann"]

"Because Jedi, A i am a darksider through and through and i dont think you want me touching a person who was corrupted to such a high extent. Furthermore the main thing i can do is create fire and kill people, and i don't think that you want me doing either to Akala unless i judged you wrong and you want her dead..." He looked at Harrison with an annoyed expression saying 'why in the hell would you ask a dark sider to help keep someone calm.'

Connor Harrison

Location: Akala's Back, Arion
Allies: [member="Solan Charr"] | [member=Tamara] | [member="Narevni Garett"] | [member="Uriel Manteroni"] | [member="Matsu Ike"] | [member="Seris Vant"] | [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"] ??
Enemies: [member="Nima Tann"] ??

"Just shut your mouth and keep her off my back! I doubt your little tickle of the Dark Side is going to actually affect how Akala is now - and I want to stop her, of course, for her sake. But you know what to do if you see someone you love in great pain with no escape..."

He turned away and shook his head, not wanting to finish the thought. A thought that...somehow...wasn't his own, but it was stronger than ever and he felt that nothing he could do was going to help them.

"And watch your back, Dark Sider, we have another Force user here..."

Nima Tann

Master of Her Own Destiny
This little temperature dropped quickly as [member="Solan Charr"] got between her and Connor. Same old Connor... Everytime trying to do what he thought was right and never wanted anyone's help. What would it change if she tried to help him? Nothing. It would make the things worse because he wasn't cooperating. She looked at Solan first and started to talk. "Mister I don't think that you understood the importance of this situation. " She then turned to [member="Connor Harrison"], who looked a lot darker. She could understand that he was in a rage himself. "You are not helping her and calming her by this. You are just making things worse. Look at her now. Do you see anything better in her? No. Just full rage and want to kill. And do you know who she will kill first if you continue like this? You. Then you can talk about 'saving the galaxy' as you want. Connor..." She stopped talking. The next words were ice cold. " Sometimes you need to let go of people you love... in order to save billions. Stop this before it gets out of hand and help us find a way to ease her suffering. You know it will not work."
Location: Akala's back moving towards group
Enemies and Allies: Unknown

Serena thought she had been walking on the ground having failed to truly look around she had concentrated on what she was feeling.

When Akala shook Serena fell and began struggling to grab something, anything that would keep her from falling off. Her fingernails dug into what she thought was the ground, she could see them shredding against it. Just as she thought she would slid off into oblivion her foot caught something, she pushed herself up finding a hand hold, she pulled herself up she was not on the ground. Intuition awareness call it what you would, she knew this was Akala. She rolled over quickly she laid there looking up at the sky as it changed colors.

Her heart was still pounding from the fear of falling, sweat had beaded on her brow and her entire body shook from the experience. She closed her eyes for a moment, it was then she could hear the underlying whisper.

What would you do for love? I don't understand.

Would you die for it? Die to have known it, or die to protect it?

Would you die for the one you love? She did not think twice on that one, yes I would die for someone I love.

Serena did not understand all these questions about love, and the driving need she felt to give love. She sat up and now looked around. There were other silvers here. But still where was here?

She looked she could see [member="Matsu Ike"], someone she barely knew, and [member="Nima Tann"], and then she made out the form of [member="Connor Harrison"]. How many Silvers were here? And did they all feel this same driving need. But their voices were carrying, they were arguing.

Serena started to move holding herself to maintain balance. Her mind not quite clear here, she squeezed her eyes together.

There was someone else, someone [member="Solan Charr"] she did not recognize. Drawing deep for breath she began to realize she was hurt how had she done that? Carefully, cautiously until she was close enough to hear the words, and yet still she did not quite understand. She listened longer...she reached out to touch Nima's shoulder to let her know of her presence.
Location: Akala's Back, Arion
Objective: Kill Akala, Survive

His feet left the ground again as the beast roared, and he felt himself slam into it's back. Struggling to hold on, he tried to stab downwards with the dagger, but it lept away from him, towards [member="Tamara"]'s waiting hand. Effecitivly disarmed, he fumbled for his blaster, terrified at this change of events. A hand shot out, trying to keep the undead at bay until he could find it... There. The weapon went off twice, giving him room to recover as he struggled to his feet, feeling the ground move as he got to his feet. He aimed and shot as soon as he had targets, and then the world changed once again. He hated these phase shifts.

The ground, or more accurately, flesh, beneath him grew and shook again, throwing him loose. As he landed near the edge, he dropped the blaster, firing a different cylinder into the abomination's back, and locking it onto his belt. At least he wouldn't fall now...

Pain shot through him as he jarred at the end of the rope. Wincing as he moved, the Bothan braced his legs on the side, slowly trying to haul himself up.
IC: Uriel Manteroni
Location: Akala's Back
Objective: Acalm Akala??
Allies: [member="Connor Harrison"] [member="Tamara"] [member="Solan Charr"] [member="Narevni Garett"] [member="Seris Vant"] [member="Barkt Melan"] [member="Nima Tann"]
Gear: Armor, Two Heavy blasters DY225, One Chiss Dagger, One Rakata collar (force syphon).

Speech; Thought; Action; NPC, PC.

Uriel was completely ignored ... He was still close to the Jedis, the men discuss increasingly exalted.

Uriel watched the discussion and realized that one of the Jedi LOVED the monster !! Then Uriel saw approaching someone with known uniform, [member="Narevni Garett"] . Hmmm an old Republican Commando, well at least what's left of him. Uriel tells Narevni Garett: "Hey mate ... the battles were not good for you ... but is still good to find an old colleague."

Then a beautiful Twi'lek ( [member="Nima Tann"] ) approaches and discusses with the monster lover: "She did not love you. All she wanted was to use you.."

Uriel looked [member="Connor Harrison"], after he looked at the monster and thought: Yikes !! I do not even want to imagine how she used him !!

In this discussion the monster roared and Uriel may notice that the entire planet was entering a hyperspace jump !!

My God !!

Uriel looks away and sees a Jawa ( [member="Seris Vant"] ) approaching with a huge rifle.

Uriel looks away and sees a Bothan ( [member="Barkt Melan"] ) approaching toward beautiful woman ( [member="Tamara"] ).

Hmm I think I'm among a select group!

So [member="Solan Charr"] says: "Do what you can to calm akala down, but know that if you don't hurry more people will die because of her anger....and you." Now he looked at Nima. "You want to help him right? Then help support him and not diverting his focus for force sakes. Gods you jedi annoy me sometimes."

Uriel thought: I think this guy is the only one lucid here !!

Uriel said to the dark jedi: "Yeah !! I also get irritated with jedis!, both Silver Jedis as the Dark Jedis !!"

Uriel then takes the Force Siphon. The Rakata relic vibrated a lot, and Uriel realized that was because of the monster.

Uriel approached Connor Harrison and stared in eyes him and said: "Listen Guy !!! This collar is an ancient relic, something of the early Force, do you already heard of Rakatas ?? Well ... this here is a force trap, one siphon force, it can calm his "beloved" because it will generate a point of suction of force. This can balance the force of her! You only have to ... well ..." Uriel would say: to put on her neck ... hammm ..., Uriel give up to say this, so he have to do this relic getting stuck in her ...

Uriel gave the relic which much vibrated to Connor.
Location: The Garden of Thorns
Companions: [member="Selinica Miriya Cailis"]

A wave of relif washed over lucien it was good to be in the company of an ally. He faised out of a moment lost in selinica's touch ignorant of the light flow of blood staining his sleeves. Behind him the vile garden hedge showed no indication of his intrusion just moments before.

He smiled "yes that hedge did hurt ... I think I'm going to need someone to kiss me better " he said as if his request were of paramount importance "Then maybe I'll need a rather attractive lady to give me some ... Intimate treatment ... Once we've found a way out of course" a bed of thorns might suit some but lucien was a little traditional when it came to ... Evening recreation

Lucien's attempts to be coy were rather unceromoniously interrupted by a most unappealing noise. Selinica's hand had left his arm and she was on her knees clutching her ears, so was he, his hands did little to shield him and the cracking drove through his head. After what seemed like an eternity the noice subsided his hands left his ears and he cautiously crawled to Selenica his hand reaching to web with hers

All around them were the refinance of what appeared to be to long dead he grasped at the body only to pass straight through , his hand engulfed by a chill.

Back on his feet he got a better look throbbing tears in the thorns were scattered all around ... Portals prehaps? "I think we have our exit dear ... I can only hope they lead home" he took a few cuasious steps forward closer to a portal his left hand still grasping Selinica's "Shall we risk going through? I can't see a better option "


The Eternal Exile
Objective: An end, once and for all.
Location: On the back of the beast.
Allies: [member="Connor Harrison"] [member="Solan Charr"] [member="Narevni Garett"] [member="Seris Vant"] [member="Barkt Melan"] [member="Nima Tann"] [member="Uriel Manteroni"]

“Jedi…” she muttered. This pissing match between Jedi, each with their own range of mental issues was not engaging.

Instead, she had two things of importance. First, she had [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"] by her side.
She turned, smiled grimly at the other woman. “Together again, Ms Feanor. It’s been a while, a hundred-thousand years or so. But yes, this is it. I was there for her birth, I will being her end. Help me.”

She showed the other woman the Dagger of Mortis she had taken from the Bothan.

“This is the only means of stopping her. I must walk to Akala’s head. Say nothing to the others, let’s go through, then do what must be done.”

This, all said quietly, was followed by Tamara concealing the blade as best she could about her person.

Then, bold as brass, Tamara walked through the brewing confrontation between Jedi, neutrals, whoever they were. She had no interest in their struggles. She walked with Alexandra along the back, aiming to reach the neck and head. She only needed them to ignore her for a few moments longer….
[member="Siigryt"] | [member="Verz Horak"]​

Arla looked at Verz hearing the price. The senses that the being asked for were key for any creature. Without sight she would not be able to see war, or lead warriors, without hearing she could not hear any of the sounds she took delight in now, and without touch she'd never feel pain, or know she was hurt.

Was she willing to forgo one of them to return to the world or should be trapped her forever. Would you be wiling to take the sense of taste? She could live without having to taste some things again. But she imaged that the answer was no even though it was a sense it may not carry the kind of loss that called for to pay the price.

What do you think Verz? Time was running out, and they would need to make the decision.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Location: Akala's Back
Allies: [member="Tamara"]
Enemies: [member="Akala"]

She started walking with tamara, sabers hidden in her sleeves and mind clear as she would not let anyone sense her intent as she was not ready to allow such intrusion of any kind. She did look over at the others though as they passed themd and her eyes drifted from one person to the other before continuing on without a second though. He would defend the girl with the blade as long as she needed, she just hoped that the jedi didn't decide now of all times to turn on eachother and start causing a disturbance on the back of the giant that was akala because that would make getting to where they needed to be far more difficult. What she was curious by though was that they were so few around the area that were controlled by Akala... Alex would have thought that would be a well placed area for a guard or two.
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