Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Equal Before the Forge (Fringe/CIS Alchemy Group Training)

He had been busy, as of late. Coruscant, council, apprentices, and the continuation of his own training had kept the Sith Lord well and truly occupied. He had been coming off some business that was making him uncharacteristically late, and as he entered the fringes of the group, he quashed his annoyance at the fact and honed in on the words of [member="Rave Merrill"], as to the understanding of the terms - he remembered, and had went through the introductory materials 'late' one night earlier in the week - and those words which [member="Isley Verd"] spoke as he inserted himself further amongst the gathered, and followed the simple instruction, opening his senses to the ebbs and flows of the Force as he had done countless times, on innumerable occasions.

As he did, his eyes remained on the actions of the Mandalorian, and a stray thought sought to remind him of the magics that his mistress was skilled with, centuries before, and it made him curious as to what she would think of him finally giving in to his curiosity on such matters, of his own volition, without her insistence. Strange, she had called it, that he would be so willing to use the Force, but so stiffly skeptical of other ways. But... then, he had only been a disciple. He had since had it impressed upon him the usefulness of a blade forged with this alchemy, after the discussion (with Rave Merrill) and use of a pair of Derriphan's Eye at Trevura. Their silence was welcome after having to depend on the sole weapon on his person - the lightsaber - when the Force had seen fit to drop him in this frame of time. Extraneous noise did not suit the predator at all.

Once the Mandalorian, Isley, had finished demonstrating the first step - which Adair examined with an eye for detail in how the molecules in the example moved about, altering - the half-K'paur Sith looked to the reference materials with the 'eye' of the the Force, and with focus, made out to match the molecular structure of the reference phrik before him in the blank provided. The act was strange, far different from the ways of his main abilities pertaining to telekinesis, energy, and illusion, but their was an inherent similarity in that something of one property or another was altered or acted upon to suit a particular end. As uncomfortable as it felt to be using something outside of his expertise, the results garnered from his understanding - achievement of the initial task - went a fair ways to making them more familiar.

Bourne Cavanagh

Phrik was the material of choice in front of the Blazing Chain Pirate. Smoke went curling up and the acrid cloud would sting his eyes, causing them to squint a bit, but it only provided him a means to focus on the material.

Molecules eh? came the inner musing, only to pick up the metal in his hand, turning it to and fro lightly in a slow vertical rotation of his wrist. The pirate drew in his power, letting it bleed out of his hands and his eyes to pick up on the subtle nuances of the material. There was some difficulty to it, but every alchemist began somewhere. This was his.

Soon, he was able to explore just what the master alchemist meant upon the phrik. In that he was ready for the next step.
One of the things that these potential Alchemists would learn is that there was much more to the craft than simply manipulating the metals before them at a molecular level. There were other things...things that took a strong stomach and black heart to obtain...that could make the process easier; and result in better products overall. This was the next step in the alchemical process that the instructors would impart to their students this day: overcoming the qualms of the stomach in order to for the end result to be even better. To this end, the Mandalorian temporarily set down his sheet of Desh-Terenthium and turned; placing his attention upon those who were about him. He noticed the eyes of [member="Nickolas Imura"] upon him and regarded the man with a respectful nod (whilst making the mental note to make sure he stood in such a manner that his actions were clearly viewable from where he stood). Then, there was the late arrival that caused heads to turn; just like a traditional classroom. Enter [member="Oron Verd"], Isley's own sibling. With a light chuckle, he addressed the man in a joking tone.

"You're late little brother. Come here, I saved you the best seat in the house." he said, motioning to the "portable forge" located right beside his own. From there, Isley decided to take a momentary stroll about the student so that he might check their progress. In passing, he gave Oron a pat on the arm and added: "Looks like Alchemy's going to run in the family." Folding his hands behind his back, he then passed by his spouse, [member="Phoebe Verd"]. Typically, he would have said something; whether affectionate or otherwise, but she had that look of supreme concentration on her face that inspired him to keep his peace (despite the proud smirk that began to form). Moving right along, the Mandalorian was promptly exposed to a flood of energies, born of the Force; a fact that caused his full attention to fall upon [member="Astrian Callus"]. He watched, in silence, as the White Wolf made his adjustments to the first sword, then gave praise as it was due when the process was complete. "Excellent work! You picked up on this fast." he said, giving the man a nod of acknowledgement.

However, he did not dwell upon his fellow Templar's success too long, for the entrance of another caused his head to turn. Enter [member="Særa Ayña Savan"], a rather industrious member of the Confederacy; despite her tender age. Turning his attention to [member="Rave Merrill"], Isley simply requested: "Would you mind assisting her? I'll tend to the rest of our students." Then, he strode off in order to see how his own apprentice was progressing. Much akin to Astrian Callus, [member="Matsu Xiangu"] had excelled at the task at hand. Isley could literally feel the Force reverberating from her fingers and admonished her with a simple: "Excellent work, Matsu." Having now seen the progress of each of the students, the Mandalorian returned to his forge and took the sheet of Desh-Terenthium into his grasp. His initial inspection had seen the metal devoid of any glaring imperfections, and so Isley began to follow his own instruction. With a deep inhalation to clear his thoughts, he opened himself to the ebb and flow of the Force. Beckoning it forward, the energies fell upon him like a mighty tide, streaming forth through his fingertips and into the sheet.

Having "zoomed" in on the individual molecules through his mind's eye, Isley then began to utilize the beskar of his own armor as a base for the adjustments. Through this, the resulting changes augmented the weight of the Desh-Terenthium; in addition to resulting in an imperviousness to the blades of lightsabers. What's more, this was the step which resulted in the supernatural durability of alchemized materials. Once this step was completed, Isley casually placed the sheet upon the Forge and reached for the rope connected to the bellows. With a series of tugs, he breathed new life into the coals and set about preparing one of the more...grotesque...treatments for the metal. Reaching for one of the shelves built into the Forge, he produced a basin and a vial, filled to the brim with blood. The reality of the matter was that this blood, as was the case with the vials provided for the rest of the class, more than likely came from someone young and innocent. Of course, the purer, the better. Having already gotten accustomed to the sight of innocent blood, Isley casually emptied the vial into the basin, muttered the proper words of ancient Sith to give it that extra kick and emptied the contents onto the Forge's coals. In response, the heat all but doubled; a Force-born response if there ever was one.

At that point, it was time to address the class once more. "Alright ladies and gentlemen, typically-speaking the next step in the alchemy process would pose a morality issue for some. However, we have circumvented this by providing you blank swords to work with, as opposed to shaping them on your own. However, when you walk away from this class today, you must take with you the knowledge that Alchemy is leagues away from being Light. Therefore, there will be...gritty...ingredients incorporated when attempting to create literal masterpieces; such as what the Force deems as 'innocent' blood. At your Forges, you'll find said blood, which you can utilize as a medium to make your weapons all the more potent; but for right now let's move onto the next step in completing your swords." he said, taking a moment to pause and collect his thoughts.

"This step revolves around reversing the magnetic polarity of the blade; a task that will prove difficult for those of us who cannot yet project Force-based electricity. For those of us who can utilize said techniques, it is simply a matter of looking for that which you are used to: an electric charge, so to speak. For those untrained, you will have to diligently seek out this energy in the Force. Do not become discouraged if you cannot find it right away. Once you have located the magnetic 'aura' of the blade, the best way to describe reversing the magnetic flipping a sock inside out. I know, I know, humorous image. You'll need to seize the aura through the Force and move it as you see fit; and once it is reversed, the resulting weapon will be able to reflect or deflect blaster bolts and lasers like child's play. Any questions?"

[member="Rave Merrill"] | [member="Nickolas Imura"] | [member="Oron Verd"] | [member="Phoebe Verd"] | [member="Astrian Callus"] | [member="Matsu Xiangu"] | @DarthoMaul | [member="Lucianus Adair"] | [member="Eldoc Quasat"] | [member="Lucrezia"] | [member="Ikki Ike"] | [member="Bourne Cavanagh"] | [member="Særa Ayña Savan"]​

OOC: Sorry about the ginormous post guys x.x
Eldoc looked at the blank blade and smirked treating it through the portable forge. He applied some of the blood to it, knowing that everything had its cost, and the end justified the means right? Eldoc worked hard on his blade focusing on the make up of the blade, modifying it and ensuring that it inherited the properties that were suppose to be on it. That was when he listened to them and smiled at the idea of the aura. He focused on it like he was taught by Serella so long ago and focused on the aura of the blade. That was when he began forcing it to reverse. Eldoc was good at that, having learned to see people's auras before it was no matter to see a swords. Eldoc waited for the next step, glad he was at least keeping up. He looked over at his apprentice to see how she was doing.
[member="Isley Verd"]


Vong-formed Imperial Knight/Joiner drone/Imperial
Lucrezia had remained quiet for the most part allowing the instructors to give their orders and touching the equipment provided, the blank blade and seeing what her master was doing had her relax a little. The vong armor clicking while it ejected its plates and secured them over her shoulders and body. Signature dropping more and more as she focused on the blade and its properties, she let out a small breath while she searched or the aura of the weapon to work it and empower it. Her master the armor told her was doing the same as the living organism alerted to the ones around her.


Well-Known Member
Between many, many goings-on, Atretes had, unfortunately, forgotten about this class at first. He'd been invited by [member="Isley Verd"] to learn the techniques used to forge Drachlann. He heard voices and finally made his way to the room where the lessons were taking place. He edged along the sides of the room, trying not to be intrusive, while he attempted to gather what was going on based on, well, what was going on. He could feel the hum of the Force and how they were all tapping into it, but his loss was to what end. He frowned and stood in a corner, not saying anything just yet while he tried to glean information by observation.
At that point, it was time to address the class once more. "Alright ladies and gentlemen, typically-speaking the next step in the alchemy process would pose a morality issue for some. However, we have circumvented this by providing you blank swords to work with, as opposed to shaping them on your own. However, when you walk away from this class today, you must take with you the knowledge that Alchemy is leagues away from being Light. Therefore, there will be...gritty...ingredients incorporated when attempting to create literal masterpieces; such as what the Force deems as 'innocent' blood. At your Forges, you'll find said blood, which you can utilize as a medium to make your weapons all the more potent; but for right now let's move onto the next step in completing your swords." he said, taking a moment to pause and collect his thoughts.

"This step revolves around reversing the magnetic polarity of the blade; a task that will prove difficult for those of us who cannot yet project Force-based electricity. For those of us who can utilize said techniques, it is simply a matter of looking for that which you are used to: an electric charge, so to speak. For those untrained, you will have to diligently seek out this energy in the Force. Do not become discouraged if you cannot find it right away. Once you have located the magnetic 'aura' of the blade, the best way to describe reversing the magnetic flipping a sock inside out. I know, I know, humorous image. You'll need to seize the aura through the Force and move it as you see fit; and once it is reversed, the resulting weapon will be able to reflect or deflect blaster bolts and lasers like child's play. Any questions?"

Slipping in very quite like a panther the dark eye beauty. Had only been in the the order for a little while now, still learning just what powers she could have with in herself. What she did was not normal, something that one power she had before be decovered by an CIS. Letting her finger tips dance upon the surface then resting for a time. Her eyes taking on a glow of its own only to find what she was seeking. After which she took her fingers off, only to look around if others seen what she had done. Knowing this was only the next step to something greater. Leaving the rest to be worked out, walking around like cat she was in the darkness. Finding her hands around a blank sword. This her eyes keep upon the class as she slip back into a place that hope that wouldn't be so notable that had came in later then the fellow classes mate.

Only to find herself now working on what was spoken, knowing nothing of this judgement electricity keeping her mouth quite for the time being. As she once again found her self staring at the sword. Only to try to do as instructed, bring her back to her days at the achmey on her home planet. "Oh popcock, blaze tare hill, feather. This was more to herself then anything finding her licking her licks bring her lips in words as if very deep in thought to the task in hand. Shaking her head back and forth hearing the popping each way. Until she once again figure out how to let her mind flow into the sword at hand.
The White Wolf was no stranger to producing the force in the form of electricity. However a stranger he was to the magnetic aura of a weapon and therefore the same to reversing the magnetic polarity. However, the way Isley described it made finding the method easier and with increased brain processing power it was quickly discovered and comprehended. The Wolf focused levitating the blade and extending his palm, he allowed a rather powerful zap of sky white lightning into the blade. Powerful enough to kill the majority of people in this room if it hit them directly in an unarmored chest. Regardless the Wolf's mind was in complete focus as he discovered the origins of the blade and its magnetic power, of course the blade had been modified to suit his size and needs, as per request. He twisted the blade's polarity, once this process was done the blade was gently dropped and the Wolf's arm retracted from it, balling the lightning into a fist and using tutanamis to absorb its left over energy. The process seemed easier than what he had imagined.

[member="Atretes Rhoujen"]
[member="Eldoc Quasat"]
[member="Isley Verd"]
[member="Bourne Cavanagh"]
[member="Lucianus Adair"]
The blade suitably adjusted in the first task of intent in shaping it, the next task was given - one that caused the corners of his mouth to twitch upwards in brief as to the simplicity of the requirement. Electrical energy was a field in which he was most well versed, from simple sparks to outright destructive applications, and the manipulation of it was something he had begun to learn as a mere apprentice, several centuries before. Examining the results of the beginning work, and finding it more than acceptable, the Sith Lord pulled in a modest draw of the Force for the next.

He applied the fingers of his right hand to the flat of the blade, and slowly smoothed them along the length of it, feeling the magnetic aura of the blade out as if it were tactile, tangible, and once he knew it well, the gathered Force was released as sufficient electrical charge to pull the magnetic aura into a reverse of its polarity. He could feel it flip over like a switch. This was sufficient.

| [member="Astrian Callus"] | [member="Atretes Rhoujen"] | [member="Bourne Cavanagh"] | [member="DathoMaul"] | [member="Eldoc Quasat"] | [member="Ikki Ike"] | [member="Isley Verd"] | [member="Lucrezia"] |​
| [member="Matsu Xiangu"] | [member="Nickolas Imura"] | [member="Oron Verd"] | [member="Phoebe Verd"] | [member="Rave Merrill"] | [member="Særa Ayña Savan"] | [member="Seanna Vel "]|​
| [member="Astrian Callus"] | [member="Atretes Rhoujen"] | [member="Bourne Cavanagh"] | [member="DathoMaul"] | [member="Eldoc Quasat"] | [member="Ikki Ike"] | [member="Isley Verd"] | [member="Lucrezia"] |
| [member="Matsu Xiangu"] | [member="Nickolas Imura"] | [member="Oron Verd"] | [member="Phoebe Verd"] | [member="Lucianus Adair"] | [member="Særa Ayña Savan"] | [member="Seanna Vel "]|

Saera Savan and her assembled alchemical whatnots got an approving smile. "Of course, Saera. We'll use the process of alchemizing these simple blade blanks to reinforce your technique, refine your skill. By the time we finish with them, you'll be ready to make a truly special personal blade. I think it's about time we get started."

Rave raised her voice and addressed the crowd. "Let's get to work. Don't get discouraged if you can only manage one or two blades; this is a difficult process. By the end of the day, with help from Isley and myself, you'll ideally be at the point where you've finished a handful of blades and become very familiar with a basic alchemical forge. The forge will aid you in reducing your focus and simplify the transformation process; it's very, very difficult to perform metallurgical alchemy without a proper forge. These forges are also designed to assist with basic biological alchemy, but we'll have to cover that another time, as it has so much more variation than metallurgy.

"Now stretch out to the Force. Be precise, controlled. Reduce your level of focus, like looking through a microscope. Let yourself float free of your surroundings; ignore everything around you. Your focus should be entirely on the metal lattice structure of the blade blanks." They weren't blanks, per se, but blades without a final edge or handle or crossguard. "Smooth out anomalies. Tighten the lattice, eliminate chaos, promote consistency. You'll have to do the entire blade, bit by bit. And bit by bit, you'll have to pour the energy of the Force into the molecular bonds of the metal, strengthening them with the Dark Side. Use the crystal focus armatures and blood sacrifices as described in the materials you read on your way here."

Saera Willamina Savan

~+--- Skaidra ---+~ Beskarsmith, Alchemist
Saera returned a timid smile upon confirmation of her goals.
With her objectives set to the back of her mind, Saera slowly reared up on one of the forges; dreadful looking things they were, but they weren't as complex as the one she and Circe had established back in the Crystal Heart and there would be no nexus to help her. While she did bring a set of polished down Cryastium crystals which still resonated in the tune and light of the Force, it would merely be enough to focus the blade itself, functioning almost like a magnetic polarizer, pulling the molecules tighter in line with each and every sweep. First things were first, however, and the young Sithspawn hybrid held out her palms while honing her mind onto the gut of the forge ahead of her. The almost white-hot flames of Saera's design birthed from her palms began to flow effortlessly into the forge until, with a quick spark, it lit ablaze in alchemic fire. This was a part of the same techniques she would use if it were the amply named Crystal Heart. Next came the hard part; focusing. The fire was an easy enough trick that she had inherited and honed through her mother, Ashelotte. Even without the proper focus and clarity, the ring was a partial Sith Amulet that imparted a sense of inner clarity and granted its wielder dominion over fire even when they knew none. To turn a dull and cheap blade well, however, would be something difficult for even her, granted the grade of tools she was given and the quantity of other Force signatures shifting and churning in the room.
Grabbing one of the blanks, Saera readied herself to throw one into the blaze. She'd already been knowledgeable in the 101 of alchemy and alchemic rituals, even mastering a couple of more complex ones, but the materials there were almost foreign to her. The metal was of a kind she'd not worked with before despite its simplicity and the blood could have been from any number of sources; she could not afford to waste her own forging these blades which she brought only to craft her mother's. Taking a vial from the rack, the plant-foxling watched the blade grow bright in the flames of her conjuration and and began to meditate deeply on its completion, it's wholeness. It was strange for her, having been used to smelting the metal herself and refining the blade by hand with the many top-quality tools she'd been bought by her mother. The feeling of oddity transformed into difficulty, slowing the edging of the blade.
"U-um..." she murmured, catching herself mid thought.
Saera decided, against her original impressions, that it would be better to perform it her way, the way she was most comfortable with that would still produce quality product by comparison. Continuing her pyromantic Force treatment, it was finally time to apply the nexus crystals to the forge. Each one was placed at one end of the blade in order to expedite the process of latticing the molecules aligned and enhancing their bonds, theoretically making a denser, more rigid piece. The soft, pliable metal, changed by the supernatural heat and pulled by the crystals, made much easier the task of realigning the metal into polarity. The last part was actually the most familiar to Saera; a simple electrostatic charge in the Force channeled down the length of the blade, from the area by the first crystal to the last, too weak to cause harm but strong enough to slowly but surely rework the blade. She never knew why it worked - probably why she never shot lightning from her fingers or the like - but she knew that it always did in time. The flames finally and quickly simmered down into a small candlelight and the metal was left to flash-forge into alignment as forces were at work upon it.
Saera thought to ask what the next step specifically would be, but she forwent simply waiting patiently for those who hadn't done the task to proceed. While her heart was truly in the alchemic forging of these blades, her mind lay firmly on getting one of the teachers to help her complete her mother's blade, which would require two masters at the level she needed it to be; imbued, alchemized, bound to a soul and enriched in stolen live essences. There was no way she could achieve something of such a grand and wide scale on her own or even with ten or a thousand of herself.

Bourne Cavanagh

So the instructions had been cast like dice to the ground.

Bourne brought his cigarra back to perch between the right corner of his lips, letting it hang limply as ash continued to accumulate.

Rough hands went up and down the blade, carefully minding the edge, as he did as he was told. In his mind’s eye, he drew in the power of the Force. A crooked grin came and he set the blade down.

Blood sacrifice, of course, always had to be paid, thought the guttermage.

But he wasn’t without his own set of tricks. The sharp blade of his knife cut deep, blood forming a bead that was quick to continue to flow. The Blazing Chain pirate had a bit of a history with Rhand and the Bando Gora. In this, a blood price, he was well aware of.

Blood would trail and smear across in front of him in crimson sigils, faint, but with a few words came the brush of a power so dark it would slip into his veins like black ooze. His eyes would turn completely black, not a single sliver of white to be seen.

But in this he was gifted with sight as keen as any eagle of the skies.

His hand took the blade, and in it, power would curl against it. The lattice of the metal would pop with vivid clarity, and in this he would begin his work. Tightening, smoothing, and turning the phrik blade into something far more exquisite.
Looking towards [member="Rave Merrill"] giving a little nod to her head. Only to find herself once again, this was easier said then done with this Kiffar. After all with this many bodies in this room it was getting a bit to much for her taste. Knowing more then anything she would have to find a way to block out all around. Only then could she do what the task that was ask upon them. Gentle lifting the bottle off the place which it rested with hands that had seen labor. Not the run of the mill one that sat a did nothing at all. Closing her eyes now to all the element out side of her body.

What cause her to hum from her lips a simple tone one that taught to her before she could walk. Only to find herself after a some time, just having this in her mind. Causing her to know worried about flashing back only to the ones that was making them. Control was something she had to do in this gift of touch. It happen with her very slowly maybe to slow but it started to take form. Finding herself reaching back out into the sword itself. It only took her deeper into the sword, it was cold nothing lived on the sword itself. Causing her to only push deeper, finding to where each modular took form. They had been knitted together so tightly, only to form what to be a strong piece of metal. Finding it hard to believe that soon it would be stronger with only a few gentle touches and hard work with the aid of the force.

Slowly the sword itself started to change as if she was the master that was molding this piece that was now in the raging fire. Finding herself only to look pleased with herself as it took on her own image form. Causing it to be very much part of her own giving. Little by little it took form. As finely grabbing the bottle which then pour on the very sword itself before then slowly as if taking a polishing rag to make it bond better with the metal. Coming to a place that she started to let each drop of blood into the work of art that she was creating.

Coming to a place that she felt she could open her eyes once again finding her own body soaked in sweat bring a joyful smile upon her own lips. To be hold what beauty that was being created under her hands and through the force only to be please with herself. Her black eyes looking around the room to the others that had gathered around. Not speaking a word.
Ikki listened to the words while she looked down and upon the blade, she felt her own vision narrowing until her vision was tunneled. The blade her only focus and aside from Rave's voice there was white noise that allowed her to focus on it all. Pushing what force energy she could into the blade letting herself bleed the energies down and into it. There wasn't much coming out of her more like a trickle but she was use to that the force seemed to be strange for her.... She didn't get lost and knew how to find some things but she coudln't push a feather without grinding her teeth.
Phoebe knew that alchemy was not for the weak of heart or those with a moral compass. She had morals of course but if she needed blood or something else in order to get what she wanted the Master was not opposed to doing it. The blood in front of her she assumed was from an animal that they had killed for this purpose. When she made her own blade Phoebe assumed that she would be needing to kill her own animal for blood in order to strengthen her blade.

A smile appeared on her face as [member="Isley Verd"] provided the next step to creating a blade to the group. She was very familiar with Force-Based electricity so this was not going to be very difficult for her. Force lightning was actually one of her specialties so it didn't take her very long or much concentration to locate the magnetic 'aura' of the sword. Grabbing a hold of it she worked on reversing the polarity.
Their work, Rave noted, was passable, and passable was all that she and Isley required of them. Simple sword after simple sword took form, and as each blade was refined, Rave took it and applied a touch of mastercraft. None of these people were experienced alchemists as such things were reckoned, and she smoothed away the rookie mistakes while producing simple blades of her own, in large numbers. She'd done this with Isley when making the Fett Kal trench knives, but their team and batch size were both vastly larger. This project had more ambition to it.

In the end, the blades took their final form straightforwardly, and the simple alchemical furnaces largely passed the test. Refinements, repairs, reworking would be necessary, but so far as Rave could determine, the project had been a success in concept.

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