Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Equipment Bounties

Name of Bounty: Not so much a who, as a what. You'll be doing some 'shopping' for pieces of technology that will be listed below, as well as any other pieces of technology you could think could be useful to create a "Light Shield" which is similar to a lightsaber but for defensive purposes. This will have combat applications as well upon completion.

Name of Contractor: Anonymous.
Bounty Price: 25K per piece of tech.
Condition: Must have proof you have the technology. Technology must be in good condition. Technology must not be sabotaged.
Additional Info: You will drop the technology off on the planet Tatooine at the attached coordinates. There, a droid will approach and wire the credits to you when the job is completed. As part of the reward, you'll get a Light Shield when it is subbed. You will also receive the chance for future contracts from me.

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