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Equipping the Preshean Auxiliaries

Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member
A company founded on Naboo by Lady Preshea; Preshean Auxiliaries provides to its clients additional, auxiliary forces to supplement their forces on the field of battle. This is accomplished through a Contractual Agreement; which Preshean Auxiliaries maintains a strict conduct towards as it will not accept any contract or job that would otherwise utilize the forces of Preshean Auxiliaries as cannon fodder.
The current standing force of Preshean Auxiliaries is as follows.
x1000 Personnel
x100 Vehicles
x300 Support Staff
In order to ensure that Preshean Auxiliaries is prepared for their next engagement, I am reaching out to company owners as a means to equip the Preshean Auxiliaries Forces.
This would mean that Lady Preshea would meet with either a representative or the owner of a company and hammer out a deal with them to equip Preshean Auxiliaries Forces.
This would aid both companies, as it would aid Preshean Auxiliaries in maintaining a well armed force, and would secure companies a contract that Preshean Auxiliaries would hold to the letter.
What I am looking for in terms of equipment would be the following.
Infantry Armor for Personnel x625
Assault Armor for Personnel x250 - Request Fulfilled
Scout Armor for Personnel x125
Blaster Rifles / Blaster Carbines x850 - x775 Required
Blaster Pistols / Side Arms x1000
Light Repeating Blasters x50
Heavy Repeating Blasters x25 - (Numbers for 2 man squad weapons)
Sniper Rifles x50 - Request Fulfilled
Attack Armor / Walkers x20
Repulsorlift Vehicles x40
Field Artillery Pieces / Heavy Artillery x20
Scout / Speederbikes x20
As a final note; as this would aid (count towards) the expansion of a company, Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 companies will have priority; with Tier 4 and above having secondary, and tertiary priority.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Lady Preshea"]


Though there is some more updates coming in once the company modifications are completed. With new subsidiaries and some companies that got sold operations have expanded.

Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member
Like I said, I would get back to you shortly.
From your list, these were the following that I felt would work with the Preshean Auxiliaries, and the numbers desired.
Sasori Heavy Bodyarmor x250
Ranger's Sniper Rifle x50
Ranger's SMG x75
Ranger's Launcher x50
I can get a thread up shortly unless there was more that you would want to discuss.
[member="Matsu Ike"]
For anyone else, there is still equipment and vehicles that are required by the Preshean Auxiliaries. I will edit the original pot to reflect those items already procured; including quantity still required where needed.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Lady Preshea"] I am all for it and the only thing I might also suggest is the processing implants and hushed caskets. mass produced and well mobile medical and trauma centers you can move quickly for dangerous situations... the implants are made for soldiers and can give up to four different meds including bacta and anti venom or anti radiation drugs easier. Tag me when the thread is up though and I shall be there.

Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member
The original post has been updated to reflect those requested quantities of equipment that are in the process of being acquired and those which have been completely fulfilled.
The Preshean Auxiliaries still requires the remaining stated numbers.


Purveyor of Fine Weaponry
My company lacks mass production capabilities. However, we specialize in the design and creation of specialized weapons system that surpass the capabilities of current items on the market.

[member="Lady Preshea"]


[member="Lady Preshea"]
I have a few things that might interest you.

[ REI | AMC ]
Blaster Pistol - Savan-Class P-PDW - Ri'ess Emeritus
Light Repeating Blaster - CC-2 Particle Repeater - Arcrystal-Mnaya
Walker - Valor-Class - Justice-Class - Ri'ess Emeritus
Walker - Shrike-Class - Arcrystal-Mnaya
Field Artillery - AT-LTA (Ion and/or Laser) - Ri'ess Emeritus
Scout - AT-PW - Arcrystal-Mnaya
Speederbike - CSX Beta Swoop - Arcrystal-Mnaya

For AM, I'll talk with the parent company owner if you want a contract. Also, if there's anything else on either directory that interests you, feel free to inquire. A lot of the above is very anti-saber-user, whether because they can't block it all fast enough or because blocking it will cause it to explode in their face. :3
I have a small company but would be willing to make some walkers, armor, or weapons if you would like.


Haven't made anything like a vehicle yet but we just made the factory and got it up and running.

[member="Lady Preshea"]

Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member
I took a look, and while your company wouldn't currently be able to aid the Preshean Auxiliaries, I will keep you in mind should I need something special created.
Give me a moment to look through all of those, and if anything catches my eye, I will inform you. Then it'll just come down to making the meeting / contract thread.
Likewise, I'll give your company a look and see what you've available. With a capability to mass produce an item, we may be able to come to terms for a special contract.

Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member
At this moment as Preshena Auxiliaries is still a new company; we are not in need of clones for an army. Though you will be kept in mind when it comes time to expand the forces of Preshean Auxiliaries.
[member="Patricia Susan Garter"]
Preshean Auxiliaries also acts as a sort of middle man for individual agents and mercenaries such as yourself. We could come to an agreement on a contract of hiring you on as a freelancer with the purpose of providing you with work when appropriate terms and contracts of another individual are brought to our knowledge.
[member="Lady Preshea"]

While also an individual agent, I can provide supplements to your forces should the need/desire arise. My crew and ground elements entirely consist of droids, so cost will never be a problem when wanting more tactical options.

Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member
After taking a look, I must apologize [member="Cheshire"] . I do not believe that the products you have would be a good fit for the Preshean Auxiliaries; though they are very well thought out and designed. The walkers being mechs though didn't sit to well with me and felt like they would be out of place.
We can talk more about it through PM or in a thread if you would prefer [member="Xalus"], though as this moment I do not think I'd be expanding the Preshean Auxiliaries just yet. The droids though are tempting.
I would like to state again that if there are companies out there that are interested in making a thread that would help in their expansion, please inform me here and link me to your company page. The Preshean Auxiliaries are still in need of the following.
Infantry Armor for Personnel x625
Scout Armor for Personnel x125
Blaster Rifles / Carbines x775
Blaster Pistols / Sidearms x1000
Light Repeating Blasters x50
Heavy Repeating Blasters x25 - (Numbers count for 2 man squad weapons)
Attack Armor / Walkers x20
Repulsorlift x40
Field Artillery Pieces / Support x20
Speeder Bikes / Swoop Bike x20
I would also like to add that the Preshean Auxiliaries are also looking for a contract for various explosive ordinance, mainly frag grenades and thermal detonators.

Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member
While Preshean Auxiliaries is still small, having a mass produced infantry armor would be a bit more suitable as there is planned expansion.
[member="Watcher Three"]​
Do you have a shop front in the Marketplace with a list of what you produce?

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