Yoru Shakou
Well-Known Member
A company founded on Naboo by Lady Preshea; Preshean Auxiliaries provides to its clients additional, auxiliary forces to supplement their forces on the field of battle. This is accomplished through a Contractual Agreement; which Preshean Auxiliaries maintains a strict conduct towards as it will not accept any contract or job that would otherwise utilize the forces of Preshean Auxiliaries as cannon fodder.
The current standing force of Preshean Auxiliaries is as follows.
x1000 Personnel
x100 Vehicles
x300 Support Staff
In order to ensure that Preshean Auxiliaries is prepared for their next engagement, I am reaching out to company owners as a means to equip the Preshean Auxiliaries Forces.
This would mean that Lady Preshea would meet with either a representative or the owner of a company and hammer out a deal with them to equip Preshean Auxiliaries Forces.
This would aid both companies, as it would aid Preshean Auxiliaries in maintaining a well armed force, and would secure companies a contract that Preshean Auxiliaries would hold to the letter.
What I am looking for in terms of equipment would be the following.
Infantry Armor for Personnel x625
Scout Armor for Personnel x125
Blaster Rifles / Blaster Carbines x850 - x775 Required
Blaster Pistols / Side Arms x1000
Light Repeating Blasters x50
Heavy Repeating Blasters x25 - (Numbers for 2 man squad weapons)
Attack Armor / Walkers x20
Repulsorlift Vehicles x40
Field Artillery Pieces / Heavy Artillery x20
Scout / Speederbikes x20
As a final note; as this would aid (count towards) the expansion of a company, Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 companies will have priority; with Tier 4 and above having secondary, and tertiary priority.