I've tried this myself but I'm no good. From what I've seen, you could do a better job than I ever could.
Could I have a signature please with this [
x] at the forefront the forefront and to the right and slightly transparent (just the face, please. And if you could change the white of his left eye to black and the pupils to purple as well as remove the words on the front of the book, I would appreciate it). And this [
x] for the background, but slightly more transparent that the first image? To the left of the signature, could you include the words: "Oh, What A Winding Road Life Is, Filled With Unknown Braches And Destinations! But, What Are We Simple Beings To Do But Trudge Along And Gain Knowledge As We Go!?" then bellow "~Ydrin." in cursive and bold writing (as in, no transparency)?
Also, if possible, do you think you could add a slightly regal theme? I'm not sure how to exactly describe that, so I'm not sure what else I can write on the subject other than, it is okay if you find that you are unable to do so due to the lack of detail on my part. It was just an idea that literally just came to me. Maybe a black and red theme would work?
If there is anything here you would like me to change, just say so. And thank you in advance if you do accept this.
Also, I will admit that I have submitted a similar signature request to a different artist, but it seems like they haven't been on the site for over three weeks. If this does bother you, I will understand and will withdraw my request. I will understand.
[member="The Squirrely"]