Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Erm, Hello?

Hello everyone,
I think I would be right to start off and post in here? Seems its what every other new member is doing. Yes, I am new to Forum Roleplay but have a little bit of knowledge on the SW Universe. I do intend to make this my new little "Hobbie". Just a little question about characters and their faction; Do you have to apply or give notice that you are joining a faction, I don't fully understand the system, or do you just put yourself into the faction and thats it. However, I hope to be a long serving member and I do have a love for the sith... Farewell.
[member="Voh"] Hello and welcome!

It depends on the Faction that you join. Create a character sheet first with one of the Factions named on the sheet in the place.
Here is the sheet template for you:

Once you have a character sheet posted, you can go to the Factions bar at the top there and join which ever faction you would like!

If you have any other questions don't be afraid to ask. A ton of people here are super friendly!

Hello and welcome to chaos!

The faction system is here to help you get into RP and it is really up to each faction to decide on how they want to accept new members.
Since you are a sithy person there is an abundance of factions to choose from, the largest atm is One Sith and the Primevil, both very dark sided factions but with their own respective flavour. But there is alot of other factions out there focused on dark sided characters as well. Go browse in the faction portal. :)

Once you have found the faction you want to join just hitt "join faction" and it will be obvious to you if you join right away or if it requires admin approval.

Keep em questions coming and have fun!

Connor Harrison


Welcome to the Chaos!

For Factions, just see which one you like the look of and suits your character, and click 'Join Faction'! That's it. You'll either be a member straight away or after an Admin approves your request, which is usually pretty quick. Just keep checking the Faction page and you'll soon see that you're approved, as you don't need to do anything except join.

Then, get chatting to others and see what stories and things you can RP!

Enjoy your time with us, and if you have any other questions please just shout.


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