Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Escalation Protocol | CIS Dominion of Manda (Y,46)

...Location: Outside city behind Enemy Lines
...Objective: Neutralize Enemy Armored ATAT Units
...Part 4

[member="Kurayami Bloodborn"] message came in loud and clear for Kurenai as she ran towards the first target, the sound of a missile being launched and striking it's target echoing to the west of her position. Giving once last glance to her surroundings she could see the ground troops scattering from the oncoming laser fire from Kurs strafing run, giving herself a clean road to the first ATAT. Reaching the underside the Dark Jedi launched into the air, blood orange saber aglow, slicing through the underside of the carriage, the small hatch opening up to her amusement, "some things just never change".

Grasping hold of the ATAT's hatch Kurenai prepped a larger then usual thermal detonator, cooking the small device before letting lose, dropping down back to ground level as the distraction started to fade away. Unfortunately for the IMPs it was to little to late the explosive devise detonating in the main belly of the beast, other systems on the inside the armored walked following suit the chain reaction frying everything on the inside. "Now to give a little push to seal the deal". Upon feet touching the ground Kurenai quickly turned back to the teetering behemoth, riasing her hands in the process, launching a massive uncontrolled force push towards it.

The shock wave crashed into the ATAT with devastating force, easily toppling over the already crippled beast, sending it's body falling side ways, hitting the ATAT next to it. With a symphony of crushing metal, screams and further explosion each massive walker fell on the next, the entire armored corpse being taken out by one simple woman and an explosive device, "these things were always so impractical". As the last massive walker fell to the ground most of the Imperial forces in the area started to flee, those that remained quickly being shoot dead by Kurenai, "like shooting fish in a barrel".

Letting of another force induce smoke screen Kurenai took cover behind another small rock face opening her comlink to command or whoever was listening, by now it did not matter that much. "This is crimson, IMP ATAT force is down and rear guard is in disarray, I'll do a little cleaning up before making way back to the main battle lines to lend a hand with the main fight, over and out".
Objective: Siege [Fight off the Loyalists/Protect the City]
Standing With: [member="Scherezade deWinter"] [Madalena]
Add'l Tags: @Kurenai Yumi | [member="Maple Harte"] | [member="Kurayami Bloodborn"] | [member="Harmony"]​
Location: Southern Sector
Goals: Driving an AT-ST. Hide your kids! Hide your wives!

<< Well aren’t you just a peach with manners and everything. Ah’ll be sure to give a few of these gents a good kickin’ for ya. Don’t go too far away ya hear? >>

Her response to Flyboy Bloodborn [[member="Kurayami Bloodborn"]] was laden with an accent that bespoke of those that lived in the deep Outer Rim. It was unlike anything most had ever heard, and more than a little backwater, but it still held its charms. They’d made it to the AT-ST without losing too much dignity, though Daisy did glance back at the bag full of Hutt-Baby-Bombs that Madsy had tossed inside, before dismissing it. If they were going to die today she’d rather be blown to pieces in a blaze of glory versus cowering from some Impy-Imposters.

If she was going to get her tail feather kicked by some Imperial scum she wanted the real thing. Not just some chintzy, dressed up Loyalists, who got ahold of some ancient tech and an oversized pair of steaming chestnuts. These guys were in for it. The explosion from the concussion grenade going off made the instruments of the chicken walker shudder a little, but, the good old bird held together nice and steady. The egress hatch had been left ajar so that Mads could hear her, and, she could hide fast if things got hairy. “Mads! Talk to me, you okay up there?”

And talk she did. Screaming, actually, and Daisy followed her instructions until she saw the blurry form of [member="Maple Harte"] in the distance. “I see her. On our way!”

The Knight Obsidian that had previously been hurling her guts out was actually proficient as a Gunner. Daisy nodded her T-Visor at the dark-haired woman, trusting the sensors in her armor, and the controls that appeared on the display of the AT-ST. It was easy to spot targets with both systems working in tandem. The bipedal machine moved pretty well for being so dang old. The armor was lightweight, so they weren’t impervious, but they could sure do a lot of damage. The chin laser cannons were no joke in any era. “See that foxy lady down there sugah? We gotta make sure she stays five by five. No holes in our friend.”, she spoke to the Knight, whose name she didn’t know.

They could trade digits and info after they managed not to die.

The Knight beside her nodded and began to target the enemies that were making things blow up around Maple and anything not friendly that got in her way. Daisy ran through a crowd of play-pretend stormies and did her best not to let the chicken walker trip whilst she merrily kicked them around and crushed vital organs. “Yea! That’s right. Just keep walking in a STRAIGHT friggen’ line infront of me! That’s totally not gunna get you stomped on!”

She didn’t think the little people on the ground could hear her, not to mention, she didn’t much like them so she kept right on going. There were reports coming in from everywhere. More and more CIS teams were leveling the playing field. Word on the street had it that somebody named the Crimson [[member="Kurenai Yumi"]] had just toppled over a mess ton of AT-AT’s. Daisy whistled and transmitted Mads the feed. “Now that was some nice wranglin! Ah don’t think we can take an AT-AT in one of these but we can sure make their lives difficult!”

From a combat perspective, the CIS seemed to be pushing the tide back. Between air superiority and these older mechs the Loyalists were having a real hard time. So, Daisy, in all of her wisdom just decided to keep on keepin’ on. The going was good—and there was plenty of glory to be had.

The turrets mounted on the sides of the AT-ST were constantly firing, crippling their enemies, because they didn’t expect an attack to come from one of their own. Daisy would have thought the Darth Psycho-Bae on the roof would have tipped them off but noooo. They just kept linin’ up in neat little rows to die. Cute.
Maple had been forced to clear the building, after she dared one last shot to help the exarch [member="Srina Talon"], who congratulated her aim.

"All part of the service, milord!" She had called back on her comlink as she fled the building as it started to rock from explosions, because not only were rockets hitting the building, that sniper had not stopped firing, demolishing walls she was close to in a desperate attempt to kill her. She had finally manage to figure out where the fire was coming from as she ran through the streets, just after half the building collapsed on itself. She saw the glint of his scope through the smoke from fire and clouds of building debris, on the seventh floor of what looked to have been a minor stock exchange.

Maple stilled her breathing as she ducked behind a felled building, peeking out. From cover. Explosive bullets impacted close to her position and slamming into her cover.

Don't think. Act. Feel...Ursula's advice sounded in her addled mind from the past. Unfortunately, the advice was delivered in a squirrel voice, robbing it of some of its solemnity. Maple closed her eyes, forcing her insane brain to use the Force, trying to let it give her advice. She filtered out the explosions, the world slowing down as she whipped out from cover spotted the glint through her scope and fired.

The bullet traveled upward...upward...upward...Maple had compensated for wind speed and the arc of the round.

The bullet went right through the enemy sniper's scope. The sniper had been a quarter second from firing, but he slumped in his prone position, clad in trooper armor. Even if he'd had his helmet on he still would have died, because the bullet had passed through the scope and tumbling right through the area that would have been covered by a visor.

"That's why they called me The Golden Eye you chit-breathed fascist feths." Maple breathed. "Can't believe I pulled off another scope snipe.

The Force hissed a warning of death and Maple was running through the streets dodging rocket fire and drawing her revolver, head shotting a grenadier from a second story window above her as well as hitting the throat of a designated marksman who tried to snipe her. But rockets and mortars from the roof tops kept raining down around and behind her.

Just then she spotted a chicken walker viciously gunning the ones trying to blow her up, setting things on fire. Its legs were covered in blood and gore from all the ones it had stepped on. It was war. Things got messy in war. Messy, and often filled with doomsday weapons and the evil lairs of cackling madmen who shoot lightning at those who displease them. Maple wheeled around to try and help her now obvious friends, shooting a trooper sargeant trying to direct mortar strikes on the walker of [member="Daisy Americus"] and [member="Scherezade deWinter"] She took a knees, continuing to shoot at faux-trooper's through windows, everything she pointed at died, bullets tearing through weakpoints in their armor as she covered the walker, taking advantage of its moving legs as minor cover, her agility compensating for the rest. She spotted a man with a grenade launcher and shot a grenade on his belt. His corpse was launched into the air, hitting his comrades, still exploding and sending a shower of gore everywhere.

Maple gave a war cry and began firing at more soldiers, the Assassin coming out to play as bullet after bullet from her rifle ripped through the air towards the enemy...
Objective: Siege [Fight off the Loyalists/Protect the City]
Standing With: [member="Daisy Americus"] [member="Kurenai Yumi"] [member="Maple Harte"] [member="Kurayami Bloodborn"] [member="Harmony"]
Wearing: Armor | leather pants | combat boots | The Forgemaster's Ring | Ring of Stasis
Wielding: 10 Czerka knives, Fire and Smoke (lightsabers), 4 Glitter Bullets, A crate with 15 bomb strapped baby Hutts
Location: Southern Sector
Goals: Take control of an AT-ST. Go buck nutty.
Post: 3
Madalena was having the time of her life. Adrenaline surged through her body as she jumped, ducked, and occasionally was almost tossed off the chicken's head. The massive chicken moved beneath her, sometimes smoothly and sometimes less so.

"YESSSSSS DAISY! STOMP THESE BUTTHOLES!" the Sithling encouraged, screaming at the top of her lungs, fists shaking in the air, "STOMP THEM TO OBLIVION!"

The chicken made its way towards [member="Maple Harte"], crushing the bodies of silly people who thought they could withstand - not just the mighty power of the CIS - but the combined destructive force that was the teamwork of Daisy Americus and Madalena Antares. The fools never had a chance.

Yes... Daisy was right. Make their lives difficult!

Madalena's gaze followed Maple as she ran, still doing her best to keep the heavier bits of the debris away from her, taking an almost illegal amount of pleasure as she saw her blow people up and shoot 'em.

Leave a trail of death wherever you go.

It was time for Madalena's moment in the sun.

Quickly, she slid her way down the chicken's head and into the opening that Daisy had so kindly left for her, grabbing her crate with one hand and blowing both Daisy and the Knight contained within a kiss with the other one before climbing back on top of the chicken. The chicken's guns were going off at mega power, smooshing and big-bada-booming people and things and stuff, and Madalena wanted to join in on the fun.

Standing back on top, glowy green eyes scanned the horizon. Someone else had taken care of butt-ton of other chickens, but there was one still coming at them. What had Daisy said? That they couldn't take one down in the old chicken they were using?

Madalena grinned from ear to ear.

"I'VE GOT THIS!" she screamed, hoping Daisy would understand.

The Sithling opened the crate and 15 Hutt babies flew into the air. Well, "flew" was a wrong term to use, they mostly just fell out and were almost lost, but Madalena grabbed at them with the Force, tickling their round lil' tummies that were full of the most dangerous explosives one could find that could fit creatures that size.

"FLY! FLY MY PRETTIES!!!" Madalena screamed as she used the Force to this time, really send them flying, towards that big ol' AT-AT.

Fifteen Hutt babies. That meant that were two for every important piece of their enemy-chicken. It was time to cluck that hen off the field! Sadly, two of her Hutt babies never made it, being shot while they were still in the air, their plump bodies going ka-boom before reaching their target.

But that was okay. There were thirteen more, and they landed where they were meant to.

Madalena pointed as she screamed "ATTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK!"


In a beautiful massacre of bay Hutt parts, flying legs and arms of an enemy chicken, and what was probably a human or human-like crew inside of it, the enemy AT-AT didn't just blow up. Their megazord-chicken was big, and Madalena had made it go boom where limbs met, where important stuff were. Peww peww guns fell to the ground, followed shortly by detaching arms and legs, and the single Hutt baby that had made it into the cockpit (what a fitting word in this situation) ensured that when the crew blew up, one of their faces smudged against the shields, and she could see its expression all the way from where she was, his eyes still blinking in confusion as the nerves registered that they were no longer supposed to function.
Lirka fell right back into character not long after, with the distortion devices in her helm making her seem like she let out a low and long growl. It was a groan of annoyance, so much for turning around to trying to actually help someone. She spat out a few curse words the same time, alternating between a handful of languages before she turned around to survey the scene around her. No real clue where that one in red had gone and run off to, or where all the other nonsense went.

Grunting she did a wide look around before trudging on off. The siege itself seem distant now, and she took a brief moment to open her senses and feel out where these threats may be. Where to go, what to do, whatever plan there had been was nothing more than a pile of rubble and ash now. Then she heard Diablo's heavy weapon unloading it's fire power, seemed like a fine place to start running.

And that was what she did, begin her bounding run and leaving the others behind. Was alone now anyway, didn't even know if they were alive or where they had run off to.

She wasn't going to be able to get much of a drop on the warrior, but with a plan or two and the force (ever hated) backing here, Lirka made her way into the Plaza at a fine speed. Rolling behind cover and letting her helmet pick out more of the rotary cannon armed warrior.

[member="CC-0308 Maverick"]
Wearing: Standard KO armor
Wielding: Standard KO vibrosword
Location: Western edges of the perimeter
Goal: Kill strays
Tags: n/a
Post: 4

Chocolate eyes narrows as they peered through visors that enabled her to see what was happening on the actual field. Alwine was, for lack of a better word, displeased. She had been training for some time now with [member="Caid Centurion"], and when she was not training with him, she could always be found training her newly learned abilities on her own. When she was not, she'd spend hours aboard the Lechner ship, working for hours on her letters, improving her reading and writing until her entire hand cramped from the effort. So in short; Alwine was learning, improving, and growing.

And being introduced to new technologies, Such as this visor on her eyes, that enabled her to see much better than either her human or wolf eyes could see. She'd wanted to be part of any of the teams that hit the actual battlefield, wanted to test her new abilities and the things she'd learned against actual enemies. Instead she'd been assigned to taking care of the edges of the parameter. Her job was to take care of enemy strays that tried to make it out.

So far though, none of them did. Not towards where she was stationed, anyway. Maybe other such teams had more action. She was both proud and maddened at the Knights who were in the thick of the fights and were doing good enough of a job so that they made her own right now boring.

Still, the sword dangled from her hip, ready to be drawn at a moment's notice.

Next time though, Alwine was most definitely going to demand to be where the fighting was. The wolf inside her yearned for the carnage, the woman desired the destruction.

A wolf could not truly be tamed.

And Alwine had a lot of attempted-taming to make up for.
Objective: Siege [Fight off the Loyalists/Protect the City]
Standing With: Each Other
Add'l Tags: N/A
Location: Near [member="Srina Talon"] and [member="Darth Metus"]
Goals: Observe and Report

Two lights appeared from the darkness of the drop pod that [member="Darth Metus"] and [member=[/FONT]”Srina Talon”] emerged from. They bobbed this way and that as excessive blaster fire and mortar made the very ground shake. By the time they hit the light the Vicelord and his Exarch had already laid waste to the Loyalists that opposed them. BNI-Bella stared for a long time. Neither rabbit droid flinched at the sight of the carnage but it was recorded dutifully in their memory banks. The Mistress liked to record her battles to analyze her mistakes later. Moreover, they were set with a sense of wonderment, and adoration for the lazer swords swinging through the air like concentrated beams of light.

“We need to acquire one of those.”, Leo intoned, a little deadpan, to keep any simulated jealousy from showing. They had tried, unsuccessfully thus far, to filch a lightsaber from [member="Darth Metus"] when he wasn’t looking but it was difficult. He always seemed to know what they were up to. “I want a red one…”

Bella looked at the crimson-hued droid beside her and shook her head slowly. Of course, he wanted the red one. They stayed within the relative safety of the drop pod and transferred positioning and troop locations through the data stream to the rest of the Confederacy. They used the Holo-Net to tap into surveillance, ships, and CIS drones to get a lay of the land. The battle was quickly becoming one-sided. The Droid Nation had so many bodies on the ground, so many ships that were slowly breaking enemy lines, their algorithms actually anticipated a full-on surrender at some point.

Taking in the fact that the enemy was a lot of people impersonating Imperials made that statistic a little less favorable, when calculating radical behavior, but it was still a possibility.

Perhaps all of the organics that opposed their Mistress and her Master did not need to die.

As Srina Talon cleaved through the neck of one of the Loyalists Bella had to question it. Perhaps, with the wrath of their Mistress, regardless surrender, they did. Death was so final for an organic. Was this really worth being erased?

“BELLA!”, Leo shouted through his Vocabulator, pulling his female companion down, as a blaster bolt whisked between her pointy silver-tipped ears. “Focus, Ninety. You’ll lose your head.”

Yes, Nine-One.”, she agreed, almost immediately, and once again went back to reviewing the data stream. The Confederacy would crush this civil war. There was no doubt about it. The data was overwhelmingly clear and numbers did not lie. “I am sorry. But, it will be over soon.”

Location: Airspace over the city
Craft: 'Ankou' Multirole starfighter

[[::Roger that Crimson. I'll leave the stragglers to you. Have fun.::]]

He'd just enough time to finish his reply to [member="Kurenai Yumi"] before she closed the channel. That gave him the clearance he needed to start heading back towards the city proper and see if there was any semblance of aerial resistance left. Though a detour to see how [member="Daisy Americus"]' plan had come to fruition would be fun as well. Why not, he had some time before he needed to be in the city. Banking towards where he had last left the young woman and her comrades, he dropped low to the tree line to provide a better view. Kurayami had always enjoyed low altitude flight, really had to make sure you were on top of your game, one small error and you were a pile of burning slag.

Continuing over the trees, he eventually noticed what was clearly a swath cut from them, and multiple dead bodies...or at least parts of former Loyalists. And the fact that there were explosions nearby told him that Daisy may have succeeded. That idea was soon confirmed when he noticed another young woman on top of an AT-ST, [member="Scherezade deWinter"], and then she threw a crate of...something into an AT-AT before it exploded. It was a moment after witnessing this that he got the transmission from Daisy.

[[::I do try to at the very least, admittedly I don't always succeed. Thank you for giving the Loyalists a few good stomps for me. I'll be nearby if you need me again.::]]
Kurenai listened to Bloodborns message before turning out, sitting down upon a small chair height rock, propping her feet atop a storm trooper helmet, watching as the rest of the IMP forces melted away, "Hmmm, this brings back memories". Keeping here eyes on the winding battle that stretch out before her the veteran solider took out a cigar, using the force to light the end, taking a long draw as a more forward ATAT went up in a ball of flames. "Did I just hear someone say 'fly my pretties fly... must be my imagination, such would make not a lick of sense on the battlefield". Perhaps she was going insane again with all the constant fighting. "Guess I'll just sit around a wait for the end of the battle, don't think I'd get to the front line in times to do much" she mused to herself, activating a relay become to not her location for pick up.

Genesis Rostu



[member="Curupira Hawk"] | [member="Lirka Ka"] | [member="Alora Fae"] | [member="Dalvas Stone"]​

When he was a much younger soldier, Diablo cut through Hutt Space. He and his brothers, a legion of ten thousand, brought fire and order to the criminalized systems. They executed many Hutts. Evicersated as many slavers as they could get their hands on. And above all, purged the region of the old Confederacy's enemies. During those days, the Cartels and Syndicates loved to arm themselves with rogues. Enforcers, trained in the Force. Most likely Sith who didn't want to brave the formerly powerful Republic of that time.

Diablo and his brothers had gotten used to mowing down scruffy looking forcies. They were the most bold of targets, as they felt they had a god in their back pocket. But steel rain had a real funny way of showing a man just how real their god was. And that was why Diablo did not flinch when [member="Tobias Dib"] continued his rush. By the sheer cahones it took to run towards an armored Heavy, the clone made the assumption that this man was the same as all those Enforcers they had burned.

And that was his first miscalculation.

The Enforcers of the good old days didn't have explosive rounds. They relied on slinging their god around and waving glow sticks. And so Diablo didn't move when the slugs slammed into his armor. He thought they would be harmlessly deflected. He thought he had the best. A vicious combination of agonies ripped through him - the burning of flesh, the imbedding of metal. They were enough that the clone froze - his dominant hand going slack from the entry wound and dropping the Gatling gun.

And as he struggled to get his bearings, that scruffy bastard evangelized Diablo. His god sent a drop pod screaming into his body. There was a solid crunch as CC-0666 was pulverized under the metal.

Diablo made good on his goal. There wasn't enough of him in one piece to be put into a body bag.


[member="Rylan Kordel"]​

What made them strong was how they were born. The longnecks on Kamino were commissioned to do more than copy and paste a genetic template ten thousand times. No, they were hired to give the old Confederacy an edge. In a Galaxy where the Sith and Jedi ran absolutely rampant, they needed something extra. Something that could give the people true peace of mind. So, the longnecks brought on a consultant. A disgraced Yuuzhan Vong shaper. They grafted all sorts of nastiness to the clones as they grew. And therefore, their first moments were pain.

But it gave them the edge. It killed them. It made them the Force.

And as the Sith ascended the building, he would learn firsthand that this trooper was unlike any other he'd ever seen. The shriek of telekinetic might that crossed the roof indeed had its intended affect. The mortar was broken and hurled over the side - the perilous thread upon the Complex was silenced for now. But the clone was unmoved. It was like a stiff breeze had blown over his picnic basket, but it was not enough to even make his body waver. He looked up, reaching immediately for his sidearm.

CC-0307's thoughts were frantic. He knew his flaws as they were always made painfully apparent during training. At range, he was an excellent marksman. But up close? He was shoddy at best. Against a Sith? It was a losing battle. He could try to run, but how far would that get him. He could try to fight, but how long would he last? He could surrender, but would the Sith spare him?

Your move...

Goose moved a few paces back as the scale tipped in his mind - Fight or Flight arguing one last time. Finally, he settled on one reality. One outcome. He wasn't leaving this roof alive. He knew it the second he saw the crimson saber. But what he could do was make sure that Sith followed him to Hell. He made a gesture - throwing his firearm down to the roof's floor as if to say "I surrender." But in the beat of a heart, his hands gripped the gray spheres upon his belt. Thermal detonators were primed in his grasp. His HUD screamed a confirmation to the order given by his eyes - the pineal scanner identifying his command to kick on the thruster upon his back.

His form thundered forward - a mammoth jump to bring himself within the Sith's melee range. And with a battlecry filling his lungs, CC-0307 ceased to exist.

The explosion rocked the roof.


[member="Kylo Kyr'am"] | [member="Djonas Vile"]​

He taught us the lyrics. Carved our names into his back. And here we were, biting the hand that birthed us yet again.

When a man nears the end of his life, he begins to question the biggest choices he made. He thinks about the girl who got away. He thinks about if he raised his children right. He thinks about if there was anything he could have done better. And as his eyes finally lull to a close, he ends this tyriad of thoughts with acceptance. To die without regret meant peace eternal.

Maverick's thoughts weren't wholly on the mission as he neared the Complex. His HUD was filled with the dying breaths of Diablo and the explosion that had taken Goose. They were among the last of the original Dreadguard - that superior fighting force of so long ago. And for just a moment, Maverick began to regret. He wished they hadn't stabbed their "father" in the back. He wished that, when Calico and Galaar said it was time to defect, he had raised his middle finger. Their "father" was not cruel, he was kind to them. Despite being one of those damn Sith, he was honorable.

And he remembered their names. He never mixed them up, even when their helmets were on. That Darth Metus wasn't the demon that his superiors made him out to be at the end. And Maverick regretted that he was now on the wrong side of the tracks. He worked as a soldier and hardened himself because guilt was a damning thing. He wanted to forget. He wanted to...bury his regret under a pile of kills and missions. And as he made the final turn and witnessed the battle which had spontaneously erupted in front of the Complex, he...He wished he was the one firing back at the Imperials.

But he had made a choice. He had to live with it. He had to face it all with no regrets. That was how a man died, right? That's what it meant to be Human?

Maverick dove into the fray - his Carbine sang a sweet melody of death as it rattled against the enemy line. He, like those Grim soldiers he now quarreled against, was a trained and hardened warrior. But his allies...they were mercenaries. Credit fueled blaster jockeys who cracked under the pressure of a real battlefield. They started to fall. Despite superior numbers, they began to be eaten alive by the soldiers within the Complex. He took a defensive position with his back against a pillar, panting as he attempted to gain his bearings.

He never had the chance. A wrist rocket from the Legion collapsed the pillar with a thunderous boom. Maverick's spine popped into a million pieces as the stone crushed him. His body practically burst from the seams. One, last ragged breath fell from his lips.

It wouldn't be long before the Legion killed them all.

It wouldn't be long until Maverick had no regrets.

The day was hard fought.

The remnant taint of Imperial supremacy had raised a hand against the people of Manda. They had been willing to spill the blood of their own people to push the cause of oppression and "order" throughout their world. Yet the very best they could muster was brought to heel. Their walkers now laid low. Their legion scattered and broken. Their assault upon the city thwarted.

A new day would rise on Manda. A fresh start - where the people decided their own fate. Where they would be protected and not trambled underfoot. So began Dawn. So began Manda's entrance into the Confederacy.
Ka rose from her cover, the work was already done it seem. A grunt came and not much else as she started walking to go find some exit point. Work here was done, whatever “work” she actually did (other than running around particularly fast). And she grumbled a bit about that in her distorted helm and with her native tongue to make it extra hard to understand.

She grunted along about an “over glorified tram ride” before heading off to the rest of the rabble.
Although surprised, Rylan didn't show it as he watched the trooper who was unphased by his force blast, he just kept that same devilish grin, even as the clone rocketed towards him. In his mind, he was a bit taken a back by the bravado, but it didn't take long for him to notice that the sound, activated explosives, the clone was attempting to kamikaze both of them into the oblivion, so with a snap of fingers the sabers where in hand, and with lightning quick reflexes, he spun, slicing a circle in the roof, the section directly below him falling to the floor below, with him attached.

Rolling, sprinting, then smashing through a window and falling to the ground below with a grunt as he rolled away, Rylan quickly got to his feet, scanning over and dusting himself off, he chuckled, he had just barely made it out, the flames of the blast had came down behind him just a millisecond after he had left the pad. Looking back up, he could see roof collapsing in on the floor, which made him glad for his dramatic escape, being blown up, or crushed by rubble was never something on his list of ways to go out.
Objective: Siege [Fight off the Loyalists/Protect the City]
Standing With: [member="Scherezade deWinter"] [Madalena]
Add'l Tags: [member="Kurenai Yumi"] | [member="Maple Harte"] | [member="Kurayami Bloodborn"] | [member="Harmony"]​
Location: Southern Sector
Goals: Driving an AT-ST. Hide your kids! Hide your wives!

It felt good to be doing her civic duty all the while letting her best friend have her day in the spotlight. Sure, their antics with the AT-ST were a little crazy, but it got the job done. With the Sithling on the roof having a hay day all Daisy could do was try not to cringe at the carnage and simultaneously laugh at [member="Scherezade deWinter"]. They shot down anything that didn’t belong to them. Stomped on anyone wearing faux-stormie gear. “They’re thinning out pretty good…the Crimson took down all the bigger AT-AT’s. All we’ve got left are the peons.”

And not even that. Madsy threw her baby hutt bombs and the explosions wrecked other AT-ST’s in the distance. Their chicken legs couldn’t handle all that bounce and boob. For a moment, she felt bad, until she realized that they were basically excessively large slugs. Ugh. Not her weapon, not her problem. She would take an ‘All-Fate’ disruptor and a jetpack any day—But Mads? Mads made it look good. “You get em girl!”

So she’d been mistaken. There WAS one AT-AT left. Between airborn assaults and Madsy being…Madsy…It didn’t last. She watched it crumple down from a safe distance.

“Ma’am…Uh…Is she allowed to do that?”

Daisy looked at the Knight next to her. “If you want to go outside and fight an AT-AT on your own that’s up to you. For now, Ah’d say, this is the best way to get it done. Big bombs. Big booms. Those guys aren’t getting’ back up…”

The only good enemy was a dead one.

They all fought hard as hades. [member="Maple Harte"], sassy fox that she was, never seemed to miss a short. The Crimson [member="Kurenai Yumi"] was someone she couldn’t wait to shake hands with. And Flyboy Bloodborn [[member="Kurayami Bloodborn"]] HAD to be cute under that helmet, just sayin.

Eventually, the sounds of gunfire, and fighting stopped. It was strange. Daisy stopped awkwardly running in the AT-ST and took to her comms. What was going on out there? The reports of the Siege seemed to come back favorably. The CIS had either successfully dealt with the Loyalists or they were well on their way. It was looking like a hard win.

“Do you hear that Madsy? Control says we’ve been kickin’ it. Ain’t long before we can get drinks and get down. Manda might have a cantina or two…”

Hopefully one without a dress code. They were covered in god-knew what and certainly meatier chunks. She sent out a call to anyone near to find out if they needed a ride.

“We should reconvene near the front if we can. This area is done for.”

Pretty soon they would see ships drop from the sky as they blazed through the pitiful air defenses. They'd already blown most of it away. All they really had to do now was pick off stragglers and make sure they had a good place picked out for a CIS outpost. That was usually the end right? Kick it into high gear, drop an outpost, and find any stragglers while cementing deals with the locals.
Objective: Siege [Fight off the Loyalists/Protect the City]
Standing With: [member="Daisy Americus"] [member="Kurenai Yumi"] [member="Maple Harte"] [member="Kurayami Bloodborn"] [member="Harmony"]
Wearing: Armor | leather pants | combat boots | The Forgemaster's Ring | Ring of Stasis
Wielding: 10 Czerka knives, Fire and Smoke (lightsabers), 4 Glitter Bullets, A crate with 15 bomb strapped baby Hutts
Location: Southern Sector
Goals: Take control of an AT-ST. Go buck nutty.
Post: 5


Madsy definitely heard that! The thought of going to unwind at this or other cantina sounded deliciously good to her, though she already knew in advance that all her drinks would be virgins. Her sleeping patterns still hadn’t recovered since that day she woke up after a bad spell, and she wasn’t planning on having a single sip before she could sleep properly again.

Now that their mission had been complete though, Madalena looked into the distance, raising her hand to her eyes like a pirate on top of their ship-thingie. It was a good position for her to stand in, especially given the effect of her in her armor will all her weapons around and stuff. Her writer was looking for a damn good accompanying gif, but couldn’t find on, so you’re going to have to use your imagination for this.

Everywhere she looked, it seemed their enemy was down. Their chicken was the last one left standing, and it seemed that anyone else who was still standing was most definitely a CIS’er. All in all, a damn good job. Not bad for a few minutes of blowing poodoo up. Sure, there were probably stragglers somewhere around, but this was the headache for others.

As far as she was concerned, Madalena and Daisy had gone above and beyond to do their job, and unless they were in immediate danger or got lucky (not that kind of lucky), they were done blowing things and killing things for the day.

Madalena climbed back down, leaning against the back of the cockpit, a huge grin on her face.

“We did it, Daisy!” she announced, “big bada-boom! Us! Teamwork! Good! Force, I’m hungry.” Only after a moment did she seem to remember there was someone else with them there. “You were good too!” she said to the Knight and offered a wink.

They were going to go to the front. Get picked up. Was there going to be any time for a shower? Madalena normally didn’t mind being covered in blood, but drying blood of faceless enemy NPC’s weren’t really fun to wear after the adrenaline died down.

“First round’s on me,” she announced, and then sank down to the floor so she could sit and relax a little until they were out.
Wearing: Standard KO armor
Wielding: Standard KO vibrosword
Location: Western edges of the perimeter
Goal: Kill strays
Tags: n/a
Post: 6

Alwine had been standing there for too damn long. The Lupine was ready to just call it quits and start packing before returning to CIS space. Hours of just standing watch on the outskirts of the battlefield were getting old fast, and what sounds she could get from other people’s comlinks announced that they were more or less done. So stranglers would be the last of ‘em.

But really, considering that not a single one of them had come close to where she was stationed, why would anyone expect someone to come now?

Unless of course, something like plot convenience happened, and just as Alwine was an inch close to putting her sword away, three of them arrived. She wished she had been fast enough, or had cared enough by that point, to say that she took them down in glory.

But in truth, there were more than enough Knights around her, and unless she wanted to shove them out of the way to get a few stranglers, there wasn’t even a reason for her to move. The other Knights did quick work of them and announced the casualties on the comlinks.

So yeah, they were done.

“Extraction will be here in under five minutes,” someone announced.

Alwine nodded and started prepping to leave. Her work here was done. Now she could go back home to her brothers.
Objective: Ending The Battle
Location: Ground
Post: 2

Tags: [member="Harmony"], [member="Kyrinov"], [member="Daisy Americus"], [member="Darth Metus"], [member="Kurayami Bloodborn"], [member="Scherezade deWinter"], [member="Kurenai Yumi"], [member="Azmodan"] [member="A'den Kyr'am"] [member="Kylo Kyr'am"] [member="Alora Fae"] [member="Maple Harte"] [member="A'Runda"] [member="Rylan Kordel"] [member="Lirka Ka"] [member="Curupira Hawk"] [member="Scherezade deWinter"] [member="Tobias Dib"]

Srina moved with the Vicelord as if they were one person. The Force Bond that ran between them was strong enough that she could anticipate his movements beyond even the closest of combat specialists. There were quite a few Echani she knew that would have loved this kind of connection. They were already lethal. Raising the bar with a Force Bond would be something that many on her homeworld would hope for, strive for, if it meant being more effective on a battlefield.

The armor of the Knights Obsidian was pleasing to her. It was lightly armored, thin, and let her move as if she weren’t wearing anything at all. The devilish companion to [member="Darth Metus"] whirled through the air as if her feet never touched the ground. Her lightsaber sang from nothingness and tore through the Loyalists without mercy. She had fought stormtroopers, nova troopers, on Tatooine and this was not the same. They were less intuitive. Like children, trying on their parent's clothing. “Our sector is very nearly clear. The AT-AT’s have been dealt with and the AT-ST’s were put down by aerial attacks.”

“There are a few foot soldiers, per comms, but they are quickly being handled.”

A blaster shot went over her shoulder and she flinched back. Close, but not there. Sad since she’d been standing still. Silver eyes followed the line of fire and she found what appeared to be one of the higher ranking Loyalists. She could tell from all of the paint on his armor that signaled him as special. Different. It was never good to stand out in a skirmish like this. She stalked toward him with intent while he fumbled with his weapon, lightsaber twirling in hand, as she prepared to strike.

“No! Please—I surrender! I surrender!”

Srina paused. Her lightsaber was raised. Poised. Ready to strike.

“You surrender?”

“Yes! What choice do we have! There’s nothing left. You’ve…You’ve killed almost all my men!”, he cried out, his vocabulator in the old helmet causing him to sound tinny, versus contrite. Srina waited, sorting through his emotions, as she tried to discern whether he was serious or buying time. “I yield!”

“Tell the rest of your forces to stand down. If they throw their weapons down immediately I can give our people the order not to fire on anyone with their hands up. You will then be escorted to Manda’s capital city for processing. They will decide your fate.”

Her words were calm, cold, and apathetic. She couldn’t care less how he responded. Alive or dead this uprising would be quelled. It was more than clear that these men would never make it to the capital en masse with their weapons intact. The CIS Navy had already broken the blockade. Unbeknownst to Srina their last ditch effort for an assassination attempt had already been foiled. “Choose. Die here and now or face your people. Do not waste my time.”

There was a pause, a breath, and thirty more seconds passed before the order went out from the downed man in stormtrooper armor for the Loyalist forces to STAND DOWN.

Srina kept her end of the bargain. Not moments later, she had some of the Knights with herself and the Vicelord, take the man into custody. She was brutal and merciless—however honest. “Attention ALL CIS personnel. The Loyalists have surrendered!! If any still fight you burn them down. All others are to be taken into custody to be returned to the capital unharmed. I repeat. If they are still shooting after the order of cease and desist you are to cut them down. By order of the Vicelord…Do not hesitate.”

She cut her comm after that and passed her droid rabbits. They were still hiding, ducked low, but trying to be useful. Srina looked at [member="BNI-Bella and BNI-Leo"] for a long moment before she pulled her hood back. The Knights Obsidian were escorting some of the few infantry left alive to one of the few working transports. It would be cramped and uncomfortable but for now, only for now, they would live. “Send word to [member="Alessandra Creed"], rabbits. It is done.”
One eye green and one eye golden snapped open with the sound of a thousand creaking doors. And blinked. Somehow, she’d managed to impress herself with the sound. The woman’s hairy noodle-like body pushed itself up from the floor, pulling a bunch of debris out of her air and letting out a cough that said yep, this personal totally inhaled a bunch of smoke from buildings that toppled around her. Morgaine deWinter looked at her surroundings.

A normal person would have at least have the decency to wonder what happened. After all, it wasn’t every day that you woke up in the center of a war zone, and the building you were in managed to completely collapse save for a few square feet that magically remained in place, keeping you safe from most harm.

But Morgaine deWinter was not a normal person. Seven hundred years ago, she might have had those strange thoughts of self-preservation. But this was not seven hundred years ago. This was now, and Morgaine was all about living in the now. That was also why she was not wondering what happened to the cargo ship she’d been hauling, the one that was filled with a few thousand metric tons of animal poodoo that she’d intended on selling as manure.

Oh no, not Morgie.

Instead, her bony fingers searched through her clothes until she found a little old death stick that was broken down in the middle like the flaccid member of a body part that shall not be mentioned. A few more moments, and a lighter was in her hands. But the lighter wasn’t working.

With a sigh, the emaciated spitfire brought out the hilt of her lightsaber out, the red beam covering her face in a glow that matched her hair. She’d not once used it in a fight. No. this was a special lightsaber, that she was to either cut her hair every now and then, or light her deathsticks with. As always, this worked.

With a sigh, Morgaine deWinter took a good long drag from her death stick and let a good rumble og gas loose from her bowels, improving the smell of war around her.

Next, she shrugged, took another puff from her cigarette, and started walking towards the sunset.

The bodies of dead soldiers, broken chickens, and ruins, completely escaped her notice.

Location: Airspace over the city
Craft: 'Ankou' Multirole starfighter

As Kurayami finished checking on [member="Daisy Americus"] and [member="Scherezade deWinter"], he reduced power to stay closer, just in case. Besides he had given his word that he wouldn't be far off if they needed him. The Corellian sighed as the adrenaline slowly faded from his system. He heard an announcement that the blockade had been officially broken by the CIS Navy. That was a good start at the very least. He circled back around to remain close, settling into a racetrack pattern above the walker Daisy had commandeered. He heard Daisy mention that they should reconvene near the front and try to find a cantina. He could always get behind a plan that involved booze. Besides it was always nice to meet those you helped out when they were in a tight spot. Apparently the crazy girl offered to buy the first round. This was also a plus.

Then came an unexpected order from [member="Srina Talon"], to take prisoner any who surrendered and eliminate any others. He powered down all weapons save the two underwing twin autoblasters. Likely they would be unneeded but one could never tell. He would just stick with what he was currently doing unless he got told something else out of the blue, escort to the front was at least an easy job compared to close air support.
Standing With: Each Other
Add'l Tags: N/A
Location: Near [member="Srina Talon"] and [member="Darth Metus"]
Goals: Observe and Report

BNI-Bella and BNI-Leo skipped ahead behind [member="Srina Talon"] and [member="Darth Metus"]. They stayed close, but never too near, and never too far. While being underfoot was basically their MO they’d learned the hard way that their ears were not impervious to the crimson lightsaber of the Sith Lord before them. He got quite cranky when they stole borrowed his personal effects. For safekeeping, of course. The smaller rabbit droid, Bella, stood her own against one of the infantry.

To be fair he did shoot at her but he kept missing. Why were his hands shaking so badly? This was not what they had read about Stormtroopers. Perhaps [member="Adron Malvern"] would be able to shed some light on this situation? Data did state that he was a former Imperial, after all, he should know his own kind. Leo watched as Bella’s ocular blaster canon charged, before ripping through the air, in a searing scream. The hole that was left in the phony-trooper was large enough to see daylight through.

Much like before Leo grabbed her by the paw and dragged her away from potential danger. His little hippity-hoppy legs moved quickly and he hoped that the Mistress didn’t notice they’d strayed a little off course. When things got really hairy though, they hid behind a piece of shrapnel, taking pot shots when they could—but otherwise staying safe. Srina would like that.

BNI-9001 was surprised to see that one of their opponents did indeed surrender. The information ran through their shared data-stream and the red-hued rabbit looked at his blue counterpart. “We should have placed bets. We could have definitely called it.”

Numbers really didn’t lie. Amazing.

When Srina walked by them they stood at attention, like good little soldiers, and they nodded in unison to her commands. The Minister of Commerce was waiting on a secure channel. Yes Mistress.”

Bella’s blue, singular eye, seemed to fade as she searched for the signal that was bolstered by CIS ships that had decimated the blockade. Politely, they dialed in to [member="Alessandra Creed"] who awaited the all clear within the Baobab Complex. They even saw comm’d in reports of a trooper strike team going down. Innocently, despite having just killed a man, they hoped that their organics remained unharmed. [member="Alora Fae"], at least according to her holo, was quite pretty for a human. Perhaps she would read to them like Srina Talon did?

If her arms weren’t blown off.

When the Minister finally answered the droids started talking on top of one another, until they synched, and began to speak in unison. “Greetings Minister Creed. The battle is all but over. The blockade has broken, the streets are clear, and the battle outside the city has ended. The Loyalists have surrendered and any remaining troopers are being returned for judgement.”

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