Hevana Martin
Hair-triggered Super Soldier
"Oh... uh... you heard that?"
Now her face was really red, embarrassed that her stomach had been heard. It was one thing to have her stomach growl around someone she was comfortable with, but not with a cute girl she was trying to impress. Sometimes her genetics really sucked. As they exited the fitting room and the clothes were rung up, Hevana produced her own credit chit to pay for it. She did not really buy much for herself... well except for some fun items and more food than she liked to admit, so it hardly bothered her to pay for this much.
"Since I'm the one that dragged you along, I'm paying. And no, there will be no arguing with me on this one."
Now her face was really red, embarrassed that her stomach had been heard. It was one thing to have her stomach growl around someone she was comfortable with, but not with a cute girl she was trying to impress. Sometimes her genetics really sucked. As they exited the fitting room and the clothes were rung up, Hevana produced her own credit chit to pay for it. She did not really buy much for herself... well except for some fun items and more food than she liked to admit, so it hardly bothered her to pay for this much.
"Since I'm the one that dragged you along, I'm paying. And no, there will be no arguing with me on this one."