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Junction Eternal Crusade: Calm Before the Storm (SGHW) | EE/AC Junction of Javin+Bavva/Florn


Heinrich Faust: Grand Marshal of the Ashlan Crusade

Oraada Laabre, Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir , Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana , Lansal Akira Lansal Akira


Eina's response held a bit of weighted sadness to it, and though Heinrich knew that he meant no harm, there were yet things that he needed to work on when communicating with his dear friend. His time with Oraada had made him feel more comfortable in his own skin, yet he was still getting used to the concept of being something other than his usually stoic self. Offering Eina a smile, he gently placed a hand on her shoulder before she left.

"I have so much to share, with both you and Gei."

That was an understatement, to say the least. Heinrich had still not discussed the events of Ession with Geiseric, and it was beginning to become a problem. He would make it a point to find some time to speak with him, just as soon as they got through the next big conflict on the horizon.

"After Tython, I will come visit you. I promise. When I do, we'll catch up proper. In the meantime, you just keep each other safe."

After Eina left, still in a rather somber state, Isla followed closely behind, likely looking to check on her friend. Heinrich offered a nod in acknowledgement as she spoke of leaving, opting to let it be until the two were able to talk more. As he took a sip of a drink, he turned back to Oraada, his smile growing wide once again.

"About a dance..."

As he began to ask, Heinrich caught a glimpse of the short stature of the Felucian that entered the room. His face was unfamiliar to the Grand Marshal, but it appeared that he was here with a specific intent, and perhaps did not feel entirely in his element. Heinrich took Oraada's hand in his for a moment before motioning toward the Felucian.

"Forgive me, the dance will have to wait. Duty calls."

He parted ways with Oraada, for now, making his way toward the Felucian before greeting him with a bow.

"Welcome! I don't believe we've met. I'm Grand Marshal Faust, though you may call me Heinrich."



Equipment: Lightsaber Claymore, Ashlan battle armour Shock Gauntlet, Icarus gravpack, Ashlan Rosary, survival kit
Tags: Rath Nihro Rath Nihro
Location: The tournament grounds, Ession

A point each, that was good, that made the Galidraani swordswoman happy, the little red graze on the cheek of Rath Nihro Rath Nihro looked like the touch of a woman's lipstick so she blew him a playful kiss before getting back into her guard stance and continuing. The two exchanged sword clashed for a few moments, both quickly beginning to get the measure of their opponents and work out their rhythm, the two large bladed made for quite the spectacle and the audience was cheering. At once point Greer though she had him, getting past his block and bringing round her sword in a back hand strike, only to have him duck under the blade, probably best that one didn't connect if she was honest, having been on the receiving end of a similar strike during training previously. The two spun over the terrain, both expertly balancing their footwork as only expert warriors could.

She was about to feel smug after him seemingly whiffing his strike to her stomach, but too late she realised the feint and her sword was twisted from her grip, she was a strong woman, but the man's speed required aooser grip to allow her sword to swing more freely, he had capitalised beautifully and she felt the sting of the dull blade just beneath her sternum, ready to peirce her heart. Two to one, shame, she was having fun, but winning and having fun would be much more satisfying.

She stepped away from him after the point and caught her breath, she ran her fingers through her hair, pushing the sweaty mop put of her eyes, he needed just one more point to win, she had better watch her guard. "This would be much easier if I could just slice your arm off you know." she chuckled, light sabers certainly had their advantages over tournament steel.

She went in again, changing her stance to be more guarded this time, she couldnt allow any slips in her guard, their swords clashed loudly again for a few moments before she caught her own blade againat his cross guard and tried to spin the blade out of his grip to disarm him. It may work, it may not, she growled as she tries to leverage her strength against his.

If she disarmed him it would be a point either way but would stil a
swing the blade at him ti simulate the killing blow, if the disarm failed she would take a step backward and continue to duel.


"Welcome! I don't believe we've met. I'm Grand Marshal Faust, though you may call me Heinrich."
Surprised, Lansal did not have time to keep his notebook. He wheeled around and stuck his free hand out.

"Good afternoon Grand Marshal!" Lansal greeted, returning the bow and shaking his hand.

Lansal ran through the possible small talk in his head before deciding on:

"It is good to see that relations with the Eternal Empire have remained positive."

What am I saying? This isn't why I came here. I don't even like the Empire...

Lansal shook his head, almost to clear his thoughts.

"I apologise, I have not introduced myself. Lansal, of the Akiran Vigilants. I don't think we've met before but I have been in communication with your office for a while. It is a pleasure to finally meet you in person. I am not one for, ah, protocol, so I will simply go to the point: I have pressing matters to discuss with you as leader of the Knightly Orders, and I hope you will take to heart what I have to say."

Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust
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Location: Orbit of Ession | ENS Crimson Empress | Training Room
Objective: Accept new tutelage
Dialogue Legend: <"High Nelvaanian"> │ “Galactic Basic”
Tag: Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas

The young agent was toweling off her brow from the beating she had put on the training droids. Myri was quite grateful that Agent Thamne had mentioned that a new agent had shown interest in showing her what it took to be a Blackwatch agent. Even more grateful that Thamne let slip that it was Ivixa Nera'kas. Myri had done some homework, otherwise she would have been quite thrown off when she was addressed by the diminutive blue-skinned assassin.

If Myri was honest she would let you know that she lost a fraction of a second when she had to translate the High Nelvaanian that Ivixa spoke in. She worked quite hard to learn the language spoken through the Eternal Empire, she had done pretty well, but it still took a moment when she was not prepared to translate.

<”Thank you, for the praise Agent Nera’kas. I am quite proud of my prowess in such arts,”> Myri responded in an accented High Nelvaanian. She understood much better than she spoke, but didn’t shy away from trying. Beyond species and specialty, Myri didn’t dive any deeper into Agent Nera’kas’ background. For one she expected that the truly interesting bits wouldn’t be available to a low ranking enlisted agent, and secondly she liked to learn things from her own point of view, not that of some official report.

<”It will be an honor to take direction from you,”> the Thrysian responded with a nod of her head. <”I have enjoyed my short time working with Agent Thamne, however I feel that she and I are quite a lot alike. I value different points of view and experiences. I wish to be the best possible for the Empire, not just hone the skills I innately possess.”>

She considered what she could possibly ask. <”At this point it is my job to perform at my peak so that you can have a proper assessment on how to move forward,”> Myri responded not to be sarcastic, but to speak the truth. <”I would ask that you let me know if my High Nelvaanian is too hard to understand. I am working quite hard at it, but fear the Coruscanti accent is quite thick.”>


Objective: Take Some Time Off
Niki's Equipment: Ivory Dress, Heartbeat Heels, Paralyzing Lipstick, Covert Colors in #10-Coal, Absorbelt, HH-Eclipse ring, HH-Iris, Force Warning Pendant, x2 Hutt Cartel Kidnap Jabber Rings-One on either hand, Tinfoil Hat Band, Earsculpt Comlink
Augmentation: PGEM-SAP "Amber Eyes"

The cat and canary smile that graced her features was something to behold. She had struck it on the nose, the long forgotten blueprints of armors and ship schematics she had not made herself being recalled only just. She'd stolen no more than a glance at those off limit items when she still lived on the Scintilla.

It felt as though ages had passed since then.

"All but gone it seems for us Agents. We blend in better with the civilized galaxy a lot better nowadays since we drifted apart. Or no one looks our way quite so much." She explained in not so few words. The hint of her own association dropped quietly in between the rambling.

"Niki Priddy. I was an engineer while we ran amuck around the galaxy. I don't know anything more than a passing name from your group though. You were all very cloak and dagger about your projects. Except, for example, that giant ship you all moved about on." She shrugged before taking a sip.

"Wanting to get acquainted with the Eternals? I can assist with that if you'd like." Her hand was held out in offer to guide him, but even being a genuine offer didn't stop the appearance of a snake waiting to bite across her features.

Location: Simulation Room, ENS Crimson Empress - Orbit of Ession
Equipment: Viper Mk. I SkinsuitX8 “Gambit” Elite Disruptor Pistol
Objective: Assess a New Agent
Dialogue Legend: <"High Nelvaanian"> │ “Galactic Basic”
Tags: Myri Dara Myri Dara

Ivixa raised an arched eyebrow as she walked through the hall, with the taller woman moving directly alongside her. Her own High Nelvaanian still needed some work, but being immersed in the Eternal Empire and working in Blackwatch, where she spoke the language every day, had greatly improved her fluency. It wasn’t a native language for her, as she spoke it with a sharp, cutting accent that hinted at the vowels and pronunciations of her native language, Nyxi, which was the dominant language of the Asa’nyx. Nevertheless, Ivixa sensed that she could give an answer to the Thyrsian’s question, since Myri was going through an experience that mirrored Ivixa’s own, when she was new to Blackwatch.

<”You’ve already completed the most difficult part, Operative.”> Ivixa began as she approached the turbolift controls and began to key in a floor. <”You are speaking it now, with an acceptable degree of fluency. Your accent is no issue, here."> She continued. Indeed, the Empire was a diverse nation, where humanocentrism was rejected, unlike the second and third renditions of the First Order, which had collapsed not long ago. Since then, the Eternal Empire had solidified itself as the preeminent power of the Unknown Regions and perhaps soon, it would do the same in the Outer Rim.

<”I would simply advise that you give it time. By being immersed in it, you will attain fluency, faster than you might think.”> Ivixa finished, as she stepped onto the turbolift.

<”Now, the next part of your assessment will be a combat simulation.”> Ivixa said as the turbolift began to descend. It would be the exact same scenario Ivixa had completed, when she was undergoing her assessment under Zena Baize. <”I will obviously spare you the details, but the test will not be conducted under live fire conditions and all agents you see will be droids covered by holographic overlays."> Once the turbolift came to a halt, Ivixa led the taller woman to the simulation room, then to a small armory within the room, which held a small collection of commonly-issued weapons.

<”Take whatever you need. All weapons have been set to stun. Let me know when you are ready.”>


Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim , Jayce Helms Jayce Helms


The days had grown longer for the Cardinal, as of late. Though the Holy Ashlan Papacy offered him all of the comforts one could require, his mind was often focused on his duties, both as Cardinal and Minister of Faith. He was a man of many hats, and he wore them proudly. Nevertheless, things had been quite troublesome, as of late, with the growing push from the Crusade's greatest enemy into the Core. Preparations had been made in an effort to hold the line, should it be pushed against the Crusade's borders. The Magister and Grand Admiral had both made incredible strides in improving the border defenses of the Crusade, and yet, the people still worried.

The Cardinal was glad that this ball was possible, given the circumstances. Everyone had to be on watch, and tensions had been running high. In such moments, an event such as this would provide people with a moment of reprieve from the chaos of the galaxy, and Pietro certainly needed some of that time of rest.

He entered the great hall with a pair of Veilbearers at his side, their faceless, golden masks reflecting the light from the room as they made their way through the crowd. As he drew closer to the familiar faces of Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana and Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir , the Cardinal motioned the Veilbearers away, prompting them to take positions just out of earshot. The Golden Veil disliked being too far away from the Cardinal, as he was one of the prime individuals they sought to protect. In the end, however, they would do as they were told, so long as it was the Cardinal telling them to do it.

"Eina, Isla. It is always a pleasure. I'm afraid I must make this quick, as I wish to speak to the Empress. I wanted to say that it is good to see you both, before having to put on the face of the politician."

As he spoke, he began to move past them and toward the Empress, who was speaking to someone he wasn't familiar with. A new face to study, to be sure.

"Empress, I'm glad that you could make it. I pray your visit has been pleasant."

Turning to Jayce, Pietro offered a bow of the head.

"And it is a pleasure to see new faces on our soil as well. Welcome."

Lady Eina L'lerim-Vandiir
The First and the Light of Ashla

Heiress and Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic Mascot and Representative of the Ashlan Crusade, Living Saint of Ashla
Eternal Empire's Ambassador to the Ashlan Crusade; Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary and the Fjölkyngi Smiđr Guild
Objective: Try to having fun.
Location: Ball room, Gullna Höll, Ession
Equipment: Elegant Attire | Head decoration || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current appearance
Tags: Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana | Open
[ Hijo de la Luna ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ["Essonian"] | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Eina looked at Heinrich as the man touched her shoulder. Maybe later. This has always been the answer for a long time. She just nodded sadly. Although, she always tried to be optimistic and view the world positively; she knew after that that would not happen. Maybe she wasn't sad because of herself, but more because of Gei. She was sure this could be much worse for him. He had known Hei much longer than Eina, and they had been close to each other for a longer time. She just nodded again, then let the man leave and she went on.

Moments later, it was Isla who came after her and stopped her. The Valkyrja looked at her. She didn't want to lie, but she didn't want to tell the entire truth. Eina didn't want Hei to get in trouble for that. That was the hardest part of it. Find the golden mean. She didn't even know if there was such a thing. But before she could say anything to Isla, a new person appeared to greet them. She nodded to the older man and even smiled kindly at him, despite her bad mood.

["Uncle Pietro Demici Pietro Demici ! I'm glad to see you. Mom will surely be happy to see you too, she said when you never show up on any events where she is present. She says she's sure you're trying to avoid her."] she told him kindly.

As always, she said now without any irony or ulterior motives. She had no idea why her mother wanted to talk to her. Nor about the games that took place between Uncle Pietro and Valkyrja’s mother. She could only see that her mother was always in a good mood when she was able to talk to the man, and she was having a good time. Eina didn’t even think it was an evil thing or ulterior motives were in the background.

["It's just like Hei doesn't want to see me nor Gei. You could see us at an official event like the trial… but he didn’t come to us in vain. We invited him many times. He hasn't been with us in years, since Ilum. And he keeps secrets, even from us. At Weken, he talked about gaining new kinds of forces, but he didn’t tell me what those are. It's like he doesn’t trust in us anymore. He didn't visit me for a while, not even if he'd a problem or he would have to talk to someone about these. He completely ruled us out from his life. This is worse for Gei."] she told Isla.

She couldn't really tell what was wrong without telling too much and not remaining discreet.


Location: Orbit of Ession | ENS Crimson Empress | Simulation Room
Objective: Make an Impression
Equipment: VA-IDS Armour System | KC-77N Hybrid Pistol | KC-M74S Designated Marksman Rifle
Dialogue Legend: <"High Nelvaanian"> │ “Galactic Basic”
Tag: Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas

Myri gave a mere nod to her new superior’s suggestion to keep practicing her High Nelvaanian. It made the corner of her lips rise ironically. Told to practice speech and she answered non-verbally. But Myri was a woman of actions, five words when a nod did the job was not acceptable to her. It was a waste. If Ivixa wanted a conversationalist she had been assigned the wrong agent. Myri however did know that being a very versatile agent would require her to converse at times. She would be willing. But the first impression she wanted to give was the baseline Myri. Strong, capable and business first.

Myri followed Agent Nera’kas into the turbolift. Inside she held her hands in front of her with her back straight. She didn’t let her guard down no matter how nice Ixiva was being about her accent and encouraging her to keep at it. An agent had to always be on edge. That was discipline and Myri learned it was better to be seen by a superior as too stiff than too loose. A simple request to relax would show a different side of Myri, but now she needed to prove what she could do.

A brief smile played upon Myri’s lips at the announcement that a combat simm would be the next test. Turning droids into useless parts was a good show of Myri’s abilities and she would never shy away from a demonstration of her most prized asset, but if she were to be honest the droids were getting too easy. And Teräs Käsi had been a basis of her being for many years, showing what she could do with other skills was an exciting challenge.

<”A true field combat simulation should be a surprise,”> Myri responded as she looked over the armory. She chose Blackwatch VA-IDS Armour System and quickly started to suit up. It would limit her Teräs Käsi abilities and maneuverability, but that was the point. She’d already shown what she could do to droid basically in underwear, this was to show another side of her talents. Once the armor was in place she quickly identified her favorite pistol and attached it to her hip and then grabbed a marksman’s rifle and slung it over her shoulder.

<”Ready for action Ma’am,”> the Thyrsian agent announced with a twist of her neck to alleviate any tightness that had formed in anticipation and suiting up.


Heinrich Faust: Grand Marshal of the Ashlan Crusade

Lansal Akira Lansal Akira


Heinrich provided a jovial smile as he shook the hand of the Felucian. He understood feeling rather out of place in such a formal, political setting, as he had only recently settled into his position as Grand Marshal. He shot a quick look around the room at the mention of the Eternals, pondering on just how successful their alliance had been.

"It has certainly been mutually beneficial."

The tone in his voice carried a certain air of apprehension, making it clear that he didn't fully trust the Empire. Though him and the Cardinal disagreed on many things, it was difficult to ignore the fact that there were elements of the Empire's motivations that remained shrouded in mystery. Despite this, Heinrich trusted Eina, and that was more than enough for him.

"A pleasure to meet you, Lansal. I have heard that you've reached out. I hope they didn't give you too much of a runaround. I am not a fan of bureaucratic red tape, yet in my position, it sometimes can't be avoided."

In truth, there had been times that he almost wished to be away from the duties of his station. Things were often much simpler when he was a knight on the front lines. But of course, Ashla always had other plans.

"You have my ear as long as you require it. Your people have done incredible work for the Crusade, and I am happy to return that service in kind."

The efforts of the Felucians had been critical in the development and healing of many worlds within Ashlan Space, and had pushed the Crusade's efforts as a whole to a new level.

"So, what can we do to repay your efforts?"


Tags: Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust

"I am humbled by your words. Well, first and foremost, while the worst ravages of the Sith occupation of Felucia have been repaired, there are as yet many threats in the jungles, and I fear they may have reached a critical juncture."

Lansal did not have to cross check his notes for this, as he knew the dangers too well.

"The native rancor have become far more feral, and Acklay packs are much more ferocious. Where Bogan corruption in them were once a rare terror they are fast becoming the norm.

"There are other worries too: rumours of corrupted Sarlacc that move, and Bogan-controlled jungle tribes destroying the more peaceable ones. Putting aside the minute details, I am sure that the source of these Bogan infections are due to several, ah, physical sources. As in, locations so tainted they darken all around it. Some are abandoned Sith temples, some are sacrificial pits, and I think one is a buried Holocron.

"My humble request to you as Grand Marshal of the Knight Orders is to assemble a team of Jedi and other Ashla-blessed warriors to root out and purge these sites. In the past, the Vigilants may have been able to contain and remove this threat, but the dangers have multiplied and our numbers are..." Lansal trailed off, feeling a pang of sorrow.

"Well, we need help now. I would appreciate conventional military aid too but I understand the Crusade is busy with a hundred fires at any moment, so I will only request what you are able to spare. This Bogan taint on a critical border of the Crusade cannot be allowed to fester, and it would not be right to let the homes of the many Felicia emigrants be threatened by this."​
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E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective: Try to having fun.
Location: Ball room, Gullna Höll, Ession
Equipment: Elegant Attire | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tags: Jayce Helms Jayce Helms | Pietro Demici Pietro Demici | Open
[ Waltz ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Ingrid already felt the cardinal's presence when the man arrived nearby. She already knew the man's aura and Force signature very well, as they had worked together more than once in the past. In fact, she once saved his life here on Ession. In fact, their most memorable job together was to neutralise Carnifex and Prazutis' attack at trial. The red-haired woman was still waiting for her companion to respond anyway.

In the meantime, she sipped her drink and not very conspicuously, but she followed Demici's path with her eyes. First, Eina and Lady Draellix were the ones the man went to. After this, however, the cardinal headed for the woman and the young nobleman. And Ingrid did something she wasn't used to often, she smiled joyfully. It seemed that this evening might turn out better than she had hoped. After all, the cardinal's company was always great. Especially because she always had a great time due to the man's behaviour.

"Cardinal! It's always a pleasure to see you!" she greeted the man and reached out her hand.

If the man returned the handshake because the woman did not expect a hand kiss, she introduced the two men to each other.

"This is Lance Corporal Jayce Helms. Corporal, the gentleman is Cardinal Pietro Demici, second man and religious leader of the Holy Ashlan Kaiserreich." she told them.

However, today she did not intend to just let go of the good old cardinal. She was not satisfied with this single greeting. They are leaving for Tython tomorrow, both empires; and the cardinal remains at home, so it was not possible for them to speak in person later. It could have been solved with a Holo call, of course, but it is so impersonal.

"I want to talk to you during the evening, Cardinal, about our mission on Tython." she told him.


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Overseer for Imperial Scientific Development

Dr. Trinity Harris
DXenbo MAnthro
Overseer for Scientific Development

Location: The Imeprial Embassy, Ession
Objective: Enjoy Party
Tags: Eleena Salwa Eleena Salwa
Attire: Pretty dress

Riding: Phantom
Accompanied by:
Ship: Luminary class light explorer exchanging crew space for biolabs

"And I you my queen!" Trinity beamed at the acceptance and slid the ring over Eleena's finger, it fit perfectly, which was probably for the best as it might be tricky to resize. The large white diamond glistened in the light, and Trinity lost any sense that anyone else was there, but she now had another suprise for her fiancé.

"So, if you gently feel the underside of the ring you will feel two tiny bumps, don't press them to hard just yet." she had been informed that it was safe to activate when nearby other people, but the idea of a personal shield going off at a party would take some explaining.

"Not long ago i went to little expo with the most fascinating group of women, some of their technology and there skill with nanoscopic systems is hard to compare with anyone except maybe the likes of HPI or Astral. So, in between other more professional inquiries, I had a little chat with their matriarch and she helped me install the tiniest little personal shield generator in your ring, and it will pop out if you press those little bumps a couple of times."

She blushed a little bit now again and stood back up, was this too much? She often worried about Eleena not coming back from deployment, this might help that worry, maybe, a little bit. "If you dont like it we can change it to something more normal, but neither of us are exactly normal are we?" she laughed sweetly and took the last sip of her champagne. She would await Eleenas response and then maybe they could return to dancing for a little longer. There would be lots of time for proper planning, discussion of their future living arrangements, although the scintilla seemed like a good choice.

She also needed to mention her own upcoming deployment, one of those I'm going somewhere, I can't tell you where or why, but who knows, you might be there too? kind of conversations that the two had grown fond of since Trinity had been working for military science.


Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim , Jayce Helms Jayce Helms


As Eina spoke of her mother's comment, Pietro simply offered a slight chuckle in return. Eina didn't fully understand the nature of politics, a fact that Pietro, in truth, found refreshing. He was constantly surrounded by political rhetoric and questionable motives, so such discourse was always a breath of fresh air. As he made his way over to the Empress, he found her to be in surprisingly good spirits. Her usually cold, calm face had even managed to produce a smile, something that Pietro rarely saw from her.

As she offered her hand, the Cardinal took it in his, providing a kiss on the back as he offered a bow. It would likely be unexpected, as Ingrid was entirely aware of his opinions about their tedious alliance, yet he would be the good host nonetheless. Besides, the Eternal Empire had upheld their end of the bargain thus far, despite the differences between them and the Crusade. As such, Pietro felt it right to treat her as any good ally would.

"Ah, Corporal Helms, good to meet you."

He was still getting used to seeing the faces of the Eternals, and there were still many faces he did not recognize. He took note of the man, as he did every foreigner within the room. The alliance may have proven to remain strong, but that wasn't going to stop Pietro from keeping an eye on them. After all, one does not rise to such levels of power without keeping an eye on the other players.

His eyes shot back over to Ingrid at the mention of Tython. He had hoped to avoid the topic for at least one night, but the Cardinal knew deep down that it was inevitable.

"Of course, Empress. Might I start by saying that we have begun mobilizing our forces. Magister Kaarz and Prime Minister Draellix have achieved quite the logistical feat. I hope things are proceeding as well on your end."



Heinrich Faust: Grand Marshal of the Ashlan Crusade

Oraada Laabre, Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir , Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana , Lansal Akira Lansal Akira


Heinrich listened intently, sipping on his drink as he weighed the dangers that yet lurked on Felucia. It wasn't a surprise, entirely, as the planet had long been held under the Bogan's sway. Nevertheless, the Grand Marshal had hoped that the Crusade had eliminated such threats, though it seemed that it was not so.

"Perhaps something is causing them to become more aggressive..."

He was no expert on the beasts, but Heinrich couldn't help but to feel that it was perhaps connected to the darkness that seemed to be spreading across the planet.

"These sources of darkness you speak of can't be allowed to go unchecked. This news is... troubling, to say the least."

Heinrich quickly finished off his drink, placing it on a nearby tray as he continued to listen to the Lansal's words. The Crusade had spent so much time looking outward toward the existential thread of the Maw, yet had overlooked the troubles within their own borders. How could they protect the galaxy if they couldn't protect their own territory?

Something would have to be done.

"It's true, deploying a large military force would be difficult. Many of our resources are already deployed in an effort to stave off the Maw's advance, and removing them now would indeed be... problematic. That being said, we can't allow these troubles to continue to plague your home."

A brief pause followed as the Grand Marshal weighed the options. He could rally the Orders that hadn't already been deployed easily enough, but if the problem were truly as prevalent as Lansal said, then they would need help. Heinrich would likely have to reach out the the Holy Jury for assistance, though that would require dealing with the Cardinal... something Heinrich was not keen on doing. Nevertheless, it would have to be done.

"I will speak with the Cardinal on your behalf. I'm sure he can send the Jury to assist your people. In the meantime, I'll gather those I can, though it will take some time."

Another brief pause.

"How many of your Order remain?"


Tag: Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust

"I will speak with the Cardinal on your behalf. I'm sure he can send the Jury to assist your people. In the meantime, I'll gather those I can, though it will take some time."
Lansal smiled in relief. "Thank you for the offer. If it is possible, I would like to personally aid such efforts to recruit a sizable force."

"How many of your Order remain?"
The smile melted away.

"We... I am the last of my order. There are associated assistants and militia liaisons but as far as those who wield the grace of Ashla, only I remain of my order after the war with the Sith."

Of course, it was not as if there was no future to the Vigilants.

"I have managed to locate promising students around Felucia, but I do not yet have the time to train them, and the informal networks that allowed our Order to grow and pass on knowledge have been broken. This is why the Bogan infestations must be ended sooner rather than later: it will allow prospective Vigilants to survive and for the order to recover and contribute to the Crusade."

Lansal frowned, remembering another concern. Unlikely to come to pass, but still a danger.

"It would also prevent the possibility of Force-sensitives from being lured to the sources of the growing Bogan corruption."
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E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective: Try to having fun.
Location: Ball room, Gullna Höll, Ession
Equipment: Elegant Attire | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tags: Jayce Helms Jayce Helms | Pietro Demici Pietro Demici | Open
[ Waltz ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

To tell you the truth, it was very surprising how Demici reacted and how she greeted the Empress. Of course, as in all cases, the man's touch caused pain for the Empress. Not something she couldn't stand, but it was uncomfortable. Although no one could notice this. She could easily hide such little nothingness. What was surprising, however, was that the cardinal was playing his role so much and so well now. Appropriately, acceptably.

Something had changed, but she didn't know what it was yet. There was usually some ulterior motive behind them. But of course, it could also be that the man was just hoping the woman would die defending Tython, as Ingrid was personally prepared to go to the planet. She wanted to kill Solipsis, hunt down the Dark Voice. After all, an assassin of a calibre like her couldn’t have figured a less important task.

But returning to the ball; Ingrid had always been paranoid, so she suspected something about the man's sudden behaviour. After all, it was quite unusual for her from him. He showed the other's face for too long. The red-haired woman knew, for example, that the man treated Eina completely differently than with her, and he loved the girl as his niece. But politics is politics.

"Yes, Lord Tubrok and Lord Ström are working on this. Ours will be ready to go at the agreed time. And distance problems will be resolved soon." she told him.

She waits a few moments, if what you just mentioned is done, it will be of great significance. Not just for the empires, but for the HPI as well.

"The HPI Consortium will soon complete the commercial Hypergate between Terraris and Ession. And the hypergate will be usable for diplomatic missions and trips as well."




Heinrich Faust: Grand Marshal of the Ashlan Crusade

Oraada Laabre, Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir , Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana , Lansal Akira Lansal Akira


"Of course. After all, you'd be able to convey the gravity of the situation better than anyone."

It was a poor attempt at being uplifting, but Heinrich could sense the man's anguish. It was a feeling known all too well to the Grand Marshal, and hearing Lansal's words brought back memories from Heinrich's own experience with such matters. The Scouring of Ession had left him without a home for years, and his own Order had been nearly wiped out in the slaughter. It wasn't something he wanted to see happen again... to anyone.

"I am... sorry for your loss. You see... I too lost most of my comrades, many years ago. In those moments, it is difficult to remain strong."

A smile began to produce itself on the Grand Marshal's face as he looked around the room.

"Thankfully, Ashla saw it fit to make us whole once again. The same will apply to your Order, in time. Until then, we will work to repair what damage we can."

His mind trailed for a moment as he thought about the young Force-sensitive individuals that may be at risk. The thought of losing more youth to the ways of the Bogan was a sickening one, and the Grand Marshal refused to see it come to pass.

"The youth are the future. We cannot allow them to fall."

Heinrich's gaze turned back to the Felucian, the smile slowly returning as he spoke.

"We will make them a priority. Perhaps, should you wish to share the information with us, we could establish a place of safety for them. At least until the threat has been neutralized."

His mind began to wander once again, though now the gears were turning as Heinrich mulled over their options.

"We have solid connections to the New Jedi Order. They have their hands full these days, but we may be able to enlist their aid."



Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim


The political dance continued between the Empress and the Cardinal, almost as if they had actually taken to the dance floor itself with their words. It was a strange thing, politics. People often said one thing, yet meant another. Perhaps that was what made him uncomfortable around Ingrid. Her cold, fact of the matter approach to politics set her apart from many of the others. Perhaps it was because she wasn't trained to be a politician like Pietro, or perhaps it was just a byproduct of her personality. Whatever it was, it made her incredibly effective in the political world, and a formidable opponent to those that aligned themselves against her, both inside and outside of the sphere of political discourse.

"I'm pleased to hear it. It can't come soon enough. The air of battle hanging over everyone's head has had tensions high, as of late. Although, thankfully, this ball has helped to alleviate some of that."

Most of Ashlan high command hadn't slept well since the preparations had begun. Long hours would be an understatement, as the sheer amount of resources required to deploy the Ashlan forces in such large number was staggering. Nevertheless, the Cardinal and his companions always found a way to make it work. In the end, Ashla would endure.

"The hypergate will be a considerable boon to us, to say the least. Perhaps I'll have to visit upon its completion. A ceremony should be in order for such an achievement, after all."

Pietro's smile widened once again for a moment, before fading as he shot a look over to Eina and the others.

"I know you plan to join the attack. Tell me, what of your daughter? I know Lord Geiseric intends to make a move for the Dark Voice."

His tone was one of concern. Though he had faith that they would win the day in the battle to come, Pietro still looked at Eina as if she were family, and he would be lying if he said that he wasn't at least a bit concerned for her safety.

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective: Try to having fun.
Location: Ball room, Gullna Höll, Ession
Equipment: Elegant Attire | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tags: Jayce Helms Jayce Helms | Pietro Demici Pietro Demici | Open
[ Waltz ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

True, Ingrid loved political games and diplomacy if she was the right partner for it. If that opponent was dumb or just boring, the woman was bored of the games too. However, if the opponent seemed worthy and appropriate, the woman really enjoyed it. And indeed, she could be very dangerous. They are trained her for this, but not in the standard and traditional way. This training was more from her agent and spy past than from diplomatic and political schools.

But her abilities allowed her to take up the fight against Chandra, Auteme and Tavlar at the same time, even after a year of captivity and torture. Since then, the woman has only become more skilful and experienced. The woman loved to fight, not to kill, though she was very good and skilful at it, and she did it relentlessly, without feeling, if she had to. But never for fun. However, the fight was a pleasure.

It could be an actual battlefield or a political battlefield. It was enjoyable in both places. And the Cardinal was a very fun opponent for the woman. She nodded after the man's words.

"Sometimes people have to be given hope, Cardinal. Even in the darkest hours. Give them something to have a reason to fight to feel that they matter to others, that their actions matter.” she said seriously and grimly.

As a soldier, she knew this better than anything.

"The fact that by paying the entrance fee, they are already helping others, not to mention the knightly tournament. Yes, they get hope. Even if it is not very significant for empires, states. For individuals, yes, and that’s what’s important today.” she told him.

Also in the Eternal Empire, officers, senior leaders are working on this action to comply with the Tython Accord. The Empress nodded at the man's words again. Although they now had very fast hyperdrives, a few minutes of travel is different from spending days in space.

"I know there are those who are worried that the Eternal Empire may be sending a fleet through the gate. HPI also thought of this, if the gate system detects offensive weapons on ships, it will shut down, no matter if the weapons are online or offline. It will not be possible to transfer attacking fleet on the gate.”

She knew the man didn't trust her; the red-haired woman hoped this could help something. Then she smiled for a moment.

"Yes, it’s probably not hard to figure out I want to hunt down Dark Voice. You? I heard you stay home in Ession.” she did not blame him; the Cardinal was not a soldier.

She then looked away in the direction of her daughter and Isla. She knew Eina would be there too, but not what she was up to.

"I assume she will support Lord Geiseric as they are very strong together. But I wouldn't be surprised if she'd rather maintain some kind of combat meditation to help the defensive force. They'll be fine, both of them.” her voice was now reassuring, she trusted her daughter and her daughter's husband. "After all, they're Ashla's shield and light, aren't they?”



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