Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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"Are you alright? Goodness, just swallow slow Judah, take your time, ain't gonna ration the water on you," Danger replied with a hearty chuckle, this time patting him on the back firmly to try and help him catch his breath.

When Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell did and he mentioned about being careful of spending her nights with others out there, Danger arched a brow as if even further amused.

"You think I go galavantin' riskin' anyone gettin' some holo video or picture of me comin' out of someone's home? No, I know better." then she added, "Reckon I've enough credits and security in place to do what I want without risk of exposure." She shrugged.

His additional commentary only prompted a snort regarding his claims of no one flirting with him. Sure sure.

"So you say, Judah. So you say. Anyways, I'm sure it will work out one way or another." she added, as she ambled back to her chair.
"I mean, would it matter if you we're coming out someone's home after a night? Unless they were of a more....unsavory, background I don't think anyone would be payin' any attention. Lot goin' on in the 'verse right now, walk of shame ain't going to make no top news on the HoloNet these days. Maybe just some mild commentary."

Shoulders shrugged again, breathing back to normal, much more composed. He doubted, unless Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau was coming out of, say the private penthouse of the head of the Trade Federation or some Sith Lord, folks wouldn't notice. Then again, maybe he was wrong about that one. He doubted anyone paid attention to his movements outside the family.

"I'm sure, life will work itself out on its own."

Another small pause as he went back to his cigarillo.

"Going back to the Farm soon? I've got to meet with the boy, so I won't be there as early as I thought. I'll make it in plenty of time of course, just business calls. It might be wise for Persephone and Rue to go there soon....I hate to isolate them like we did with Myra and Makai, but realistically, the universe isn't the place for them right now."
"You'd be surprised how quick folk are keen to put their nose into things cause there ain't nothin' better to do -- or attempt to hold sway in business one way or another because of it. Best to just leave it be." Danger admitted, picking up her vice to take another drag. The tip glowed a cherry red once more, and the nicotine hit her system just right.

"You've a point; I think I will take Rue and Persie to the farm. We got things settled enough to leave project managers here to oversee the bulk of the work. At least on Orron III chances of a outright war are slim."

A pause, and the auburn haired woman reached out to knock on the polished bodywood of her side table as she looked at Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell . "Knock on wood that is."

"Take it step by step as we go from there."
Head nodded in agreement.

"Yes, I think our time here is drawing to a quick close. You, Myra, and Makai did a wonderful job and the skeleton is in place. Our hands can be more off the every day and just checking in on the projects when necessary. I don't have a good feeling about what is to come and we need to be prepared on the family front first."

Business would have them busy. They didn't need to be worried about all the children under their care at the same time. Obviously Makai and Myra would have the final say with Persephone, but he suspected they would agree that the girl should stay on the Farm.

"Just uh..." He paused. "Promise me you won't get caught up in anything crazy. I don't expect you will, know.."

Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau
"Just uh..." He paused. "Promise me you won't get caught up in anything crazy. I don't expect you will, know.."

Now it was Danger's turn to loft an eyebrow at this bit of advice. Blue white smoke would curl upwards as the Queen of Trade blew it out of the corner of her mouth, lips twisting in muted humor.

"Caught up in anythin' crazy? Just what are you 'spectin' me to get into Judah?" did he mean business, or in regards to scratching an itch? Who knew considering it was he who had been seen with good ol' blue Togruta Jedi with the big tits hanging out.

Or so the tabloids had said.
Eyebrow perked. He had intended the conversation to mean more about business. Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau was a social butterfly and he just didn't want her caught up in the wrong crowd at the wrong time. Coupled with her refugee and relief efforts that she sometime volunteered at her, he was merely worried something bad would happen to her.

Call it just a friend worried about a friend.

"I don't know. Anything. You gettin' caught up in war. Or worse,with one of your odd me, I know all about the weird Sith Lord who has like one hundred wives and five hundred children. You can't seriously be entertain' that. You're too good for him. Plus..his overgrown orge of a son punched me."
Now both eyebrows arched high at Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell .

Did he really just say that? It took a second as she drew the narcotic back away from her face, cigarillo help loosely between two fingers as smoke curled up towards the ceiling.

Feline green eyes gave a slow blink. Processing.

“I beg your pardon?” She asked with a bemused drawl, a half laugh coming out at the irony.

“Pot to the kettle if’n you talkin’ about who you are keepin’ close company. Say what you will of Kaine and his son, but he’s been a trustworthy business associate and friend for decades. At least I know Kaine is his real name.”

If Judah was going to start picking bones at who she spent her time with, questioning again, her judgement, Danger would be happy to point out what Makai had indicated about Azula, a person he didn’t trust much less had been told wasn’t even her real name. A woman he had brought to the farm in the wake of Alric’s death without any real knowledge of who or what her goals were. Kaine might be a Sith, but he was a known variable.

Whereas Judah had brought some unknown woman to her home when he knew well how much she regarded her privacy, especially when she was hit so low.

She certainly didn’t think of Kaine in a romantic sense, but for Judah to being him up out of the blue— that was bold.

Why did he care who she decided to spend her nights with?
"Of course I know her real name. It's Azula. As for untrustworthy company, I trust her. She even came to check on me while I was on Saleucami."

Which was still a surprise, granted a welcome one. Judah was very aware of the unsavory parts of Azulas background but she had proven herself to him. That's all that mattered in his eyes, he didn't need external validation from Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau .

Shoulders shrugged once again as he took a been drag on his cigarillo before blowing out the smoke.

"I'm sure Kaine is fine. Given my experience, I just can't say I like any of them is all. Him or his boy... I'll be keeping my distance."

The Grand Master wife wasn't much better in his eyes. Yet Danger seemed to be friends with the lot and that was... interesting, to say the least. One would think if this Kaine was such a trustworthy associate then he would have been able to keep a better leash on his son's behavior. Especially since he and Danger were friends.

No use dwelling on it.

"My apologies for offending you. A side effect of being an open mouthed bastard now."
Oh I’m sure she came to visit, Danger would muse to herself, choosing to keep that train of thought to herself, although her expression likely said otherwise. She flicked ash off onto the ashtray then brought the cigarillo back to her lips.

Who or what Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell decided to dip his wick into wasn’t her concern. Internally she gave a shrug. Hilarious how he came to the Togruta’s defense. He still didn’t realize where he went wrong on that.

Not her Kowakian monkey. Not her zoo.

“Noted.” Danger replied with a husky drawl, the smoke making her voice deepen her drawl.

“Well then, reckon we both had a busy day. I’ll call it a night. I’m sure you have plenty to keep up with.”

Staying any longer would only increase the chances of her making commentary. And the last thing she needed was to continue to hear the lauding of some honey pot grifter Judah had been so pleased to see again.

Great to know he thought that meeting the woman he was banging on the side and the sole issue to his misunderstanding with Makai and the rest that knew him was so trustworthy.

Rising to her feet she put out her cigarillo.

“Good night Judah. Enjoy the trip.”
"Have a good night."

This was, as illustrated just now, why he kept his mouth shut and kept the topics to things such as business and the kids. Granted, he did go along the line of questioning about spending the night with folks, but in all reality after their years of friendship, it seemed a banal topic. Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau hadn't been on the 'single scene' in well over a decade, it was just mere advice.

Well, the shitting on her apparent best Sith friend was not advice, but regardless.

The experiment was over. Looked like he was back to being a closed mouth bastard around her after all.

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