Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The cant of Danger's head would incline further, and a slight curious purse of her brows would form. She slowly contemplated what Judah revealed to her: that the point of getting away was to come back different. That she could make any personal commentary that she desired.

Sure, but he still seemed uncomfortable.

"Are you sure? You do not seem too keen on the prospect."
Danger replied, watching him closely. Not to mention, just what else did that entail?

Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell
"Yeah, sure. It will be fine."

Almost as if he was trying to convince himself. Judah wasn't terribly worried about answering, it was more the fallout. Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau had a way of picking apart and probing answers he didn't want to dive further into. Much like when his ex-wife had left and he had to draw a line to keep his own sanity.

Yet now he didn't have much of a choice. The two families were pushed closer than ever. For Makai's sake, he really had to just push through.

Grin and bear it.
Well if they were already on this roll…

Danger gave Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell a level look. She wasn’t certain how well this new outlook for him will go. The way his expression pursed made her think that he was swallowing a bitter pill.

“So why the change then?” She asked, watching his tousled mop of salt and pepper hair as he did his best to focus on the holo mail in front of him.

“Did the sabbatical somehow brought to mind that this was a needed change for the better for you?”

If he was going to give free rein, might as well see just how far that goes. Best to learn the new boundaries lines.
Eyes left the holomail and looked at her. Apparently they were going to talk once again, which was fine. Mentally he was going to have to steel himself, no doubt the subject was going to be Judah Dashiell.

Datapad was set down on the seat next to him once more.

"Well....I was told I was a closed mouth bastard so now I'll have to be an open mouthed bastard. If I want to maintain friendships anyways."

Shoulders came up and shrugged.

"Not much to it beyond that reason."

Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau
It was a good thing Danger hadn't taken a sip of her whiskey when Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell answered her question. The whole, 'close mouth bastard' and 'open mouth bastard' would have caused her to spit out the fiery liquid as she did her best to choke back the laugh.

In this case, however, the small stifled snort slipped but was enough to convey the humor of such a description, "Well... I know of a few handful that would be keen to speak so bluntly with you in those terms. I take it those are Makai's words?"

She saw them fight back on the farm. How both of their bodies had taken distinct passionate stances on the matter; certainly not what had been discussed had been shared, but what was there made evident choice words were said if Judah had up and left that evening because of it.

"....if so, reckon it must be revolving past matters and all between the pair of you."
"No, 'closed mouth bastard' is my term I'm using to describe all this, distilled it down to one essence. Makai used the words bitter, lonely, resentful....and to keep my mouth shut. You've used your own colorful words surrounding my....lack....of communication. Or sharing. Whichever you prefer to frame it as. Anyone with half a brain can see a pattern developing."

He wasn't quite sure what this new communication was required of him. Was it freely sharing without being prompted or only when asked? He was leaning towards only when asked, freely sharing seemed like far too much at this stage, and completely out of his personality type. He was quite sure someone would be quick to tell him otherwise.

There was a small pause, looking at Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau .

"In addition to being an open mouthed bastard, Myra thinks I should keep a journal, she even sent me one to use.Apparently Makai writes in one daily. I've read it. Not quite sure if its for me,seems to be working for him. I mean...if I share everything on the journal but not with others, somehow I don't think you three will think it counts for anything."
Brows rose high at that bit of a revelation. Well, went to show that Makai meant what he said. No wonder both of them had seemed to be on live wires back on the farm. Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell was right, though; she had seen a pattern forming for the latter part of the past year. It only grew in earnest when Judah had been keeping things from Makai. Otherwise, Danger would have thought it was just the old salvaged being his typical tall and silent type. He was happy to observe and only talk when he felt it was necessary.

There was a subtle frown regarding Myra's recommendation of keeping a journal. Would that work for Judah? Honestly, she wasn't sure. Then again, he certainly enjoyed working as much as he could.

So she gave a soft shrug,"Reckon it doesn't harm none to try the journaling. Or just do both; that is writing down your thoughts and then sharing them if you so see fit. Honestly, it will only work if you buy into it and if you don't and see it more of a hassle, then it won't do you much good."

Danger brought the glass back up to her lips and took a sip. Almost done. She herself didn't take to journaling or being open with her thoughts. She kept a mask far longer than Judah ever did; deciding to share bits here and there had taken a long while to set.

"Take it day by day I reckon."
Judah chuckled.

"Trust me, the journal is already a hassle."

Granted, he would use it because Myra spent the time to pick it out and gift it. Knowing himself though, it was going to turn into a place to write down various work notes at his bedside when something struck him. Or when taking impromptu holocalls. Writing down his thoughts and feelings? He didn't see it happening.

A shrug, things would shake out how they would shake out. He couldn't overly worry about what was going to happen over the next few weeks. Judah imagined it would be awkward but in time everything would return to normal. Same for much of the 'verse. It was more taking what was coming at him in stride and remaining level headed. He truly felt that was his key to success more than writing down his thoughts or feelings or sharing every morsel of how he felt.

"All we can do. Especially since you'll be seeing this mug more often."

Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau
“Apparently, if Makai is really looking at building a joint commune,” Danger would chuckle finishing off her whiskey. No sense in getting anymore.

A smoke though? That might steel nerves.

“What do you think about that plan of his?” She asked him, moving up on her seat to take the silver cigarillo case on the side table. A thumb would flick open the trusty companion she had for years, a neat row of finely rolled clove scented thin narcotic vices.

She offered Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell one should he desire to take it.
"Oh, thank you. Its been awhile."

He took a a cigarillo and grabbed the lighter, offering to light her cigarillo as always. Waiting until he saw the tip cherry, he lit his own before returning the lighter and sitting back. Judah thought about her questions and back to the small presentation Makai had given over breakfast. Ambitious, he wasn't entirely opposed. It was clear he needed to get off Celestia Station.

Where had been the question.

"I can see the pros and cons. There is a lot to think over, I'd like to see more of his plans. Clearly there has already been some elements that have been started."

A long drag of his cigarillo, debating on his next words.

"There's a benefit of closing ranks. The family is expanding, you and I have a lot more that we are responsible for. Grown as they may be, the kids are still going to need us." The 'kids' meaning Makai and Myra. "There's still some guiding to do. Then there's the girls, we have a lot of work to do on that front. Add in the fact you and I are staring down the fact in two to three years there will be more youngin's underfoot. The grandkids will need us, Danger."

No sense in denying the facts.

"With the 'verse going crazy, it may be wise that we're there to keep an eye out."

No matter how awkward they were around one around right now, or may not see eye to eye, it was merely a fact that they were going to have to learn to get along again quickly. The bridge between them would have to be rebuilt, with the kids getting married they honestly didn't have much of a choice. For the businesses but also for the family the ties that bound them would have to be strong.

"Cons....everyone in close proximity, in one another's business. However, this place should be large enough and it sounds like we will have own homes to escape to...still could be tense at time."

Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau
A small murmur of gratitude to Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell for the light then she settled back on her chair with the same liquid drape she was prone to do.

The cherry tip flared a bright red as Danger took a deep drag. A visible relaxation came to the woman as that spicy smoke streamed down her lungs and hit her with that narcotic goodness.

Oh, her Medic encouraged her to stick to the vaporizer with its little vial of liquid nicotine that would smooth over the ruffled nerves. But there ain't anything that could really replace that sweet satisfaction lighting up a hand-rolled cigarillo gave. It was just like sex. Ain't nuthin' run on batteries as good as the real thing.

An auburn brow would perk. Not in contradiction but in silent agreement. The old salvager hit all the marks there. With a heavy exhale, spicy blue smoke would flow up upwards with a twist of full red lips.

“Close quarters indeed. Sure you are up for that? You weren’t so keen on it all a few months back.”
She was just pointing out the obvious. He’d been keen to only show on sporadic moments, choosing to go outside or stay in his suite if needed.

“Ain’t the privacy you had on Celestia.”
"Celestia Station wasn't all that private, I mean, when I woke up and went to the gym in the morning, people knew. I go out to dinner, people knew. Its a space station, only so much one can do skirt the others they work with and the visitors. What was private was being away from you and Makai. Apparently the only person in my circle spying on me was Mrs.Datos."

He chuckled at that, taking another drag of cigarillo. That was still crazy to think of.

"Its not so horrible sounding. I've known for awhile I need to leave Celestia Station, I just didn't know where or what to do exactly. I sold off everything else and its about time I settle down somewhere new. Start relaxing into a new life, find a new pattern. Hanging out around in limbo for a long period of time seems like it might just be making a lot of my 'other' problems worse."

A small shrug of his shoulders.

"It doesn't work, I do something else. Makai seems to be eager to have us around, and I owe him a lot, so the least I can do right now is try."

Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau
It seemed as Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell continued talking, he was starting to get a bit more relaxed. Well, perhaps that cigarillo did the trick. Considering he was talking up more than he had in the past fifteen minutes regarding personal ventures, then business might be a sign.

Almost as if a glimmer of what old Judah was like. Well, the old Judah was a bit more keen on talking about what went on in his head.

"Heard about Mrs. Datos,"
Danger commented, still irked about the whole thing that it had taken nearly two decades before figure out who had been the bloody blasted leak spinning all kinds of tall tales.

"Knew I didn't like her much,"
she added with a soft shoulder shrug. Then again, it didn't matter now. Water under the bridge.

"Well, we will see what the kids come up with the rest of their designs. Glad you are looking at working on your relationship with him. He'd been hurtin' a lot for a while now because of it."
"I'm interested to see the schematics of this compound. Maybe even visiting, although I get the impression he wants us to see the completed project."

Judah would like to inspect the compound and land the structures were being built on. Not to offer critical advice or pick apart choices, but to just see with his own eyes what the area looked like and the lay of the land. He was interested in knowing more about the planet, from what Makai described with the vineyards it sounded semi-agricultural at the least.

A deep drag of his cigarillo when Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau mentioned Makai. A sore spot and it was only a matter of time before she went there. It was to be addressed of course, couldn't avoid such a thing forever.

"Myra alluded as such in a letter. She wanted me to write him but...that's not our style, we need to see one another face-to-face."

Another deep drag, carefully blowing out the hazy-blue smoke before speaking again.

"Any questions regardin' that?"
“Nothing I haven’t already spoke my mind about already,” Danger replied to Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell , feline green eyes lowering to look at the cigarillo between her fingers. She gave an exhale, blue white billy smoke flowing from her lips.

Danger had told him in her message that he should make time sooner rather than later if he wanted to make things right with Makai. The question would be, if Judah would delay and not get to that before the wedding. Ultimately, it was his choice in the matter, but Danger knew that delay. It would only make things worse.

“ if you are looking to improve your relationships ,you should probably start with him.” Myra seemed to be the only one that hadn’t had any issues with Judah. But then again, the girl had a soft spot for the old salvager.

If he wanted to talk more about it, the floor was his.
"I already started. It's not going to be an overnight fix."

Foolish to think it would be, that would be shortsighted on his end. In all reality, things were just going to take time to be resolved. One conversation wasn't going to cut it, it was going to take sustained actions.

That meant now. It meant leading up to the wedding. It meant even when the kids came back from celebrating he would still be plodding away. Judah had already accepted that though ; slow, steady progress was better than none at all.

Being this was Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau 's personal vessel, there was an ashtray at the end of the acceleration couch, Judah flicking his ash so they didn't get an upholstery fire.

Gaze fell to her after the action.

"How do you feel about everyone living on a compound? Would you do it or do you have plans elsewhere?"

It wouldn't change his decision,just asking for curiosity sake.
Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell was right. It wasn’t going to be an overnight fix. Danger’s concern was that Judah was going to avoid it again. He may have indicated he was trying to work on it - to be fair he’s talked more now than he had in months, an albeit not to comfortable about it- but that was there. Something to show that he meant it.

Question was when would Makai see it?

Two fingers brought up the vice to full lips and Danger took another drag, cherry tip burning bright before she pulled it back to get rid of the ash.

“Ain’t no different than the farm to me,” she replied honestly.

“Reckon the only difference is different buildings than enormous suites in the same place,”. Danger never had an issue with communal living. Either way seemed like she’d have a measure of privacy as well as close proximity to the kids. Win for her.

“The fact I wont have to travel far ain’t bad,”
she chuckled, making a joke.

“Although it would make your dating life more visible.” She reminded him, considering how clammedup he’d been over his blue skinned Jedi floozy. What started the issue between him and Makai.
Mid-drag of his cigarillo and he choked at her commentary of his dating life. Pulled away from his lips, he struggled for clean, fresh air as his face turned red from lack of proper oxygen, coughing. It was clear he did not expect the Trade Queen to be making such a comment on his personal dealings, despite it being a fact of living on the same plot of land.

"Wow, shot that out with no warning..."

Coughing and taking a deep breath, he finally felt like he could breathe again after a few very long moments. He didn't dare try to smoke again right now, trying ensure he was back on track and Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau wasn't going to drop any bombs like that once again.

"A guy dates one woman after like....twenty years of celibacy and its suddenly the hot topic of the damned year. I wouldn't say I have a 'dating life' Danger, that implies I've been actively seeking them out....I think I will be able to manage, I doubt hoards of women are begging at my doorstep."

There was Azula, who oddly visited him on Saleucami at the urging of an unknown person, probably Myra if he was putting two-and-two together. They had spoke easily, currently having plans to meet for dinner after the wedding to discuss things further. He wouldn't exactly call it a date right now, and he doubted they would even meet at his place.

"Same goes for you too, you know. Won't be able to stop Rue and Myra from runnin' into anyone you bring home."

Makai was more upset he just wasn't told immediately rather than his father moving on. Judah wasn't sure how Rue and Myra would take seeing their mother dating, it was quite a different situation than his own.
A heavily amused grin would break Danger's expression, both brows arching high at Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell 's reaction. She set her cigarillo down after taking a quick amused drag.

"You want some water?" She drawled out asking, already moving to grab him a glass even if he said no. Rising to her feet, she moved over towards the bar, taking her empty glass to set it to the side.

"One woman or twenty. Don't matter the number. Just making a statement that if you weren't so keen to share with Makai then, realize it would be harder to hide if you are just down a pathway and security cameras are up and about." she shrugged, full hips coming to a stop to grab the pitcher of water. A spare glass and she poured it halfway.

"Say what you will, cut of the same cloth both you and Makai. Can't see anything but work in front of you." that was a passing commentary that he didn't have women knocking at his door. Even at his eyes, Judah was a sight for sore eyes, especially since he still kept up with his workout regime and ate well to keep himself looking good.

If he wanted to make a point about her own dating life, it wasn't going to bother Danger. She spent years keeping men at a distance, with only three men ever being a part of her life to get that intimate, the last one being Alric.

"Reckon I can do just fine without bringing anyone home."
Gratefully he accepted the water, taking a sip only to start choking once again when Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau mentioned she did 'just fine' without bringing anyone home. Face was red again as he gasped for air once more, placing the cigarillo on the ashtray and carefully holding the glass of water, trying not to spill it as he coughed.

Eyes were watery as he wheezed a little, wiping his eyes as he struggled to regain composure and breathe normally yet again. He moved to sit back on the couch, taking a very deep breath, trying to steady himself.

" careful spendin' the night with men out there. Lots of weirdos and they all seem to be attracted to you."

Judah shook his head.

"I'm not as oblivious as Makai. Poor Myra had to practically beat him over the head for any attention. At least I know when someone is trying to flirt with me, which trust me, isn't as often as you claim. However, words of warning noted. Should hell freeze over and some poor woman decide to come over, I'll be sure to send out a memo to the entire family."

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