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Approved Tech ETL Corporate Security Armor

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  • Manufacturer: Enarc Trade League
  • Affiliation: Enarc Trade League
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: ETL Corporate Security Armor
  • Modularity: Yes
  • Production: Mass Produced
  • Material: Plastoid, Fabric
  • Classification: Multipurpose
  • Weight: Heavy
  • Resistances:
    • Energy: Average
    • Kinetic: High
    • Lightsabers: Average
    • Other: Average
  • Modularity - Corporate Security suits can be modified by their wearers using special kits to adapt the suits for various specialized roles, such as heavy assault, combat medics, snipers, ecetera.
  • Modularity - Corporate Security suits can be modified by their wearers using special kits to adapt the suits for various specialized roles, such as heavy assault, combat medics, snipers, ecetera.
  • Hefty - Corporate Security suits, while protective, can be rather bulky to wear, and as such require some athleticism to use efficiently.
Primarily designed to outfit the Enarc Trade League's private armies of Cardinal-series Androids and various hired mercenaries, ETL Corporate Security Armor is built to be protective, yet easily mass produced in bulk to outfit the company's corporate forces. While concerns were raised about the weight, these concerns were considered negligible given the overall protection given.

Modularity was a key focus in the design, with numerous mod kits developed to alter the suit for specialized roles, enabling tactical and practical flexibility for the wearer.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Darth Xyrah Darth Xyrah

Simple and solid!
  • We don't accept Pinterest or Reddig links to images unless the original site can't be found, these sites not respect the original artist, and anyone can post the arts there what they found on the internet. In this case, the original host can be found, so please use this link.
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