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EU Politics


Well-Known Member
Please do not get heated up on this, I am wondering what other eu member states news is like. Over the money requested by eu on on the uk, 1.7 billion pounds. Which over here has gone down like lead balloon, filled with uranium.
Speaking as someone from Romania, a country which is 99% percent likely to be exempt from paying more fees into the EU, doubly so after we received a relatively meager sum from them this time around, this is, and will always be crock of bull. I'll be amazed if even people like Nick Clegg would agree to putting extra money into the hands of Berlin and Brussels.
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Well-Known Member
[member="Alexander Nester"]

I kinda think they forced our hands of our politicians know, we have a general election in may. Can`t see any of them, being even able them say they will pay this. Then being electable

[member="Preliat Mantis"] please don't troll, you're not even in the eu


Well-Known Member
Preliat Mantis said:
the EU is going to hell a handbasket and is becoming a very, very, very big mess and could be a real big problem 'ere soon

Well we may be leaving soon, but may I ask what part of the eu from. Since the question was, how are other eu countries reporting our stance.

This is political suicide for pro-EU parties in Britain, and Brussels reputation in Britain as far as I'm concerned. The only justifiable reason I can see for this action is the bureaucrats living up to their Byzantine counterparts and not giving a single fuck, just wanting to collect more taxes more efficiently. They probably consider the Anti-EU / Eurosceptics still a minority in the western portion of Europe.

Regardless, RIP Nick Clegg. If he didn't kill himself yet, he certainly will after this considering how much of a damn battered housewife he is for the EU.

Malik Rodarch

I've never really been aboard the anti-EU stance that is quite common in Britain.

We're all buggered as it is, just a matter of who is doing the buggering.

Politics is the same as any other avenue of work or way of life. The only time you are buggered to hell and back is when you become irritated enough to complain, but content enough to sit on your arse and do nothing about it. To hell with all the downhearted talk of "If you lack connections, you will never make it" or other such nonsense. What you need is dedication and to have the truth and will of the people behind you. And considering how disillusioned most politicians around the world are, the later isn't hard to acquire.

Malik Rodarch

Haha, I'm Scottish [member="sabrina"], we've talked before. :p

Alexander Nester said:
The only time you are buggered to hell and back is when you become irritated enough to complain, but content enough to sit on your arse and do nothing about it.
I got off my arse and voted yes to try and change the status quo where I live, but unfortunately it was not to be.

If you can't do it alone, gather others. Organize, plan, discuss, spread the news and indoctrinate
If it fails once, try, try, and try again, since the only time you lost is when you stop trying.

Now excuse me while I go laugh about the notion of a separated UK.

Malik Rodarch

Really, I'm fine with the EU either way. I'm not even attached to the pound as far as that all goes.

My only concern in Europe (as far as social issues go) is the increasing Islamaphobia, especially in countries like France. Civilians getting militant regarding subjects of religion. Yeesh.

Now that is another kettle of fish, an entirely different topic!

However, I shall let you continue to bash the notion of an Independent Scotland, good sire. *tips hat and exits stage left pursued by a bear*

"Islamaphobia" isn't anything new or interesting, there has always been a pusback against most forms of immigration and / or immigrants, especially those that have a hard time integrating into the host culture.

As for the topic of Scottish Independence, I can hardly see either party benefiting from this move, as English and Scottish economies are intertwined as hell to my knowledge, not to mention the shared culture and history.

Malik Rodarch

[member="Alexander Nester"]

I always found the notion of 'DON'T SPLIT THE UK UP, THINK OF THE LAST THREE HUNDRED YEARS TOGETHER!' to be a funny one, because it's like, 'Yeah, remember when you banned tartan to bring clans under Government control, that was fun!' and also completely denies any history that occurred before, as if Scotland was never independent, or even existed prior to the union.

Personally, I wanted Independence for Scotland because only one constituency out of our fifty-nine actually voted for the Conservatives. Our views and political leanings are not at all represented by the current government and because of our small population (the population of Scotland as a whole is smaller than London) we'll never be able to have the numbers to create change.

Money-wise? It all boiled down to oil with a side order of currency scaremongering. Scotland has North Sea oil and of course David Cameron and co. didn't want to lose that juicy little black plum. In the run up to the referendum vote it was doom and gloom (aided by BBC's dazzling biased coverage), 'OIL WILL RUN OUT TOMORROW. HIDE YO' KIDZ, HIDE YO' WIFE!' but suddenly when the no vote was safe it suddenly emerged, 'Oh, we actually have enough North Sea oil to last a hundred years! How about that!'

Naturally, I am bitter, I am disappointed. Can I be blamed? It's my country and of course I'm passionate about it but there are at least some positives to be taken from it. Discussions have cropped up, progress has been made in at least some areas and the next time the referendum question pops up, it's going to be a yes.

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