Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Europa Draav

NAME: Europa Draav

RANK: Officer

FACTION: Silver Jedi Order

SPECIES: Mirialan

AGE: 24

SEX: Female

HEIGHT: Five-three

WEIGHT: 118lbs


  • Fun-loving and enjoys dancing, drinking and staying out all night
  • Rebellious and likely to take risks, can be reckless. Will go with her gut instinct over facts.
  • Small but packs a punch. While Europa is petite, she is fluent in martial arts like many Mirialans
  • Provincial. Europa has lived on Mirial her entire life and knows little about the rest of the galaxy besides what she learned in school
  • Not the most ordered of officers. Since Europa wasn’t formally trained in the military, she tends to lead in an unorthodox way, sometimes with disastrous results.

Europa has green skin, limited tattoos and bleached blonde hair. She’s compact, muscular and enjoys physical pursuits over intellectual ones.

  • Europa attended a local flight school and piloted a luxury cruise ship from eighteen to twenty-four until it became too dangerous for Mirialans to travel due to the expanding reach of the Sith.
  • Most recently joined the MPN (Mirialan Planetary Navy) in order to combat the rising threat.
  • Was thrown in jail for suspected treason and tortured by the Sith who also threatened her family. After she escaped in a prison riot, she moved her extended family to a secure location and is seeking allies from other systems to help free Mirial and keep her home world safe.

More to be added as character evolves.

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