Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Even A Jedi Needs A Vacation Once In Awhile, Right?


Iris had never actually been to the beach more than once in her life. The last time was with a group of Padawans like her, and, well. She was still fairly distracted by her world of colors to even realize how beautiful the ocean actually was. A soft smile stayed on her lips as she looked out over the sands. The waters. She'd painted this beach the last time Valery and her were here. Even though last time was supposed to be more.. Work than vacation. She couldn't help it.

It was beautiful.

Dressed in an actual bathing suit this time though the heavily scarred Padawan ran to the shallows of the waters. Letting her feet soak in the warmth before glancing over her shoulder to her Master. The two had been dropped off by her husband, left with no access to the outside world. Just the nearby town for things like food and supplies. No holocoms, no droids. Even Domxite had been brought with Kahlil for it's own vacation that only a being made of stone could enjoy.

"I'm really happy we're able to be here again. I like this place." Her gaze shifted back out towards the waters, a soft smile on her face. Maybe this would be fine. Not thinking about everything that's been going on. Just.. Enjoy the seas. The one of water, and the one of colors. She closed her eyes, letting her mind drift in the ever present swirl of colors around her. Peaceful, alive. As all things should be.

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Appearance: Link
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani

Valery drew in a deep breath after she finished tying up her ponytail and watched her Padawan run off to the water. They both really needed this, even though Valery wasn't the type to really go on long vacations. But after what happened aboard that space station with her husband, she knew it was time to recharge. And what better way to do that than spending some time with Iris? The smile on her face, the excitement about going to the beach — it made this whole trip not only fun but feel special too.

They didn't really get to spend much time like this, after all.

"Careful you don't go in too deep, the waves can be treacherous." Valery chuckled, and stepped closer to the water herself. She had left behind her regular clothing near a rock somewhere, and changed into a bathing suit as well. Only a shirt was still wrapped around herself to keep the cold wind away, and to be somewhat modest about her appearance.

But seeing Iris stand there alone with her eyes closed, enjoying the feeling of the warm sun and cold breeze, she began to smirk. It was impossible not to pull a small prank, so she quietly stepped into the water, and splashed some up against Iris' back,
"Is the water cold, Iris?" she asked with a big grin.



"I don't know how to swim, so I probably won't go any deeper than this."

Iris admitted without a single hint of hesitation or embarrassment. In her mind, swimming wasn't something she needed to learn how to do. Though she immediately yelped as the water hit her back, practically jumping out of the water before shooting her master a sharp glare. Well, looked more like a pout. She couldn't be intimidating even if she tried. "Yes! It is. You can very well fell that yourself you know."

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Appearance: Link
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani

"Can I now?"

Valery looked innocent and smug all at the same time, "Well, I suppose you're right. It's a bit chilly." She took off her shirt and dropped it in the sand behind her, as she stepped into the water in just her own bathing suit. Valery had always despised the cold, but in this case, she pushed through just to tease her Padawan a little.

"I should teach you how to swim sometime, or well... maybe find an instructor for it. Not only is it fun, but it can be useful as well if you ever find yourself on an oceanic planet." She paused closer to Iris and smiled.

"Now though, let's just enjoy not having to worry about duty and all that." And she wasn't just saying that because Kahlil would give her that 'look' again otherwise.



"I wouldn't mind if it was you or another, if it's supposed to help me as a Jedi." Though, weren't they supposed to focus on vacationing? Iris hummed in thought for a moment, turning her gaze back out to the ocean. She really didn't know how to relax, did she?

"What do you usually do for fun? I usually paint."

Appearance: Link
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani

"It can help, but it's also just fun on vacations. Until your partner cheats in a race," she muttered, as memories of her vacation on Spira came back to her. She smiled and chuckled it all again, before looking at Iris.

"For fun? Well, I spend most of my free time with my family. Taking Vera out to do fum things or just some time alone with my husband... it's the best." She was smiling only brighter now. "But I love cooking as well, and I train...a lot."

"Nothing quite as peaceful as painting. Maybe I should give that a shot sometime, hm?"



"Maybe." Before, Iris absolutely would've made Valery try to paint. But she was getting better about that approach. Just pushing a brush into peoples faces worked, yet the more aware she got of the world the more she realized how rude that actually was. That, and she didn't have her brushes on her at the moment. She wasn't sure what salt water might do, but she was fairly certain it wasn't going to be good.

"When we get back to the cabin I can show you?"

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Appearance: Link
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani

"That sounds like a good idea to me."

Valery watched Iris for a moment and smiled — she had changed so much from the young girl who went around tagging buildings. She was on the path to becoming quite the Jedi and Healer and an exciting and kind-hearted person. To be an important part of that growth was something Valery felt quite proud about.

"First though, let's lay down on the beach. I brought towels, so we can get a little bit of a tan, relax and just talk about... well, anything. Maybe not about Jedi business though. Just personal things; life."

She gestured for the beach with her head and waited to see if Iris would follow her to lay down there.



Lay out on the beach for a.. Tan? Iris tilted her head, not entirely sure what she was talking about. But she shrugged her shoulders and nodded. It sounded like it wasn't business, so.. She hopped out of the water, gathered up her towel, laid it out and just.. Laid down. Humming softly in the process. "Personal things.. Like what?"

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Appearance: Link
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani

She had never been one to take too much time off, especially not for things like relaxing on a beach. Constantly being out and about was enough to get a tan. But Iris seemed to have even less experiencd with it, which Valery found quite amusing.

While she chuckled, she laid down in her back and rested her hands behind her head. The feeling of the warm sun against her bare skin was nice, and finally, she felt herself relaxing some.

"Like anything we want. Funny things that happened, friends we've made... someone you like a little more than just friends." She looked at her Padawan with a smirk before she stared up at the blue sky again.

"Anything. I'd just like to know how life has been outside your duties."



"I.. Don't really know what to talk about. Um.. Kai is no longer a Sithspawn. Eliphas finally woke up from his coma, though I didn't know he was even in one. Bri is.. I don't know where Bri is. I've just been studying, for the most part. Trying to be a doctor is tough."

Iris frowned, keeping her eyes up on the sky.

"I don't know who I am without the Jedi."

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Appearance: Link
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani

Eliphas has been in a coma? Valery frowned but her thoughts quickly drifted back to her own Padawan, who seemed really out of her element talking about life like this. It just further showed how much she had been focusing on her Jedi duties and training,
"In some ways, you remind me a lot about myself and the Jedi I grew up around," Valery began as she looked back up at the sky. "In the old days, everything was very strict and we were always training, learning, or working."

A sigh escaped her lips, as memories rushed through her mind — even back then, she always wanted more in life, but the traditional ways of the Jedi had made it impossible.

"But since I met my husband, a lot changed for me. Not just having a family, but the way I look at life and work has changed as well. To have all of these things when I step away from the front... it helps me appreciate what I do more, and gives me more determination to keep going when things get difficult."

She looked over at Iris again with a smile, "You're so much more than just a Jedi, Iris. This is the time of your life when you don't want to miss out on the little things that make it so beautiful. I almost did, and looking back, I couldn't feel happier that everything changed for me." Her stasis, Kahlil, their daughter — it had given her life so much more purpose, and she wanted nothing more for her Padawans to experience it all as well.



"But.. What am I missing out on?" That was probably the core of the issue for her. Hanging out with her fellow padawans was usually just training. Or watching TV, but that wasn't exactly something she figured she was missing out on. She rolled to her stomach, frowning as she stared out towards the ocean.

"I don't understand."

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Appearance: Link
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani

Valery blinked and rolled onto her side so she could look at Iris without the sun blinding her completely,
"Well, it's a tough question because there's no one answer to it," she began, but that likely didn't help much. "We're all different in what we value in life or what we desire. We can't completely give up on what we have to do, just for those things, but a healthy balance is good."

She paused and let out a soft sigh, "I've often neglected myself so much that I lost my focus, got tired, and nearly got myself killed being a Jedi. Sometimes I need to recharge as well, and for me, it's my family or little trips like this that make the difference. For you, it might be something completely different but I just don't want you to get overworked."

"Spend some more time painting or on other hobbies. Meet with friends not to train but to relax. Whatever it is that you want to do or experience."



"People think I'm an airhead. I'm distracted and off in my own world, which is y'know, true. But.. The colors I see are real. Everywhere. I'm not daydreaming. It's just something I understand and live with. .. I don't have answers. I don't get it. I don't get how to figure out how to relax with other people or find new hobbies."

Iris frowned, resting her chin on her arms as she stayed staring out over the waters. She'd learned a lot, but surprisingly little about how to relax. Whenever she did, it was either when she was recuperating from an injury, or she'd end up in a fight with some rampaging Sithspawn.

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Appearance: Link
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani

Valery listened thoughtfully and offered a soft smile before she rolled onto her stomach and looked across the ocean
, "I'd be lying if I said it was easy to figure these things out. I was much older than you are now when I did, and sometimes, I still feel like I don't know how to relax." It was, after all, part of the reason that she was here.

"So don't be too harsh on yourself about it." She looked at Iris and hoped to offer a more comforting expression.

"You don't have to find new hobbies actively — they usually come naturally, especially if you're open-minded about trying things. As for relaxing with people... well, just invite them to do something that makes you feel at ease. Something far away from the craziness of a medical hall or the chaos of a battlefield." Valery looked around and smirked.

"Like this. I feel pretty relaxed and without worries right now. Do you?"



Asides from the worry about relaxing wrong, yeah. Iris nodded slowly, letting herself smile for a moment. This was peaceful, yeah. Relaxing. She closed her eyes, listening to the sound of the water. The birds in the distance. Felt the warmth of the sun on her skin. Smelled the sea breeze. "Yeah."

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Appearance: Link
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani

Just for a moment, Valery considered pulling another prank, but Iris actually seemed relaxed and happy. So as funny as it could be, she decided against it and just allowed a moment of silence to linger. A moment where Master and Padawan could take deep breaths, enjoy the fresh air, the warm sun, and the amazing view all around them.

"I was thinking, Iris, maybe we can take a few hours or a day to go shopping as well. Not sure if it's something you've really done before outside of getting necessities, but it'll be on me." She also planned to take her Padawan for a nice dinner, and of course, they'd be just relaxing a lot more for a couple of days too.



"Bri's taken me out a couple times. I don't entirely get it, but it's useful to get some art supplies. Back on Coruscant there's an art shop close to the apartment I usually go to." Iris smiled, glancing over to her master briefly.

"You think there's a shop like that here?"

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Appearance: Link
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani

"I'm sure there is, Alderaan has everything really," she looked over at her Padawan and smiled, "But it's not so much about just finding useful things we need, it's... just a time to relax and not worry about the really big things going on." Or at least, that was the big reason she enjoyed going shopping every once in a while.

"We can try to find an art shop, maybe a place to get some lunch and whatever else we find along the way." She smiled again, then paused and blinked, "We'll have to get changed first, though. Don't want to draw too much attention."


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