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Private Even A Jedi Needs A Vacation Once In Awhile, Right?


"I just- I wanna run! Let's ru- Oh dress?"

Iris stopped, blinking. Staring at the dresses with.. Confusion. The only time she ever wore a dress was when Bri would dress her. Which was.. It felt like a long time ago now. "I dunno. There's a lot of skin showing, though?" There wasn't, but she meant specifically for her arms. Legs. She didn't wanna gross anyone out when everyone was just having a good time.

But it wasn't like she was ashamed of her scars either. She tilted her head, genuinely thinking it through rather than retreat into sadness.

"Is that okay though?"

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Appearance: Link
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani

"I dunno. There's a lot of skin showing, though?"

Valery looked at the dress and blinked, thinking about it for a moment. It wasn't something she had really considered when she spotted them — they were just colorful, beautiful, and if they picked the right one, perfect for a music event as well. But Iris seemed to seriously think about showing that much skin, and Valery quickly realized why that was.

"Of course, that's okay, as long as you are comfortable with it," Valery said with a warm, encouraging smile. She wasn't going to make Iris wear anything of course, but she did care about Iris feeling good about herself, and accepting the scars she had was part of that. Valery understood this, as she once struggled with her own scar.

"I think it would look amazing on you, Iris."


Appearance: Link
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani

"Mhmm, try it on first to see if you like it. If you do, I'll pay for it and anything else you'd like," Valery smiled and followed her into the shop, where she quickly asked the shopkeeper if they could try a couple of things. She quickly grabbed a colorful dress, and one other, before she guided Iris to the changing rooms.

"Alright, try these if you like any of them,"

They were a little spicy, especially the first with the V-neck, but she believed they fit Iris quite well, so she hoped the young woman would enjoy wearing them. It was definitely not as clumsy of a dress as the wedding dresses Briana had picked. Not that Valery was going to say that out loud to anybody.



Iris glanced between them both and canted her head to the side. Then shrugged. She had no problem trying on either. At least she understood what a changing room was and such though. One by one she'd put on the dress and step out, spinning a little to show off the outfit with a slight smile on her lips.

"These are really light."

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Appearance: Link
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani

"They look great on you, as well," Valery said with a nod of approval.

"They might take some getting used to if you're always in heavier Jedi gear, but it's a lot better for dancing or relaxing," she smirked and turned her eyes to the shopkeeper, who was watching with a smile. As far as she knew, it was a mother and daughter going out shopping for clothes, which was always a fun thing to see.

"We'll take both of these, please," Valery said before looking back at Iris, "Is there anything else you see that you'd like to try?" She hadn't looked for anything for herself, but that wasn't really the point of being here.

"Pick whatever you like, and we'll add it to the list."



"Mm. I dunno. There's soo many options." Choice overload. That was a normal thing for Iris. She glanced through the dresses for several minutes more and.. Didn't ever pick one. The two Valery already picked out would be fine, she figured. Especially for today. Once the outfits were bought Iris actually changed into the second one.

What better way to get used to dresses than by wearing one?

"Where to next? The party?"

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Appearance: Link
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani

Looking around, Valery could only agree — it was not easy picking things in shops like this, especially not for a pair of Jedi who weren't exactly used to shopping trips. So when Iris settled on just the two she already had, Valery nodded and paid for them after Iris had changed into the second one of the two. It was little more modest than the other, which was likely a good idea if they were going to a music event.

"Yeah, let's take a look there and we'll see where we end up."

After stepping out of the shop, Valery began to guide Iris through the rather busy streets. A lot of people were out shopping here on Alderaan, but many were also headed for the party. After about a 10 minute walk though, they arrived to see a big stage where a smaller opening band was already playing. People in nice dresses and outfits were dancing, others were getting drinks and there was a lot of socializing.

"This feels very different from the club I once dragged my husband into," Valery said with a smirk. Yeah, that was still a funny memory to her. Out here though, it was a bit more formal, at least right now, and Valery suddenly felt a bit under dressed — she should have gotten a dress of some kind herself. "Alright, dancing first or do you want to get a drink?"



Iris was lost to the colors this time. The world was dazzling. So many people, so much fun to be had. It was clear in the colors around her to the point she couldn't ignore them any longer. She smiled softly, letting herself sway somewhat to the music. Then blinked and stared right at Valery again. And frowned.

"You keep asking what I want. It's your vacation too. And I'm already terrible at decisions. You pick!" She smiled. Grinned more like. "What do you want to do, Master Noble?"

Valery Noble Valery Noble

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