Somewhere in Silver Space.
Attention: [member="Kay Larr"].
One battle had ended, another was beginning, and the Galaxy was little different for it. Caedyn Arenais wasn't typically a pessemist, yet the last conflict against the Mandalorian's had torn his family apart and since then he'd not spoken to either his Mother nor his Sister for their difference in loyalties and core views regarding the originals of the war, who was to blame and so on. In fact, the last time he had spoken to his Mother, Caedyn had been resentful of the state of House Arenais, and serving to remind him simply by being in the wrong place at the right time, he had been given the opportunity to voice his resentments and frustrations, of which [member="Kay Larr"] had been unsuspecting and unprepared.
By now, time had passed and with the receding conflict between the Silver Jedi Order and the remaining Mandalorians whom were more or less independent of their former regime, Caedyn had spent much of his time focusing on his life with [member="Asaraa Vaashe"] aboard the Outer-Heaven Space-Station. They had a life there hidden away from the political state of the greater Galaxy, though nothing had really changed in terms of his families status; in fact things had grown much worse when his father [member=Veiere Arenais] had told Caedyn that he and his Mother were now divorced. Something that Caedyn had honestly not expected to actually happen given how much the pair of them had been through, as well as the share blisful ignorance of any Son or Daughter when faced with the prospect of a family separation.
And so it was that Caedyn found himself seated at the cockpit of the Repertoire with his co-pilot and droid friend, Lexas. Together, searching for any sign of clue as to his Mothers current whereabouts, starting with the obvious communications channels associated with [member="Loreena Arenais"] and their Mother's Holonet frequencys and accounts. It was a small hope, but a purpose filled attempt to open a channel via commlink with either of the two women.