Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Even Mandos need therapy

"One closing remark: before I let you leave, I am inquiring about your insurance. Mandalorian law mandates that health insurance include mental health, despite only a small fraction of the Mandos even using it for mental health. By now you know that there are very few therapists on Mandalore, and even less than that who actually are reputable. That said, how good is your insurance? How much co-pay do you need to pay for therapy?"

Mandalorian health insurers usually have generous co-pays for mental healthcare, or even no co-pay at all. They know only a small minority that needs it will actually do it. Cathul herself have had no reservation about commanding high hourly rates for therapy, whereas Alderaanian therapists wouldn't charge 250 credits/session, let alone 500... Force-sensitives tended to command higher prices but even then Force-sensitives were often consulted as a last resort measure as far as NFU patients are concerned.

[member="Nicair Claden"]
"My visits will be sporadic, I'll be paying via a direct credit transfer from a local bank, I've got credits saved up there. Hand to mouth just like the old ways, nomadic. Can't say I ever bothered much with insurance, move around too much, as can be assumed my usual jobs don't exactly have much tax. It'll all be direct, how ever much copay is necessary. All thanks to lightsaber crystals acquired on Ilum, go for a high price those did."

He wasn't lying, he had no family to take advantage of any kind of insurance, so he didn't use it. It wasn't being very prepared for an emergency but to be honest he didn't really care. All he had in his will was that his armor go to a Dathomirian named Rasor, they were close friends, he'd take care of it, provided he didn't go out before the man. Nicair shrugged as he realized just how much of his life he had lived on the move, never settling down. Granted he was young and settling up was not something he needed to worry about at the moment, still, he wasn't prepared for such a life should it be pressed to him.

[member="Cathul Thuku"]
"Since you have no insurance, that will run you 250 credits"

Cathul learned that Nicair wasn't the type of Mando to score the big bounties; those who did, were charged the higher price but, to be fair, they paid higher health insurance premiums too. Big bounties usually came with heavier tax burdens.

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