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Every Dominion Should be an Invasion

[member="Custani Valcho"] - Minor Factions can claim to hold territory as much as they like, but when a Major Faction comes around - as they hold a presence on the map game - they can choose to either respect what was written, or override it with their own narrative. You may not like it, but that's how things are. If your supposed claim on a territory is threatened, you can launch a Skirmish or Rebellion thread if the criteria is met. Should you feel that neither works for you, there's always the option of talking with the Major Faction admin staff in the hopes of them respecting what's been posted by you, and your minor faction. Ideally, this would result in your territory becoming a fiefdom within the Major Faction's territory, however that's not a guarantee.


Disney's Princess
Custani Valcho said:
ut they should at least have a chance to protect what they 'Belive' is thiers: Fix
You're right. There is a 30 day window where a Minor Faction must wait to become Major. And, I concede. It must be frustrating to have to wait inside that 30 day window until you actually "own" that planet, hex, or whatever thing it is you are Faction'ing.

However. That said. Outside of that 30 day window, (and a 5 writer minimum application,) there is absolutely nothing stopping any eligible Minor Faction from fighting for what they believe is theirs. As such, I find your inclination to change the current rules kinda silly. Especially given how many times I've heard people request that their Minor Faction should have the ability to "own" a planet whilest also believing simultaneously they should be immune under the rules to having anybody contest them for it either.

Oh well. What's a playa to do eh? :D :p
Jay you seem to be confusing invasions with PVP. You're missing the point. The reason why it's the same is because it's been contained to them and dominions to "PvE".

The Dominion is the perfect place to accomodate all these writer types you mentioned and they even come with these nice little objectives to allocate said writers.

They just need to be asigned meaning.

Maybe its not "Every Dominion should be an invasion and more "Every Dominion should be able to spontaneously combust into an Invasion not just a Rebellion."

[member="Jay Scott Clark"]
​Maybe, this is more about giving some sort of construct to choice? Or, a reward for making your dominion more difficult for yourself?

​I'd say the reward is the story you get out of it, I mean. At the heart of it, if that's not ultimately what you're supposed to get out of all of this then I dunno guys.

​Maybe Dominions shouldn't necessarily change, but what about something similar to the flashpoint system we had around a while back? Dominions are way more common, and it could be entirely optional. Let me try and give an example here.

​Maybe a Faction, has some of its core writers on LOA's ect, or maybe they just want to [albeit to some, artificially] spice things up.

So, its essentially the same where, you for the possibility of a reward; roll a dice and maybe it turns your dom into a invasion, maybe it limits your amount of writers to said dom, or something fun. But, maybe by doing this, it makes the next normal dominion easier or something akin to that. I'm really not sure. Or it does something else? I'm not entirely sure if this is applicable or if there even is enough variety to make this viable.

​But, I figure implementing something that is entirely optional that doesn't change current dominions and is simply ulterior would be better.

Just a random spitball idea, folks.


Disney's Princess
Mythos said:
You're missing the point.
Huh. I thought the OP's suggestion was to make every Dominion "contestable". IE, adding the ability for any 3rd-party to create a Rebellion'ish event on every single one, with the intent to leverage an RPJ's judgement in favor of the denial of territory and Map expansion. In which, I would vote "nah."

If I misconstrued that. My bad. :p


Disney's Princess
[member="Mythos"] - Uhh. Sure. Probably.

[member="Immortal Cyan"] - You wanna help me out here. Was my last comment close to what you were going for, or,.. Is Mythos right and I'm totally off base?
[member="Jay Scott Clark"] [member="Tathra Khaeus"] [member="Mythos"]

My post (and in turn, this thread) was written to support a system in which every Dominion, even if it is against an NPC planet, contestable. In essence, this would make Dominions an invasion-lite event since the outcome would no longer be a surefire thing. The objective is to make planetary conquest (and by extension, galactic conquest), more rewarding by creating situations in which writers can easily create meaningful and long-lasting stories. In effect, this would drastically slow down the average rate of hex gain for major factions and it would allow minor factions to hold planets without necessarily participating in the map game. However, minor factions and NPC-controlled worlds would be subject to being invaded by major factions. Writers from other factions/groups could sign up for these invasion-lite threads to assist the attackers or defend the planet against the invasion.

As I said before, the victor of these invasion-lite events would be determined through the same way that invasions are now. As such, it would be possible, albeit unlikely that one side could concede. However, I haven't seen anyone concede in the invasions that we have now, so I doubt that would happen under this proposed system.

This system would obviously require radical changes to the site’s rules, and that’s probably one of the reasons why it seems so unpopular in this thread. I guess my point is that planetary conquest as it stands now is far too easy and 50 posts from a single group of writers isn’t nearly enough of a price. There should be real consequences for attempting to take over entire worlds and factions should not be able to do that virtually unopposed. As it stands now, any individual that writes as opposition to a major faction’s dominion is actually helping that faction accomplish its goal by contributing to the post count. In addition, the outcome of dominion threads is predetermined anyways, so writing as opposition is doing little but delaying the inevitable.

I apologize for not explaining my proposal better, but hopefully this post rectified some issues.

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