Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Everybody was Kung Fu Fighting

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream


Akio Diachi stood on his perch atop the dojo hall in a low twist stance. His body was clad with a very simple but unconstricting set of robes that allowed for both flexibility and comfort. His red eyes stared ahead in a cold, detached gaze. He was in a deep meditative trace, one that allowed his body to hold the classic forms for muscle memory and let his mind drift off to distant, far away places. It was not his dojo, sadly, the Blue Pilgrim was only borrowing it, calling on a long-over due favor. The Chiss had never been asked to train by anyone, he had been forced back in the time he was a Clansman and a rather successful assassin--but those were different times with a different life. Now he was a monk who prized life and peace by whatever means necessary.

And sometimes that means required combat. The greatest combat required one to be familiar with a variety of tools of the trade, his were considered exotic and finding replicas was all but impossible in this galaxy, so they were borrowing the Dojo for the time being, and those tools within them.

When he felt the presence of his friend and "pupil" if (one could use the term here) arrive, the Chiss propelled himself off the pinnacle of the dojo building in a wide, high back flip. He landed softly in the court yard not far from the one they called [member="Ryn'Dhal"]. The fellow Jedi had taught Akio and now it was the Chiss's turn to share his knowledge of combat.

"Welcome, Ryn, thank you for coming," The Chiss said with a low bow. "I am glad you could come here to these distant lands." The Chiss was not one to waste time. He untied his sword sash from his side and discarded his weapons, using the Force to send them a safe distance away. He motioned for the feline to do the same with a slight gesture of the hand, "Lesson one: You are your own greatest weapon.

"Look at your hands. Your feet. Your elbows, knees, shins, and shoulders. Nature has equipped you with everything you need already to take down your foes," he extended his hands with a sweeping gesture, his body on full display, "Do you consider me unarmed like this? Yes, perhaps. That is why the Open Fist is the most dangerous weapon of all.

"Watch, follow after me," he extended his hand, his middle digit bent along all fingers, "Bil Sou, perfect for breaking bones," he twisted his hand, palm to the sky with his thumb tucked in, "Chair Slanting Fey, good for blocking, redirecting," he twisted his hand again, into the lateral with his fingers in an almost perfect fist, "Pai, perfect for hammer strikes as a counter," he extended his fingers, "Charp, able to bring your fingers down on pressure points and your blade or palm down in striking actions to break bones or push back." Akio brought his fingers in with a twisted claw-like grasp, "Cum Nar, the claw that tears and grasps without mercy," then with a flick he brought all his fingers in together with a peck like motion, "Tam Su, with a flick of the wrist, pin point damage on pressure points. Your fist are the most dangerous weapons."

He slowly pulled his hand back in to his side. A whole world of opportunity was here, to say he felt a sense of excitement for Ryn was an understatement.

In case the hand thing was too wordy.... here's a link with a lot of hand fist techniques.

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