Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Everyone I'm RPing with

Avicus DuSang

The Patron Saint of Heartache
Isn't she adorable, Sgt.?

I hope Her Majesty isn't referring to the Cold album "A Different Kind of Pain."

Twas my least favorite Cold album.

But, perhaps our borders could cross sooner then expected?

I'd simply love to write with Her Majesty and/or her star apprentice.

Darren Onyx

Spencer is crazy. But that good crazy that everyone loves. The original Psychopath.

Anyways, I would say RP with me but our characters have only met once and it was in a duel in which you used my charm against me... At least I kissed you lolz. That is a win in my book.

John Harrison

If I'd RP'd with ya, I'd have something to say in line with the above posts. :p

I'm a fellow member of the "I beat Onyx in a duel" club though!

Darren Onyx

She only beat me because she used my charming good looks against me.

You beat me in true Sith fashion, by using my anger and hate against myself.

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