Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Everyone Was Kung-Fu Fighting (NJO)


Azurine Varek Azurine Varek . He hadn't met her properly yet, but she was Valery Noble Valery Noble 's newest padawan. What was she like? Was she tempered as Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren was? Was she as refined as Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania ? Weird as Iris Arani Iris Arani ? Just asking wasn't the sort of thing Aris felt he could do, though. He didn't know how to talk well with people, especially when it came to understanding how their personalities were. The best way he'd learned? Fighting. Sparring, in this case.

He stretched his arms overhead, idly flicked out his hands to roll his wrists. Coruscant's temple had been rebuilt, including the training rooms. Which he was going to be using now, soon as Azurine arrived anyway. He smiled faintly, calm as ever as he glanced to the door.
"I don't know who I am anymore."

Raise A Little Hell


Outfit: Clothing | Robe | Right Arm | Glove
Weapons: Fists/The Force

Azurine hadn't been expecting to be approached and, quite bluntly, asked to spar. Aris Noble -Kahlil's son she believed but not Valery's, at least not by blood- hadn't said much else other than that. Frankly, she appreciated his bluntness. It was good for her, and she certainly could use a good sparring partner other than jumping into pit fighting in the Coruscant underworld late into the night. How was she going to say no?

The rules they had laid out for each other were simple; no weapons, no of the mind force tricks, only telekinesis and channeling into ones own body. Easy enough to follow given that she had spent seventeen years of her life, from the time she was four years old, studying, training, and using in combat traditional Iridonian Martial Arts, which she had spent most of that time unknowingly using the force to make up for her smaller stature with swiftness and precision (something she hadn't even realized until Kynn had pointed it out to her somtime after they met). Heading down to the training room, a water bottle in hand, she couldn't help but grin to herself.

This was going to be one hell of a fight.

As she entered, she found a corner that she could lay her water bottle down in, worked her way through a few key stretches she'd used practically her whole life now, most of which involved a heavy amount of flexibility on her end, and took off her outtar robe to lay it aside as well. She came prepared at least, wearing a chest wrap made for marital arts, lightweight pants, and a singular glove on her one biological hand. The whole of cybernetic prosthetic that encompassed the entirety of her arm up to just below her right shoulder where it attached to thick, dark scar tissue that looked as though the skin had been seered by a laser being on full display. That as well as the rest of her tattooing -that trailed down her neck, across her shoulders, and continued in a similar pattern down her back-, and a few scars, the biggest of which being one that looked like it practically made up the right half of her chest and further down into her clothing and a dark lichtenburg scar stretching across her upper left torso and left shoulder.

She walked over to Aris, holding her hand out to him for a friendly and respectful shake. She did have to look pretty far upward so that her amethyst purple eyes would be able to meet his and give a sly grin, "I hope you're ready, Noble."

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TAGS: Aris Noble Aris Noble Azurine Varek Azurine Varek


Braze was on his way to stretch when he paused, noticing Aris in the training room with someone else. His curiosity piqued, he stepped in, sipping from a bottle of ice water as he watched from a distance, careful to stay out of the center. Intrigued by the unfolding session, he decided to head upstairs, finding a spot on the second-floor balcony that overlooked the room, allowing him a better vantage point along the outer edge.​


Aris took the hand to shake, giving only a small, casual smile in return. Words weren't something he was really good with, especially with people he didn't really know. No, this was the best way. Fighting, hand to hand. He glanced briefly to the other heartbeat in the room. Braze. He dipped his head in greetings, even gave a little more of a smile, then turned to find his position. He lowered himself, his stance, hands curled into fists, patient and neutral. The core of the Epicanthix was to not be read, after all.

"When you're ready, Azurine."

Azurine Varek Azurine Varek | Braze Braze
"I don't know who I am anymore."

Raise A Little Hell

Outfit: Clothing | Robe | Right Arm | Glove
Weapons: Fists/The Force

Azurine grinned, giving a nod and moving back a bit. A man of few words, that was fair. She spoke very clearly, though in Zabraki, words that equated to "Strike with fury," for anyone who knew the language, giving a quick bow to follow the traditions of respect in nonleathal combat taught to her by her father and grandfather so long ago.

She quickly took stock of the situation and observed for a moment. He was absolutely much taller than she was, by two feet if she was being specific. Not necessarily a problem, she'd fought larger, and they all go down the same.

Taking a quick stance that placed one hand in a fist out in front of her and the other open palmed above her head, she charged. No hesitation, only swift movement spured forward with the momentum of the force she channeled into her feet.

Azzie made to the left, only to pull to the right last minute, aiming a striked kick to his knee and two blows from the hands, one a fist for his chest the other an open hand jab to the ribcage area. Whether or not they landed their intended hits, it was followed quickly by bringing her elbow around to slam against his thy in a quick spinning motion.

She had warned him she wouldn't hold back and hoped that he wouldn't either. Win or lose, the fight alone was worth the time.

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Location: Coruscant, Jedi Temple, Training Room
Attire: Jedi Outfit
Equipment: Cross guard Lightsaber, Hydrangea Moonblade (Concealed)
Tag: Aris Noble Aris Noble | Azurine Varek Azurine Varek | Braze Braze

Lily had heard that Aris was fighting another Padawan that she had yet to meet and there was a chance to watch them spar. Something she thought would be interesting to spectate since she had not interacted with Aris since they were introduced as fellow Padawans under Briana. She had heard that he was training under Jonyna currently and Lily was curious to see how he had progressed in his training since their first meeting. Also it was a chance to see the Padawan she did not know and get an idea of what type of fighter they were.

While she did not see much joy in spectating a fight for entertainment or as a sport, being able to see how one fought and the styles of combat used, that was something Lily did enjoy. It was like learning new languages and she was keen to see what she could understand from the fight. Entering the observation room, Lily took a seat and crossed her legs.

The match had yet to begin and she was curious to see what would be the first move. From what she understood of Epicanthix combat, Aris was making it so his body did not reveal the intentions of what it was going to do next. Very polar opposite of how Echani sparred, where they wanted one another to be able to read their movements. She found it deeply interesting. It also appeared that Aris had become very tall for his age, now taller than she was. That was something a fighter needed to keep in mind as well.

Reach was crucial in fighting terms.

As the fight began, Lily leaned forward and watched with eager anticipation.
The Saber Swingin' Machine

Tags: Aris Noble Aris Noble Azurine Varek Azurine Varek Braze Braze Lily Decoria Lily Decoria

The jedi was a stranger to many in the temple as he was never one to rest or meditate. He was always in it for the action and protecting the galaxy from ne'er do wells. But when he was at the temple he always spent his down time in the one of the training centers. A lightsaber wasn't a jedi's only weapon and Fulo was more than willing to throw hands or grapple with anyone who was willing to have him. While his aggressive behavior was a welcome breath of fresh-air amongst the less temperamental of the order, his behavior is the reason why he never ascended the ranks of the order. He was nowhere near the level of a jedi master in use of the force but he like any jedi could if they chose to. But maybe the force had other things in mind for him. He didn't question his fate, he just made it himself.

Whilst in the training center he was exchanging blows with one of the training droids. Far from a proper sparring partner, the droids themselves were programmed to not actually win against any users but were used to get in a work out. He had been going for about 10 minutes with a water break before he noticed two individuals walk into the arena. His curiosity was piqued as were others as they wished to spectate the coming spar. He took off his boxing gloves and wiped the sweat from his face. Knowing that his shirt was drenched he walked into the locker room to change as he was likely going to be around others who no doubt would be repulsed if he didn't change into a drier set of clothes.

Now sweat free, he took his water bottle and face towel with him to the second floor to have a better view of both fighters. It seemed that someone was just as eager. A kid it looks like. His first time seeing Braze Braze and he stood a few feet beside him. Fulo rested his arms on the railing and eyed the two combatants with intrigue.

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Aris raised a brow curiously at the foreign tongue, but kept his stance steady regardless. No telling movements, no display of intent. Though, he quickly realized that wasn't something Azurine needed or even cared to look for. She charged in, and where he expected to see some form, he didn't. Each blow was rapid and quick, one after the other. He turned with them, his eyes focused on each strike unerringly well. Each hit against him felt like punching durasteel instead of flesh.

The only thing that kept him from seeming completely like a droid was the brief smile on his face. A grin, excitement. There was few things he enjoyed more than a spar like this. Azurine spun, aiming to catch his thigh likely to use his height against him. But as she hit it, he didn't flinch. More accurately, he took the hit as he instead brought down his own fist for her cheek at far to fast a speed.

Azurine Varek Azurine Varek
If the abyss stares at you, don't blink


"In my experience,
when you think you
understand the Force,
you realize just
how little you know"

LOCATION : Coruscant | OBJECTIVE : Watch the fights |TAG (FRIENDLY) : Aris Noble Aris Noble | Azurine Varek Azurine Varek | Braze Braze | Lily Decoria Lily Decoria | Fulo Ritiki Fulo Ritiki | Ryana mina Ryana mina

Walking around the Coruscant Temple with his buddy. Who else but "Buster"? Connel saw a “goings on” in one of the training rooms. Today was going to be a “training day” with Ryana mina Ryana mina , but this might prove to be more interesting. There looked to be some kind of “tournament” going on inside. He recognized Aris Noble Aris Noble .

Sheesh, he’s tall… and I’m 6’6.

He saw a few others he had seen around, Buster was originally busy sniffing a bench, but when he had heard the events, he was curious.

A “curious” Buster is a “crazy” Buster. Wanna go check it out? The pup was pulling on his leash so hard it was at its full length, had his arm at full length and was taught. Connel just laughed.

Alright, but you have to be a “good boy”. Here. Offering him a treat, which Buster eagerly, but gently took, Connel started walking. Lead the way, but you’ll get one for every few minutes you’re good, okay?

As Buster barked as if saying “okay!” and they walked in, Connel waved to everyone, and made gestures to “not mind him”. He then sent a text message on his comm-link to Ryana.

Hey R, 

I know we’re supposed to meet in the fountain area, 
but why don’t you meet me in the dojos. Bring “Pip”... 
I have grapes. 

Up to you. If you don’t want to, feel free and enjoy 
the day, no pressure. 

"I don't know who I am anymore."

Raise A Little Hell


Outfit: Clothing | Robe | Right Arm | Glove
Weapons: Fists/The Force

Azurine pressed forward, a nearly unstoppable flurry of blows pressing on and on, using her swiftness and channeling of the force directly into her body to jump high enough to even attempt a couple at his face. Iridonian hand to hand was designed to be brutal, incapacitate quickly, and never let your opponent be able to predict your moves.

Maybe if this had been anyone else taking these strikes full force without ducking, dodging, or blocking like Aris seemed to be doing, the fight would have been over by then. And maybe, if she had been anyone else without the physical fortitude she had, she would have broken her hands by now in landing those attacks given how it felt like she was slamming full force into a freighters blast doors (which she had done before, so it was a pretty accurate description).

What the hell is this guy made of?! Her thoughts raced, moving on instinct, only interrupted by the flash of battle precognition in her eyes, and she quickly sidestepped as the punch came straight for her face. She wasn't fast enough to bypass it completely, only able to mitigate a little bit of the damage as it collided. A small bit of blood smudged across her face, leaving her a little surprised that he could break her skin that easily when many couldn't come close.

Damn he hits like a truck!

If she couldn't make any headway like this, she was going to need to use a tactic that used to go to for armored suit combatants back in the war.

She flashed her eyes up at his, a sly defiant grin plastered onto her face, "That all you got, hotshot!"

Not waiting for a response, she dove forward, going to grab onto the arm he'd hit her with and aiming to slide right between his legs to use his own momentum to toppel him like a tree.

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She dodged. Mostly, at least. Good. Aris's brief smile returned in force as he kept his eyes ever on her. Unphased, completely focused. He could hear the heartbeats of the others in the room, but his focus was only going to be on Azurine for the moment. He didn't respond to her, rather he focused on his stance, at least until she dove between his legs while hooking onto his arm. He blinked a he fell forward, but rather than fall flat he tucked in, landing instead on his back before he wrenched his arm free to roll back to his feet.

Grant it, he knew the moment he fell Azurine would descend upon him. She fought like an animal, no hesitation, no calculating. The moment he landed he'd be at her mercy. So he brought his free hand down. Part of him felt bad, but he outright shattered the floor on impact, cracking and splintering the stone underneath the mats to keep the floor completely unstable as he rolled away to resettle his stance.

Azurine Varek Azurine Varek
"I don't know who I am anymore."

Raise A Little Hell


Outfit: Clothing | Robe | Right Arm | Glove
Weapons: Fists/The Force

Azzie saw the smile that passed his face, even if it was only for a brief moment, and her amethyst eyes lit up like waves of the aurora borealis, hues of shifting crystalline purples blending together. Sure, he was awkward and quite the silent type, but clearly, he wasn't as grouchy as his demeanor gave off. She couldn't quite help herself as she laughed outloud, the thrill and fun in having a fight that challenged her so well clear in her voice.

"Timber!" She shouted with a grin, hoping he would catch the joke and at least appreciate it a little, and as he tumbled into the ground, she didn't wait for him to get up. His recovery was great, practically brilliant, especially when the floor cracked and caused her to miss her footing more than she wanted to, almost bringing her down had she not bounced from one foot to the other to keep from tumbling. She wasn't about to let him get away that easy. Keeping him on the ground was going to be her best bet.

Using the force to channel into her feet, she pounced forward with the signature swift brutality of the style, clearing at least a meter of ground flipping forward in an attempt to hook her arms around his waist and once again bring him down with the remaining momentum. Of course, this particular move left her much more open than she would have liked to retaliation, but the risk of letting him regain his balance fully outweighed what she faced from her action if it were to succeed in her mind.

God, this has got to be one of the best times I've had in a while!


Braze took this time to watch the pair intently, unblinking. He studied their techniques, their movements, and their rhythm in battle. This was valuable information, and he drank in every subtle motion, resisting the urge to blink as he observed them. The girl seemed spunky and aggressive, full of energy with each strike. And Aris seemed to be well... destroying things true to form..
Tags: Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor Aris Noble Aris Noble Braze Braze Azurine Varek Azurine Varek Lily Decoria Lily Decoria Fulo Ritiki Fulo Ritiki
Pet/mischief maker: pip

To say ryana was having problems was an understatement pip was being more chaotic then usual. On this particular morning "fine I guess I'll leave you behind then no buster or grapes for you" she said as pip stopped his ears lowered as he grew sad. She crossed her arms staring at the little racyon it broke her heart to do so and pip knew it she could sense him calming down "Alright let's go" she said as pip climbed onto her shoulder ready to go. That was when she got the message from connel "I guess your gonna get to play with buster anyway" she said as pip seemed to cheer up.

She scratched his head there was alot of love for such a small creature especially one that causes such mischief she had to admit as she walked towards the training room she felt pips excitement. As they got there she locked eyes with buster who immediately tried to run over his tail and butt wiggling she walked up to him "hi buster have you been a good boy" she said her voice getting higher pitch as she talked to him picking up the dog as he licked her face and wiggled in her arms. As she gave him headscratches as she walked over to connel "Oh all the love" she said as buster was excited pip petting buster "pips been a pain this morning so no grapes please" she said. As pip and buster began playing close by she watched them for a moment before looking at the other jedi. "Is this some kind of fighting practice or what" she asked.

Outfit: x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x x x | Weapons: x x x
Interacting with: open! | Aris Noble Aris Noble Braze Braze Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor Lily Decoria Lily Decoria
Azurine Varek Azurine Varek Fulo Ritiki Fulo Ritiki

Zaiya's opal blue eyes widened as she watched the spar unfold before her, a soft iridescent shimmer rippling across her skin—a sign of her alarm when she heard the loud crack of Aris's back hitting the duracrete floor. For a second, her breath caught, but then she saw the subtle curve of his lips, and her worry faded into awe. Despite the intensity of the fight, Aris was enjoying himself, something she wasn't used to seeing in him. He was always so composed, so controlled, like he was afraid of letting go. But here, with the Iridonian pushing him to his limits, he was letting loose.

And it was amazing.

Zaiya couldn't help the thrill that bubbled up inside her, excitement bursting over her skin in a ripple of vibrant color. She knew how much Aris held back—how he always restrained himself, afraid of hurting someone. But now, seeing him go all out made her heart race. The Iridonian wasn't just taking his hits; she was dishing them right back, matching him blow for blow.

"Go on, Aris! You got this!" she cheered, bouncing on her toes, her voice filled with giddy delight. Zaiya could barely contain herself, eager to see how far he'd push himself. It made her heart race, and a shimmer of dancing, colorful hues in bright teal flecked with a subtle pulsing red to gold jewel like iridescence played over her face in flushed admiration.

This was a side of Aris she rarely saw, and she was all in for the show.

If the abyss stares at you, don't blink


"In my experience,
when you think you
understand the Force,
you realize just
how little you know"

LOCATION : Coruscant | OBJECTIVE : Watch the fights |TAG (FRIENDLY) : Aris Noble Aris Noble | Azurine Varek Azurine Varek | Braze Braze | Lily Decoria Lily Decoria | Fulo Ritiki Fulo Ritiki | Ryana mina Ryana mina
Best friend: Who else but "Buster"?

Connel did not make eye contact with Ryana, he was paying attention to the spar going on. He didn’t have to anyway, Buster was his “early warning system”. Connel could feel the sudden taught “yank” and the wiggling and wriggling all through the leash, so he let it go to its full length so the pup could run up to his friend and Padawan. Buster ran up to Ryanna, wagging his tail furiously. She smiled and picked him up and gave the pup a grouping of scratches behind the ear. Connel let out a sigh of relief as he watched the two greet each other.

Of course there was the explanation, and request in regards to Pip that made the young Knight smirk. That bad, huh? Buster seemed to be content, and Ryanna was relieved to see him happy. Connel felt a sense of contentment knowing that Buster was safe and happy. He knew that Buster and Ryanna would be friends for a long time to come. Then as Pip jumped on his lap, he quirked an eyebrow that would make his father jealous.

Oh really? You heard her, “no grapes.” and they’re not where I normally hide them. He was not Force-bonded with the Racyon, but knew what was about to happen and beat him to the proverbial “punch” Connel stuck his tongue out first.

When asked about the spar, he shook his head. You know about as much as I do. It looks to be little more than a “spar”, but I asked you to come because I wanted you to explain to me what you would do in this situation. What you would do differently, and so on. No real heavy details… just more of a learning experience for us both.


Aris blinked in surprise as he was tackled of all things. Grappling was a good way to even the odds against an opponent with a longer reach, but given her fighting style so far he hadn't expected that sort of thinking to come into play. It was all instinct and brutality. No, even this was. Beasts knew how to bring down bigger prey on instinct. He laughed as he fell back, but it was on purpose this time.

Three strikes. In the time it took for him to hit the ground he struck out three times for her face in quick succession. If she wanted to grapple, they could, but he'd make sure she paid for it every time with as many strikes as he could land.

Azurine Varek Azurine Varek
"I don't know who I am anymore."

Raise A Little Hell


Outfit: Clothing | Robe | Right Arm | Glove
Weapons: Fists/The Force

Azurine's eyes flashed with a glint of fiery enjoyment at Aris's clear surprise that she'd even dared to pull a move like this. It may not look like she was caring to put any calculation into her moves, but that wasn't necessarily the case. Every deviation in patterns was highly calculated and purposeful. It's what made the Iridonian art so brutal in an almost animal like yet beautiful way. She grinned wider than she'd expected when she landed the take down and wait, was that a laugh?

"Bigger men than you have tried, Aris!" She taunted, laughing just as hard as him if not harder. This was nothing like the pit fights, and it looked like another little piece of her soul seemed to mend just being able to spar someone who could put up enough of a fight to make it challenging fun. At least without being in fear of actual death.

Visions flashed through her mind, battle precognition in full swing, and she managed to doge the first blow. The other scraped across her left shoulder with it's speed, definitely was going to leave a bit of a mark, but it would heal quickly enough so she wouldn't worry about it now. The third, however, connected full force with her upper chest near the collar bone in her attempt to manuver her way around it. And boy, did it hurt! She was sure she had a little bit of blood mixing with sweat and a bruise forming from that one. It staggered her to the side, nearly knocking her right off, yet her grin was even more prominent despite that.

So, she oriented herself in a different way, still making every effort she could to keep him from getting back up by twisting her remaining grip around and attempting to wrap her legs around his shoulder. Then, she brought her head downward, hopefully to smack her horned skill into the side of his. She was careful to avoid aiming for the eyes. It was still a spar after all, but still using all the power she could considering how little ground her fists had made before. She'd always been taught that if you can't land a punch, use your horns to your advantage.

Rumors spread quickly through the Temple, more so when the padawans were involved. She had accompanied Zaiya to the training grounds upon learning that Aris Noble Aris Noble would be fighting against another one of their own—the relative newcomer, and Master Noble’s current padawan apprentice, Azurine Varek Azurine Varek .

She’d quickly spotted Braze Braze among those spectating, the pure snowy strands of his hair impossible to miss, though she had kept from waving in his direction upon seeing how focused the half-Echani was in the unfolding battle. They could always catch up later, and a part of her wondered if perhaps the boys would have a rematch today too.

"O-Oh…!" Alarm tinted the ends of her hair in deep ambers and bright citrine hues as a resounding CRAAACK! echoed through the room, before a relieved sigh escaped the Kazelrrian upon realizing Aris was alright. She knew of the immense strength her Epicanthix friend possessed, perhaps on par with Ayhan Ayhan ‘s own abilities, but—outside of combat—it wasn’t often that they got to see the full display.

"Go on, Aris! You got this!"
"Y-Yeah, get ‘em Aris!"

Her voice joined the rallying cheers of the Lovalla, her energy contagious as they sought to keep his motivation high against the Iridonian. The worrying shades had since faded into excitable yellows and peach flecks of surprise, brightening the Kazelrrian’s complexion as they witnessed the show in store.

Interacting with Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti

"Oh, oh, oh... careful, Aris~," Braze called out from above, a smug tone in his voice as he strolled leisurely along the balcony, watching the fight below. "You know it costs credits to fix the floor, right?" he added, pausing at the far side.

With a playful grin, Braze began drumming a complex, rhythmic pattern on the wooden railing with his fingertips, each tap annoyingly precise. It seemed today was the perfect day to test Aris, to see if he could distract him with such antics. So much to discover!

"Aris, she's running circles around you! You're not letting a 'little' Iridonian give you a hard time, are you?" Braze chuckled from above, fingers still drumming the railing. "You get him girl! Give him something to remember—just, uh, leave his pretty face intact. Would hate to see him blame you for the bruises he's about to collect!"


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