Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Everyone Was Kung-Fu Fighting (NJO)


Aris was wholly focused on the fight. Or, at east, he seemed like he was. He wasn't responding to the crowd that had formed, wasn't even looking their way despite the fact he heard Zaiya cheering him on. He wanted to be completely focused on the fight with Azurine and didn't want his attention anywhere else. As ever, though, he couldn't control the fact he could still hear everyone, that he could keep track of the conversations in the background.

Braze was going to answer for that later.

He cracked a grin as Azurine reared her head back to slam it forward against him. And rather than resist or even dodge, he leaned right up into it, cracking his own head forward to catch it. His body was altered drastically. While he couldn't feel the Force, it flowed so freely through him that he had to stop his strength. Shattering the floor was something he could do with ease, without thinking, simply because he was just that strong.

Face, eyes, wouldn't matter. He might even bruise from it, but not even her horns would scratch his skin. In that same motion? He sat up. He'd stand even, hands reaching to take hold of the Zabrak to throw her off of him shortly after. She wasn't going to be able to keep him pinned to the ground in just a grapple, after all.

Azurine Varek Azurine Varek
"I don't know who I am anymore."

Raise A Little Hell

Outfit: Clothing | Robe | Right Arm | Glove
Weapons: Fists/The Force

In hindsight, Azurine probably should have guessed that this guy would just be able to take that hit without even flinching. Which, also hurt. Sure, the risk she took was calculated, but it seemed her math was bad in that regard. She gritted her teeth against it, just thanking the stars her bones were so dang dense or that could have been the end of this whole thing right there and then.

I'm going to be so sore after this, but totally worth it.

The shifting and twisting amethyst flames of her eyes met the striking seafoam green of his up close for a moment, and she tilted her head to the side, still grinning. This time, though, it showed her strong-willed defiance. She'd find a weakness in him, one way or another.

She didn't expect to be able to hold him down in the position she'd found herself, but she could tell what his plan might be given his size compared to hers. Rather than fight it, she took it, fully allowing him to fling her back, which gave her the advantage of being able to control the impact and place of landing that she took.

A tiny bit of blood dripped down her cheek from an earlier hit, but she didn't seem to notice it. If she still had both hearts, she'd probably not have to catch her breath here, but it was too bad her body, that was made for two, was running on just the one. So she watched, breathing heavily, and she waited for him to come at her this time.



Aris was there the moment Azurine landed. A huge, excited grin was plastered on his face now. He felt it, her headbutt. It probably wasn't good for him to be so excited over it, but the only other time he'd properly felt someone hitting him was with Ayhan Ayhan . Or at least in a fight he wanted, anyway. His fight against a Sith Lord was a different story.

Right now, though? All he could think was just how fun this was.

So he was there, arm already swinging a full on haymaker of a punch. Thus far all he could use were quick jabs to try and wear Azurine down, but this time? He brought the explosive force Epicnathix were known for. Water was the basis of all Epicanthix fighting styles. To be fluid, adaptable. And when the moment came, strike down with a sudden rush.

The style of his family, the royal line that he'd learned from his early days even before he was found by his mother, shined brightest in the brutal counters.

Azurine Varek Azurine Varek

"Well, this is interesting. Aris, is that a smile I see? Haven't seen you look this alive in a while, And here I thought you didn't show off emotions in a fight." Braze teased from above as he moved along the perimeter of the room. His nails trailed softly along the stone column, creating faint, unsettling sounds that shifted as he circled, subtly trying to mess with Aris's spatial awareness.

"Finally found someone who doesn't have to hold back with you, Aris?" Braze added with a smirk, enjoying the disruption his presence caused.

As the fight below continued, Braze finally reached the exit, throwing one last remark over his shoulder though it came barely over a whisper certainly out of ear shot of pretty much every one around. "Don't get too comfortable, Aris. Sooner or later, I'll give you something to worry about too."

With that, he slipped out, leaving the subtle sounds behind as they faded into the noise of the sparring ring.
"I don't know who I am anymore."

Raise A Little Hell

Outfit: Clothing | Robe | Right Arm | Glove
Weapons: Fists/The Force

Azurine would never have admitted it outloud, but this here was probably some of the most fun she'd had since she'd been yanked out of a 900 year stasis. Not that she hadn't had good times, but that thus far, they had been so wrapped up in all of the twisting land slides of emotions that came with the sudden time displacement. This, fighting for the joy of it, not holding back, it was so familiar like a hug from an old friend one hadn't seen in ages. She wasn't just distracting herself from reality like in the undercity, but truly getting to let loose an authentic part of herself she'd thought she'd lost.

So, when Aris came full force like a freight train straight at her, though also somehow holding a graceful fluidness, she was ready for it. Oh yeah, it would hurt. She'd probably be nursing the resulting bruise stressed muscles for a bit after, and she didn't care in the slightest. She shifted her stance and braced for the impact, only moving to the side at the last minute in order to keep the blow from colliding with her face but rather with her chest instead, causing a loud smack to echo into the room

The other purpose her shift served, was to be hopefully be able to wrap her arms around his, one pressing his elbow inward and the other keeping her from being launched back into the ground to instead bring that force around to launch upward, swinging a knee for his face.

The fierceness of fire against the fluidity of water, what a sight it had to be for those forces to clash together that way.

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Location: Coruscant, Jedi Temple, Training Room
Attire: Jedi Outfit
Equipment: Cross guard Lightsaber, Hydrangea Moonblade (Concealed)
Tag: Aris Noble Aris Noble | Azurine Varek Azurine Varek | Braze Braze | Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor | Ryana mina Ryana mina | Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti | Mahsa Mahsa

There was a lot going on with the duel. It was something that was intense with a lot of strength being displayed from both sides. Lily was focused on the techniques and the movements as well as the hits being taken and throw back and forth that she wasn't really paying attention to others entering the room. She didn't really notice the noise that Braze was making, other than the fact he was making a lot of noise, which she wasn't sure would help or hinder the fighters.

It was something she knew happened in competitive sports, which was one aspect she was not a fan of. Lily just preferred reading the movements and body language on display. Let the fighters tell their stories and admire the displays being presented to them all. She pulled out a notebook and started to scribble some notes down from her observations. Attempting to learn more on the fighting styles and what were her takeaways from how Aris fought and how Azurine fought.

She was interested to see if she would get a chance to spar with them both in the future and show how much she had been taking away from this sparring match to show she had been paying attention. That she respected the efforts they put into their respective fighting styles.
Tag: Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor

Pet/mischief maker: pip

The lethan continued scratching and petting buster as the pup sat on her lap. She loved the little guy and it was obvious that buster loved her and she loved the dog on her lap. As she watched the duel going on she took notes mentally of what was happening and how they moved as she heard connel deny pip grapes which made her chuckle.

As she watched the fight "i can't really say what I'd do in this situation honestly it's one thing to say what one would do and another to actually be in the scenario" she said sitting there as buster gave out a woof. As ryana realized she had stopped petting him so she continued petting buster.
If the abyss stares at you, don't blink


"In my experience,
when you think you
understand the Force,
you realize just
how little you know"

LOCATION : Coruscant | OBJECTIVE : Watch the fights |TAG (FRIENDLY) : Aris Noble Aris Noble | Azurine Varek Azurine Varek | Braze Braze | Lily Decoria Lily Decoria | Fulo Ritiki Fulo Ritiki | Ryana mina Ryana mina
Best friend: Who else but "Buster"?

Connel chuckled at Buster giving orders as he watched. He understood what Ryana was talking about. It is hard to put yourself in the place of others in events like this, but it was also a good learning tool for her, for him. See, if I was Aris right now, I would stop with the haymakers. I would make her come to me and keep with my reach advantage. Force her to make a mistake and then take her down.

He said as he was pointing out to the spar in one hand, ignoring the broken floor, and slipping Pip a dog treat with the other.She said “no grapes”, nothing about “dog treats”.

As for her, I would go for the legs, this is a spar, so not necessarily “break” them, but weaken one to take him off of his feet. This would cut down and rid of the height and reach advantage. By the way...

He offered Buster a treat, who took it all too eagerly.

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