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Ewan McGregor to return as Obi-Wan Kenobi?

I would enjoy a film with McGregor as Obi-Wan between the two trilogies, I think, but making it a whole other trilogy again is perhaps taking it a bit too far? It would probably feel very stretched thin, like when they made The Hobbit into a trilogy as well. That should've been one movie too. That said, the EU has some great Obi-Wan content from that period out there, like having him face down A'Sharad Hett when he started slipping into the Dark side. They're obviously not going to use it, but it goes to show you can put together some good story content for it.


Well-Known Member
Anyone ever read Star Wars: Kenobi? It's like a Tatooine-Western centred around Obi-Wan, moisture farmers, and Tuskens. I think it'd be a decent movie, maybe they'll do that.


yes good. give this to me. too bad its a bit late for a Han Solo movie
While not a fan of the prequels, the movie did make Obi-Wan become my favorite character. Quite well done.

I wonder if this movie would be like the book "Kenobi" ? Excellent story, I recommend it highly despite the entire 'canon wipe'.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
I keep imagining the stories they could tell with these films. Deciding whether to shelter Order 66 survivors, most of whom.probably wouldn't be as interested in playing the long game...early rebel stuff as the Empire comes to Tatooine...young Luke would have to be involved, probably in full bush pilot mode...yeah, could be fun.
I love the character of Obi-Wan Kenobi, there's possibility for quite the movie. Especially if it's after Order 66. The struggle if he should help the rest of the jedis, hiding his jedi powers and such.

Evard L'Rik

Got Lightning Running Through my Veins
I remember the Last of the Jedi series from when I was little... Loved those books.

Considering there's only a few scenes in the movie canon where Obi-Wan isn't getting his ass kicked, I really want more cool scenes where they demonstrate why he was made a Jedi Master almost directly after Qui-Gon's death. They don't really express how strong he is all that often.

Darth Atrox

Evard L'Rik said:
I remember the Last of the Jedi series from when I was little... Loved those books.

Considering there's only a few scenes in the movie canon where Obi-Wan isn't getting his ass kicked, I really want more cool scenes where they demonstrate why he was made a Jedi Master almost directly after Qui-Gon's death. They don't really express how strong he is all that often.
I agree completely! In Revenge of the Sith, I think Kenobi could of easily taken on Dooku alone, as in Attack of the Clones.
But I think a movie centred on him in Tatooine would basically just him stalking Luke, imo.

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