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Approved Tech EWC-1 Electronic Warfare Center

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Intent: To develop a high end hacking module that can be inserted into various starships as a modification.
Development Thread: None unless requested.
Manufacturer: Eshan Industrial Corporation
Model: EWC-1 Electronic Warfare Center
Affiliation: EIC Customers by Special Approval
Modularity: None
Production: Semi-Unique
Material: Various. Durasteel for bulk component frames. Wires and controls vary based on usage.
Description: Designed as a comfort suite for the purposes of intelligence gather and slicing, the EWC-1 is equipped with a top of the line computer suite, Virtual Intelligence, holonet transceiver, IR transceiver, short wave and long wave communicator/receiver, encryption network, and decryption sequencer. This is all self-contained within the module, though the module itself draws power from the host vessels power core. In essence, the module is a leech, albeit a beneficial one. It cannot survive with a proper host power supply, and often takes the place of one or more, depending on size, weapons emplacement when being inserted into a vessel. It can replace one capital-class weapon or two defense weapons or two missile tubes.

The main purpose of this unit is to provide the capability for a single individual, or two, to wage electronic warfare against a given target. It does not guarantee effectiveness, but provides the avenue for use in military engagements against enemies, or in simple routine intelligence gathering missions. The compact unit, being all self-contained, means that no one necessarily has to know it exists, and an agent of espionage, or a good slicer, can use the facility without anyone on the ship, aside from the Captain, even knowing of its existence. It is possible to use it to slice into enemy systems, and it is possible for someone to slice into it, though the encryption network and a good slicer manning the center will make that quite difficult, if it's found out.

Put simply, this is a cyber warfare module with the standard equipment for such meant to be a self-contained unit installed into a vessel in place of a weapons emplacement or two.
Primary Source: N/A
[member="Caaithiel Deschart"]

I apologize. I am reviewing this but there are a lot of ways this could be potentially abused in the wrong hands. I have a simple question about intent. How do you plan to handle or want others to handle opposed situatuons such as a fleet engagement?


News They Don't Want Heard
Same way they would handle fighting any normal ship, I suppose. Theoretically, the ship would be a target for all the extra transmissions/data coming from it. The ship itself loses some potency with the addition of this module. This isn't something that's going to be mass marketed. In fact, I don't think it's even going to be added to Eshan Industrial's sales list. It's more of a hidden item. Really, I'll probably be the only person using it. It's not a module I plan to sell.

For me, it's an avenue to a means. Like, for example, when you see hackers or programmers that have these big elaborate setups and sit there slurping a slushee and eating a pizza while hacking into the China's defense systems or something. :p The tech itself is not abnormal tech, it's just combined into a single, almost self-contained unit.

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