Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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"Ewoks Are the Most Tactically Advanced Fighting Force in Star Wars"

"The Empire can project immense power on both the land and in space to defend its imperial interests. But they’re also horrible at it."

"You might rightly ask: If the Empire is so bad at war, why is it the top bantha in the galaxy? That’s easy. The Rebel Alliance is even worse."

"In short, there’s no need to develop tactics if your enemy relies on hope as their main strategy."

"In this single engagement, the Ewoks manage to overwhelm and completely defeat a technologically superior force simply by using conventional military tactics and the principles of multi-domain operations. Through the synchronization of direct and indirect fire, close air support, combat engineer principles, deception, psychological operations, and massing their forces at the key point in time and space, the Ewoks demonstrate their proficiency in land warfare."

Arken Lussk

Thrills, Chills, and Kills
Reminds me of this:

Right, so, we’ve covered typical accidents here in the bays, cold exposure, what to do if you get lost, and how to survive in cold weather. Before I let you go, we’ve got one last thing to cover: weapons discipline. I swear to the Force that if one other person flags me with their blaster one more time, I’m putting this whole company on sentry tower duty for a week. Stop running around with your damn worthless fingers in the trigger wells, you know these things don’t have safeties. Last week someone from 1st Platoon – one of yours, Corporal Blin – nearly put two holes in Captain Solo’s freighter – and if you know Captain Solo, you know that if that trooper had hit the Falcon, then Captain Solo would’ve put two holes in him or her. So. Weapons held at the low ready, finger only on the trigger when firing, only point the thing at something you want to kill. Back to basics, everyone, I really don’t want Sergeant Major Callum poking around the company anymore than he needs to.
Good Men Don't Need Rules
Considering the Rebels at the time were barely better than "Civilians with guns." It would stand to reason that they had no trigger discipline, little to no training at any form of combat. To put this in perspective. Luke, a Moisture farmer, barely holding a blaster and having speeder driving skills was the best he had in flying a ship, was somehow allowed to pilot the X-wing on one of, if not the, biggest operation the Rebels ever performed. If that doesn't show how "poorly trained" and how desperate they were for anyone to join their ranks?

Seeing as how the Ewoks could perform to such a greater degree than the Rebels makes a unified military look like crap.

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