Keziah Denko
Fiery Red Head
She was new at this but even though she was now falling down and making super soldiers giggle with her effort she wasn't going to give up trying. Canal after all was just trying to help and she doubted that many he taught fell over because they were made for this. She wasn't made for this as much.
Nodding at his suggestion she got down on one knee before aiming for her target. When she took her shot Keziah weaved a bit however she didn't fall down which was a plus. The young woman had even managed to hit the side of the target which was much better than nothing.
[member="Canal Tal'Verda"]
Nodding at his suggestion she got down on one knee before aiming for her target. When she took her shot Keziah weaved a bit however she didn't fall down which was a plus. The young woman had even managed to hit the side of the target which was much better than nothing.
[member="Canal Tal'Verda"]