Ex-Major "Blitz"
"Blitz" / Clone #2767

NAME: Blitz
FACTION: The First Order
RANK: Ex-Major In Clone Military/Combat specialist.
SPECIES: Fett Clone.
AGE: 22.
SEX: Male.
HEIGHT: 6'1ft.
WEIGHT: 170lbs.
EYES: Mask/if its off steely grey.
HAIR: Helmet/if its off simple buzz cut with lightning bolts shaved into the sides.
SKIN: Plated clone battle Armour/If off or in fatigues Pale.
FORCE SENSITIVE: Keep's hold of force tracker chip/semi force sensitive in the sense he can see it on a radar..
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Weakness 1: Blitz is a man of mission and not willing to retreat until every man in his corp is dead including himself,till then he believes that if you have two bare hands you can still kill an enemy.
Weakness 2: Blitz has tendency to do extreme things in the heat of the moment,to others jumping off a gunship,120ft drop onto an AT-At seems stupid while Blits half way through the drop is fantasizing about how hes gonna get his first kill on the enemy he's hurtling himself at.
Weakness 3: Man out of time,Blitz is quiet an odd one seeing as his story differs he's one of the last of his kind if not the last being a single clone,or man which causes some moarl strugle seeing as he is now his own man not one of many,this was due to his time frozen in a cryo-chamber.
Strength 1: Blitz has a high tolerance to pain of almost all form he isn't immune or godly he just dosent see why people cry over getting stabbed in the leg with a combat knife.
Strength 2: Adrenaline Junkie,Blitz lives for the rush of combat and simply blowing the hell out of his enemy's.
Strength 3: Blitz is Strong,Physically and mentally he can bench a solid 310lbs while being water boarder for days on end if he needed to.
Blitz wears a Newer Mandalorian looking armor set with large shoulder pad on left arm and open front lower half combat skirter,which is lined with a void stone weave on the underneath of his amror.He carry's two extra battery packs of ammo on his right side of his chest,a large 6 inch Kukri knife on his upper right shoulder,he has a heat vision visor around his neck excess able to attach to main visor.His left arm is prosthetic/robotic the arm has a 24 inch switch sword which can be activated and unsheathed through the lower compartment under the forearm of the arm this blade was made specifically by a rare mineral known as Beskar or 'Mandelorian steel' this is important because this is one of the only 4 materials in the star wars universe not able to be cut through via light-saber.He has red stripes and lightning like war paint on his helmet and in other spots around his armor.
More on his weapons though,His main weapon of choice is the 500 riot gun which is considered a medium two fully auto to semi blaster rifle with a 50 shot clip a minim range of 5ft to a max of 450ft he carries this on his left side on sling,his secondaries consist of a sawed off A-12 Blast shot otherly known as "The Wookie hunt" is a double barrel burst shotgun (Three round burst) with a min range of close to 15ft,spread/slug,he carry's this in a small shotgun holster on his lower back accessible for right hand only.Finally he carry's a small blaster pistol with a clip of 7 semi auto on his lower right leg mid calf in a small holster.on his left hip he has a small grenade stack of around four basic detonators that cause a semi large explosion in a 25ft radius.uses a jumper pack on his back as well to slow free falling descant and leaping to high distances,in the more center area of his jet pack is a miniature napalm dispersing and igniting warhead with a range of 120ft and a radius of at least 50ft. On his right wrist is a switchable multi holding gauntlet pad with two main barrel like mechanisms one is a small flamethrower capable of a 25ft long stream while keeping a good 10ft wide radius on it,this device is directly hooked to the same fuel tank as the jet pack,the second barrel has a 30ft compressed air and recoiling grappling hook used for climbing,grabbing,and capture if needed it is detachable by the user only.His Blaster resistant body plating has a void stone lacing on it making it very anti-force or at least a challenge for any force user to really throw him of manipulate him past what he allows.
Blitz is quite tall and always looking for good fight his voice has a semi Australian'ish accent to it.
Blitz like most clones was created and trained on kamino,he quickly rose through cadets and earned his way up through the military but then...things changed and was now given order to serve protect and kill for the empire,he thought this was strange seeing as they were there enemy's sometime ago but he was deployed to the first order and no longer questioned it he was given extensive training and was one of few clones that went through the process of having his pain receptors snapped to feel a lot less pain if wounded,he grew stronger getting to the top of his class and rose to field major.He was offer many times a desk job but who wanted that? he was a clone and he wanted to die honorably in combat.
He was first deployed on the jungle planet kashyyyk where he was ordered to flush out a small group of rebels which he did killing 15 of the 20 rebels there including a small group of 5 wookies who were camped nearby.This was his first real combat scenario and he liked it they only had one casualty one rookie clone who stepped into a wookie pit trap and broke his legs since he would only burden the mission Blitz granted himself the ability to put down the wounded soldier there was no time to stop.
Blitz has been through other battles but that was by far one of his favorites .
Blitz is an odd one though he is a out of time,On a scout and recon mission something he rarely did he was sent to scout out a large rebel compound his team was quickly found and captured due to one of the clones defecting and turning traitor for the empire,the rebels quickly found out who Blitz was and many were angered yet happy they captured such a worthy prisoner.They put him through many days of torture trying to break the man who feels no pain since he wouldn't talk they placed him into a special containment unit,this experimental jail was similar to Carbinite or a cryosleep to hold members of the empire for later questioning without them ageing or going hungry to not waste resource on prisoners.Blitz was captured and detained to this place being placed here,a few years later around 10 or 15 so years an assault was launched on this floating prison stationed on an large floating rock in space more or less where a local terroristc group of natives from a nearby planet attacked wanting to take the cryo -placed prisoners to sell them back to the empire as high profit a large scale battle instigated,one welly misplaced shot from the attacking forces gunship had hit inside the open wound of prison hitting the gravity stabilizer sending the cells and everything else into space many of these cryo pods continued floating,the cell block that Blitz was contained in had floated as a solid piece in space for around another 200-300 years.Eventually while traveling through space a nearby planets gravitational pull was strong enough to pull the entire cell block towards it hurtling the cell block into the planet killing many in the cryo like pods more burning up n the atmosphere and even fewer in the crash into the planets surface,Blitz's unknown dumb luck had ounce again kept him alive this was the desert planet of jakku burying itself there for another he stayed in his slumber asleep for another 618 years before the faithful day came along,a group of scavengers had heard legend long ago a large supply of gear had fallen from the sky from the past so they dug,and dug....and dug until they had uncovered a small part of the cell block a small pod labeled item time stasis was next to the large sleeper pod labeled #2767 the scavenger spent many days typing random codes until they finally got it and so the man began to thaw Blitz fell from his pod onto his hands and knees feeling the affects of prolonged sleep for a millennium all hitting him at ounce the scavengers ran yelling in a strange foreign language to blitz as he would repeatedly black in ad out of consciousness till he finally awoke for good dragging himself by one arm to the item stasis programming basic lock codes till it opens,ounce it did he grabbed as much of his gear as he could re attaching his robotic limb and grabbing his weaponry and armaments wobbly walking/crawling out of the unburyd hallway out into the night air he would quickly regain his strength and began to walk off in the direction of the scavengers foot prints.
For a shorter summary he would eventually make his way to a semi civil town that was nearby after a few skirmishes with small groups trying to take his items,with the few credits he took off his enemy's he purchased the ticket he could afford the cheapest and would continued out as a mercenary of sorts He still bounces planet to planet as a bounty hunter/mercenary not truly belonging to any one major faction if you want him to kill a rebel leader give him a price you want a sith dead give him a price he followed orders all his life as many but now he is his own,last of his breed in his book and it was time for him to lead his life as he wanted,no matter what that takes,though if put to the choice he would stay true to his roots and fight on for the dark side of the galaxy,even if it is dark and for the betterment of ones self in Blitz's opinion,it feel's good to be bad.
Tends to catch rides on gunships and or any form of transportation,not much of a driver.
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