Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Despite what he was about to do, and whom he was about to do it with, Barney felt a surge of happiness.

Not in the fact that he would be risking his life, although he had to admit it held a certain thrill. Not that he was doing so alongside a Nikto and the Quarren [member="Khthul the Elder"], two species he had rarely encountered in his time among the stars, although they were both wonderful characters. No, it was because, finally, they were reaching the end of their mission.

For better or for worse, it would all be over soon. That revelation made Barney giddy with nervousness. He felt similarly when he stepped into the cockpit of a fighter.

The bright boy ducked low behind a building, waiting for a sign that group Aurek, self-proclaimed 'suicide squad', were doing their part. He fiddled with the strap of his backpack, making sure everything was in order. His hands were shaking. He tried to still them, but they wouldn't be tamed. He grinned painfully, trying not to alert the others to his battle jitters.

Suddenly, blaster fire. The droids by the bunker were distractedly walking towards [member="Xin Boa"] and [member="Nej Tane"]. Green eyes flashed to those around him, expectantly.

"Ah." He stood, preparing to dash to the bunker. "Time to be heroes, eh, gentlemen?"

The Zeltron tore from the safety of the building, running for the main door, hoping and praying that the droids would be too distracted to take notice.

One second.

Two seconds.

He made it to the bunker, sliding against the rough wall hard. The door was as he expected; the electric lock had been sabotaged from the inside, most likely by the people inside to dissuade the droids. Broken beyond all repair.

Well, most repair.

"Gimme a sec," he muttered to anyone near him, laying his gear to his side, and opening up the panel to the door. "I'll crack it open like a senator's purse in a Coruscanti brothel."

Barnabas began to work, relying on his team to keep him alive.

| [member="Delila Castillon"] | [member="Captain Beloved"] | [member="Kinsey Starchaser"] | [member="Formorta"] | [member="Ava Taylor"] |
[member="Nej Tane"]

"Erm...most of the time when you try and steal something someone tries..." Xin ducked his head and a bolt blew out the entire pane of glass he'd been behind. " shoot at you."

He stood again and aimed his rifle. The E22 was an old model, but it was reliable and packed a punch. Some of the droids took cover. Others rushed forwards in groups to try and surround the warehouse. Xin fired three bolts in quick succession. All three struck the body of one of the infantry-sized walkers. It ran for a few more steps before collapsing.

Xin unclipped one of the ion grenades from his belt as the droids made a small formation outside the warehouse and focussed their fire on the windows. The barrage nearly ended him as he threw the small cylinder. It tumbled end over end into the group and detonated in a burst of crackling, azure energy.

"Well, that should slow them. Aurek team is at the..." Xin's voice trailed off as the panes of glass started to rattle. "Hold them a little longer, but I think it's about time to fall back."
What does a sniper and artist have in common, deta
"copy", placing the micro binocular away Formorta eyed the droids thorough her scope form the new 5 floor, decoding to go a bit lower as a mean to reduce the wind factor when shooting. She would wait fro the distraction team to let loose, and provide cover fire were needed, but the main goal was to make sure the extraction team made it to the bunker in one peace and with not boogie on their tale.

It was a good thing droids were dumb, unless they knew about the bunker they would most likely not try a look for her or the extraction team, but then again past experience reminded the sniper that plans never went smoothly. The air was quite for a few second, each team getting into their respective position, until a red bolt flew into the leg of on of the walkers, and then more gun fire from nearby buildings, that was the single for the plan to go ahead.

Th crippled walker took a shot at [member="Xin Boa"] potion but, though it missed its second shot would not, quickly she placed her cross hairs over the droids main body, aiming for the central computer housing. 'thump' a quickly bouncing sound was made at the .57 caliber round exited the chamber, the stealth equipment reducing to noise and dust kick up to minimalism amounts. The round penetrated the outer armor of the droid, making a sickening crunch before forcing it to fall over due to its cripples leg, one down, more to go.

The bolt on the APAR was pulled back, another anti-armor round being placed in the chamber, with the immediate threat taken off from the distraction team, it was now time to make sure no other mechanical monsters got close to the extraction and VIP's.

[member="Delila Castillon"] / [member="Captain Beloved"] / [member="Kinsey Starchaser"] / [member="Nej Tane"] / [member="Barnabas Harou"] /
Team B for Bang!

He was tight on the zeltron’s heels like a… well, zeltron around him. But now really wasn’t the time to reminisce about his adventures hopping through the planet’s many pleasure houses.

It really, really wasn’t.

His red gaze scoured their surroundings, wide open for anything that even smelled of circuitry. Still, the other swimmer and A were doing a fair job of keeping the droids’ wires crossed and processors occupied. Khthul side-eyed the nikto. The tall, scar-riddled, battle-hardened nikto.

Puffed out a cloud of blue smoke.

“These folks ain’t exactly trained, is they? You pick them outta prisons, is it?”

Not much to do but chew on the cig and wait for aurek to kark up. Cthahy would dance at the behest of his trigger-finger, then.
"Only when you do it! I do it with a little guile and subterfuge! Only thieving with you gets me shot at!"

Nej took the chance to start running, as soon as [member="Xin Boa"] created a chance for him to. Not that Nej was trying to leave his friend behind, he was simply following his advice.

He made a beeline for the Zeltron's door opening, hoping the door opened before he crashed straight into it. As hilarious as that would be, Nej hoped his timing, would be just right.

[member="Khthul the Elder"] l [member="Barnabas Harou"]
Xin kept firing from his position. So far the droids were focussed on his team and not those trying to get the VIPs out of the hidden bunker. The window panes started to rattle more. Just like they had near the landing point. Everything went a little dark.

The nautolan didn't fall back carefully he turned and ran. He leapt from the mezzanine floor of the warehouse and landed in a container with a clang. The windows erupted behind him.

A robotic head perhaps four metres across pushed its way into the warehouse. Huge mechanical arms found purchase on the inside of the front wall and pulled the beast into the building.

Xin swore. A lot. He fired several bolts from his rifle to no effect. Something appeared from a compartment beneath the head. The machine seemed to be one long repulsor lifted tail, with arms coming off the main body at odd angles. The protrusion turned bright yellow. Xin rolled off the container as the huge droid spewed fire after him.

"Team death wish distraction falling back!" He shouted into his comm. Two more dragoons fired at the... Dragon? "We'll try and keep this beast away from the VIPs as long as possible!"

From outside the warehouse the tail of the machine would be seen thrashing as the remaining windows were lit up by flashes of fire.
Barney heard disturbing things behind him as he worked on the door panel.

Plenty of blaster shots, a few grinding sounds, the roaring of... fire?

The Zeltron tried desperately not to look over his shoulder, bypassing security codes and rewiring as quick as he could. His fingers were deft over his slicing equipment, breaking down the lock piece by piece.

A second. Another second. Footsteps behind him.

The door hissed open just as [member="Nej Tane"] bolted through. Barney was startled by the sudden emergence of the Human, yelping as he whipped past. Gathering his tools, and stealing a look at the mechanical dragon behind him, he rushed through the doorway, preparing to lock it shut behind everyone.

"Move it!"

| [member="Xin Boa"] | [member="Khthul the Elder"] | [member="Formorta"] |

The Devil's Pistol's fired and fired and fired ad infinitum one after another, barraging the droids personal shields. Every so often the droids would have the gall to fire back, and the devil's agility allowed him reprieve from their general harassment, but more importantly allowed his men to get into better firing positions, as their focus was on the one distributing the greatest fire rate: himself. The droids were beginning to close in on his position however, and the Captain began to grew weary of their proximity, as it would be difficult to close to melee without them distracted from him, and soon his cover would be compromised by their weapons arrays. It was a good thing the droids movements were limited by their shielded architecture.

Suddenly however, his boys pulled through and unleashed automatic round after automatic round, "talking the guns" between each other, massively increasing the amount of ammunition hitting the forward most droid facing Beloved, disrupting it a moment long enough to leave an opening... an opening the Captain saw immediately, holstering his guns and wielding his blade in a single fluid motion, while his body bolted forward at great speed. Some peripheral droids were able to fire at him in response to his rush, but his exposure was not long enough for any of them to get a clear targeting solution, especially with his unusual speed. The Captain rolled suddenly, his body's contact with the ground slowing him down enough to phase through the personal shield, where the Captain thrusted with all his strength upward into the droids underside, skewering it. To his surprise, the droid remained functional, if greatly irritated, and even better, its shield remained active, effectively protecting him from droid blaster fire.

That's when he heard Redhead ask for some cover...

"Ah crap," The Captain cursed with a toothy grin. A female in need, and he's stuck underneath a droid trying to stomp on him... at least he had the shield. This would require a real work of strength he realized, and was looking for a reason to show off. "Heh, kark it." The Captain drew a blaster quick and blasted each of the droids legs, and fired through the weapons array, before holstering it and ripping each one off with brute strength, with his one free hand. As the droid quickly became much lighter, the Captain stood up and grunted as he lifted the droid over his head, which protested with a series of garbled electronic noises. Shield surrounding him, he pulled out his sword from the droid, and began to ruck with the droid still on his back, running quickly to the Redhead.

"Cover Brownies ass boys, I got this one, heh!" Captain Beloved called back as droid blaster bolts peppered his unwilling body shield. Hopefully his blade didn't hit something like its power supply (or even more hopefully, the droid didn't have a self destruct feature). Sprinting with the load on his back, the starship Captain raced up to the Redhead. "Brought ye a present... oh, an' a droid too." The Devil's face winked as he exchanged his blade for a pistol.

[member="Delila Castillon"] | [member="Kinsey Starchaser"]
What does a sniper and artist have in common, deta
The fighting was getting fierce as the droids closed in on the other members position, they had yet to spot her location as she was deliberately targeting the machines that were in the thick of the fight. she fired another anti-armor round at the massive droid after the distractions team, the round pening the armor but not hurting it enough to do any damage, just making aware of her presence on in the building behind the battle line.

The droids turned its head towards her, most likely running through different scans to try and pinpoint the shooter, though confident in her hiding ability Formorta did not take chances, loading another round into the chamber she aided at the photo receptor of the droid before firing again. The round penetrated the artificial eye but did not deactivate it, just reassuring its program that she was a larger threat then the people on the ground.

The droid stood back up lining a shot towards the building, a blind fire of some sort in hope to remove the threat, its main weapons charging up for an attack, "Fuck. Leaping off the floor with weapon in hand Formorta quickly attacked a grappling hook to a piece of secured metal before diving out of the window as the round zipped past, creating an large explosion in her last place of residence. The masked assassin swung to the ground, performing a commando role and taking up cover behind a pile of rubble, loading her last clip into the rifle. "that extraction team better hurry up".
Xin was mirroring Formorta's thoughts. Their fire did nothing but aggravate the huge droid. In fact it didn't even seem to do that. If it noticed the blaster bolts striking it's carapace it made now sign of it.

Xin darted behind a container as it was lashed with plasma. He took a deep breath and slotted a new power pack into his rifle. The other two dragoons with him were running for the exits. One of them didn't make it. She screamed as the serpentine droid cut her down with plasma fire. Xin swore under his breath and ran. He shouldered his way through a door just as the droid pulled it's entire body into the warehouse.

"Xin here," he called into his comm. "Going to try and circle around to..." The ground shook as the wall behind him crack. Two claws smashed through sending debris in all directions. They tugged at the wall and it started to collapse. Xin could see the bright lights of the monstrous thing's head through the dust.

"Just send me the extraction point!" He shouted before turning and running. Buildings didn't seem to slow it down much, but that appeared to be his only hope. He dove through a window of the next warehouse and sprinted for the far side.
Nej wasn't far behind Xin. He picked up the pace when he saw the giant monster droid. He had to ask himself who would build something like that, but then he remembered there were also people in the galaxy that thought that wearing black and waving red laser swords around everywhere was the bees knees, so he disregarded the doomsday-bot being unusual idea. Nej blindly fired back at it, but really, did nothing. It was only to make him feel better, truthfully.

The warehouse that he and Nej in seemed to be holding, or at least, the beast was circling around to get a better position of him.

"Next time can we just rob a bank instead of getting chased by giant killer robots?"

Nej managed to say between heaving breaths.
[member="Captain Beloved"] | [member="Kinsey Starchaser"] | [member="Xin Boa"] | [member="Nej Tane"]

"Oh, you brought along a shield Devil Boy?" Bringing along a droid for their use was incredibly smart. The good Captain may be a bit of a pervert but at least there was a head on his shoulders. Off in the very short distance, Xin and crew were being attacked by a.....robotic dinosaur? Droid thing? Delila hadn't seen anything like it before but suspected it came from the imagination of an overly rich 13 year old warlord.

"How do you feel about explosions? Personally love 'em" Delila stopped to shoot a droid encroaching on their location before speaking again. "Lets use this droid to get closer and light up the robo-droid thing."

Only Dells would think of actually getting closer in the path of danger just to see a massive explosion.
Didn’t have to tell him twice that it was time to get the hell outta dodge. Khthul ain’t never seen a droid as huge as this before, and he had no plans on making an acquaintance either. The quarren was right on the heels of [member="Barnabas Harou"] as he breezed inside.

Lover-boy seemed to have the right idea with the lock, so the gunslinger didn’t waste his time telling him to do it. He just forged on, turning on the flashlight attachment on his other pistol.

Wasn’t much power left in the bunker – the emergency lights were on, flooding the floor with an ominous red light. Like they needed more of that with the thing out there.

He’d recover the VIPs, collect his share, and get off this sorry planet. Maybe stick around with this lot, if any of them survived. “Heya folks,” the old man grunted as he swaggered through the door. The two men were huddled in the back corner of the barren shelter, looking about as pleased as a man about to walk the green mile.

“The cavalry’s here – or what’s left of it, eheheh.” His fangs twitched with the chuckle. “Get up, chop chop. Time’s a’wastin’, and we ain’t got much of it left.”
What does a sniper and artist have in common, deta
A huge metallic claw came crashing down onto her position, though being just a bit too slow to catch the sniper but ripping off her cloak in the process, "..... that was my favorite cloak". She did another doge to underneath the bipedal walker proceeding to throw a grappling hook onto it leg, making sure it was secure before quickly climbing up, leaving the robots sensor range.

"Okay time to have some fun", activating the stealth equipment yet and staying out of range from the droids photo receptors she climbed up the leg, making her way to the head, couching down on top and surveying the battle field. Things did not look so good, though the extraction team had made it to the bunker, the distraction team was falling back, if that was the case some of the robots would turn back and possible stop the VIP's.

"I guess its time to give these a try", though not being one to really use them, her operator class armor came with wrist mounted weapons, most notable the MM9 rocket system. Keeping a crouched position Formorta aimed 3 of her arms at the back and largest walker, if it was toppled the street would be block, preventing the droids from doubling back and attacking the VIPs, her breath stopped, aimed becoming more steady, before several rockets were let loose.

The mini missiles hit there mark on the join of a large droid, its leg creaking and groaning as if slowly toppled over, though her attack had a slight side effect, some of the droid that had their senors damaged during the fight seemed to have though on of their friendly's fired on them. "This is going to be good", as quickly as she got on the droid Formorta was swinging off and into another deserted building, taking a position to see some of the robots killing on another, it would thin their numbers a bit and keep the back clear for the extraction team, but the distraction was still in trouble.

l [member="Khthul the Elder"] l [member="Delila Castillon"] l [member="Nej Tane"] l [member="Captain Beloved"] l [member="Barnabas Harou"] l

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